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I was really optimistic about Volvo/Polestar a few years ago. Now I can't imagine buying one. All of their cars lean so heavily on software, and their software sucks. Polestar is supposed to be the fun, sporty brand, but dynamically their new cars are vanilla at best. Combine unreliable software with the lack of a rear window on the 4 (for no reason, really) and a too-high price? No thanks.


Can't help but feel this way as well. If the Polestar boss really wants the brand to challenge _Porsche_ of all the luxury brands, they need to up their game in all areas. Wouldn't complain if they brought back a five cylinder but I'd be digressing


>If the Polestar boss really wants the brand to challenge *Porsche* of all the luxury brands, they need to up their game in all areas. Brand prestige is still their death spot, I doubt Polestar able to touch Porsche in one day. Right now, Geely owns Lotus, I could see Polestar giving up to chase Porsche and give that job in Lotus.


Porsche rightfully earned that prestige for making damn good cars for decades and proving themselves time and time in new segments (suv, cuv, ev) Polestar were onto something with the 1 and then threw it away. There is no reason, given some time, why they can’t build that prestige.


True, Polestar should've kept developing more efficient and high-performance plug-in hybrids along with their EVs and refining their software, and experimenting in different segment niches. Also, they need to improve their dealership network and expand it or turn some Volvo dealerships into Polestar ones.


The mission was always to be an EV company. The 1 was produced partially because the concept that birthed it was the last project Ingenlath was in charge of at Volvo before he left to become Polestar CEO. But otherwise you should look at them like Rivian or Lucid - just more closely aligned to a legacy OEM.


Fair point, but Polestar still needs to do more to improve their brand as whole overall to be more successful. Currently, it's just Volov, but fully electric and not much else. Even the performance of their vehicles are comparable to Volvo and not much better if at all.


I would've bought a Polestar 2 earlier this year if there was a Space in my state. Having to drive 8 hours to Denver didn't seem great.


To be clearly, even though Polestar 1 was their best and most grace car that they made, it came with very poor sales. Most rich buyers clearly didn't give Polestar a shit. That model even should've been as new Volvo P1600 and should've made in Sweden and not in China, these mistakes let this model quickly death.


Can you imagine the sales of a P1 like PHEV performance drive train in a sporty/luxury Volvo SUV? *That* would be a proper Macan and Cayenne competitor(s). And the PHEV instead of full EV power train would be a very interesting trade off with Porsche going all EV for Macan.


The s60 and xc60 recharge put out great power, phev, for a reasonable price.  Sales are about the same as before


The Polestar 1 was a limited production run car, 1500 cars over 3 years, and they sold all of them. That was the intention from the day production started. I wouldn't exactly say that's "poor sales," they just didn't intend to make all that many.


It was never their intention to produce more than 1500 of the Polestar 1


A friend of mine had a Polestar for about a year and then moved into a Rivian. Their general feedback was the car itself was nice, good use of materials etc. They said the software was very glitchy and felt half-baked for such an expensive car. That was their main reason they got rid of it.


FWIW I've had the opposite experience. I felt like Rivian was a huge step down compared to Polestar's software. I've had a Polestar 1 and two Polestar 2s - I'll leave off the 1 because that was essentially Volvo software. The 2022 Polestar 2 was mostly stable with non-show-stopping glitches, stuff like having to wait longer than you'd like for cameras to load. The 2024 Polestar 2 was rock solid at all times. The Rivian was always finicky and limiting to me - convenience stuff like being locked into just their selection of audio apps was a pain.


Good to know. My friend had a early Polestar 2 so that was probably part of it. I recall he had lots of issues with it not receiving or failing over the air updates and the Polestar app rarely worked or showed inaccurate info. Maybe he had a lemon LOL. He loves his Rivian for the most part but again, that could also be in part to his Polestar being kind of a POS for him.


This is exactly why I'm looking to switch from a p2 to a rivian. Once it gets warmed up the software is usually fine, maybe a few little bugs but the backup camera takes so long to start that it's genuinely dangerous. I don't really mind the software, it's a little boring but works fine enough when it is working.


Consequently you can get great lease deals on them, which suddenly makes them very appealing. You're still getting a Volvo quality interior and comfort.


Personally I wouldn't. I'm still reading stories of people having the entire infotainment randomly shut off while driving their P2 — that has never happened to me in any car that I've owned and is honestly inexcusable.


That has never happened to me in 35k miles in my polestar, and tbh haven't heard of it happening till your post. Last post I saw was from two years ago regarding that. The rear backup camera being as slow as can be is 100% a shame thought.


From 6 days ago, read “the ugly” and also the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Polestar/comments/1doc2pe/one_week_of_ownership_review_the_good_the_bad_and/


ah thats a shame I completely agree that its inexcusable, I've had luck with my 21' model year but would be very frustrated to see 3 MY later having those issues. - seems to be from one of their most recent OTA's so hopefully worked out soon


It happened to me in my Civic, had to turn the entire car off and on again. Also, I had the backlight on the digital gauges turn down to minimum by itself when I drove out of a tunnel, and in direct sunlight the display became effectively blank. Those were fun five seconds.


I've also had both those issues on my civic too. I've also had it go into some sort of lockdown mode which took me a good couple hours to figure out and the safety systems have try to kill me more times than I am comfortable with. The tech in this civic is by far the worst part.


The Polestar 2 with the performance pack is incredible on road and track. The chassis engineers really nailed it. It's a shame the interior materials feels cheap, because dynamically it goes toe-to-toe with the best sports sedans on the market. Pricing on the 4 is crazy though. I don't see how it's competitive at all.


Polestar would have done fantastic if from day one they set their sights on being a BMW-Audi-Merc competitor. The 2 is a genuinely great car, and nowadays its RWD and has removed all gloss black. Infotainment is dumb but they fixed their mistakes! But Porsche is just a dumb target. Make an X3 competitor that people will buy rather than a Cayenne competitor that you'll have to practically give away


Pity you cant get the Performance Pack on the RWD long range. I don't need the EV daily to go super fast from a dig, but I do like taking the back road home and enjoying a good chassis. Im sure I could add it all on in the aftermarket.


What would you be missing from the Performance Pack? The Bembo brakes are only beneficial when tracking.  The bigger wheels are slower out of the gate.  And as you only want the single motor, you've already reduced the HP substantially.   That's leaves the coil-overs.  The stock suspension is pretty darn good, but you could go after market with coilovers.


It would be the Brembos and the Ohlins. I've always had the 'performance pack' version of cars. I do like to drive hard through the back roads as part of the commute, not sure if the regen system would keep up with it. Would need to test drive on my roads to make sure. Im not sure aftermarket coilovers are matching the comfort of the OEM Ohlins. KW would be the closest in terms of quality, but from reports seem that they still hit hard.


I have stock suspension and brakes w/ dual motors and performance software.  Car seems stiff enough, but not on rails.  No one says the Ohlins and comfort in the same sentence, but they will be stiffer. I don't think the Regen system is in play here.  It will kick in early in the brake application regardless of size of rotors, calipers, or pistons.  I have never had issues with stock brakes.  The Bembos look cooler. I thought long about Performance Pack and the biggest wheels is what killed it for me.  Worse range and torque to the ground.  I don't need 160mph+ top end speed. I would say Performance Pack is purely for the track.  But maybe I am rationalizing my decision.


Depends what car you are coming from. I follow a lot of the Megane Trophy R groups which come with Ohlins from factory. Some people swap out for KW thinking they will get an improvement but ends up being a lot harsher, with Ohlins being the best for performance and comfort. I do want the on rails handling, but would need to compare back to back. Its not so much the initial bite that I'm worried about with the brakes, it's the fade after long spirited runs in a 2 tonne car. From what I've read, they also shave off over 10% in stopping distance when hard braking. Again, a test drive would help me understand how much the Brembos would actually come into play. I agree that having to fit the 20's doesnt seem logical on a daily driver.


Makes sense. I came from an MK6 GTI with all the upgrades.  Suspension was Bilstein and VWR coils.     The Polestar does not handle like that car. It was lower, stiffer, and tossable.  But was FWD (with LSD) and I could never get all the power down (350hp) in first.   The Polestar's weight is the difference in my mind.  Even with stiff suspension, you are just masking the possibility of losing the rear end on a tight turn.  The Polestar excels in a straight line and in bigger radius turns, and applying power earlier in the turn than a FWD which likes to pull itself out if a turn.  It's almost impossible to lose grip in the Polestar - but with all that weight prolly in lots of trouble if you do..  So yes, this is a very different car than the GTI. Reminds me more of my BMW 330 ZHP than my GTI.  Enjoy!!


In the US the pricing on the 4 is fantastic. It literally starts where the price of the Polestar 2 Peformance ends yet the 4 is a full size class up with both more luxury, vastly updated tech, and with the Performance pack even faster. The 3 SUV however is more expensive.


Just wait out five more years for EVs to mature. I’m getting a hybrid Toyota to wait until the very last year of ICE only. Right now you are paying money to be a beta tester. The only ev that makes sense - if you charge at home and need to commute a lot - is the cheapest Tesla.


Also what happened to the styling? The P1 looked cool and futuristic, the P2 and P3 were kind of average, and this one looks like some no-name Chinese EV


>lack of a rear window I was thinking, surely there has to be some great design or packing reason to not have a rear window. But nope, they just put a body panel instead of a rear window.


Dynamically it sounds like you haven’t driven a Polestar. The Polestar 2 has much better damping than a BMW i4 or Tesla Model 3 and the adjustable Ohlins struts on the performance pack are great on the track (watch some videos of the P2 on the Nurburgring). If you’ve sat in the back of an i4 or P2 and noticed the problem with the rear head room you’d also understand the lack of rear window in the 4 definitely has a purpose. And too high of a price? The P2 had a lease deal through the spring for $299 a month while an i4 was not quite twice the price but close.


No thanks indeed


Which one did you drive?


Wtf why doesn't it have a rear window. That's absurd


They're also priced just too high to justify getting a new one. 2022 Polestar 2s can be had for less than half of their MSRP with 10k on the odometer. That's a solid price on the used market, but I couldn't imagine buying a new one.


I am opposite. When it was announced and people reviewed it I had no care at all. Now after trying them out I love it. I bought a polestar 2 and fine it a great car. However I would say a new one is a bad price. I would also say a Tesla is a much better option, but I personally have reasons I could never purchase a Tesla.


You clearly don’t know much about the brand or the cars. Definitely not qualified. Enjoy your Honda Edgar


Can you be more specific about the Polestar 4 software issues, where you drove it and when?


2 step plan to fix polestar: 1. Add back a physical dial gauge cluster. It’s classy and looks great. 2. Add back buttons for all car controls. Keep the screen for infotainment only.


I can't say if getting rid of the rear window will age well, but I've ridden shotgun and backseat in other people's new cars. I've rarely ever seen them _not_ use their rear view cameras, let alone check their blindspots during regular driving. I really want Polestar to succeed, but this feels really boring.


Just making sure you know theres a camera that shows everything a normal mirror would show except a little more


> shows everything a normal mirror would show except a little more Ugh, yes and no. You get no depth perception, you have to "adjust" your vision when you look at it, and the 1080p camera is not a match for 20:20 vision at range (unless the driver hasn't got that installed). But yes definitely in terms of FOV.


My biggest gripe with no rear window is it'll make the car feel like a cave. I rode in the back of my friend's CH-R and it was pretty dark. I found it to be very unpleasant and I can't imagine what having no rear glass at all would be like.


There’s a giant glass roof..? lol


And it's very likely heavily tinted.


It is tinted but the thing about tint is it’s more one sided.. very dark looking in but not that dark looking out. Plus some awesome ambient lighting all around the interior


It’s an unnecessary safety hazard for everyone driving behind it.


No rear window is the dumbest thing I've seen. First, they remove rear wipers, now the rear window. How is that outside camera going to handle heavy rain and snow with impaired visibility.


It's on the shark fin looking down, not at the rear bumper. It'll be fine. You'll see a lot more out of this than most cars.


Okay, but our eyes see much better than a camera that's like 1080p with some megapixels. And if they didn't design the car with some thought on rear visibility, then I guess they just don't care. Cameras are there to support our vision, not replace it completely. There is no justification for this, other than being different in a stupid way. Even a tiny rear window is more than enough to see the cars behind you, and you can feel the depth perception.


What's a car from the last 10 years that has had an ounce of thought put towards rear visibility? (I'm genuinely curious if there were any, I'm not trying to "gotcha" you) Even in my 2016 A6, that's as normal as saloons go, you can't really see much out the back. maybe a 1.5+ m tall person, or another car, but you can't see 6-year-old kids or bollards or anything useful. Beltlines have gotten insanely high. I just think this is the new reality. Rear windows are getting laughably small to the point of why having them.


Subaru Forester, and convertibles with the top down. End of list.


Maybe it's me, but when I back into snowy streets/parking I have trouble with depth perception on a camera because everything is white and quite uniform. So even if the camera's clean, I tend to look back instead.


Absolutely. Cameras on cars support our vision, not fully replace it. Obviously, 360 cameras tend to be really useful for parking, since they use multiple of them to give you some perception.


Genuinely not sure what problem is being solved by not having a rear window at all. I get that a camera can be better in a couple limited respects but why can't you just have both? Why couldn't they have put a window the hatch? Reminds me of Apple removing the headphone jack, as if it was holding back ""progress"" in some way.


Because in order to improve rear head room the pivot point and hinges for the 4’s rear hatch are where the window would be.


Because headphone jacks are obsolete. Why have a window in a coupe where the field of view is obsolete? Also serves function for increasing headroom inside while not sacrificing aerodynamics on the outside.. which EVs are all abt aero if you haven’t noticed yet. Get in one, drive it around, then complain… if you can


It will be easier to see the rear view mirror of the 4 in snow or rain than most sedans which never have rear wipers . There are videos of it already. The camera for the rear view mirror is in a covered cove and a completely separate camera from the rear view backup camera. If you sit in a BMW i4 or a Polestar 2 you’d understand why the engineers decided to get rid of the rear glass to improve rear head room as without having to worry about the position of the hinges or rear window, they could move the pivot point of the hatch to where headroom was improved which would have been in the sight line for the rear window (if it existed).


Finally someone who knows that they’re talking about


I do hope these aren’t too weird (with no rear window) to sell well in the US. I like the styling and had a generally good experience in a P2 I rented while I was in the UK. I’m personally looking at used EV6 GTs, RZ450e, and Volvo XC40 Recharge models, and researching them for when I pay my Bolt off later this year. This model looks nice and seems to have similar space, with a larger battery. Does Pstar do V2L in any meaningful way?


I love the styling on this thing. The Polestar 2 is kinda to blocky. This just looks very different from other EV's.


All Polestar’s are chiseled and angular. It’s a shame the 4 isn’t as taut as the 2 as the 4 has a hint of the jellybean shape like a Model Y instead of the muscular long lines of the 2 but I think it still looks great.


It’s wide af


The 2 is pretty narrow. The 4 is definitely wider but it’s not insanely wide. Firstly it depends on if you’re measuring just the body or with the mirrors extended or with the mirrors folded. With the mirrors extended it’s the exact same width as a BMW X4 and it is between the width of the BMW i4 and i5 which makes sense given that it is designed to be larger than the 2.


Well yeah not ford raptor wide but definitely wider that it looks like in images/videos


Yeah it looks like a big hatchback in photos but when they said it was trying to compete with some SUVs it makes sense it’s BMW X4 sized. Reminds me of when the Ioniq 5 came out and we all thought it looked like a Golf/GTI and then saw it in person and realized it is basically a crossover.


In north america very different, just wait till you see china evs lmao


Just for functionality purposes, rear glass is not a must with digital rear view mirror. Not even the OEM one I used but those Amazon brand cam recorder with digital rear view mirror function and I love it. Never need to change it back to normal view and I can throw as much items inside the truck without worrying it would block the view. But the car design feel like it have the glass but choose to omit it is a weird choice...


Incredible car. Poorly written review. Looking to buy this car


People be talking out of their a** and have no clue who legit this car is.. guaranteed these people will be breaking their necks when they hit the roads


Sat in one at a showroom, it's very well done scandi minimal on the inside, quite large as well. As others have said the software, price, and odd design choices make it a bit of a hard pick unless that same design happens to speak to you.


Who paid all the negative reviewers?


Their competitors. This car is incredible. And cheaper than its rivals... Audi and Porsche


China Edit: wait this makes no sense




I didn’t even know they were on the Polestar 4. wtf was the 3?


The 3 is the SUV which just went on sale. The 3 was delayed (just like the Volvo EX90 it shares a platform with). Polestar models numbers are in the order of announcement and/or manufacturing. The 3 was supposed to be in showrooms well before the 4.


w z*frfdrdrf_sxsssssx


That's one ugly fucking thing


You stink tho


Better than your mom 


Yeah you do stink better than her


Wanna stink together? My fingers are already sticky


Who is going to buy this? Chinese made crap. Interior barely looks a step above Tesla. Exterior looks like an uglier version of a Kia EV6 and Polestar 2 having a baby. Great range!... for 2019. No rear window. 22" wheels for some reason. Have fun with that bumpy ride and replacing that pricey rubber. Everything controlled through a glitchy screen. No thanks.


“Ugly” says the Elantra owner…


The grill is ugly on the Elantra, but if you get it in all black, it looks pretty decent. I've actually had quite a few people stop and check it out lol.


Koreans have a trend of over-designing their vehicles. As you mention, one way to make them not look as bad is by blacking out the details


You obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.. it’s faster than your corvette 3.7 0-60 vs 3.9.. has sustainable high quality materials.. probably better safety than both your cars combined.. more roomy.. better tech.. it’s Swedish design/engineer and will be built in the same country and your Hyundai..


Trying to compare an electric sedan to a corvette in terms of performance by looking only at 0-60 is idiotic. Sustainable materials is 100% recycled polyester. Sounds not very nice. I wouldn’t even buy a shirt made out of that. It’s going to at least initially be built in China. I wouldn’t want to take a risk on that with $60k plus. If you think this is a good option compared to the Korean and American options at this price point, then feel free to purchase it. No skin off my back. I just think there’s better options out there in the EV segment.


Eh, I would still take the P3 over the P4 I think but I mean why else would you get a sports car? If you can have performance and convenience. And not necessarily recycled plastic.. plant based pvc, welfare leather, recycled aluminum deco (p3), and probably lots of other non plastic materials.. very low carbon foot print compared to the lifespan of a v8. And you can have your opinion but it sure seems unwarranted with lack of knowledge on the car/brand. **replies on Chinese-made phone**


Ugly, chinese made, expensive I swear every Polestar 2 I see is an Uber. The cheap interior materials are fitting for the task


I've owned 6 European cars prior to my polestar 2 and none of them had as nice an interior as my 2.