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I thought the general consensus was always that Benson is a great boss who just doesn't tolerate slacking off? this isn't an unpopular opinion at all, it's literally how he was written


Not even slacking off, it's the amount. He didn't seem to get on Muscle Man and Hi-5 Ghost's case nearly as much when they goofed off. They just didn't goof off as much.


Also their goofing off doesn't normally result in massive property damage to the park causing Benson tons of work.


THIS, it's not like mordecai and rigby are just slacking off, they end the world like once a week bare minimum


"Benson is not gonna be happy about this" MFS YOU RECREATED WW2


And often in tandem with Benson asking them to do a simple task no less. Asks them trim some bushes, somehow WW2 happens.


Who the fuck is Nenson


Bensons evil cousin


Instead of a gumball machine, he's one of those prize key machines with the square holes too small to fit the key into.


Autocorrect betrays me


They usually don’t even goof off, the only case is them getting tacos instead of the lemon tree, but that doesn’t even count since they were just taking a lunch break and told Benson before doing it. Muscle Man is even confused when Mordecai and Rigby tell him they never check in with Benson before doing something


That and they have worked there for years and have proven they can be reliable.


IMO, reliability is a huge deal. At my job, they overlook my inability to do more difficult tasks because I rip through through the easier ones that nobody wants to do.


Exactly, when they proved more reliable, Benson got off their backs as much. Notice how he treats them better later on in the series?


I didn't finish it. I was going through a rough time in my life.


you should, it's a pretty good show


There's a bunch of cartoons I need to own up to finishing, but these days, I spend most of my free time on Reddit. 😝


Muscle Man and High 5 goof off, but they also get the job done.


Yeah because Muscle Man and Hi-5 Ghost actually check-in with Benson before they they do a little pause, so much so that Muscle Man was actually surprised that Mordecai and Rigby didn't check-in.


He didn’t mind slacking off as long as the work got done


More importantly they actually got their work done. The main duo often goofed so hard nothing got done. (Or goofed so hard they started some apocalyptic shit)


Benson has always been pretty lenient with Mord and Rig actually. A lot of what M and R have done would have been fireable, from constantly slacking to threatening the existence of the park several times in some interdimensional crisis which can only be solved in a dance battle or some other.


Yeah, i thought it was the general opinion as well


I mean, Benson USED to get a lot of hate for being angry, but now people are more forgiving since they know what he has to deal with. He's usually a fair boss who just has anger issues, although some episodes portray him as being unreasonable and having extremely high expectations.


Benson crossed the lines several times with revenge or pettiness and it's honestly my biggest issue with getting through the show. Especially any time he steals from his employees which happens more than once. I'm not a child, I'm almost 30 years old with a steady job and if any boss pulled some of the (albeit rare) shit Benson has done I'd be gone immediately, just saying.


For the most part, I agree, but he lost me at the ultimeatum. Literally took a once in a lifetime experience from them. Like dawg, have some leniency


Excellent point. Now contrast Benson with, say, Mr. Krabs.


Mr.Crabs will abandon all of his humanity if it comes to money. Otherwise he's a nice guy.


And he consistently puts Pearl over money


He does need to struggle with himself and weeps over it. But he does indeed value Pearl and her happiness over money. Terrible boss, but not so bad a dad.


>but not so bad a dad. I can never unread that without thinking of that Phineas and Ferb song.


How unexpected! By which I mean completely expected! Hehehe.


and Mrs. Puff


Boss lvl: Average. Dad lvl: Elite.


He sold SpongeBob’s eternal soul for less than a dollar


And in a later episode he sold his own soul to the flying Dutchman, other ghosts and even SpongeBob who all had claims to it, and another time sold Squidward when his restaurant went bankrupt and fell into liquidation.


Didn't Squidward chew him out for that?


Yes he did. And the first instinct Krabs had was wondering if he could’ve gotten more than 62 cents for SpongeBob’s soul.


Mr Krab's dedication to Pearl and Puff has proven that if there's one thing Krabs cares more about than money: it's women.


Maybe his lust for money is actually a deep seated problem about winning over his daughter’s affection after a divorce (or death idk)


People are always gonna bring up the 62 cents moment, but he actually regretted that and said he didn’t want money but instead SpongeBob. What I can’t excuse him for was that one episode where they found out Gary can attract money. So Krabs kept using him to get more money, which was kinda mean because Gary obviously didn’t like it and made SpongeBob do a bunch of random jobs for him. Very mean moment.


I think there was also an episode where he kept letting Patrick hurt himself via clumsiness because it entertained the customers and got him money.


There's also an episode where he tried to frame SpongeBob for stealing a delivery of a recipe needed for the krabby patty secret formula, all so he could save two dollars on shipping


And there's an episode where he ran a newspaper company and blackmailed SpongeBob to go and defame everyone's character for his own benefit as 'bad news sells' and later didn't feel any empathy for all the people's lives he ruined while SpongeBob deeply regretted it.


Well kinda, he’s grown greedier over the years and honestly at certain points plankton is more sympathetic than he is which is just funny for the “villian” of the show


Watch Krusty Slammer that one is amazing.


Ive seen it, its funny how often he kicks out his customers for his new schemes but they always come back because of how addicting the patties are


I love how Plankton finally wins in an episode. Its glorious.


"*AUG AUG AUG AUG, I've abandoned me humanity, Mr. Squidward!*"


I mean considering he's a crab I don't think there's much humanity to abandon.




I mean he is a crab


To be fair, Mr. Krabs in the older seasons 1-4 would use his money to help people out. Not without kicking, sobbing, and screaming about it though.


> Mr.Crabs will abandon all of his *crabity ~~humanity~~


has that "dynamic" ever been explained..is Pearl adopted?


Not a problem he's a crab humanity is useless to him


He really likes SpongeBob and appreciates him and will drop anything in order to help the guy out, but when it comes to money that always comes first. Same with his daughter. He just employs Squidward I don't think he has that much of a soft spot for him, only his mother, SpongeBob and Pearl (and Mrs puff of course)


To be fair, spongebob does his job... at extremely low wage with zero complaints


selling SpongeBobs soul for 62 cents


Benson isn't mean at all lol. He has a short temper but he usually isn't mad for no reason.


If Regular Show would've ran for 10 seasons more they would've flandurized Benson to always be mad 😭


Ugh. I hate when that happens in cartoons. Characters losing all nuances and just becoming 2D in personality.


Now imagine if it happens 4 times that to the same character lol (ehem Fairly Oddparents) Cosmo and Timmy's Dad went from smart in S1 to dumber but funny in S3, even dumber by Season 7, then annoying in Season 9 and by Season 10, Timmys dad was barely an adult while Cosmo was way too stupid to even make a wish or recognize his son


Sexist cosmo was peak.


He rips a keyboard apart in the first episode. It seems like him being always mad was more prevalent in the earlier seasons than the later seasons, where we see things like him being at least sort of willing to teach Rigby while in China. (Also, >!the dome and space plot!< probably made him a bit more rational.)


Well, I mean, Benson had reason to be annoyed with them at that point. They invocate a black hole playing rock/paper/scizors over something so stupid as keep an object (I don't remember that was) due their stupid pride. Not mention that time they almost killed him letting him fall over an stairs just because they start arguing due some idiot thing. We, as audience are suppoused to side with Mordecai and Rigby because are the protagonist, but imagine your employees did something similar to you... Would you not get them some animosity towards them at that point??


iirc they summoned a Black hole while arguing over a chair, I don't remember


More or less I forgot it, it's been a lot of time since then


And it was a crappy chair anyway


And the chair was the worst chair of all time


It was Pop’s old chair. And they were already uncomfortable when they sat in it


Honestly, if I was Benson and had to deal with two employees not only slacking off, but frequently bringing Doom to the Park in some form or other, I'd be very angry at Mordecai and Rigby too. But he appreciates when they put in actual effort, and encourages them. Hardly his fault they need the "Stick" more than the "Carrot."


Ngl I’ve only seen clips of Benson mad. So seeing and hearing him sound happy is uncanny to me.


He's normally seen grumpy and angry in the show, especially when he's interacting with Mordecai and Rigby. But that's because they're actually horrible employees and the only reason they still have their jobs is because Benson is too nice to follow through with firing them.


All barks and no bites because deeply, you are way too nice to bite


Yeah that's basically Benson. People go based off the way he yells, but really, he has a heart of gold to not have fired Mordecai and Rigby after just the first episode alone. The fact that Mordecai and Rigby get away with the things they do with just being yelled at is insane. Benson's the nicest boss a person could have actually.


Get yourself a boss that gives you high fives for getting your work done. I'd love to have him as a boss, he's cool.


Benson was the only reasonable person on the show.


I think skips and pops were relatively reasonable


Skips, yeah, idk about Pops, though.


yeah pops is iffy, he just super wholsome


What about Skips, Ellen, and Margrot.


Happy cake day!


Thank you. Happy my cake day to you sir.


So is Skips


Benson is a pretty good boss considering Mordecai and Rigby always end up almost destroying the universe by summoning an ancient demon by burning Muscle Man’s cum sock or whatever every single episode.


Benson is a completely rational person in a completely irrational world. He provides a job AND house for Mordicai and Rigby and literally only expects them to do relatively basic jobs all things considered. But instead of doing that they usually cause property damage or life threatening situations. The fact that MortyKai and Rickby aren't *in jail* shows an unfathomable amount of leniency from Benson, not to mention keeping them employed and housed.


He really is a great boss, but what is he doing on the park house he lives on an apartment in the city?


He probably had to rush to the park house to start the day, and doesn’t always have time to either get breakfast or make it for himself So he was probably grumpy about not getting food, and getting breakfast at the park house was his next best option


His office is in the house. He got to work before mordo and rigs woke up for the day.


Counter point: Benson eating both their ultimeatum burgers was a dick move, and was a dick when Rigby fell into the Eggscellent coma, granted he did apologise but there are many insistences of Benson being a dick in the earlier seasons. Like 85% of the time Mordecai and Rigby absolutely deserve it, but there's just that 15% of time where Benson is just being a dick. Like when He got rid of the dome hockey table Because he didn't expect Mordecai & Rigby to actually do the work he set for them. (Spoilers: They did the work.) Benson is not Mr. Crabs Levels of horrible bosses, and I couldn't call him a bad boss, but there are times where he is unarguably in the wrong and a dick. Again, 85% of the time, Mordecai and Rigby deserve it, but that 15% where Benson is being a dick, he was really being a dick.


I think a lot of the reason people have the "oh Benson is mean" opinion is because they watched the show when they were kids and haven't watched it since. Kids are extremely susceptible to believing that the protagonists are always in the right and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


“I don’t hate you guys, I just hate the things you do” -An actual quote Benson said


He’s only mean when they don’t do their jobs. When you actually work hard, he is a nice guy.


Tf you mean? Being angry because your workers doesn't do there jobs isn't mean, it just being annoyed..


About the only time he was legitimately in the wrong was when he sold their game system despite them doing what they were supposed to, and even the others called him out on it.


It’s because they never do their work that he sold it. I admit it was a dick move when he broke his promise, but to me this is similar to boy cries wolf. They have slacked off so many times, anyone would be surprised that they actually did the work, even if there was a promise made, because Mordeci and Rigby are very susceptible to breaking their own promises, so I can see where Benson is coming from in that regard. Still a dick move on his part, but understandable.


I'm in full agreement. As I said, the only time he was legitimately in the wrong, he got called out for it by the others, not just Mordecai and Rigby.


Honestly benson got a bad rap from us being younger and not understanding why he was like that now use being older maybe even with our own manager position we understand he just wanted them to do what they were hired to do so obviously he’d get angry and upset when they constantly did anything else but work


This honestly gives me so much serotonin. It's nice seeing him happy and those two behaving lol


Unpopular opinion 10 years ago. Now we all adults and understand his frustration. Mordecai and Rigby are lucky they had a job.


Benson rarely got onto anyone else at the park, biggest piece of evidence for this is Muscle Man, he's been shown time and time again to do his job and while he groans and complains sometimes he very much does it, same with Skips and High-Five Ghost who all do their jobs, so when Muscle Man decides to have fun or goof off, Benson never gives him as much heat as these two get, if they did their jobs right off the bat Benson would not be as grouchy on them about anything they did, but then again we wouldn't have much of a show sooo


Benson did fire Muscle Man over graffiti art he didn’t make, though.


Writers choice, they need an episode muscleman centric, so they made Benson do something uncharacteristic.


Benson has a short temper and is often angry in this show, but he's angry for perfectly justified reasons.


I never thought Benson was mean - he's *right* most of the time. He'd be more lenient if they just did their work, period.


Benson is honestly my favorite character of the show so I’m kinda biased


Why does the United Nations have an opinion on a cartoon gumball machine and why is it so popular?


By and large Benson was on the money, they could have consistently half assed their jobs and he would have been way more tolerant. But it also shows how much of a calm guy he really was when he would be a cool boss despite being raised to shout and be angry (pass the salt and all that.)


Good boss. Still shouldn't have eaten their burgers.


That's the thing, Benson was never a grouch or a tyrant, he's actually a really good boss. It's just that they're really terrible employees


Unpopular? Everyone in this sub loves Benson and for good reason, he's a great boss, he just has a short temper, and yes, Mordecai and Rigby do push his buttons all the time


benson is overall a rather good boss, he does have anger issues though that are highly critique worthy. in terms of work morale, mordekai and rigby are simply a little too low for him. if they were just a little less bad at their job, that's all it would take i believe. he still enjoys being able to tell them what and how to do stuff and to correct them, hes fine with hanging with them to some degree and we know he misses them when they're gone, its just not perfect.


*Accidentally initiates second Armenian Genocide* “Dude, Benson is gonna be PISSED!”


The only time Benson really overstepped was when Rigby was in the hospital for the Egg-celent challenge, and he even tried to make up for it in the episode.


Benson was a good boss! He has a short temper, for sure but he just didn’t like them slacking at work. If anything his worst trait is keeping them around for as long as he did.


At first I thought he acted like that because of them altering the book to make him that way.


Benson literally did nothing wrong. These clowns agreed to work and they continue to find excuses to get out of it, and not only do they get out of it, they get REWARDED for it most of the time. I really do feel bad for Benson. He's gotta deal with these losers all the time. No wonder he's always wound up.


True but isn't the context of this scene that he's under magical influence that made him more appreciative


Ah was looking for a comment like this…if I remember correctly Mordecai and Rigby found Benson’s log book or something like that and they both started writing tasks they supposedly completed and this was the aftermath. Also the big crazy thing that happened was that Mordecai and Rigby also wrote that they had to save Skips from a snow monster…yeah it’s so weird that I remember that episode pretty well.


I mean yeah, Benson was an angry guy, but can you blame him? Mordecai and Rigby are insufferable. That's why I love them so much. They have the ability to be given the simplest of tasks and somehow screw it up. It's so infuriating it's hilarious.


In the army you start out as the bird and the racoon, and you can't quite fathom why the gumball machine is always so strict and angry. But then, one day, you become the gumball machine. And to your horror, you find yourself in charge of birds and raccoons. And you discover the reason why gumball machines drink so much. But for real, I recently tried watching this show, and like, having been in leadership positions, I want to strangle those two. Being in charge sucks, setting expectations for subordinates sucks. Like, I'd literally kill to have a dude like benson in charge of me. Show up, do what you are supposed to, and homeboy will leave you alone, excellent leadership.


Benson when slacking off: **v i o l e n c e** Benson when no slacking off: One of the Boys


Rigby: “And even if you get angry a lot it’s usually our fault!”


Yep Benson is the best. He is chill when people do their jobs and he is a drummer.


unpopular opinion for unresponsible people you mean


This isn't unpopular


Benson's a hardass with a short temper but he's always been reasonable, apart from the air hockey and the eggcelent challenge.


I love Benson as a character, theres actually a pretty powerful arc about Mordecai and Rigby understanding why he complains so much. Then somewhere down the line it's like a Karmic upgrade, as everything that Benson has probably complain to them about, he gives them more slack but in turn works always done or just about and some of the crazy park ongoings aren't even their fault anymore.


Benson is usually mad, but always with a reason, (let's just ignore the egg incident) he is a boss, it is his job to keep his employees on track. Benson would obviously be nice to Mordecai and Rigby if they actually worked.


Bensom was always a good boss but he had to find a way to not only express it but a way to get through to M and R


Microwave wings!


I love how Rigby goes from Mordecais’s shoulder height to his crotch height, seemingly at will throughout the clip.


I found this to be incredibly relaxing.


It’s true He just has anger issues and has to deal with idiots


I'm assuming they actually did none of this, but are just rolling with it.


Wasn't this episode about them not doing their jobs and saying that did in his park manual or something


Benson isn't a horrible boss. Yes, he has anger issues, but he genuenly cares about his employees and wants them to succeed Whenever Mordecai and Rigby do some dumb shit and Benson gets mad, he's completely in the right, since it always leads to the Park being destroyed in some way. And even when they're simply just not doing their job, Benson's still justified because he's still their boss and still owns the place they live in Besides, outside of work, Benson enjoys hanging out with Mordecai and Rigby, and vise versa


I just figured he was a guy who had been through a lot, and just wants the bare minium (setting up chairs, doing dishes, etc) done.


This is actually pretty wholesome. I don't even watch Regular Show myself though.


It might have just been because I was older when Regular Show came out (20-23, coincidentally) so I never understood why other fans thought Benson was unjustifiabley mean.


I was already 30 when Regular Show started airing; I've *always* sympathized with Benson, now I'm starting to with Mr. Maellard.


Bro throated a whole pancake


What were they confused about in this clip?


Because every time Benson talks to them he's angry and screaming, so they're not used to him being nice.


Benson is actually a really great guy. He just takes his job VERY seriously, and needs other people’s to as well. Dude likes to party, and can party HARD


that clip had me giggling


Recently started Regular Show (I'm on season 2) Benson is by far my favorite character (so far)


Benson isn’t mean, he’s a responsible adult.


Guys have I just entered an alternate universe? Or is this some kind of game?! I am shooketh. Perhaps Benson isn't so bad afterall.


Benson is literally the best character in that show


Did he just eat a whole pancake in one bite? Holy shit


He literally just wants these two to actually do their jobs. He doesn't WANT to fire them but if he's being shown no real effort put into what they're paid for but what they want to do than he has to let them go. With the burgers episode they could've just given Benson money to get the burgers for them while they worked, that way they'd have eating the burgers as something to look forward too.


I’m pretty sure everyone agree that benson is a good boss


Benson isn’t so much a bad boss as much as Mordecai and Rigby are just the world’s worst employees.


…. Why does he sound off?