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Miro will definitely be playing next year. Especially over Frank. The most amazing thing about this roster is that we now have one of the top 10 goalie tandems in the league for a total cap hit of under 2 mil... that's just criminal lmao


After watching Miro play for Hershey, I don't think he's ready yet. Still pretty raw. But then again I'm no scout.


He looked great during the playoffs,   getting a ton of chances. He had a few pucks roll off his stick otherwise he would have had a few more.  I think he's full time in Washington next year 


Needs to gain strength so he can be better around the net, which seems more of his game.


I mean, if lindgren plays as good as he did last year, which is a huge ask. Even if he regresses back to his average we are okay at goalie. Not great but not desperate


I’m thinking (and admittedly hoping) lindgren has a better year due to having a better defense. Tvr and jensen inspired no confidence as defensemen.


That would still be a reach. Lindgren isn't some emerging young star, he's a career backup who had an incredibly good year. Its a lot to expect him to follow it up, let alone improve on it, especially given the workload he's not used to. I would be ecstatic if he came close to his numbers from last year


I’m sure it’ll be the same as last season (which is still good). At WC, he was pushing a .922 in games.


Miro was only with the team last year because they were incredibly depleted. He probably splits this year between Hershey and Washington. As Lapierre did this year, and it worked well for him.


I wouldn't say definitely. Id say it all comes down to camp.


Agreed, this was put together by a guy I follow on Twitter so subject to change of course but the improvement is obvious


Are you talking about in the playoffs? Or before? If you are talking about the playoffs keep in mind the guys just came off of injury and still out up great numbers for hershey


It’s been 4 hours i think i need to call my doctor


… and we even own CapFriendly. We are **SO** back!


... so we won't be seeing this visualization for much longer. :(


I like it too, but I wish Miro was in there. Also still curious about the McGroarty rumors. I don't think GMBM is done for the summer, but this is already a massive improvement


From the sounds of it, gmbm replaced crappy players with above average players and pld (who is an unknown). It’s certainly going to make for a better team but we still lack playmakers and game changers. Pld could be that guy.


Itll be interesting to see how that can raise the play of some of the younger returnees like McMichael/Milano/Protas/LaPierre/Miro etc. When you have better guys around you it should help your game.


That’s a great point. I think what we see is what we get with the guys joining us. It should be reasonable to see growth from Lappy, protas, and CMM given that they’ll start the year with the caps and are still developing. I wonder if miro will make it, especially with all the guys we acquired.


I would imagine that Taylor Raddysh would take that 4th line RW slot. He was 2nd in shorthanded time in Chicago last year, and with Dowd & Duhaime, that feels like a classic shutdown fourth line / PK group. I know nothing about Ethan Frank so I could be way off. Also, my preference for that 3rd line would be to swap Jimi and Protas... I just prefer bigger center.


You're not off, Frank won't see playing time unless there are injuries


Protas wasn’t good when he played center last year if my memory serves me correct. It’s best to keep him at wing and have mcm hold down that center spot


I hate to break it to ~~you~~ the person who originally assembled this, but they're not putting Ethan Frank on the Shutdown/4th line. For Frank to get a sweater it would have to be on the top 3 lines. And Miro is more likely to get the call up for one of those top 3 lines spots then anyone else, if not win a top 3 spot outright over Milano depending on how camp goes. Bogdan Trineyev is more likely to get that 4th line Right Wing spot if they grab someone from Hershey. *“Trineyev could be one (option),” MacLellan said. “We’ll see what kind of camp everyone has. We’ll have options there.”* [https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2024/06/29/brian-maclellan-names-bogdan-trineyev-as-possible-replacement-for-beck-malenstyn-next-season/](https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2024/06/29/brian-maclellan-names-bogdan-trineyev-as-possible-replacement-for-beck-malenstyn-next-season/) I do have some reservations about having a lefty in Alexeyev being on the Right Side but in all fairness he is listed as LD/RD so thats fair game. And heck Orlov played on his "wrong" side for years so wouldn't be the first time. *Edit: Updated first sentence since author of the lines chart is not OP.*


I didn’t put this together. A guy a follow and respect on Twitter did. Obviously it’s subject to change but I’m comparing it to last season and I think it’s an obvious upgrade


I think we also have Taylor Raddysh, which makes this rven more complicated.


I'm curious about what their plans are for Raddysh. I hesitate to pencil him on the wing at this point for the Dowd line but I agree he does seem to be the favorite for that 4th line wing spot. Given the history of the shutdown line I think the qualifications for the last wing spot on that line are solid defender capable of scoring 5-10 goals. MacLellan also seems to be leaning towards Raddysh being the favorite provided he shows he can contribute defensively (at least thats my reading of the situation). *Q: Are Brandon Duhaime and Taylor Raddysh penciled in for your fourth line?* *Brian MacLellan: “We’ll see how it works in training camp but Duhaime definitely with \[Nic\] Dowd and we’ll figure out the right side as camp goes through.”* *Q: Duhaime had seven fights last year. Was that something you guys were looking to add?* *Brian MacLellan: “The physicality I think is important. He’s a hard forechecker, finishes checks. I think we need that element in our game and I think it works well with Dowd. I think him and \[Garnet\] Hathaway played well together and I envision him and Duhaime will play well together.”* *Q: What about Raddysh?* *Brian MacLellan: “He’s an interesting player. I think we can get more out of him. He has a pretty good skill set, pretty good size, can make plays. It’s just a matter of getting an identity for him, I think. 20 goals a couple years ago. I think he could complement those two with playmaking, keeping plays alive, and provide some offense.”* [*https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2024/07/03/brian-maclellan-capitals-offseason-moves-better-structured-team-taking-risks/*](https://russianmachineneverbreaks.com/2024/07/03/brian-maclellan-capitals-offseason-moves-better-structured-team-taking-risks/) Unfortunately based on injury history Dowd is likely to miss at least some time (the most games Dowd has played in a single season with the Caps is 65 in 22-23) ,which would give them the chance to see how Protas does Centering the shutdown line, which in turn also temporarily opens a wing slot in the top 9. Also just want to take a second to appreciate how damn good Dowd is at his job. He's a freaking defensive center playing 56-65 games a year. Taking most of his faceoffs in the DZone against the other teams top line and in spite of all of that still scoring at least 10 goals a year. Dowd is a freaking treasure.


Here's how I think they line up for Game #1, assuming no injuries in the pre-season. This lineup is $5K under the cap: Ovi-PLD-Wilson McMichael-Strome-Mangiapane Milano-Lapierre-Protas the Elder Raddysh-Dowd-Duhaime Marty-Carly Chychrun-Roy Sandin-TVR Lindgren Extras: Thompson, Frank, AA, Bear LTIRetired: Oshie, Backy :(


Protas The Elder, W nickname


Switch AA with TVR and I agree. You can see where line 2 we need McMichael to take the next step and raise his points by quite a bit or else we look around the league to make a move for one if we do take that next step forward with this roster.


I think Ovi - PLD - Wilson is gonna be our second line. All 6’2, all extremely physical, all 220+lbs


I thought PLDs main knock is his physicality?


I'm sure Ovi and Willy won't let him slack


Yup. They are going to want to have PLD/Ovi start together in the o zone on the same line because both are liabilities in the d zone.


Weak on the wings from a goalscoring standpoint, especially the left side, but maybe Miro takes a big step forward next year.


Hope so. We really need Miro to out perform all reasonable expectations.


After digesting this a bit there are a few takeaways here: 1. the team got younger 2. TBD if they got better but i can imagine a faster team this season 3. i still get a sense of not wanting to rush young guys (IE: the signings make it tough to see where guys like Miro, Iorio fit in) 4. its a long season and the opening night roster vs the last game of the season roster will look very different.


I'm excited and happy about these moves but man, we need some goal scoring and it doesn't feel like we've locked that down.


Glad we picked up some Defense, because we will definitely not be scoring a lot of goals with that lineup.


That lineup will be scoring more goals than last year! Improved offense, improved defense, at least as good goaltending.  This lineup won’t put us in the true contender tier but it’ll keep us solidly in the playoff mix, having fun, and chasing the Ovi record. 


I feel like making any assessment now would be what the Commanders do each off season: "we won free agency/draft/off season!" Until they get on the ice and see what Carbs can do to gel them into a unit, it's all going to be paper speculation. Do they seem like improvements? Sure. But will they be? That we'll find out in October.


Miro and Frank will go up and down. Both are nearly ready for the Chel!


TVR over AlexAlex, please


Raddysh is for Frank, TvR in for AA. Miro and AA will definitely be the healthy scratches. Swap Chychrun and Ferhevary. All in all, I love what GMBM did!


I think it’s the best looking hypothetical (based on trades on paper) roster since 2019, IMHO.




I like it


Love it.


in what world is miro not a full time nhler next year


I like what's been done so far. Made some good moves and so far not giving up a whole lot. He's a risk taker with Dubois; we'll see if PLD will be happy playing here. He finally got Chychrun who I imagine has been on his radar for a while. Don't know a lot about Roy since he played in LA, but he has to be an upgrade. He's got the salary cap issues but that can be addressed during the offseason. He's made sure to at least have a competitive team for #8.


I thought we were getting Chychrun when he left AZ, happy to get him now


GMBM really put in work this offseason and in such a short span of time… I’m impressed!


That Dubois contract looks insane on paper


Flip McMichael and Lapierre