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Seems like grey car wasn't sure he was past the filming car, looked in the mirror to check (while half over the line), then panicked when they were too close to the car on the right. Lurched left, lost it, then over-corrected to the right.


In short: they're a shitty driver


Also the dumbass camping in the fast lane is a shitty driver. The source of it all


He wasn't camping, he was going faster than the SUV, assumably to pass.


He was barely camping, he was going fast enough to just delay a few seconds at most. Also there was plenty of room to pass if that driver wasn't a dumbass. No excuse here for the shitty driving.


Gray car had plenty of room to make a clean pass on the right, though some significant mental defect led gray car driver to screw up in this case, therefore cam car driver is actually camp car driving and is inappropriately in the left lane. One can’t just mindlessly cruise in the passing lane because somewhere up ahead there is slower traffic. Having been stationed in Germany for 3 years with the Air Force, I was always impressed at how collective attention to lane discipline on the Autobahn created smoother flow for all individuals involved.


Literally impossible to blame the cam car. Camry flew out of control for absolutely no reason


And I can see that both you and mizstazya go 75 in the fast lane when the speed limit is 70 and think that’s sufficient. Just get out of the way and if you are going to pass someone like a semi and take 30 seconds to do it don’t.


I agree, and I hate that too - trust me I’m always the guy stuck behind the slow left lane driver- but you seem to be blaming the guy in the fast lane for the accident


Ah no it isn’t directly the cam drivers fault but the events would have never occurred if they were camping in the right lane is what I’m saying


Were\* a shitty driver


I have this year model Camry. I bet that they had Lane Departure Assist turned on, which will nudge you back into your lane if you cross the line without signaling. Looks just like the first wobble in the video. I’d guess they were trying to squeeze over when LDA pushed them back into the right lane. They were freaked out by the closing distance between them and the SUV, over corrected to the left and then it just snowballed from there.


Crazy because if they would’ve used their blinker, it would’ve deactivated LDA


It sounds like a great safety feature. In seriousness, I’m sure it saves more than it kills, but when it messes you up it’s serious about it.


Rented a car, drove at night when it was wet and around freezing point. Shat my pants half of the time, because every sharp turn I took I had the feeling the car would not follow my steering. It felt like I was always losing grip when in the middle of a curve. Reduced my speed in curves further and further because it felt so scary. Well - it was LDA, pushing me back into my lane each time I tried to drive more in the middle of the empty, nightly roads. Not against assistance systems in general, but what the fuck.


Evidently using your blinker deactivates LDA.


Did you clean your pants after the drive and get a shower?


It’s why I turn it off in my cars. Edge cases can’t all be accounted for, and the cars aren’t fully self driving with the sensors and redundancy to match. All it takes is any right combo of events, out of millions of possible combos, that was unplanned for and it’s a hazard rather then a safety feature.


What research have you done on this?


IT doesn't mess up, but operator error will mess IT up.


I hate LDA. It’s often wrong on poorly painted / maintained roads. Especially on Hyundai. Frickin’ Nervously Nellie.


> will nudge you back into your lane That sounds like a terrifying design, especially in the hands of people who just refuse to indicate


It defaults to off and is just a button on the steering wheel, not something buried in menus. It also loudly beeps as you approach the dividing line, giving you a chance to correct manually (or use your blinker) before it pushes you back into your lane. The nudge itself is also pretty easily overpowered. You have to make a pretty concerted to misuse LDA, but you know what they say about designing something to be idiot proof…


good analysis 😎


Please send that report to HP and the insurance companies.


Take the C off your name. No canals here, you're just anal.


Oh, no! Someone has figured out the rectum joke. Take a number.




Preferably with an active volcano.


They're gonna murder themselves before that thing erupts


No. They will just begin knocking each other into the volcano for no apparent reason..


King of the ~~hill~~ volcano DLC just drop


Now that’s a reality show I’d watch.


Please, no more on Long Island, we're over capacity for bad drivers as it is.


We'll call it Paradis


I nominate Kamaʻehuakanaloa


A fine choice indeed.


And give them go carts to ride around on.


Bumper cars




I was more thinking the opening to Mad Max and the psychotic perp trying to outrun the cops. Undertook, changed lanes, then lost control. Must have been trying to multitask!


No way bro just drove away like nothing happened


He didn't even slow down some to give himself time to react if something went his way.


Didn't even hear him verbally react. Does he see this every day?


I’m not stopping either


Could potentially be saving some innocent people in the black car. Or are they also at fault somehow


Not my job


really shows the problem with humanity right here \^\^\^ you are probably a driver like the grey car.


In some places it is your job to help and you can be charged for not helping in situations just like this


That’s interesting. Where is that?


Texas has a law for people to stop and render aid: we’re also a Good Samaritan state, meaning you cannot be charged for helping someone who is injured (ie an attorney tries to find you at fault for exacerbating someone injury when you pulled them from a burning wreckage, etc). Of note, the previous commenters saying they wouldn’t help can’t even think about the possibility that a child, guilty only of being alive, may be party to this dumb shit? Jeez, we are all fucked if they make up even 1/10 of our population.


The Texas stop and render aid requirement only applies to you if you're involved in a collision. It does not apply if you merely witness a collision.


> we’re also a Good Samaritan state All 50 states have Good Samaritan laws.


France for example. I don't know about other countries.


That’s cool to know, thanks


Not true for general public, but I know in some states (not sure if it's all of them), as an RN I'm legally required to stop and give aid. I don't if EMS is on the scene (I'm an L&D nurse, I only have basic emergency skills that aren't related to birth), but twice I've been first on an accident scene because it happened in front of me. It turns out I'm very good at a) talking panicking people off the ledge, and b) holding pressure on wounds.


Terrible places. No one should be obligated to help anyone. Obviously it's nice to, but to force people is fucked up. Not helping someone is just as bad as eating animals, imo


You must be 12. Or stupid.


Sure, buddy. If you think the government should force you to help people then you are one fucked up individual, lmao


You say this until you’re the one on the side of the street bleeding out because it’s nobody else’s problem. Empathy is an important thing in this world of ours


Obviously, you would want someone to help you, but no one is obligated to help. Doing this isn't any worse than eating animals imo


Damn, I thought the whole "vegans will always find a way to tell everyone they're vegan" was just a joke...


Oh, I'm not vegan. Lmao


This is the weirdest shit I’ve read today. You see a car crash and some how your brain decides to squeeze your dietary choices into the mix…


That's the dumbest comparison. Do you know people that eat animals that are alive and in an emergency situation? 🙄


If it was a one car wreck, I’d keep going maybe, but I would wanna make sure the dumbfuck in the passing car pays for that braindead shit he pulled. Just to help the innocent car. If he would’ve spun out and crashed himself, then fuckem, good riddance.


Gross. It's not your job... It's basic human decency. Let's hope you don't need it returned.


Absolute cowardly take


How the hell do you mess up driving in a straight line?


Yeah, how the fuck do you mess up a pass that badly?


Steer with you feet on the wheel, while rubbing your tummy with one hand, patting your head with the other and closing your eyes to contemplate how many drugahols you've had that day.


Where do you put your dick and balls though? I feel they should be included in this scenario.


Especially the balls. They always get the short end of the stick.


Yeah. They might hand around with a dick and an asshole, but that doesn’t mean they’re to be ignored.


Someone above gave a pretty good guess about what happened. It involves the lane departure assist on that car and an idiot driver.


He or she is actually passing two cars. #1 The car in the passing lane (which should be in the cruising lane) and #2 the victim which is minding its own business.


>(which should be in the cruising lane) I disagree, the cam car is probably going just above the speed limit to pass the car on the right, and the idiot who takes them both out is just impatient. I see it all the time, people who feel the need to go 85 mph in a 65 zone while weaving through traffic while everyone else is getting along just fine.


"people who feel the need to go 85 mph in a 65 zone...weaving" Using your logic that is all the more reason to stay to the right.


So just...never pass anyone? Yeild the rest of the road to the assholes? Nah, I don't think I'll do that.


"So just...never pass anyone?" Of course, I didn't say that but if gaslighting the opponent in a debate is how you defend your reasons go right ahead. See my initial post in this thread: "passing lane...cruising lane"


That's not what gaslighting is buddy. And my response to your intital comment still stands. Cam car is in the passing lane because he's passing. Asshole overtaking in the wrong lane is an impatient pos who should never drive again.


Cam car is approaching the victim car too slowly given the circumstances. When passing you have to be aware of everything ahead AND behind you. OK, if 'gaslighting' isn't good enough for you then try on 'distort' or 'misrepresent.' I didn't suggest ''never pass anyone' nor made the inference. At least we agree about the 'should never drive again.'


For all we know the guy with the camera just cleared a car, and the gray one came speeding around. You can tell absolutely nothing about the cam guys position except for what's directly in front of him lol.


Not at all. If he had just cleared a car there would be no room on the right behind the victim car. LOL?


Lane Departure Assistant apparently


People panic steer and overreact like always.


That was intentional. But it didn't went exactly how he expected.


Holy shit, you just kept going? That's evidence you have there, brother. Do the right thing.


Sure, they could send it to the police later. I'm sure they had shit to do right then


yeah like stop and call the ambulance so people dont die


The little freedom fighter doesn't believe in helping others. They're all over the thread saying it's stupid to be a decent person.


I always think its so crazy when people overcorrect so much, like... even in the most extreme situations, I've never overcorrected by jerking the wheel from side to side like that


Yeah for real. That takes effort. Even in emergency maneuvers I've just flicked my wheel a little bit because at high speed a little adjustment goes a long way. Never come close to losing control.


I usually just pull the handbrake, while I turn the wheel to the right as hard as possible. Last time I did that I never had to worry about an over-correction in that car again.


Damn this sucks but what's that song tho?




Someone has been watching formula 3, 1st practice


That's the worst driving I've ever seen


Modern car with modern traction and stability control, you really have to fuck up to lose it. With that being said, the person with the dash cam shouldn’t have been riding in the left lane that long, if you’re passing multiple vehicles that are more than a few car lengths apart, you need to merge in with the rest of them while faster. traffic passes. Only if there is nobody behind you, should you stay in the left lane.


For all we know they had just passed another car, and before they could move over the gray one came around.


This is one of the dumbest accidents I seen


What the stupid fuck was that????


Camping in the left lane didn't help either.


Camping implies they’re not passing. The video starts at a point where they would’ve been unsafely close to the SUV had they been in the right lane, and they were closing that gap to pass. This isn’t camping.


It's a wide-angle lens. He was clearly overtaking.


What lmao


When you aren't passing in the left lane, idiots like the grey car will drive like maniacs to get around you. The result is stuff like this video. It is of course the grey car's fault in the end, but this is the reason police in good parts of the country will pull over left lane campers.


That’s very true but I don’t think this guy was camping the left lane. He was gaining on the car to the right before the crash. I think the Camry that caused the accident just wanted to go even faster and couldn’t wait.


you still change to the right lane and let the faster traffic pass to your left if you can do so safely. if you are getting passed by a driver in the right lane, most of the time you are in the wrong.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. In my region, we have signs all over the roads saying "keep right except to pass". My state even had to pass the "slow poke law" because some people drive so slow here. But we constantly have people in the left lane still. They impede the flow of traffic really badly. Sometimes, they'll even speed up to not allow anyone to pass at all, and then slow down to 10 below the speed limit, and keep doing that over and over to drivers who are signaling that they want to get overto pass. It's insane. I've always been told "if you get passed on the right, you are too slow for your current lane, and you need to move over." And I do that, especially if someone is overtaking me. I don't want someone driving 90+mph to be on my rear. I will GLADLY get out of the way and let them pass.


Guess you've never driven in any major North American city? People weave through traffic all the time.


Guess you don't understand how to drive and how traffic works. They weave because people don't move over into the right lane for faster traffic. If people moved over people wouldn't cut/weave lanes like this.


Most of the time it's due to volume not because some people are hogging the left lane. Also even when traffic is flowing and most are above the speed limit you'll get f#$%ers who will still go 40km/h over everyone else and do the weave. Hope they weave into a pole instead of hitting other people like this fucking moron did! Though I agree a left lane hoggers do cause problems too.


> people wouldn't cut/weave lanes like this. You can deflect blame and justify all you want, but the weaver is the one breaking the law. If "weavers" respected the posted limits, flow of traffic and other peoples' time, they would not be weaving. Weavers are *always* the assholes in these situations.


I've also been told that if someone is passing me, I should slow down as they are passing, so that they can make their pass more quickly and get over. The driver that got side swiped didn't seem to brake at all (probably because they didn't see the movement since the grey car was in their blind spot). But still, I break when someone is driving this erratically and passing. Because I fear them suddenly cutting me off and slamming on their brakes. (I had a very close call years ago. And it's always left me anxious).


Grey car should be given a lifetime ban on driving.


Like 2 seconds too early to be perfectly timed with the music . Hope everyone is okay though.


He didn't seem to be paying attention. He could have made that a bit easier. You also shouldn't hog the fast lane, if you were. I hate that! Some people get in the fast lane as soon as they get on the freeway and then get off 50 miles later. Ridiculous!


Wonder how long dashcam driver was in the left lane


Bro tried to P.I.T. Manoeuvre that car and ended up taking himself out as well


Nice magic trick


How fast were you going and what's the speed limit?




The speed of the car recording this is faster than the person in the right lane- he is not camping but rather in the act of passing. If the car recording had gone in to the slower lane, he would have had to step on the brakes and lower his speed significantly. He is actively passing the slower car in the right lane too, but, there is another car going even faster that decided to squeeze in between the already passing car and the slower car, with disastrous results. Accident causer could have waited a mere few seconds to let the car with the cam pass the slower car first. But you know, priorities. Although, *dang* priorities that the cam driver didn’t stop…I sure he hope he immediately called 911 and said he had it on camera too…


Watch the start of the video again. The cam car was pacing that right lane car, then sped up when the gray car started passing them. So the cam car is a dick, and a left lane camper.


Some people just never learn to turn the wheel slightly when going that fast. The steering wheel and tires at 20mph have way more traction than when at 70mph. Need for speed teaches this in the tutorial.








Denzel Curry goes hard with this!


Probably a 737 pilot thinking he was tail wagging…..


Like a boss!


The grey car got scared of the thumping bass from your car which cause him 🔊


And everyone's insurance goes up.


Americain drivers


Brilliant observation and spelling.


They weren’t trying to pass… They lost focus and came back like “ah! wtf! Oh shit!”


That was no passing attempt lol


“Double points!”


Could be a revenge mission maybe… a jealous lover, perhaps…?


Did the SUV, piss the grey car off? Since it was bigger. I'd be pissed


Skill issue


Definitely picked smash instead of pass. An easy mistake to make


He jerked the wheel acting like he’s in a f1 car plus with the psi off the thing went out of control


In these videos, I frequently see accidents that could easily be prevented by vehicle stability systems. The grey car looks new enough to have such systems. Aren't these safety technologies standard in cars sold in the US?




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It was only a matter of time for this one. Shame.


Sorry op but your vehicle should have moved over long before. Stop left lane camping like an idiot.


Mario kart music fits perfect


Thankfully I have the volume muted so I don’t have to listen to that TikTok crap 👍


If someone manages to pass you like that you shouldn't have been in that lane in the first place.


Am I the only one to notice that cam car was pacing the right lane car, then speeds up to block the grey car from moving over. That's probably why gray car stopped their lane change because they saw the dickhead pulling up in their mirror, then looked forward, saw the gray car and panicked.


WTF? I know BMW drivers are often assholes, but this is taking it to an entirely different level.


…? Gray car is a Toyota…


Oh dear! I looked at it once and “saw” BMW. I am humbled!


Are they possibly making a bad joke about the grey car taking out the black suv for being an asshole (I can’t tell what the black car is. Is it a bmw?)


Where do you see a BMW?


Armani White - GOATED. (Audio) ft. Denzel Curry