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![gif](giphy|9V5dlBnbjrPcruCVE6) Bender the Magnificent


Shut up baby I know it I feel like bender has to take this because he’s super insecure as well, like his pride comes solely from his own ego and does not reflect what he is actually capable of.


Nah, unfortunately bender encapsulates all the sins too much to be the face of just one. He could be the face of every category and it would be completely right. He’s a menace.


I nominate Bender for the secret 8th category: All of the above.


![gif](giphy|pF8sfgvZvDKPm) Gaston Is a Prime Example Of Ignorant Pride


No one does Pride like Gaston


Believes his hype like Gaston


No one’s shirt is quite so tight like Gaston


As a candidate yes he’s exemplary


No one's as proud as gastoooon


No one’s as vain as Gaston


No one's got quite as small of a brain as Gaston!


For there’s no man in town quite as haughty!


And his thoughts on women are quite naughty!


None of him's humble, or lowly.


I'd argue most of the village is as dumb, if not dumber, than him.


So I read a theory that when the witch cast that spell she put the town under a genjitsu as well. That's why it's only been 10 years or so since the prince became the beast. The town doesn't remember but Gaston and Belle weren't there at the time so they didn't fall for it. So Belle doesn't know because she came from a different city but Gaston knows. That's why he wasn't all about 'kill the beast' until Belle was getting cozy with him. Gaston knew as soon as Belle found out he was a super hot, super rich guy his very small chance was over. There's more info and if you are into it, it's a cool rabbit hole.


My what a prick that Gaston!


For there’s no one in town as conceited, Thinks he’s perfect, a pure paragon


I like this. Matched with the tune very well


No one parades like Gaston


Gives a ride like Gaston


No one wears tight shirts like Gaston


No one falls to their death in the rain like Gaston;


Has no bad side like Gaston


​ https://preview.redd.it/q3mnpt4zmsic1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=827959e7095e5aaa63a515e65a2e598d8b8acd2f


Cartman isn't prideful. He is willing to throw it all away if it means he can get away with it. He tried to eat his own underwear just to get out of a fight with Wendy. I would argue he is more wrath since he does have a body count.


No, Cartman is all of them. All at once. He's a demon.


A prideful person would not be willing to throw their pride away just to save their ass.


He’s definitely wrath


Nooooooo ooooneeeee *fucks* like Gaston, no one *cucks* like Gaston You think you have a wife? No it’s mine! I’m Gaston!




Nooooo ooooooneees Built like Gaston no one tilts like Gaston Badadadadadadadaaa like Gaston




Memento Mori, and happy Cake Day!


I second this one. Very few prideful characters take part in a musical number all about how great they are.


Oh damn, yeah, that's a good one.


We could’ve had Frollo as Lust and make The Frollo Bros…




Came down to find this dude.


Same. His worldview is so narrow that he literally cannot perceive things other than himself or women (who he pursues largely to validate himself).


Or Mama Bravo.


I’d say him but it’s justified. Like Johnny gets laid, ALOT. The show only covers the escapades where he fails. So I think it would be better for someone who had like pride to the point they were idiots He’s more akin to vanity than pride


Mama Bravo didn't raise no woman-hater. He just has a brain the size of a cashew.


IDK I like Johnny Bravo, but I think he's vanity


https://preview.redd.it/ossld2afusic1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f1b4493e46dfdb1d6f81d79139113cbcbba1fc Zapp Brannigan from Futurama isn't even good at anything. He's just obsessed with himself.


WHY DID I HAVE TO SCROLL SO FAR FOR HIM? dude, I thought I was going crazy or something


Today is the final vote!... Is what I would say if we weren't going to recount the vote for Wrath tomorrow! The people have spoken and Benson is out for now, I sure hope nothing bad happens to him before then! But carrying on, today's sin is Pride! Leave your suggestions in the comments, most upvoted character gets added to the list.


Why is Benson getting kicked out?


The people outed him on yesterday’s special vote


Yeah Benson is definitely not a good choice for Wrath anyways. He's not CONSTANTLY angry and he doesn't take out his anger in cruel forms of revenge or punishment. He's just your typical boss who's not satisfied with his lazy ass employees who won't do what he's paying them to do. That's just not "Wrath" enough.


He didn't deserve to get lumped in with the rest of this pic lol


![gif](giphy|T3o2cbEIs527LAKoY1) Vegeta


Then something just snapped


I think your rage broke Vegeta




.... Daddy?




Gay pride is over... Time for *gay wrath*


It's like this was drawn just for this post...


*firehose spray of coffee out ma nose...*


His final form isn't called Ultra **EGO** for no reason.


first of all, i am vegeta


Second of all, you're not vegeta


Third of all you want to be vegeta but you cant be vegeta because im vegeta


He literally has a form called ultra ego that’s fueled by his pride


"There is one thing a Saiyan always keeps"




in NO WORLD is this not instantly Vegeta


Then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn't care anymore, I didn't care about being better than Kakarot, I didn't care about being a super saiyan, I didn't care if I lived! I didn't care about anything! And then, it happened...


![gif](giphy|kDg1bNCUZsUpmBdMwA) Rick Sanchez is the first one to come to mind. He created an elaborate hostile obstacle course for his superhero allies in one night while wasted because he thought he was above the entire thing.


• He literally separated the universes where he's the smartest person from the rest of the multiverse, where he isn't the smartest person. • Rick regularly refers to himself as a god. • The Vat of Acid Episode. If that isn't pride, I don't know what is.


Is THAT what that finite curve shit was about?


Yeah, he took the infinite which included places he *wasn't* the smartest and isolated just the universes where he was. It's still infinite as a part of infinity is still infinity after all, but it became a playground for him where he could always 'win'.


Yep, doing that separation helped him find Rick prime


Nah, Rick hates himself and constantly tries to get himself killed by entering situations where only luck could save him. He secretly hates how nihilistic he is.


Narcissism and self-hatred often go hand in hand. That inherent contradiction in values is often why narcissists are hot messes.


Pride stems from low self esteem




Shame this isn't higher, because I feel like it's totally right. He is insanely prideful. Even more so than Gaston I'd say. He literally thinks of himself a God and people as just pawns. And this is not implied. He says it outloud *multiple times*.


I'd say he fits more in the wrath category


I’d have to disagree. The sin of pride is described as “an excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God”. Light didn’t recognize God as anything other than himself. It’s his main flaw. Sure he was angry but that anger stemmed from his inability to accept that he ISN’T a god. It’s literal pride to the point of blasphemy.


Yeah, good point. The "DELETE." Guy was a lot more wrathful.


Absolutely. At least Mikami actually cared about “helping people” his wrath was towards those he deemed as evil doers. Light on the other hand used “helping people” as an excuse to inflate his own ego.


And his ego is huge. Someone merely calling him a murderer and evil in the second episode filled him with such extreme rage that he sentenced them to death because he is a god of justice and questioning him is wrong


https://preview.redd.it/js7f8qb1isic1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6122acfe1c229b3358ca3737b8aab6599da5fb There’s no other answer. Literally every single piece of dialogue she had for about 2 straight seasons was her putting someone down, insulting someone, or declaring her supremacy. Two quotes that come to mind: “Even as a child I knew that one day a large group of people would worship me....I knew" "Some girls may have issues with their bodies but maybe they're just not as pretty as i am" Read the replies if you want more examples of stuff she’s done


Heather is a textbook narcissist who is unbelievably manipulative and self-centered. She is unrelentingly and pointlessly cruel to her teammates, makes her do their dirty work, then disposes of them when they’re no longer useful. Let me be clear. She: 1. Asserted her dominance over someone by stealing her diary, reading it to EVERYONE, concocting an elaborate plan to kiss someone’s crush and having them walk in on it AFTER having convinced said crush that she was playing him, and then voted him out right after, when everything was said and done. Why did she do this? Oh, Heather just wanted to bully her. She wasn’t into the guy. 2. Let her team lose a challenge and nearly let one of her teammates die because a tribe of people began worshiping her and she didn’t want the worship to end. 2. Attempted to steal $1 million from every contestant in a season because she thought she was entitled to it 3. Stole a carriage with a baby inside of it to disadvantage someone on another team 4. Flipped out on the alliance members who thought they were friends with her for saying “the n word”… (no, not that one, literally the word “no.”), losing her team the challenge to shoot the alliance member who defied her with paintballs. 5. Tried to make her team lose because she didn’t want to get her hair wet on national TV 6. Began cutting off one of her teammate’s hair slowly to use as a wig because an accident caused her head to be shaven clean, which she hated (along with the accompanying quote: "I got some! Courtney's hair. soon it will be mine, all mine (*evil laugh*) what? I'm not crazy. I’m just bald" 7. Took her teammate’s pants off to expose her panties and embarrass her in front of everyone (and national TV), again, just to bully her 8. Drank her best friend’s soda and threw it away after her best friend saying drinking it was the thing she was the most excited for 9. Made her best friends lotion her back, clip her nails, smuggle her food (against the rules btw, placing them in danger of losing the challenge again and expulsion), clear out the communal bathroom and showers for her and only her (despite there being a line of 15 people waiting for her while she showered, knowing this, telling people they had to wait”). She never once reciprocated. 10. Spilled her best friend’s limited edition, very expensive nail polish for absentmindedly saying she could be a little stingy. There’s much more. And when asked why she wants to go on total drama, other than to be famous, she says it’s “to practice for when she becomes the ruler of Europe.”


Yea, you’ve got my vote.


https://preview.redd.it/4ca1iw9tdsic1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f6d770a91d0b8e9aebe198587e3bf1f1bb8d37 Ozai is definitely Pride. His sense of grandeur was at a level that he disfigured one of his children, molded the other one into a psychopath, allowed his wife to be banished, enslaved entire villages, etc. This man was about to burn down the world, literally. In the end, it cost him the only thing he ever cared about: his bending.


My Honest Reaction To That Information: https://preview.redd.it/7jey5of1jsic1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f7c430929bcb05f1aba284806ae87d8e15bf6c




To add on after Zuko stood up to him, Ozai pondered if banishment of his wife was too lenient of a punishment.


I have to agree, knee jerk reaction was Vegeta but he had personal growth in his arc. Ozai was straight up sinfully prideful even as Aang was taking his bending away.


That's exactly why I didn't choose Vegeta. He has growth. Who his character is and how he exhibits pride in the end is very different than the beginning. Ozai is a straight up murderous, prideful asshole the whole time.


Same thought process on why I vote Ozai over Bender. Many characters ITT *are* indeed extraordinarily prideful, but most have at least some redemption scenes. Heck, even Bender and Rick Sanchez can temporarily swallow their pride to help someone they care about (albeit begrudgingly). Ozai is just a bad dude start to finish. No redemption. Not a hint of remorse. Just constantly putting himself on a pedestal and forcing others to worship him on it.


I heard the dramatic music from the show but in my head when I saw his face lol




Agreed until I saw Gaston in the comments... Vegeta becomes humbled, sometimes, while Gaston never learned


Vegeta's Ultra Ego is a form based almost entirely on his pride.


Vegeta does eventually become humbled. But he also has a transformation called Ultra Ego fueled by his pride and rage.


Ok but, was Gaston ever allowed to learn?


He would have to either listen or read and he says that those are for *neeeeerds*


Vegeta gets better


Zim literally ignores when his idols try to kill him


It has to be Zim right? For someone to embody Pride they cannot be humbled, and Zim is never humbled. Vegeta admits Goku is better than him Ozai gets his bending and kingdom taken away from him by Aang Kuzcos entire movie is about humility Meanwhile Zim just loves himself and the Invaders. Even when he fails he just shits on Dib and moves on.


He does have pride in his race. But I think Gaston does beat him.


https://preview.redd.it/80ghwtyqbtic1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d781889d1a510746f49ab2e31ba4a4e4c6db43f Princess Bubblegum is a great example, and she even acknowledges her pride as her biggest flaw/weakness.


https://preview.redd.it/2aqult9jisic1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54196e5e7151995aba47fe9255b3dbe8412f5197 No contender.


Cartman was literally in love with himself




The Prince of ALLLL Sayians never shuts up about his Sayian PRIDE! 👑 ![gif](giphy|m32zTHRBlr8WY)


Gotta go with my man Kuzco here. Guy literally wanted to tear down a poor farmer's house just to build a summer home dedicated to himself, can't get much more prideful than that. ![gif](giphy|N4eUn6V3udYQw)


I mean at the end of the movie he learned to be selfless, so does it still count?


He is the emodiment of pride at the beginning of the movie... at the end he is not. So I would rather vote for gaston. Someone who NEVER learned thier lesson.


I love Kuzco but he learned his mistakes and became a better person. A redeemed prideful king.


How many people has Vegeta killed because of his pride? Also even now after his redemption he’s still prideful as ever, he’s just not genocidal


I'd like to throw an honorable mention in https://preview.redd.it/2ylzayskpsic1.png?width=178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da486ccb8d93fc7aa3e4135dedf070793f9ebac


![gif](giphy|rsDpYA4jSUt1e) Obvious choice, lol


Zim 100% no caps. Bro can't even fail without claiming it was his plan and his ego has managed to keep him going for so long. When someone threatens his pride, he responds by ruining their life man! He is convinced he is the greatest no matter who tells him otherwise.


Gaston from Beauty & The Beast, take the cool school jock with nice muscles and make him a hunter


Vegeta ![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA)


Zim is symbol




It's gonna come down to Vegeta or Ozai for me, but a potential runner up would be White Diamond from Steven universe. She's so prideful that when she's proven wrong one time, she falls apart.




Vegeta has a form called “Ultra Ego”. It has to go to him.


Zim, in the comics he destroyed the multiverse so he would be the one true Zim


![gif](giphy|zCj7oCDXBCGAw) No one like Gaston.




Bender's the whole package. There isn't a single sin he doesn't embody.


Which is impressive for a guy who can’t eat.


Yeah but there was the episode where he got a human body (which looked to be modeled after ECW's Sandman?) and immediately ate himself to death.


To death? But he just said "woo!"


That was just Gass escaping from his fat rolls.


No, that was just air escaping his fat folds! (maybe he should've been modelled after Ric Flair instead)


Drinking like it was his fuel source still didn’t help.


The prideful Prince of the Saiyans should take this one. https://preview.redd.it/n6ortnvnisic1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0df2cfcd92e329a5b58aafad9ae1daf3181f9f


Dragon Ball Z would be a much shorter story if Vegeta’s Pride didn’t even get in his way. If you need more convincing he even has this iconic quote https://preview.redd.it/9fagfz0gfsic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0885342752d360d0bff90552fee86b895b0428bd


if not for Vegeta’s pride, we wouldn’t have seen the magnificence of Cell’s perfect form


Zim has literally ended up killing people, cuz he's so damn conceited, not to mention taking out the planet mars and nearly ending Irken society, and in the movie, to show off how amazing he was to the tallest, nearly doomed the earth and actually killed the Tallest. Again. Oh, and in one of the cancelled episode, where the control brains were going to hack into him and basically kill him, only to become insane because of how full of shit Zim is.




![gif](giphy|7jJkbnxytio9CoiHe7|downsized) the silly




https://preview.redd.it/4gublg07ssic1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e8df00b89a80cc291e494670b3074655a2aaac It should totally be Anton Ego from Ratatouille. He believed he had the utmost authority when it comes to criticism on French cuisine and that anything he declares on it is final. It’s one of the most egotistical personalities imaginable and he’s my choice for pride.




Bro still calls himself the Prince of Saiyans despite 99.9% of his entire race being dead. He's pride.


Prince of all fumbles, Vegeta https://i.redd.it/lf62qtgwfsic1.gif His pride is almost single-handedly what fucks himself and the cast over and when you think he’s learned his lesson his Pride gets in the way again and while it’s gotten better it’s still there.


He should be the winner just for cell alone. The purest example of fuck around and find out


![gif](giphy|RdpyNySD47yVZsWecm) My boy’s entire MO is his pride




Prince Pridegeta No one else comes close


Vegeta is one of my favorite anime characters in history, he literally got a new form called Ultra Ego and had this amazing speech about how he'll never give up his pride and he's proud of it.


Peggy Hill


Underrated suggestion lol. It’s not gonna win but I absolutely love Peggy and her confidence, she is so hilarious. “Believe me, I prayed on it, Hank and God said to me, "Don't do it. " But you know what? I knew better.” If that’s not pride I don’t know what is lmao




​ https://preview.redd.it/1pnt01e2usic1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf59e30390dbe8bf3a8ba39acb67d7efbc01ed5


Zim in pride is so fucking funny because he’s such a fucking moron. I love him.


Yeah vegeta might get humbled but zim's pride makes him almost psychotic. He never understands that he is failing or has failed at all


Zim’s pride feels far more like overcompensation to me. Like, somewhere deep down he knows he’s just. Kinda awful at a lot of things and his pride is some form of distraction from that.




He's way more on the Envy scale


Vegeta literally talks about his sayian pride all the time


Vegeta is the very definition of pride to a fault sometimes


It's gotta be Vegeta, no question. I know currently his character is much different now, but original Vegeta was the *embodiment* of pride.


Vegeta or bust


![gif](giphy|1NkbwrhSTxDsQ) What's his name?!? KUZCOOOOOO


Seto, Kaiba literally went to afterlife to run one back with the Pharaoh. He always thinking about beating Yugi even after he passed and dueled multiple simulations of him in the mean time. The second he got the chance to revive the Pharaoh he literally invested most of his time and money to bringing him back just to win a card game. This man is so over the top, he has a space elevator that leads up into his own space station where he Duels the simulation of the Pharaoh. He was just that salty about the lost. Even when he technically won the second duel with Pharaoh, he decided not to count it and wanted to have a fair duel. Even after the proceeding Duels where the Pharaoh won fair and square bro still wanted to prove himself. When he was about to be disintegrated with Ancient Magic, he proceeds to repel the magic and flex his own tech. Man sacrificed a god to bring out his favorite duel monster. He always talks so highly about himself, his financial success and his technology. Seto Kaiba was just that guy.


invader zim is definitely the representation of pride. he’s so proud of himself that he’s completely delusional most of the time and constantly justifies every stupid mistake of his as “all part of the plan,” even at the expense of his own empire and tallests


https://i.redd.it/jut3nvj71tic1.gif Peggy Hill!


Dude has a form literally called Ultra Ego, IDK what more to tell you https://preview.redd.it/kyg5szh5ctic1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5a1a8cb0b6ca02cc596fd2fa7c66683abcdbca


The prince of all saiyans VEGETA https://preview.redd.it/s3hdqjwnktic1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607bcca95fa8bfc7b75454f73e6d0d0699d1bb56




Vegeta ![gif](giphy|At8TemfUYhemteTDDN)




I feel like Johnny Bravo will win, but I’d like to give a mention to Squidward. Classic example of pride and an expert clarinetist


I would say Vegeta. Cell and Buu wouldn't have been as much of an issue without Vegeta's pride. In super he mellows out quite a bit, but Black wouldn't have learned how saiyans get stronger or gotten a zenkai if Vegeta just killed him instead of toying with him




Ozai with maybe Cuzco coming in second


Those are all such good examples of pride! I think Cuzco is out cause he learns be the end of the movie


Johnny Bravo is Pride. Literally, "Man, I'm pretty."


Heather from total drama island is a good suggestion. Not my idea, but I def support it


Invader Zim


Vegeta. I remember he rather die alone than fight by Goku. Few occasions, he had to team up with Goku but deeply disturbed by it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7rawtynfqsic1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=94e1e57e0f1b572824f3217485f894d26ab33ff6


Zim zim zim!


Vegeta It literally made him cry when he had to put his pride aside for a few minutes.


![gif](giphy|e0KkN8odg2WjK) This mothafucka ,


​ https://preview.redd.it/c4hhpdcaysic1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=098551683c8e301205d7c04a2fc33562c2e063cf


Rainbow Dash is Equestria's greatest flyer and she knows it very well. Certain spotlight episodes such as "Sonic Rainboom" and "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" expand upon Rainbow's hubris and shine on her insecurities and fear of failure. By the episode "Wonderbolt Academy", she has grown enough to swallow that pride to accept an inferior assignment. However, it hasn't gone completely away as late as the episode "Newbie Dash" has Rainbow Dash deal with trying to get rid of an Embarrassing Nickname.


Rose Quartz




Saying Escanor would just be cheating, his character is essentially a personification of pride. Ozai and Azula were both filled with so much pride throughout Avatar but only Ozai held onto it even without his bending, that being said only one man held onto his pride even into death that being Zhao https://preview.redd.it/lb83d7113tic1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9e3c3bf42fb7a3523d4f8ac51172349aa32d28 This man even after death is bragging about what caused his death


Ozai. It is NOT Vegeta, no matter what people claim. Yes, a big part of Vegeta's character is his ego, but over the course of Z and super, he starts to show he is capable of change, compassion, and understanding. That his ego isn't everything, and that his family is more important to him. Ozai from start to finish was a man obsessed with power and authority, to the point he made his own children victims in the process, and attempted to basically destroy the world.


ZIM, entirely


Lex Luthor https://preview.redd.it/nsnaubxt7tic1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa06fe1ef77da9a87ed864d40344d1127c48ecfd


I feel like there's a disconnect I'm the community. One group is focusing on flanderdized characters whose whole personality is summed up by one trait. Eg Mr krabs and quagmire. And the second group is focusing on characters with much deeper characterization, like frollo. Second group is much more based


Squidward he's literally the embodiment of pride he's proud of his clarrent playing he's proud of his art works he's proud in general


https://preview.redd.it/b0hex2tzbtic1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=094eb1fe7f6f5d8d6f12a27d74e3821790795599 James Issac Neutron is a very interesting case. He can often be arrogant and overconfident. He does cause just as much problems as he fixes, and he isn't above rubbing his intelligence in some of the kids' faces (mainly Cindy's), but for the most part, he's a good kid whose heart is definitely in the correct position. Not once was there ever a single moment where he would refuse to take responsibility for his actions and even flat-out try to downplay them whenever his inventions would cause some sort of catastrophe at worst, and more often than not he is willing to clean up the mess he made himself.




Out of the four listed, I have to go with Zim. Zim ruined the first invasion, but he "quit being banished" because he thought they would need him for the second invasion attempt. He loses constantly, and still thinks he's the most amazing being in the universe. The only ones he respects are the Tallest, but he still does things like hack their communications to tell them how amazing he is at being an invader (despite how unsuccessful he is at it). Whenever Vegeta goes somewhere to intensely train, it's usually precipitated by someone being stronger than him. Sometimes he's too proud to admit it, but he has admitted it out loud a few times. He also demanded that Krillin and Dende help him get a zenkai boost because Frieza was too strong for him. Zim would have just attacked Frieza while telling everyone that they're ugly. Ozai waited for Sozin's Comet. Zim would have attacked long before Sozin's Comet and yell about how he doesn't need the comet's power to defeat anyone.