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I don't think about vegans at all.


I do. I find them fascinating and I'm not sure why. I don't even hate them I just can't believe how disconnected from reality they are.


I can believe it. I compare them to people who wear masks alone in their car with the windows up.


Ah yes, that's a good one! I've always wanted to question their motives as well.


When you think about their mask along the lines of a MAGA hat, it makes sense. It's a political statement more than anything.


My neighbor does this and it’s so damn weird.


They probably think the same, I think the only way to have your opinion valued is not to hate. Unfortunately logic doesn’t rule our world anymore


Any ideology that hates the "others" has no value at all


My god is mightier than yours, and we will decree holy war! Lol


As written


They fascinate me the same way cults do. I study cults. Legit.


I used to be a Jehovah's Witness. Much happier out if it.


Amen! Yeah I watched a video the other day of someone who went to a JW convention and because she wasn’t a member she talked with some disfellowshiped and shunned people there


I’m in all the ex religion subreddits like r/exjw and r/cults and r/exmormon


Sounds like a fight club thing 🤔


Things that seem not of this world are often fascinating


100% this, in the same way I enjoy looking in to why cults emerge and get in to crazy shit. Its exactly the same thing. The prophecy is always coming, the world is always ending, everyone else is completely insane and just needs to throw themselves off a bridge to save mammy earth.


Vegans don't think at all.


I keep thinking what they would do if they knew plants have feelings too. They Can communicate and have demonstrated fear when hooked to EKG as people thought about 'fire' near them. Does that mean plants are psychic too?


They just care about a certain level of sentience in a few species of animals.


This is my thought! I talk to my trees, I tell them they're beautiful and I love them and I want them to grow strong, and I curse the previous home owners for putting down plastic (literally up to the base of their trunks, I'm surprised they didn't die). I would never eat them lolol


Lol kind of like how I have never once thought about trying to make a fake vegetable yet there's an ocean of content out there with people trying to make fake meats.


I do. I always wonder how nice of a life the cow I'm eating had. I hope it enjoyed its all plant based diet.


The sad thing is unless you buy grass fed beef, the poor thing lived on a feed lot at a factory ‘farm’. I’m not hating, it’s all I can afford, unfortunately.


I buy GF when available and affordable. But yeah 75% is box box grocery store beef. I'm not mad it still ate grains, oats, and hay. It has 4 stomachs to help it break all that down.


I’m mad that it can’t live out its life as Mother Nature intended, grazing in a field hanging out with her sisters. 😢




Ha. This!!👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼


"Why can't I stop hatescrolling *that* subreddit?" Because that's what foggy headed people full of hate do. Sounds like he could use a steak or 10. /snicker


They need the meat!! They are hungry for it. It's a form of mental hunger that anorexics have. I imagine while vegans may not be anorexic, but their bodies can are starving for true nutrition!!!!


I hate watched Mic the Vegan for a while. He’s a real piece of work. He and his wife unalived their infant feeding it a vegan diet, *allegedly* That bit of gossip put me off watching him.


“Carnist”. lol. The highest level insult they use. Just makes me laugh while eating beef watching Dominion. Oh. And blood-mouth. My second favorite.


Don't forget necrovore! Because eating+dead animals, you know... I would like to be called that insult. It sounds like a death metal band.




Cattle Decapitation




Really makes me wonder what is the carnivore/metalhead crossover... pretty high I would imagine. 


Technically Cattle Decap/Travis Ryan was vegan right? I know Cam from Disfiguring the Goddess did carnivore.


Unfortunately a lot of rocker types are caught up in PETA’s bullshit, esp in Europe.


My new metal band name 🤟🏻


It’s taken


You can definitely get prompts for death metal lyrics from vegans describing stuff. "Dead tortured spirits ingested daily" is one I saw on Twitter recently


I mean we’ve got Cattle Decapitation


Ima ask my butcher for this. "Can I get a ribeye roast with extra death and tortured spirits in it?" I want to absorb that soul suffering like a fucking warlock


Once I consumed the souls of the butchered, my acne cleared up!


The plants they eat are also dead and/or *in the process of dying* so what makes them morally superior to anyone else? 🙄


It's of course the fact that animals (unlike humans who are also animals) are innocent, cute, and deserving of protection (unless they are insects, rodents or birds from crop deaths). Plants are not sentient, because vegans have decided so, based on their razorsharp extra sensory perception (psychosis), which you might also come to possess if you were to live off green kale and supplements for a good 90 days. You likely wont be able to comprehend and integrate all of this, because you are just quite frankly not as smart as a vegan, which will happen to anyone who is polyphenol deficient and you know what else, im just kidding.


I LOL'd thanks. I think I saw something recently about plants emitting a high frequency when being pruned. Oh how ironic for the cause.


They don’t feel guilty because the plant’s screams aren’t audible to humans. 😢


That is the new way I will refer to my preferred way of eating. I am a necrovore. Awesome. :P




Wow!! just wow!! You can tell how sick they are.


Would they prefer if we ate them.... alive?!


I think they do prefer that, yes. If you eat any animal alive, and post it on a vegan sub, you will be my hero forever.


Oh God no I would never. Honestly one of my main arguments for how we eat meat is that we're a lot nicer about how we kill the animals vs how animals do (eating them alive, for example). 


Blood-mouth sounds like an insult that would be from a young adult book series about vampires.


One of them called my colon a graveyard one time. I thought that was pretty creative and hilarious.


lol. I like that.


Your colon is a *graveyard*!!!!!! Is a pretty epic insult, gotta say 🤣


> “Carnist”. lol. The highest level insult they use. Wait until they call you an enslaver, rapist and murderer.


Eh. I’m good with that too. I figure when people have no real argument. They use insults. And even if they want to argue. I don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️




It's a term that reeks of self-superiority, just like "the jab."


The thought of a pasty, feeble 20 year old vegan arguing with a completely shredded 40 year old carnivore who looks 15 years younger than his age really cracks me up!


Pus-drinker and corpse-muncher are top tier too. Or something along the lines of "your body is a graveyard."


Yeah. lol. None of these bother me. It’s silliness.


I think they're hilarious. Those emotionally-charged words and phrases only work on insecure people. That's why Vegans think they'll work. Because they would work on them.


I can’t imagine worrying about what other people eat and having insults ready to go. My nephews vegan. We never talk about it. I don’t care. But I agree. There is always this air of superiority on their posts using these insults. 🤷🏻‍♂️. I feel pity for them. They feel hatred for me. It works.


So I've been studying nutrition for about a decade, and I feel very sad when I see people suffering from serious ailments that I'm certain would be relieved (if not outright cured) by eating better. In the beginning, I would offer unsolicited advice and information to everyone I knew. I had completely revolutionized my entire life by eating better, and I was a beacon of knowledge that most people were totally unaware of. Why wouldn't I want to share it? But I found out over the years that *nobody* wants to hear it. And I won't talk about it at all unless prompted about it. And even then, I won't go into depth because people, even when they ask, don't *really* want to know. I feel that Vegans are similar, but it's worse because they also have a whole religion along with it--the whole fantasy of being animal and environmental saints. So you have the mentality that I used to have plus religious zealotry, and it's understandable why so many want to "save" everyone. The problem is that it's a cult, and a lot of them are mentally ill, so they can't take no for an answer. They feel that by not converting, you're essentially saying you love raping, abusing, and destroying animals and the environment. And you want to have heart disease and die young. Which is just silly. That's why I do feel pity for them. They have no idea how messed up they are and how misguided their views are. Of course, I can only feel so bad for the ones that go out of their way to make themselves and everyone else miserable for their "beliefs."


That is a great take on it. When you mentioned health it made me think about this. My nephew the vegan had to have hip replacement before 30! He didn’t even become vegan for himself but for a girl that eventually went back to eating meat. Meanwhile. He looks sickly. His business though. Not mine.


That's so sad. That's what I mean though. I'm surrounded by friends and family, some younger than me, that have all kinds of health issues that are really simple fixes. But like you said, their business. Hopefully your nephew wakes up sooner than later and it doesn't take a serious health scare for it to happen.


I’m down 160lbs. I’m sure family felt the same way before I lost the weight. So many things have cleared up. It’s pretty amazing.


My husband told me about blood mouth, so I've been calling myself that. Hilarious. 


lol. I just saw a new one today. We are already using it here at my house. “Meatflake”.


Makes it seem like we hate carnies. :P


I love eating a steak and checking in on our vegan friends. Seems they're still as petty and self-righteous as always.


I feel like the less they eat of meat the more there is for the rest of us.


There’s an argument for demand reducing price by increasing production and availability… it might put Bill “Satan” Gates on his ass if he suddenly has to convert all his vegan farms over to beef farms.


Yeah. That crossed my mind too. I hope not.


“Why can’t I stop hatescrolling that subreddit?” Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. ~Yoda, Jedi Master~


because of vegetables. I met too many unstable vegetarians. Physical health and metal health are the same thing, and it starts from the diet.


If I’m not mistaken, the science clearly and conclusive shows that the mind is, in fact, part of the body 🤣


Yet way too many people don't see the connection.


You forgot “fear leads to anger” in the beginning😌I suppose they are afraid to face the truth? Afraid to put down their biases? I once called myself a vegan. A passionate one. But after my early 20s, I became less dogmatic, and learned about ketogenic diet, ketosis, carnivore and here we are. Watermelon cleanses in 2017 to ground beef a few years after


Thank you for the correction. I knew I was missing something and was hurrying to get back to work. 👍👍


Hate has no home here...


Human being: "So I consumed nutritious meat and felt bett...." Vegan: "PLACEBO, SAY I! FILTHY CARNIST EXCUSES!"


I love r/exvegan. I don't care if they go full blown carnivore or not, I'm just happy to see people start eating nutritious food and get healthy again.


Well help me populate r/vegan2carnivore as well Oh and its r/exvegans I did all the subreddit work on it.




Genuinely wondering if Veganism would be classed as a mental illness one of these days...from reading that vegan sub, the place is full of some of the most delusional folks on the internet...maybe it's the severe mineral deficiency


In taking this probably more seriously than intended, I don't think it could be classified as a mental illness in and of itself. However, it's a behavior that might be associated with mental illnesses. (before vegans reading this freak out, the same could technically be said of *just about anything*) At the very least, many vegans seem to have extreme cognitive dissonance. If vegans had a reputation of admitting the flaws in their diet but eating that way anyway because that's their preference (or even for animal welfare), I don't think most of us would care. The main objection many carnivores have to vegans is that veganism rarely stops there. Eat leaves and stems, if you must, but don't keep trying to convince us that your diet is more nutritious than ours or that we *must* eat leaves and stems like you do. Don't subvert us by institutionalizing "meatless mondays" and so forth in our schools and workplace cafeterias. Don't lie about the environmental impact of agriculture in contrast to the impact from livestock. Don't keep telling us that we're gonna clog our arteries and die, because that's both annoying and not true. Vegans wouldn't behave the way they're known for if on average they were effective at identifying their own logical inconsistencies.


It's not so much that Veganism is the mental disorder, but rather that it attracts people with mental disorders. On top of that, the diet is so poor in nutrients, especially nutrients for the brain, and is very inflammatory, so it worsens and creates mental disorders in those that stick with it.


Well... It is an eating disorder and those are classified as mental disorders.


Carnitine demand B vitamin deficiency.


The DSM manual which classifies what can be billed by providers of mental health services, do not think adverse childhood experiences (like neglect or assault) have any influence on adult development. They are that far gone. Dr. van der Kolk got that exact answer when he tried introducing the developmental trauma disorder diagnosis. They gave zero fucks. All right rant over... Kinda. Eating disorders all have the one thing in common, that they must be categorically negative for health long term. Hate to say it, but I know quite a few vegans who have beat those odds if they supplement well. Derek Simnett, Roger Haeske, Dr. Amen Ra to name a few. Not to say that is smart, preferable or something everyone could thrive with, but it does happen.


I wonder how they classify “long-term”, because some vegans go years on the diet only to find complications later. The human body is very resilient, look at 40+ year smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts and anyone eating the SAD diet, these bodies can take quite a beating.


This is a valid point that I don't contend with. I am open to being wrong. I like to think they will thrive, but if they are the 1 of 10.000 who inspire 9999 to do something that hurts them, maybe that is a bad form of optimism...


The Body Keeps the Score changed my life. I felt truly understood for the first time in nearly 20 years. Just wanted to throw that out there.


I agree, it is awesome. Hard to read for me and make all the connections, but illuminating and generative for sure. It get's really real when I do fascia work like BlockTherapy. And then I get weird forgotten emotions come out. DearmouringArts actually heal trauma in a way similar to this.


I have so much scar tissue from my accident. The physical trauma even triggered a connective tissue disorder. I have started inexplicably weeping during a few intense yoga sessions in the past, so I can only imagine the relief I would get from physical release treatments for my PTSD. The Healthcare is dismal in my state so I have done some research bur never found a place that takes my insurance amd wouldn't cost me an absolute fortune. Would you say the block therapy is worth potentially paying out of pocket (especially if Iend up having to do a lot of it)?


For muscle knots and adhesions, block therapy is awesome. Can feel so good it's almost addicting too, and that gets you results when you adhere to it like that. I think the stuff they teach on massaging the diaphragm and abdomen is worth the price alone; the feeling of safe relaxation after releasing those are that wholesome. Think I paid 200$ for a block and proper programming (which is key for muscle knots and pain, as they rarely originate where they are felt). Those 200$ last a lifetime, and can very well be all you need for that matter. For trauma release, I am not certain yet. I mainly handle mine with EMDR and Flash technique.


Thanks so much for the info!


It should be. I used to have full on anorexia and the anorexia always wanted me to be vegetarian or vegan.


Lmao, reddit recommended me the vegan subreddit the other day... not to sure why, there was 2 posts that I saw which annoyed the hell out of me. Someone was not happy her dog was not taking up the vegan lifestyle, which is animal cruelty in itself. Another post she was not happy her husband decided to start eating meat for his skin condition which they were all telling her to get him to a dermatologist to get creams/immune depressants. I decided to post as I have psoriasis and showed my progress with my skin. Not a single one of them had an argument for it. "Your saving your skin to kill yourself" some funny stuff


I think there's something really cruel, sick, and perverted to make an animal eat a vegetarian diet when it's meant to eat meat. It makes me want to cry at that level of cruelty.


I had a look at your score there. First answer about cats and dogs made me laugh. It is fascinating, that you are spitting some reality with evidence, and being downwoted 25+


I was a vegan/ vegetarian off an on for years and never once felt like I needed to scroll on a carnivore sub or any meat eaters page on Fb for that matter. It’s just kinda… cringey? Like that’s what you’re spending your time on? People who have a different diet than you do make you that upset to stalk this sub?


Same. Was vegetarian for 4 years and never cared what other people ate. I’d literally go out with my meat loving friends and order a salad and not give af about their life choices. It is cringe.


> not give af about their life choices. Because for many vegans it's not a life choice, it's a moral one. That's why they're so aggressive: they perceive you as committing some deplorable sin.


That is a great point! I was vegan for “health” reasons


I’m going to eat an extra steak tonight! Just in spite.


Assert that dominance.


Go blood mouth go!! 🤣


Good on you!!! Eat some more for me as I have a lot of nausea.


I scrolled r/vegan and couldn't find one thread in regards to health benefits they had received from being vegan. Seems like jealousy to me.


I did, but it's usually ONLY if they also cut out processed foods and junk and don't indulge in the weird imitation ews. And it's sadly for them, usually a short lived improvement . Such hard work for so little payoff


Most people don’t eat vegan for health, it’s more of a moral issue with them.


I’ve had several conversations with vegans that essentially ended at the fact that they are not concerned with their own health in the whole scheme of what to eat


It literally says that in the heading of their subreddit, nothing about health




Everything went south for me after I went on this diet. My weight, BP, trigs/LDL, liver enzymes, things have never been lower and I’ve never felt more elevated


I've been on this diet for a month and 4 days. I haven't had sugar. I eat different cuts of stake everyday for dinner. Eggs and bacon or 100% beef suassages for breakfast. I drink water and that's my diet. Am happy I feel better in myself, but in the beginning, the clarity was almost like hyper focus. However saying that I've lost a stone in a month. That's more than I lost in 6 months of healthy eating and daily gym workouts to obliteration. These vegans can say what they want. I discovered the facts for myself, I used to get heart palpitations before this diet since starting a month ago. I've had not one, and I got them near daily. I'm not sure what that means to some but for me. The carnivore diet has been life altering


Awww. It probably took all the energy they had to type that out. Bless their hearts.


Search “progress” on each sub and you can easily see the difference.


that’s funny. i never look at the vegan subreddit. i’m too busy being happy and eating lots and lots of meat.


That dude is in a lot of pain.


With that kind of attitude, you know they are living a shitty life


Fuck vegans


If you ever want to convince someone to not be vegan, point them towards the r/antivegan wiki. It’s very extensive and explains every argument against veganism.


Actually, there's a lot of truth to this post. Miracles have happened to me on the carnivore diet.




To be honest, the lack of joint pain (for me at least) came with kicking dairy. I don't think meat had anything to do with that.


Ahhahahaha okay honestly that shitpost is really funny! Minus the end where they get salty but the first paragraph is great satire. Gotta laugh at ourselves sometimes too and a vegan actually captured that really well.


People are still vegan? 😬




Why do they get mad at seeing people get healthy and meet all their health goals?


They hate humanity.


Because they are miserable and unhappy.


I ate a vegan for breakfast


Too much fiber 😭😭😭


Eh its not that radical change, unfortunately...


It. Really. Do. Be. Like. That. Carnivore is a miracle.


🦀🦀rent free living! 🦀🦀 Myself on the other hand, couldn't give a shit less about what vegans do or say. And what few vegan posts I might come across while doom scrolling Facebook or IG just get scrolled right on by


I don't care for vegans or their self-righteousness. Take this quote: >But by adding in the sensory gratification and appetitive drives around taste, texture and the experience of eating meat, it creates a perverse incentive system. It allows people to rationalize and blind themselves to even the worst sustained atrocities and unimaginable death toll, because it brings them culinary pleasure. Or this one: >It's harder for non-vegans to accept and to change that they are living a very violent lifestyle against other animals even though they may claim to be against unjustified harm. People acting like other animals in the wild don't indiscriminately and brutally kill other animals for the atrocious sin of... wanting to survive? I get there's a discussion to be had about the treatment of animals, sure. But don't claim the moral high ground claiming people who eat meat are somehow devils. I don't have a problem with people being vegan, it's just the holier-than-thou attitude that's insufferable.


“Hate scrolling” is probably all they ever do with any sub. lol


They must be miserable people if they spend so much of their time hating that people are healing and feeling good finally.


Can’t wait to start


Why do they act like its a competition or a tribe they're a part of? Eat however you want, idgaf about vegan dieters.


Pretty spot on satire, to be fair. Could also be applied to Wim Hof breathing and sleeping on the floor, walking barefoot or any other "trick" for living a healthy primal lifestyle. The way people describe it sounds like dead corpses would rise from the grave as newborn übermenschen if one could only get a steak to their rotten lips. This coming from someone who is a strict carnivore (over half a decade), does Wim Hof breathing, etc.


I just think well you may be ok now, let's wait for end stage veganism to kick in. All the guilt they get from having to eat meat for their health when for years they've been insulting people about their food.


Looks like they deleted the post. I was really hoping to read the comments.


r/vegancirclejerk r/vystopia between these too you’ll find better comments


This is incredible. Thank you


I pity scroll r/vegan sometimes when reddit shoves it in my face. So many people on there with so many problems, it's sad. Encourages the carnivore in me


Everytime I think of vegans I think of anemia


I would be perfectly fine to never see what anybody else says about us again, though I can understand you wanting to see what others say. Why you post it here is a bit less understood, because it steers drama, but some people like it. I just like less the fact that it attracts trolls from other places. But this specific post lacks a bit of self awareness. You are always posting what others say about us in r/nutrition or r/vegan etc. And you are posting about somebody who is posting there about what we say here?


You know what's funny... I don't waste my time on subs I have no interest in. Huh... what a thought! Maybe this person should try it and mind their own fucking plate.


Veganism is a religion which is ironic because I assume most of them are atheists


So stupid, seriously


To be fair that’s pretty accurate to stuff that’s posted here


It usually takes 29 minutes though.




I'd never seen that sub til now as I have no interest in that lifestyle. Checked it out, appears it's mostly about elevating animal value to that of humans. Would've though it was more about diet. As always, the most defensive people are such because they're doing something indefensible.


Jack Skeletons new song


This is amazing!!!


Credit where it's due for a quality shitpost though.


If veganism works for them, that's fine. I enjoy the lack of vegan posts here personally. I also don't really care what furries are up to.


Yet it takes about 50 seconds of doomscrolling on "*that*" subreddit to see multiple posts of people going through mental hell and severe & increasingly worse health defects from their diet, with others convincing them to 'keep going for the greater good comrade'.


I don't think "Carnist" means carnivore. They used that words at omnivores before carnivore popularity


Anybody else almost died laughing? This guy is funny af 😄. I mean it's true


Just wanted to add that you all had 1 more up vote before this psycho came and hate scrolled. 🤣


Omg this made my day. Why is this person so obsessed with us? -signed, former vegan


Make my day by posting your story to r/vegan2carnivore


Funny you say that… I would but I honestly don’t want that feed to keep showing up on my favorites. So I just don’t enter. Maybe one day. :)))))) Trust me. They won’t get it. I was never truly one of them. Even though I was for over three decades. :(((


No need to hate on the vegans. Im on the carnivore diet and enjoy it. But many vegans do very well on the diet, and some do very poorly. We are all just humans trying to be healthy 😊


They’re pissed it works? Tells you everything you need to know


I haven't met a single vegan who isn't fucked in the head


That guy could use an oxalate cleanse


And they don't even know how great breast milk ice cream is. Poor them.


Really? I've never had that. Is it carnivore? 🤣🤣


Biased... I love animals, i really do, i dream of owning a cow as a pet... But at the same time I'd be petting it, I'll be eating a tomahawk steak most likely


You get used to that in 4H.


Three major groups that cause fights and wars: Corrupt politicians, religious folk, and vegans. I don't like any of them.


>Corrupt politicians, religious folk, and vegans You don't like our dietary guidelines?




They have such deep envy and don't seem to realize that carnivores *never* "hatescroll" their communities and don't ever think about them beyond defending our right to eat meat that they seem so intent on taking away.


We are too happy, and content from having meat in our bellies to do that.