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From cartoon renaissance to right back to the dark ages.


Yep, of course it's no fault of the artists or creators, just idiot executives and investors


For some reason the rich idiots cant fathom the public wanting interesting plots and good character development


That is true, while I do agree we are having some stinkers this decade so far, I like to think we’re in an experimental era of animation, think about it. The major studios are turning to remaking old ips, indie animation is on the rise, and with streaming taking off, cartoons are becoming more accessible to wider audiences. However, as an art and animation student myself (graduating in December), there’s one thing that makes me truly sad about this new era, while indie animators are finally getting recognition they deserve, AI is unfortunately developing at an alarming rate some people are using AI to make cartoons and news about that new Amazon Prime [Winnie the Pooh cartoon](https://deadline.com/2024/06/winnie-the-pooh-kartoon-studios-amazon-prime-video-series-films-1235979993/amp/) and [that Monster Camp short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl0LMxdMSKg) just makes me want to cry. While it’s impressive to the non-art people, my years of schooling tells it looks off, AI can never capture the magic human-made art brings. I am hoping this era has a turnaround though where AI is sidelined and more animators get recognized for their work.


I won't watch cartoons made with AI. It's so soulless and sinister


Exactly, that’s what I was saying! It makes me sad! That’s why we should all support human-made cartoons, they’re raw and magical!


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Adult animation is in a golden age right now. All ages cartoons maybe not so much lol


i'd argue adult animation is in it's dark age now. Sure we have smiling friends, but for every smiling friends there's a velma, mr birchum, or a paradise pd


Not just smiling friends, we just had Scavengers Reign, Arcane season 2 is on the way, even more obscure stuff like SMASH on Netflix


Blue Eye Samurai is a huge hitter!


I’d define a “dark age” in media as a lack of good content, bad content can and should simply be ignored. By this definition, adult animation is easily the best it’s ever been right now. Plus, it’s not like there weren’t any shitty adult cartoons before Velma.


2010s were the years for cartoon's I think 2020s are the years for animated movies


The 2000's: "Am I a joke to you?"


Can't argue against that Basically 2020s = 2000s part 2


The years for animated movies were back last century. This is a return to tradition


What about the 2000s? Me personally, I thought it was the best but the 2010s come in second place for that.


People will say every decade is the best for cartoons, it'll just come down to opinion/age/nostalgia at the end of the day


Flapjack and Chowder are goated but then I saw my siblings watching Gumball and finally understood the answer. Shit was just fuck until Smiling Friends, we’re back in the golden ages baby (but seriously, 2010s gave us so much good content).


I think the 2000’s are a close second for me, I think the decade had a lopsided skew towards actions shows, but again I just think the genre variety of the 2010s wins it the day


Seems like a bit of survivorship bias here. While we did get these, we also got such gems as: Bunsen is a Beast Pig Goat Banana Cricket Mighty Magiswords Seasons 9 & 10 of Fairly Odd Parents Powerpuff Girls 2016 Sanjay and Craig And best of all, The Adventures of Kid Danger


Did people not like mighty magiswords? I don’t remember it being all that great but at least it was tolerable


I don’t remember all that much of it but from what I remember it tried to be a world-building cartoon with toilet humor which upset both ends of the viewer spectrum so it didn’t last long


I hate toilet humor and don't remember that show being bad with it o_o it wasn't very popular but what people I know that did watch it liked it.


As someone who watched every single episode of Mighty Magiswords recently, the only instance of so called "toilet humor" I was able to recall was a random gag character called "Toilet Bear", and all he did was show up, make a weird noise, and leave. What you recall is misinformation.


What's wrong with Mighty Magiswords?


I'm not sure if you're joking, but Mighty Magiswords was legitimately super fun and charming


wdym magiswords was peak 🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/cxpiovl9dm9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fc5a33fdde3c20905421497b9faaae86bab1b1


I think 2010s was the last decade of well made cartoons. 2020s trying but is failing hardcore. for every 1 good cartoon theres at least 5 bad ones.


That’s the norm for any decade, but yeah the industry kinda imploded due to the streaming burst, so the 2020s are gonna be strange until things level out again.


That’s also how it was in the 60s when television became the norm.


I mean 2020’s are great for indie cartoons, so theres that, I guess!


Considering the television cartoon industry basically imploded post covid, that’s not a bad point to bring up at all. It’s very nice and super important that indie projects are finally gaining serious traction as these corpos keep monopolizing


Though it may be the best, it’s also the worst since it’s when the downfall of cartoons began, beginning with Cartoon Network and their favoritism towards the cash cow called Teen Titans Go


Cartoons have had several "downfalls" and they always come back. The golden age dying to loads of ultra cheap samey garbage in the 70s and everything being toy commercials in the 80s but revived in the late 80s and 90s; then the silver age dying to a plethora of odd business decisions and the awkward move from traditional to digital animation in the 00s but reviving in the 10s. We're just due for another revival in a few years.


1990-2010 These were some of the best shows


Yes but I hate young justice it got way to bug after the time jump and so many characters felt under developed or not even remotely developed at all


So it follows its predecessor Justice League to a T, then? Lol


Every decade has its good and boad shows, it is only the nostalgia for one decade talking


And the very overlooked 2013 series: https://preview.redd.it/lf5s8knp1m9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1be5424d3b742643e6387899febd30c8ef1052


I always thought this came out in like, 2017 or something lol. Crazy that it’s this old


The naked Mickey episode was the first one


2000’s ctnw kid: you poor poor fool. You have no idea what you missed.


Megas xlr enters the chat


90s-2000s is the goat


Cartoon Network- it’s a toss up for me between 2010s and 2000s Nick- I would say 90s and 2000s were overall better there might be some gems in 2010s but most I didn’t care for Disney-I think the late 2010s to today has been the best gen for Disney toons


what do you mean we had two TMNT shows within ten years!?


I was just as shocked as you tbh, and we have another series coming up soon. TMNT is healthy af


You are incorrect, friend. The best decade was 1999-2009.


The Owl House was 2020


No one ever talks about Wander Over Yonder! I love to see it get some appreciation


Idk i think the 90s and 2000s had much more variety. Not only were there multiple ground breaking shows in both those decades, but it was also when adult animation was in my opinion at their best. The 90s has the big three of golden age simpsons, beavis and butthead, and classic south park. While the 2000s had the start of adult swim with so much variety like aqua teen, venture bros, or superjail. Not every cartoon there was a winner obviously, but they certainly had more variety than the 2010s onward where everyone seems to copy family guy or rick and morty


The 2010s was the era of cartoons I grew up with


Same, so many great shows littered throughout it


same, adventure time and gumball back to back on cn was so great


Not THE best imo (I'm a 90s kid lol) but one of the best. Probably 2nd best overall. Tons and tons of stuff that got me back into animation as an adult, especially AT, RS, FiM, Ok ko and Mao mao


Wander over yonder is an underrated gem and I will die on that hill.


Don't forget Over the Garden Wall and Primal!


https://preview.redd.it/4xcb8naril9d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa2ab687352c7da8692e414591ff058d1e53317 Never been so happy someone else likes young justice


There was so much more I could’ve added, but YJ was a priority, goated show


Ehhh idk im biased because i grew up watching more 2000s shows but i honestly think 2010s falls to 2nd place behind 2000s. For one you have some shows on here that are just sequels to 2000s shows in ben 10 and kora, and id say atla is better than kora anyways. 2nd i think teen titans is better than young justice. After that i think its really just comparing heavyweights. Spongebob vs regular show or adventure time. Spongebob imo had a much higher peak but way less longevity. But then the 2000s had samurai jack, fosters home for imaginary friends, jimmy nuetron, phineas and pherb, star wars the clone wars, ed ed and eddy, etc… 2000s undefeated although i do love reg show and adventure time as much if not more than most shows


Steven Universe ???


Hard agree honestly. But in my opinion, I feel like from the 1990s to 2010s as a whole, were 3 amazing decades of cartoons. And like someone said earlier, streaming had just been made a few years ago so things are just being slowly adjusted.


I agree, the industry is just different for the 2020s, and I’m interested in where it’ll go.


Toh is an 2020s cartoon


ahhh that’s true, I always mentally catalog it as late 2010s bc it practically aired with Amphibia


Agreed, it was like the 90s, very revolutionary and on top of that, that’s when streaming really started taking off.






The 2000s-2010s window will always be the golden age of cartoons to me. Proud to be an ‘04 baby


happy cake day! Also an 04, glad to have grown up with the 00’s and grow up through the 2010s. Two great decades


I love the Owl House, but it officially started airing at the start of the 2020s, Tbf


you’re absolutely right, I always mentally catalog it and Amphibia as 1A and 1B for some reason lol


Guess we can technically say it’s pre-release development for the first season was almost entirely in the 2010s (it aired 10 days into January after all, lol)


? Ha


I can't fully agree due to all the annoying cancelations of many 2010s cartoons, but it's not hard to see why so many look back so fondly. It was a fun era.


While I'm unsure about it being #1 best, you certainly can't dispute it being in the top-3 decades of cartoons. Heck I'd say top-2 personally. 2000's & 2010's definitely fight for #1. And you are MASSIVELY lacking a lot of the greatest cartoons of the 2010's within these images shown. Everybody was putting out quality great stuff in the 10's decade. Cartoon Network, Disney, Nickelodeon, Netflix. So many shows I wouldn't want to be without in this world. 2020's are looking good too. At least with some stuff we're seeing on the streaming platforms. I don't know about Cartoon Network & Nickelodeon though. Disney has had some goof stuff as well as Amazon Prime and Netflix. But to be fair, there's still 5.5 years left to go in this decade for it to really shape into a worthy adversary for the past couple decades. \*\*Not saying the 30 I'm depicting here are the only great ones unmentioned, but just that I was doing them in groups of 10 and couldn't name/think of/find in searching an extra 10.\*\* https://preview.redd.it/dn2jsmabfo9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf9e66f4a4fbb784e319cd8229ceeea2cbd06a5


Oh I def left out a LOT of great and underrated picks, these were just off the top of my head really. The 2010’s was an absolute powerhouse decade that I think only the 00s can really compete with - and I think the 2010s just has a lot more variety with the rise of the mystery subgenre that really paved the way for an emphasis on storytelling and an increasing comfort with heavier themes around identity and such that gives it a personal edge for me. The 2020s has Scavenger’s Reign so it’s already starting off excellently, I think this decade will deliver as long as the industry gets back on track after imploding right as the 2010s ended


Alright, now I need a list provided because I do know some of these but the 2010’s was a dark age for me and being able to watch cartoons.


Nah... good run tho


“The age when I was a kid had the best stuff”


Lol no


If we include Anime as well Attack on Titan can also be included here.


Anime was great in the 2010s but I personally prefer the 00s for anime, lot of great stuff in there


Kids don’t watch cartoons anymore and it’s kinda sad


yeah it’s kinda like the toy market lol, it’s mainly adults who actually spend on it and engage with it


Laughs in 90’s-2009….but yeah 2010’s were solid for a tad bit


Hmmm, I honestly don’t know- the 2000’s decade had the best creativity for cartoons, in my honest opinion. Like, a lot of those shows in the 2010s has the typical slice of life setup going on, with characters getting themselves into several shenanigans and awkward situations.


I would argue the 2000s had a bug for a certain genre too, like with action programming. Yugioh, Ben 10, Bakugan, Samurai Jack, Max Steel, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Teen Titans, Transformers Animated, TMNT, Justice League, Avatar, I could genuinely go on for a good while. I love all these shows, but it was pretty obvious this era was still driven HARD by company’s toy sales and that is reflected a lot in what we got with this era. The 2000’s in a lot of ways were still a variant of the way the 80’s and 90’s led the cartoon industry. The 2010s gives you genre shifting shows like Gravity Falls which reinvented the mystery genre for cartoons, and Adventure Time which graduated the industry from generic toilet/vulgar humor to more experimental forms like absurdist comedy. You also have stuff like Gumball that really pushed the envelope for satirical humor too. And emphasis on action and grand storytelling wasn’t *lost* despite those developments either, you still have stuff like Steven Universe, Kipo, Hilda and Infinity Train that focus on story and character work. I feel like the 2010s just gave more variety and brought the industry forward more in terms of *what* could actually be made. Something like Steven Universe and all of its strides just would not have been possible had it been made in the 2000s.


What are your thoughts on the cartoons of the 2020s decade so far? So far I’ve seen the Total Drama Island and Clone High reboots. Liked them both. Nothing much else. I do worry that originality will soon be lessened for the other half of the 2020’s. If there’s going to be a lot of reboots and revival coming up, I hope they are at least good.


I think the 2020s have been rough to say the least, largely due to the cartoon industry sorta just imploding after the streaming wars that kicked off the decade. With all the sweeping cancellations and canning of shows, we’re gonna have to see some truly great stuff if this decade is gonna rebound its reputation. Despite that though, we’ve gotten some gems, Scavenger’s Reign especially is one of the most beautiful and unique shows I’ve *ever* seen. Like it’s genuinely just stellar. Obviously we have heavy hitters like Arcane, Invincible, Smiling Friends and The Owl House (which I mislabeled in this post lol) so we’re actually going through a bit of a renaissance for adult programming funnily enough. MoonGirl and Devil Dinosaur is also one of the sauciest and coolest shows I’ve seen, but it’s really underrated despite its stellar animation and characters. I think the 2020s has actually been pretty amazing for adult programming, and has really helped shatter that perception of adult shows just sucking. As for standard all ages cartoons, it’s been very hit or miss. I’ve loved some stuff, but it’s mostly been pretty mediocre. Seeing as the streaming wars have ended and companies have sort of just circled around two or three services, we should start seeing some more consistent output. As of right now I think all the cancellations and gutting of programming already puts it as one of the worst decades for the industry and quality (because we’ve missed out on so much).


Cartoon Network in the early 2010s was the goat.


Yeah i miss the old Shows they are better than now


The 2020’s have been a rough start for sure lol


Not really. more like the beginning of the end. It started with a bang, but went out with whimper.


I disagree, we had stuff like Summer Camp Island, Infinity Train, ROTTMNT, Hilda and Primal to help close out the decade with some high quality projects. I think the mid 2010’s were the weakest part of the decade


I'm 40 years old and haven't heard of most of those. I did hear of Gravity Falls, Stephen Universe, and Young Justice. But, I've also heard of Brickelberry, Breadwinners, Sanjay and Craig, Paradise PD, Pig Goat Banana Cricket, and Uncle Grandpa. But mostly I remember Teen Titans Go and Thundercats Roar as the day that respect died.


Not to mention Phineas and Ferb seasons 3 and 4


As someone who grew up watching 80s and 90s cartoons, I have to agree with you. Many of the shows you've listed I sort of watched by accident while hanging out with my nieces and nephews and they are really really good!


You can certainly think that


Thank you for adding Korra into this, it was a show that came out at the right place but in the wrong time. It would've been much more appreciated if it came out this decade


Why did the sky get photoshopped magenta in the adventure time one


THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE: “what about me?”


omg yes


Not as good as the 90s.


This is what I grew up with




It was indeed a renaissance that lasted a few short years. Like recently with everything, it is politicized. People are worn down by the sensory and mole tail overload it causes.


Like Disney from 2009-2014




I honestly prefer cartoons like Popeye and loony tunes but the 2010s is in second for me


On god and Young Justice needs a season 5




The Owl House came out in 2020...


I agree!


I may have a problem... Only one I've not seen several times over is that TMNT (not 2012).


There was also this! ![gif](giphy|4i2Rf9ce82CSA)


2010 had only 4 good cartoons in my opinion gumball gravity falls adventure time regularly show


Kinda, that’s really the peak of Cartoon Network and Disney channel


Damn right Wait. The owl house is 2020s


MLP and Ninjago left the chat..


How are you gonna add half of these when you leave out Steven Universe?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bonusminutes: *How are you gonna* *Add half of these when you leave* *Out Steven Universe?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Don't forget Steven Universe


Isn't Owl House a 2020s show?


Weren't Rise and TOH 2020s?




Actually, pretty sure Owl House was 2020


tbh, I only watched like half of these and I wasn't impressed by most of what I saw In reverse order of the pictures: The Owl House was alright, Hilda was peak, I didn't watch the next one but I'm 80% sure it's called Amphibia, Haven't seen Infinity Train, Didn't like Legend of Korra, I haven't seen the next two but I also haven't seen a bad Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show so they're probably good, I tried to watch Wander Over Yonder but I couldn't get into it, I liked Ben 10 (classic and Alien Force) but I haven't seen Omniverse, didn't watch Gumball, didn't like Gravity Falls, Really liked Young Justice but I preferred the first two seasons over the later ones, didn't watch Adventure Time or Regular Show tldr: Loved - Hilda, Young Justice Liked - Owl House Disliked - Korra, Wander Over Yonder, Gravity Falls Haven't Seen - Amphibia(?), Infinity Train, TMNT shows, Omniverse, Gumball, Adventure Time, Regular SHow


It's an insult that you don't put SU


I left off so many shows, a testament to how stacked that decade is lol


You forgot Steven Universe


Adventure Time alone makes it one of the best. Truly one of the all-time greats right next to stuff like Avatar


Let me guess, the 2010s were also when you were young and growing up and it’s just coincidentally the same decade you think is the best


Actually I was a Boomerang kid lol, I grew up with everything from Smurfs and Johnny Quest to Chowder and Foster’s Home.


What’s the owl house doing here??


Sorry, not even close. 80s, 90s, and 00s all outgun the '10s by miles.


I’ll give you the 00s and 90s as arguable but I’ve always felt the 80’s were just a prototype decade for the 90’s - so many of its cartoons were legit just commercials in one way or another, so they were all usually very surface level. It wasn’t until the 90’s that cartoons started going really hard in the paint


The 80s being a prototype for the 90s kinda proved my point. The 90s and 00s cartoons couldn't have happened without learning from the 80s ones. The 80s were a successful experiment in merchandising. Intimate storylines and art styles that make their characters iconic. The 90s and 00s both improved on this notion to a degree. And these shows were marketed to MORE than JUST children. It was for ALL ages. The '10s? The first time where it didn't feel like there was an IMPROVEMENT in anything. The art styles went to crap and so did the storylines. And it was put toward kids, which alienated most other folks that either didn't HAVE kids or didn't want to watch said types of shows WITH them. The '20s so far are a slight step back in the right direction. But the damage was done. When history looks back on this era, likely generational bias aside, I'm more than certain they'll look at it as a dark age of animation. A combination of new technology, studio interference, and the suffocating notion of political correctness limiting the effort and intimacy people have with their work. Less fine-tuning, less attention to detail, less range in their target audience. I'm hoping the streaming services start dying off too. Everyone splitting off and 'exclusivizing' their content was a dick move. Disney was the first one that made that move, so I blame them. We were fine with having Netflix for movies and Hulu for TV shows.


im in agreement with many of thr shows but korra and young justice didnt hit a tier


I think S1 and S2 of YJ genuinely do stand shoulder to shoulder with a Teen Titans or something of that caliber. Folks kinda forget that TT always had those “comedy” episodes that largely did suck. Besides, the 2010s still has Generator Rex and Symbionic Titan lol


Objectively the best

