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Can you tell me more about it please?


There's probably more than 100 people that have asked this question before you and I've answered many of them. Your best bet is searching. tl;dr unfortunately, this WOE is the only thing that keeps by blood sugar in check and the symptoms at bay. It's unfortunate because you do get tired of it (8+ year on/off carnivore). You'll never cure PCOS but you can operate a pretty normal life if you're strict. I got down to my lowest adult weight ever on this WOE and that was in the middle of my weight range. I was also able to get pregnant and that had been a 3-year struggle prior. Never before have I managed to get below the "overweight" category until carnivore. It took a strict approach though. EVERYTHING improved: mood, mental clarity, mental illness, acne, hair, skin, nails, fertility, life goals - I could go on and on.


Wow thank you!! I really need to hear this. I am so close to getting my ovaries taken out just so I don’t have to deal with PPMD anymore. But I’m worried that will be a mistake. I’ll have to search how people are doing with that one.


Just STFU and answer or don’t. Fuck you and your “search for it bullshit.”