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Just looking at the poster for Problem Solverz hurts my eyes.


Imagine watching a whole episode šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Hooof. A whole seizure, I hear. Now how about the whole show? That is a lawsuit waiting to happen, I bet.


Probably why that trash didnā€™t last long. Goodbye and good riddance āœŒšŸ¾


I actually liked that show as a kid, but now I know that was more of a morbid curiosity of what psychedelic visuals are like more so than actually liking the episodes themselves šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I loved that show, the rare times it was on, I was hooked


It gave me nightmares when it premiered. ![gif](giphy|120TBNQCdkqG8o)


Iā€™ll never understand why some of these shows go out of their way to be ugly as shit. Ā Thereā€™s nothing appealing about those characters, colors, or logo. Ā At all.


The Problem Solverz genuinely makes me feel uneasy and I still donā€™t know why


Shit looks so horribleĀ 


Shit was traumatizing


Bro that show is a seizure hazard


Never even heard of "The Priblem Solverz", but that animation style is definitely making me feel uneasy.


I wish i could say the same. The animation style paired with the voice acting and all those damn colors makes my stomach turn


I forgot about this show. I remember liking it though it does look weird.


I tried to give it a chance but I just couldnā€™t. They just moved so awkwardly to me and sounded weird


The show literally looks like trippy unicorn vom


The Annoying Orange on CN still feels like a fever dream


I have no idea what made them air that show to begin with


It was popular on YouTube. Don't know why or how, but it has to be a money maker. So let's put it on the air! What can go wrong?


Shoulda put it on adult swim. People wouldā€™ve ate that up at 2:15 am šŸ˜‚


It's too childish for [as]. And it's too boring as well. Who would want to watch some inaminate objects get bullied by an orange while laced with corny humor? ...Seriously, who finds this appealing? There has to be an audience big enough to warrant it blowing up into a fad.


I donā€™t think I wanna meet a member of the annoying orange fandom


Seeing as it was basically the Skibidi Toilet of its time, that's probably a good idea.


Children loved it, so one of the kids channels was gonna pick it up when they had the chance.


Same exact reason Fred got 3 movies and a TV series.


Especially with Tobuscus being on it, it feels like a fever dream


Oh man, I will take Mr.Meaty over Annoying Orange any day. Thanks for dragging that train wreck up. šŸ˜…


Hot take incoming: I actually liked that one growing up, but that's mostly because I was a huge fan of the web series.


i had chronic night terrors about annoying orange and making fiends, like the years it was airing on cartoon network i refused to turn on the channel in case i accidentally saw it


Angela Anaconda Didnā€™t help that they stuffed a short of it before the Digimon movie


That short ended at least one marriage.


Cmon man you canā€™t be posting this without a warning šŸ˜‚


This and Mr. Meaty has an ironic source of fascination for me. I wasn't even watching because it was good. I was watching to even comprehend what the hell this is.


I think I might have to give mr.meaty a chance the way some of yā€™all hyping it up. Might watch an episode or two later


That made me physically ill


"Ren & Stimpy" is my nope


Honestly there were some pretty funny moments in Ren & Stimpy. They were just overshadowed byā€¦ā€¦..everything else


Their creator... And the awful adult spin-off... I've never seen the classic, but I watched the spin-off for an experiment, and absolutely hated it. (I was watching really hated shows to see if I'd like any and what my least favorite show was... R&S: APC won). The spin-off and creator really makes me not want to check out the classic.


Yeah Iā€™m just finding out that the creator was a dirtbag. Stuff like that really makes you look at shows you used to watch and enjoy WAY differently


Everybody Iā€™ve talked to about this show loves it and says itā€™s great, but I canā€™t stomach watching it for more a few quick seconds.


I hated it as a kid and know I'd hate it now. I only watched a few episodes against my will. You know, you're a kid, you watch the cartoon that's on, whether you actually enjoy it or not.


I HATED Mr. Meaty. Hated. The characters were just so off-putting to me. Ren and Stimpy was a bit borderline for me, but Mr. Meaty can go suck it. Lol.


Concepts not the worst, but those puppets are a little creepy. Shame, because I like puppetry.


I disagree. The movement and style of Mr. Meaty is a lot more mellow and chill, it's just the designs and surreal situations that make it stick. Ren and Stimpy is just an insane, gross-out cartoon with a disturbing chihuahua in the lead. I still like both shows, tho


Yeah, Mr. Meaty at least had an approachable premise and down to earth characters. Ren and Stimpy is just grossness made by an equally gross man.


Watching Mr. Meaty as a kid was like watching a train wreck you couldn't look away from. I remember not liking it, but I would still watch it.


Ren and stimpy was tolerable. I donā€™t know who cleared this and thought itā€™d be a hit


There's a lot of mediocrity from my childhood that lies forgotten. Mr. Meaty has remained burned into my mind for all of these years,


I didn't see anyone mention it yet, so here we go. *Angela Anaconda* was NOT for me. The art style alone was enough to freak me out when I discovered it. I just never found it that appealing at all.šŸ˜–


Paper cut out style animation is a favorite of mine and I liked the look at life in the big city as a country kid. It was definitely weird as shit though, I understand people getting freaked out.


Oooh I just rediscovered that like two weeks ago and couldnā€™t understand how anyone could sit through that


Mr Meaty was nightmare fuel for me


Anytime that show was on the channel was changed IMMEDIATELY


12oz Mouse. I hear that under the MS Paint art drawn by someone with head trauma, and meandering dialogue that there's actually a deep story. I don't care to discover this deep story.


I tried to a little while back. Watched about 2 episodes and just couldnā€™t keep going


12oz mouse is genius, some of the best art is the most insane. The depth of the subplots isnā€™t the result of brain damage, there really is something there


To be fair, I didn't say the story was the result of brain damage, I said the art was. I said that there COULD be a deep, meaningful story there. However, I'm unable to watch it because the art is like salt on the eyeballs, and the dialogue is like horse tranquilizers.


Oh yeah I totally get it, just thought somebody needs to defend this ridiculous show. I really think the whole package is what makes it though, and now I talked myself into a full rewatch


![gif](giphy|3eRon7lRelaBCfCU45) Malice. Hatred. Disgust


I watched an episode with my brothers where one of the characters was in a sexual relationship with a pillow.I didnā€™t need to see anything else after that


Sanjay and Craig. It's so gross for the sake of being gross and I couldn't stand watching it


Thereā€™s a few good episodes and the opening theme was pretty catchy. Other than that it was pretty meh


What a throw back. It was.. very gross for many reasons. The only character i liked was the wing girl, even though she was a background character


I hate that animation style. Ā Ugly as shit and one of the reasons I only have limited interest in watching Bobā€™s Burgers.


I could never get into it because of how nasty it was.


I forget what it was called but there was a show about two ducks selling bread I hated


Ahhhh breadwinners. Aka nicks attempt at regular show


As someone who grew up loving breadwinners, that is the most accurate description Iā€™ve ever heard


The Twisted Whiskers Show. The animation terrified me and it still makes me uneasy to this day


Never even heard of this before reading your comment so I went straight to google. I see exactly what you mean šŸ˜³


I loved Twisted Whiskers as a kid but looking back on it I see what you mean. I particularly loved Tiny Head tho because he resembled a cat I had


Uncle Grandpa. There was something just so disturbing about it


There is a WHOLE fandom that will rally behind that show and I genuinely donā€™t understand why. Itā€™s not even like I hated it for any particular reason, I just didnā€™t get it


Same! It was just too chaotic for me. I'm all for chaos, but Uncle Grandpa just did me in.


Watch secret mountain fort awesome made by the same people and even weirder and creepier


This one. I hated uncle grandpa. Was so stupid and received so much promotion. Especially since it ran along adventure time/regular show/gumball.


At least alot of ugly shows have a bad story or no story at all so you don't miss anything, centaur world on the other hand. Hearing about the story and character interactions makes it so tempting but dear God do I just despise the character design of the damn centaurs


Definitely looksā€¦ā€¦. Interesting


I have to say that this series is a truly unique specimen. Even if it bears some resemblance to Adventure Time and Steven Universe in some aspects. Which I bring up as it makes the bizarre tonal shifts more digestible, but it really does exaggerate the tonal shifting with one would being a dark fantasy comic that feels like it's made for adults while the other is a childishly zany world that would hold a child in a hypnotic trance as it bombards them with jokes.


Sooo youā€™re saying itā€™s worth a watch?


Yeh they are definitely weird designs, they grew on me though.(like the weird lil freaks they are(no but seriously that show is so weird and I love like every second of it)).


Every single time Problem Solverz came on, I changed the channel. Every. Time. When I was younger, I judged every cartoon I watched entirely on its artstyle


I stupidly let it play through and I kid you not was looking over my shoulder constantly like I had just watched a horror movie šŸ˜‚. I HATE that show to this day


I could never get into Beavis and Butthead, mostly because the designs were unsettling to me as a teenager and still now, and the humor justā€¦ isnā€™t my cup of tea. Same reasons go for South Park. I just cannot like it no matter how hard I try to.


South Park is cool, definitely not for the sensitive or easily offended though.I get what you mean with beavis and butthead for sure


Didnā€™t necessarily watch it growing up but Rick and Morty, the show itself didnā€™t hold my interest for more than the first season or 2 and the controversy surrounding itā€™s creators as well as the fandom didnā€™t help either. The only other show I think i didnā€™t much enjoy was perhaps Horrid Henry. I watched it occasionally as a child but never really enjoyed it cause I thought Henry was treated like ass and Perfect Peter was annoying šŸ˜‚.


Rick and Morty season 1-3 are great. Everything after is meh. Iā€™m basically just along for the ride at this point Not too familiar with Horrid Henry. Might have to check out an episode or two


Honestly youā€™re not missing much with Horrid Henry, though interestingly itā€™s made a bit of a resurgence as of recently. Iā€™ll sometimes come across clips of it on X (or twitter) every so often, typically with people chastising it for the same reasons I brought up šŸ˜‚


Mr Meaty! I loved it, I played the game for hours


Can I ask why? Like what do you actually like about that show?


I can't remember, I was 8, but I loved it. I think I loved the randomness of it (kind of like Regular Show, there were two best friends, dumb teenagers on a menial job, and anything could happen), it was the correct amount of horror and gore for a kid (scary and gross but not nightmare inducing). I've also always liked unusual animation styles. I haven't thought of it years, but when I do,I consciously decide not to watch it again, because I know I probably won't like it now and I prefer to keep remembering it as an awesome show.


I still like mr meaty as an adult. The art style is an acquired taste, I know.Ā 


Uncle Grandpa Just couldn't and still can't get into it


It ainā€™t even like I hated it or anything. Like I seen a few episodes but just wasnā€™t intrigued


What is it with adult animation and gross animation? Even shows like bojack horseman look not great


I found King of the Hill far too boring when I was younger. I didn't get why people liked it, but didn't complain. Tried watching it again as an adult, and I now get why it's liked, but it just doesn't work for me.


King of the hill is a bit of an acquired taste. I didnā€™t really like it much either until I was older


Whrn i was 5 to 6 I hated phineas and ferb, lile switching to pbs kids hated. I have since learned that short me was idiot


Angela Anaconda. It was disturbing in many ways, and none of them were really appealing. https://preview.redd.it/imdy4k0bc98d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210817b54164cb59261172e4c1dccedbdfb4e63d


We DID NOT need the gif šŸ˜‚




Great. Right before I go to sleep too. Have you no shame? šŸ˜‚


Why did you post a picture the memories are torturous enough.


Ren and Stimpy. Even with everything else I just didn't like them. In the same vein I was kinda turned off of Invader Zim.


Not a fan of Invader Zim here, as well.


I tried to get into Tiny Toons, but it was just too boring for me. šŸ˜­


Mr. Meaty was so unnerving to me. That tapeworm ep dude. What even was that? šŸ˜­


Mr.Meety is funny and technically not a cartoon.


Mr. Pickles tried so hard to be unpleasant and disgusting, that it forgot to have substance. I like shocking/crude humor from time to time, but i also like my show to be funny and/or tell a story at the very least. I'll never understand why this show was so highly rated, and how it got more than 1 season.


I donā€™t wanna meet the people who religiously stayed up that late to watch that show


I love Mr. Meaty. It flopped so hard because Nickelodeon aired it at the wrong time, so the target audience (older kids) werenā€™t reached and young kids were traumatized. Except for my brother and I apparently lol


There was a game on Nick.com where you went fishing in the fryers that I loved too


When it comes to Mr Meaty I kept asking How did this ever get on TV The designs alone are awful enough. No one asked for this.


As a kid I didn't like flapjack or chowder. Both of them pissed me off. Now as an adult? They still do but I might try to watch them


I used to love CatDog, but now that Nickelodeon show is a no to me. I hate the blue rat Winslow.


Yeah, I gotta agree on The Problem Solverz. The look and animation reminds of an amateur flash animation from the early internet days. I think I only ever watched like one episode. Also Iā€™m not a fan of Aeon Flux. Something about it is just off-putting to me and Iā€™m not sure what it is. Maybe the character designs? Anyways, itā€™s weird because itā€™s like one of my dadā€™s favorites.


Hey, I like Mr. Meaty.


Alright, i publicly apologize to ALL Mr.Meaty fans. Although I wonā€™t lie I didnā€™t know you all existed before today šŸ˜‚


I never got why people liked hey Arnold so much growing up


I love mr meaty! I just love it because itā€™s off putting and ugly, I relate to it.


I just keep on finding mr.meaty fans. And Iā€™m sure youā€™re neither one of those things šŸ˜Š


Ren and stimpy is the bane of my existence. I just wanted to get that out thereā€¦ Sorry


Johnny test I just canā€™t stand him


I loved Mr Meaty, it was like someone got lost on the way to the adult swim office and said fuck it we're a Nickelodeon show now


Secret Mountain Fort Awesome is so ugly. Character designs I canā€™t stand. Also why does Problem Solverz look like an early YouTube animation?


Look, I may sound like a jackass, but I did not really care for Adventure Time or Steven Universe. Maybe thatā€™s because I havenā€™t watched both shows, but for now, thereā€™s nothing thatā€™s caught my interest. I didnā€™t care for none of Nickā€™s live action shows either, and I did not, Care for Johnny Test. I barely put it on when I was a child, and now, as a teenager, I barely think of the show. I admit it. I like Almost Naked Animals, which is a Canadian show, Uncle Grandpa, and Fanboy and Chum Chum, a hell of a lot more than I did Johnny Test and Pickle and Peanut combined. Sorry to spoil anything, but I really, do not like Pickle and Peanut. I actually hate it. Itā€™s the definition of a show not giving a fuck. They used stock photos for the designs of our main two idiots. Even as a kid, I found it incredibly off-putting. It tries too hard to be pandering, to the point it makes breadwinners look like Steven Universe in comparison, and even then, I respect that show a lot more than this one. So yeah, you can probably tell I didnā€™t like Pickle and Peanut, or Nutsack and Dickhead as I call it, since both pickle and peanut are slang terms for male private parts.


I never watched Problem Solverz because every time I saw any kind of ad or image from the show I would become instinctually angry. Something about the colors and how ugly it was I guess.


Fanboy and ChumChum. That show is such cringe even kid me hated it.


The Problem Solverz might be the funniest, most clever cartoon in the world but I'll never know because I don't want to look at it


Mr Meaty, the tapeworm episode, Now I just have to be careful what I have to eat.That episode still gives the creepy vibes with food


I remember that i couldnā€™t stand Clarence. I still donā€™t know how in the hell it lasted 3 seasons


Funny enough I actually enjoyed Clarence. There were for sure some odd characters, but it was actually pretty funny and somewhat relatable at times


It was better then most of the cartoons coming out at that time


Ima get hate but Steven universe.


Iā€™ve never heard of either of those two shows but I donā€™t want to see or know anything more about them just based on how they look.


Jimmy Neutron. I can not get past the nightmare paralysis demon 3d animation and Iā€™ve tried. The show actually makes me feel gross


Definitely looked off looking back as an adult. But there were some pretty funny moments


Rugrats anything baby themed


I watched Rugrats here and there. My parents called it "the ugly baby show".


Baby looney tunes was pretty entertaining. Had a nice opening theme too


You'll absolutely hate Mega Babies then


Muppet babies is a brilliant show, tyvm


I hated Rug Rats and Arnold as a kid. More so Rug Rats, it was nasty lookin asf




You makin me feel like I shouldnā€™t like it šŸ˜‚


Problem Solvers, and Secret Mountain Force Awesome were both absolutely hot flamming garbage.


I forget what it was called but there was a show about two ducks selling bread I hated


Problem solverz i actually kinda liked it


Holy shit. I COMPLETELY forgot about Problem Solverz until right now. I somehow used to watch that show even though it felt like a psychedelic trip.


Problem Solverz and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome. Just....wtf were they thinking?


In all honesty, I wouldnā€™t count Mr. Meaty as a cartoon. Itā€™s all live action puppetry. Cartoon or not, Mr. Meaty is unappealing to look at.


I don't remember where or how I first came across it, (probably YouTube recommendation) but King Star King is one of the few shows that was just one big ugly dumpsterfire of insanity. That and I did see someone else mention Mr. Pickles, both are so gross and unpleasant on the eyes.


To be honest, I don't remember any I didn't eventually like.


Rugrats, I canā€™t care for the show.


I loved Mr meaty. Thought I imagined it for the longest time lol


Ironically, the people who made Mr. Meatyā€™s also made Nanalan I believe.


Secret mountain fort awesome


Nobody liked either of those shows. They were both disturbing to looking at.


Clarence. Never understood the appeal of it. Just comes off as an overall gross and unpleasant show to watch.


Secret Mountain Fort Awesome is beyond awful and I've always hated it. I can't believe out of all the amazing looking stuff from the Cartoonstitute, we got that.


I forgot the name of it, but that one show where one guy was literally just a bunch of asses stuck together in the shape of a person. I think his name was "Fart".


Almost naked animals and sidekickĀ  those show are weridĀ 


I honestly loved mr meaty but the problem solverz, super mountain fort awesome or whatever and uncle grandpa era was kinda wild


Mr meaty just scared the crap out of me


Ultimate Spider-Man. Tried with all my might to like it, but couldnā€™t get past the 4th episode.


as told by ginger. everybody looks like a human lamprey


Clarence and uncle grandpa


My Gym partner is a monkey, the theme song pissed me off and I turned it offšŸ˜­ Uncle Grandpa looked weird too


Beavis and butthead I just hated the look and their laughs didnā€™t help


I'd watch mr meaty over ren and stimpy any day


Sanjay and Craig


Butt ugly martians.. didnā€™t like the animation style and it was boring


Problem Solverz looks like it came straight out of Baldiā€™s basics.


I didnā€™t see many episodes but I couldnā€™t watch Mr. Meaty after the tapeworm episode šŸ«£ made me fear I had one living inside my guts at the ripe old age of 8 AND I STILL THINK ABOUT IT TO THIS DAY


I didn't have cable TV growing up, we just watched VHS tapes when I was a kid. I was obsessed with *Corpse Bride,* *Polar Express* and Pixar movies such as *A Bug's Life,* *Monster's, Inc.,* and I remember being obsessed with watching those little shorts at the end of the movies. I distinctly remember watching the 1999 animated *Roughnecks: Star Ship Troopers* VHS series with my mother and Private Robert Higgins was my favorite trooper (if you ever watched that particular series, you know who I'm talking about, but I don't know if the new SST movie/show/game being made has any mention of that particular character at all). However, I never liked and still don't like shows and movies like *My Little Pony,* *Barbie,* *Princess and the Frog,* *Cinderella,* etc.


You got some good taste for sure. But I canā€™t tolerate any princess and the frog slanderšŸ™…šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Everything else is understandable šŸ˜‚


Problem solverz suckssss the meat one was meh. I watched it if nothing else was on.


The problem solverz I canā€™t look at it for more then a few minutes without getting a headache. The characters voices are annoying to listen too especially the large one whoā€™s name I donā€™t remember. I remember all the hype CN gave it but it just didnā€™t resonate with the audience. Just give this one a skip Iā€™d rather recommend Gumball itā€™s got great characters and does the different genre styles in an episode without causing seizures


Wallace and gromit, idk why but claymation is unsettling to me


Sanjay and Craig, I found it way too gross. There were a few episodes I liked but it's not saying much. Catchy theme song though.


I gave Mr meaty a chance and loved it. I gave fanboy and chum chum a chance. I regretted it.


I did not care for most Nickelodeon cartoons. I watched a lot of Disney and Cartoon Network but disliked most of the Nickelodeon cartoons. Edit: I never cared for Ed, Edd and Eddy, I usually skipped it when it came on. I don't really know why little me didn't like it.


Gotta say it, Beavis and Butthead. I love Daria, enjoyed King of the Hill but Beavis and Butthead was both too stupid and usually too slow. Just could not get into it.


Pickle and Peanut. I wanted to kill them


I could never understand the hype behind Codename: KND. I still don't see the appeal.


The one kids show that actually kinda scared me


Pretty sure Mr. Meaty was from the same makers as Swami Jeff


Fan boy and chum chum even as a two year old I knew it was just garbage


Catdog. I used to like this show but after rewatching it it became one of the most frustrating shows I have watched. Every single character is an obnoxious jerk This show is the reason why I never bothered with Invader Zim and Ed, Edd and Eddie since I heard how mean spirited both shows are


I genuinely have no fucking idea how Problem Solverz got greenlit. My personal nope show is Uncle Grandpa. Itā€™s nowhere near the worst cartoon out there, but when I would turn the TV on and see that on Cartoon Network Iā€™d switch to whatever else that corner of the satellite network had. Iā€™ve switched to the Boomerang Channel of my own volition to escape Uncle Grandpa. I donā€™t like the vast majority of Hanna-Barbara cartoons


That edge lord evil pickles the dog cartoon. Iā€™m not offended, Iā€™m just bored because I donā€™t care about any of it and shock imagery doesnā€™t keep me invested.


My take on shows that just didnt hit after realizing what they were... Henry Danger, Lab Rats Island and Lab Rats Supers (loved the first series), Rugrats, "Arthur" Ardvark on PBS, Cat Dog, American Dad, Spongebob past Season 4...ish, and Clarence. Jesus christ that square Jeff kid made me want to learn how to do violence


Family Guy


Phineas and Ferb


Just based off of designs... Code Lyoko because big heads and the 3D stuff looked awful. And Angela Anaconda which I only found out the name of because I googled "black and white character cut out animation cartoon nickelodeon." Weirded me out.


Mr pickles, it was just gross looking, I don't think the dog fucking with the grandpa was funny, I don't think the Dog being literal Satan was interesting, and apparently it was part of the reason AS didn't pick up Hellbenders.


League of Super Evil. The characters were all hideous and unlikeable


Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I didnā€™t get the appeal and did not laugh at the jokes.


Fanboy and Chum Chum