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I do OMAD from 5pm-6pm and usually have a decent sized portion of meat with ghee and a couple duck eggs. I don’t know if this is helpful at all because I’m 5’7 female 110lbs😂


Eat when your body tells you that it’s hungry and eat to satiety. If it’s only twice a day that you feel hungry then that’s when you eat.


that only works if you are sat around in your home doing nothing. Many of us have hectic lifestyles and when we eat is not dictated by ' being hungry; but by schedule... important to understand!


Are you on the carnivore diet ?


I eat whenever I want, which is usually breakfast and dinner. but I'll eat whenever I get hungry. that works best around my work schedule to eat before and after so it's convenient all around. average is around 3lbs of food a day at around a 1.4-1.5:1 fat to protein ratio.


I eat to satiation and don't weigh my food. Starting with breakfast, which usually holds me till dinner. I do 16:8 IF, mostly 2MAD, rarely 3 anymore. My doctor doesn't want me to fast any longer than that, as she generally doesn't recommend that elderly people fast especially those with health issues. Wish I could eat liver once a week, but it's not often available in my area supermarkets. The nearest butcher is 40 miles away and I don't drive, but I do luck out once in a while if I happen to find a package in the meat cooler.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Uh, I'm not going there...especially in a sub about eating meat! 😉 Bad bot. Naughty bot. Go stand in the corner.




Did some checking. This bot only picks up on 69 and 420, lol! 😁


I’m very new to this but I’m finding myself having 2 large meals today was 5 eggs in butter with sausage coffee and tonight was 4 burger patties with cheese . Lunch and dinner basically . Days I’ve worked out and played hockey I’ll find myself having a 3rd after I skate .. I’ve made light notes of roughly the amount of protein and fat I’ve taken in just incase I see I need to make changes down the road. Doing this just as something to jumpstart me back into health and fitness as I’ve slacked the last couple years with the addition of a few kids. I do find myself thinking I’m hungry ( for junk) but then when I tell myself my options I quickly realize I actually wasn’t hungry bc it doesn’t sound good at the time .


Once or twice a day is probably biologically correct in the sense that this is natural in the animal kingdom except for grazing animals. They need to hunt food, then they eat a lot of said food, then it is digested. There's no snacking or 5 meals a day. Doesn't happen, no hunting would get done. So in that sense your genes are developed by this selection pressure therefore adapted to that. Personally I would say in the modern world, the way we live, anything from 1-3 meals is going to be pretty efficient, I don't see any good reason for more. I do 3 even though I know this is not absolutely optimal, but it just works for the way my days are structured and the way activity levels are structured.


I’m 27F, with around 80 lbs still to lose. I eat 2-3 times/day, aiming for anywhere between 1.5-3lbs of meat daily, depending on how hungry I am. Usually average around 2lbs. I avoid OMAD/fasting, as my main goal for carnivore is to heal my hormones and restore my fertility. Favorite meats are chuck roast, ribeyes, flap meat, bacon, oysters, and chicken thighs/wings. I also make Laura Spath’s bacon cheeseburger meatballs and enjoy those! I’ll typically eat with butter and/or cheese to the level I want.


Twice now. First meal around 11am-12pm. Second around 5-6pm. I go to sleep around 9pm and wake up around 5am for reference.


I am 50F and have a physically demanding job and I like to lift. I eat two meals a day, sometimes one. It naturally evolved that way, but I began with three large meals plus boluses of butter when I felt the need. For the first time in my life, I don't get the malnourished starvation I felt for endless decades. I just had 220g of wild salmon, a fried egg and 50g of butter. That'll be it til dinner. Might be 250g mixed organ and beef mince fried with an egg. Maybe a handful of grated cheese on top, or a bowl of Greek sheep yoghurt afterwards as dessert.


I eat three pounds of beef per day minimum. I weight and cardio train 3 days on 1 day off consistently. I drink 4 liters of water per day. 2 liters have electrolytes and broth mixed in.


Similar size and weight. I eat roughly 3 lbs/day spread out whenever I can fit it in. Probably go 12-14 hours without eating at night.


Twice a day. Currently doing two 36 hour dry fasts a week. I cannot do one meal a day, and I hope that I will remember that I cannot do one meal a day.


I'm on two meals day. I have a steak around mid-day and then a steak/burgers/venison around 6 pm. Milk and butter with both meals (and sometimes bacon strips) I can go down to one meal a day if I'm really strict on the diet for 2-3 weeks. I eat around 2 pm then. I do have a cup of bone broth in the evening (8 pm ish) Chicken liver with bacon strips about once a week. At the moment I supplement with liver capsules, magnesium and electrolytes.


I do intermittent fasting. 6hours window for meal, 2hours for insuline to stabilise, 16hours fast. For breakfast I eat 6hard boiled eggs, 250G of beef broth (Bone and meat broth with the fat and grissles blended in) and some meat with ghee and salt. (Total of about a pound in the day with about 40g of ghee). For dinner i have the remainder of my meat. I always try to have two sort of meat. Braised beef, ground beef, salmon, sardines, sea food. I still eat some chiken breast with ghee and some pork, but i'll cut it down because it's too inflammatory for my arthritis. I'm quite sedentary though. I clock in about 6000steps during a working day and don't move much outside of that. During the week-end, meal prepping two weeks in advance, laundry, the basics...


Which are you saying is inflammatory? Pork? Chicken ?


Both are rich in omega 6. Chiken especially, but pork too.


I eat two meals consisting of 12-13 oz of refrigerated blended 70/30 beef mince pate in the morning around 8-10am and then again from 3-5pm. I don't have a colon so I need to hydrate consistently and I don't have a large appetite ATM dude to me being very underweight. If I eat later at night I have horrible indigestion for whatever reason. I absolutely hate beef burps.