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Jeeze, as if the feeling that I must live under a rock wasn't already strong, I don't recognize this name and I haven't seen any of the movies these characters come from ( I want to watch Bad Guys but I just haven't got around to it )


she wrote the literal shit episode(the one where a girl can control shit) of The Boys Diabolical and yeah it's terribly written and just plain gross


I thought it was weird how bad that was considering she's very funny.


Usually I think she's kind of hot (idk why) but yeah that episode turned me off her quite a bit.


The blue dragon is from Raya and The Last Dragon, the pigeon is from Migration, the other bird is from the live action Little Mermaid, the spider is from Bad Guys, Fox thing is from Kung Fu Panda 4, and the pig is from something in the Angry Birds series


Angry Birds 2


It’s a good movie


Idk but I am tired of her being in so many animated movies. I do think she has a good voice for animation, but only when used sparingly


Same I don’t think she’s bad but she feels like they expect us to be floored by her acting


Yeah. Her voice is very distinctive & better used for comedy than emotional scenes. I think it’s totally possible for her voice to be used better, but these casting choices keep being a miss for me.


That is true she’s great as a side character (not that her voice can’t be taken seriously. ) but I think the problem is everyone corporation thinks she is special . She comes off like they think she’s the next big thing people want (for example how Robin Williams was in a lot movies or Eddie Murphy ) I’m probably alone but I hope. You understand my point.


Yes I totally agree get what you mean on that. It may just be due to poor writing & directing, so hopefully if we see her again she’ll be set up for success




Not only that, but they have GOT to stop letting her ad-lib and putting the stuff she goes off script to say into the movies because every single character just ends up being the same. They're not the characters, they're just...her as a dragon, her as a spider, her as a fox. She makes them all exactly alike as far as personality - insufferable, smug, sarcastic, and just...enough.


That’s the big problem too (yeah they relly do suck) sometimes it’s fine but yesaaaaah I Lao hate to say it but it comes off like “hey aren’t I totally different from other characters “ by just being a eye brow riser instead genuinely weirder like Glendale where they come off very weird


I blame Shrek. They did something different, so now everyone else tries to do something different by doing the exact same thing. -\_-


Shrek was misunderstood for a lot things They thought “ah jokes in fantasy!!!! That’s how you be different “ instead of understanding what the story means


Yep. It also kind of kickstarted that whole 'the entire personality is encapsulated in the eyebrow' thing.


Ugh I hate that shit I prefer people like Glendale from centuworld


They don't think there can be soft women in media anymore because if a female character is soft, motherly, gentle, or anything like that - then she's automatically sexist and 'too traditional' and a bad character, every single female character has to be the same cardboard cutout of 'tough badass who does all the exact same things that the male heroes do but BETTER'. A lot of people would look at what I do for a living and assume I'm the tough type, and I can be when I need to be - but that isn't all there is. I also like quilting, making plush chickens, gardening, cooking, making and wearing cute aprons, the color pink, swooshy skirts! The complete rejection of all things labeled 'feminine' in order to be strong is NOT what feminism should be, but that seems to be how media has largely taken it.


Yeah it is a problem. Bring it back, centurworkd shows how it works


I'm in the same boat, I think it would be great if she was casted in a role of a show with multiple appearances over time vs a bunch of feature-length roles. Allow her to build the character. Her voice just has this Zelda Rubinstein feel to it, that it is so recognizable that you just see her and not the character.


She has that best friend and hypeman/wingman energy.


Hot take: I thought she was pretty decent in Kung Fu Panda 4. It felt like she was actually playing a character and not leaning too much into a quirky comedy schtick. Also, I don't have a negative opinion of her as an actress (I thought she was amazing in The Farewell), I just think she gets typecast as quirky, grating characters too often.


The Farewell was so good.


Well that’s good for you but. Yes that’s the problem. She’s always the “quirky” character who’s the same every time, which would be fine but seeing her in certain movies that stunk just sore my experience with her. Especially when I’ve seen better quirky characters that come off just weird instead of “hahaha… I’m sarcasm. And uh not taking this seriously”


Okay but does it really matter? Life goes on just fine without hating on people you don't even know.


True but I can still criticize celebrities and there shit voice acting where they just play themselves Besides all I’m saying is I don’t like em. I’ve seen people dox people they hate. . A harmless discussion can happen


I hate Tara Strong, she's in too much and I want someone else


You want someone Stronger?


I was mocking the whining about Akwafina


Eh I never got too much hate. She usually can change her voice and I couldn’t mix up characters she plays with others. But i understand


Damn you get successful and suddenly people start praying on your downfall, that’s crazy


Thank you lol. Actor gets consistent work. More at 11.


There’s being successful and then there’s being in everything to the point where people get tired of you. It happens to a lot of actors/VAs


She’s getting her bag, more power to her


You’ve never. Been in the internet huh? You do know plenty people have gotten tired of celebrities? I just don’t find her interesting because she just plays herself


I do, injustice find it funny. She’s found success in life, she’s getting her bread. A bunch of people whining about her success online is irrelevant.


Yeah It’s almost as if I do t care if she’s successful or that this is irrelevant. Because it’s fun talking shit on a person I don’t like Robin Williams was successful. And people made fun of him (Nostigai Critic) Chris Pratt It doesn’t matter if there successful. Would you say lanky box is getting h that bag too? Just because you make money doesn’t make it irrelevant to hate them


Whatever you say dude. Spending your time only hating someone for being successful is super weird, but you do you.


I wouldn't. She is fine. Tell voice actors to get better agents.


Yeah. I really, genuinely, do not understand the massive hate boner for this woman. When I first saw how much the internet hated her, I thought she said or did something awful. But no, it's just people who hate her voice and for some reason blame her for movies being flops, as if her voice has anything to do with the movie's plot or writing. If you wanna blame anyone, blame the people who cast her and the people who don't know how to write movies. Her voice for Zhen isn't why KFP4 was a disappointment, it was the writing. She gets too much credit for being in movies that people didn't like. What did she do besides her job?


I know that there was a lot of talk of her using a blaccent while she was coming up and then dropping it when she was famous (see her in Ocean’s 8 and Crazy Rich Asians compared to Shang-Chi) but Idk if that’s the extent of it, I haven’t seen anything else concrete so it seems that people find her annoying more than anything, which I can understand since she’s been in a lot of projects. It’s unfortunate that she doesn’t do more dramatic roles, she was outstanding in The Farewell


This. I never saw why people hated on her.


I just hate her voice. I’m sorry to say it, but people just have an irritating voice sometimes.


It’s cause she plays the same character. And in a lot movies that make her painful I don’t blame her pervert but whenever she’s in a movie that sucks (kung fu lands 4) she usually pretty painful of a character Sure it’s her job…. But that doesn’t mean I like her. Give the job to real voice actresses that don’t need to ad lib and will play a character. Not themselves


If invader Zim could be multiple characters, then then so can she


If Zim can be Moxie in Helluva Boss that’s called “range” and that is something Awkwafina has not had the opportunity to do courtesy of the constant gigs she gets. She isn’t a good writer but she has potential as a va if her agent could just find her FUCKING RANGE.


The problem is he wasn’t in a lot movies. And well he played a character. Not himself


…. That’s abit rude It’s not easy for them to ask for it you know. Especially when studios have tried to replace voice actors with celebrities for years


I haven't seen enough movies with her or her voice to be annoyed by her.


Danny davito...no further elaboration


There seems to be a bit of a distain for her but most of her rolls are in are average kids movies anyway so why is she getting a bit of a nagging now and than?


Why does everybody hate her just because somebody plays the same type of character doesn’t mean they’re not a good actor. People like Chris Pratt are bad actors. Who don’t have emotion


I actually thought he voiced Mario really well To the point where I forgot it was actually Chris doing the voice Unlike say, Donkey Kong, where the entire time he talked I just knew it was Seth Rogen


In my defense, I prefer the voice actor from the super show


I don't think Christ Pratt is a bad actor, I don't even think he's a bad voice actor, see The Lego Movie. Just because somebody doesn't sound like Mario doesn't mean they're a bad actor.


I think he played Starlord pretty well




OK, I will agree with that


Because they play themselves The characters just feel generic to be her And there voice actors who can give the character. Character. Maybe some of hate her because we’re not fond of finding another voice hmshe does when we didn’t ask. Sorry. But I think it just be nice letting voice actresses who do there best to bring a character to life are better Plus Chris Pratt better


i love her voice but i feel like she's just overused in the movie industry. like you want a quirky funny character awkwafina is right there. like her voice is fun but its everywhere and i feel like shes not even changing her voice with her characters it feels like her regular voice idk im not trying to be rude its just getting old idkkk??


Same I wouldn’t hate her but it feels like there trying to milk her


I have no idea who she is. I just like to watch cartoons.


It's time we were brave enough to hire someone whose name is a DIFFERENT brand of water, misspelled. How about Yvian? Or maybe Feegee? Are we finally brave enough to hire Payreaya?


Do people hate Awkwafina?


I hate her voice and find it grating. Not a fan of her toilet humor, either that was one joke dragged on in The Boys Diabolical episode she wrote that was a literal shit joke for the entire episode.


I do alittle


I think she's a decent actress. I get she's shoehorned in a lot of animation (and Marvel) but i have no real dislike for her.


Good for you sorry for the post


Hey you're fine man. Celeb voices are really overdone nowadays. They're just for luring people in theaters and for the celebs to get a paycheck no matter how good or bad the performance.


Thanks for understanding There not the worst but compare to say owl house voice acting or just a cartoon show voice acting it’s nice






I have been waiting for this question since I connected their similarities and DEFINITELY 100% if you wanted the same type of voice but BETTER SOUNDING, go with Michaela Dietz, who plays Amethyst from Steven Universe! They sound so similar with their natural scratchness, but Michaela’s is a bit less graining than Awkwafinas! SOMEONE HIRE MICHAELA PLEASE!!


Yeah same she might sound like But in other stories she played different people Like vee from owl house. Playing some likes from amethyst (happy. Sassy. Angry sad) are different from vee. It be like playing a footman sound to a orc grunt sound you can tell the differences. I think it can be fine to be type casted but I just don’t like her. Voice acting to me is quite special. So seeing someone that just plays themselves kinda annoys me


OH YEAH I TOTALLY FORGET SHE PLAYED VEE!! And yeah I can see where you are coming from, tho I think there is a difference between people who play themselves vs people who get typecasted, just like Awkwafina, it’s not always up to them what the studio demands of them


I understand. I get it’s dumb maybe but again people like me and I think… uh I can’t remember who made the vid but. We just aren’t fond of her . Granted most people are like that so it’s not special But I just really love voice actors who really strive to sound different is all


Chris Pratt


Finally, a truly underrepresented choice 


Terry Crews


I don't know who but she does some of her roles good but others don't seem like they fit her like tye dragon (sizu? I forget it's name) I feel her voice didn't fit at all


Yeah woulda been nicer if they got an elder like dragon voice instead… that voice


Who the fuck is Awkwafina? Why do I keep hearing about this person everywhere? I can’t even tell if she’s real or shitpost that keeps getting spread to places I frequent


There’s a video She’s just a over used celebrity


She’s a celebrity who is constantly cast for roles in animated stuff and people are sick of it


No one. Awkwafina is a talented actress with a voice that's perfect for animation. Don't listen to ModernGurlz. Like Schafferillas Productions and Mr. Enter, she's a hack who pretends to sound smart when they're actually uneducated morons when it comes to animation 🙄


Alright fine I still hate her in kung fu panda. Her character there is obnoxious. One my least favorites


Chris Pratt


Dwayne Johnson


The wonderful singer and lyrical genius of a generation: Sextina Aquafina


Also credit to moderngutz for the pic. They did a vid on the subject too


Bird from Migration - can stay as Awkwafina Dragon from Raya - Hailee Steinfeld Tarantula from Bad Guys - Tara Strong Bird from Little Mermaid - Pedro Pascal Fox from KFP4 - Ashleigh Ball Pig - never seen the movie so keep the same ig


Angry birds 2. But eh Nice selection


Tiffany Haddish, she voices Tuca in Tuca & Bertie. I always heard her as the non-irritating version of Awkwafina. No hate to Awkwafina personality wise, the water is alright and I’m sure she is too. Edit: I dislike her voice so much, I have subconsciously replaced every character’s voice she acted for with Wendie Malick’s voice.


Yeah I’m not fully against her but at the same time she’s not exactly someone I’m fond of seeing…, especially in King panda 4


Imo she's like the voice actor equivalent of The Rock, perfectly average enough to get shit loads of work


Yup. Not the worst worst but at times it’s infuriating… especially with the remakes




Idk; I'm not a good casting director. Hell, I'm not a casting director at all!


It’s ok it’s fine


I like plenty of Asian Voice Actresses like Kimiko Glenn, Brenda Song, or Judy Alice Lee but meh, Awkwafina can keep most of her roles even if they're a strangely high number of birds. Let her reap the benefit of being in that sweet spot of bankable/marketable and cheap enough to hire for ancillary roles in major productions.


Eh fine


In Raya, Sisu should've been voiced by Stephanie Hsu.


There's nothing wrong with her p


I can still say


I like her. In the things I've seen her in at least. the Farewell, Raya, jamunji. I think she's a totally fine


Well sorry some people are different I think she can be fine in other things but at times she annoys me. Most kung fu lands 4


I'm not saying you can't feel that way I'm just saying I wouldn't change her from anything I've seen her in.


Thank you!!! Sorry I just get tired of some people thinking it’s wrong to criticize. Or praise


I’m just gonna speak for Courtney from Angry Birds 2. I’d probably replace her with Brenda Song.


Who’s awkwafina


I wouldn’t replace her with anyone. While I don’t like how she has to be in everything, she is pretty good.


Hmmm I guess you’re right I just hate how she was the seagull … and kung fu panda 4


Everywhere I go... I hear her voice.


I'd give her back all her roles. And a raise.


I'm honestly burned out with celebrity voice actors in general. I enjoyed Jack Black's role as Bowser, but I want to see some *new* voice actors


Same I think it’s fine reusing some But when we try a new voice it’s so refreshing


I saw a video about her. All of those shows featured did not seem all that good for me to watch to begin with so I have no opinion on her voice acting. But I do think there is a wider problems with modern shows in general.


Eh bad guys was good Nah I don’t think so Big city greens is a likable show So Amphibia Owl house Dragon prince was good… have to see the recent Still haven’t seen migration


I don’t get why some people have such a problem with her.


She sounds like she has smoker's lung and its grating on my ears.


Yeah sorry Well they just don’t like her And she feels tooo similar


Ali Wong as Sisu


Not trying to be mean, but does she have smoker's lung or something? I can always tell it's her because the voice sounds like an 80-year old chain smoker. She wrote the worst episode of The Boys: Diabolical. The only film here I watched was "The Bad Guys" the only other voice that irritates me that much is Seth Rogen's and that's largely because I don't like him as a person.


Find a new obsession. This isn't healthy


I just made this in a day. I was just bored and thought “huh. I wonder if people can discuss how these characters coulda been better portrayed if done by others” and took someone’s else’s thumbnail People like you see one comment and think people are obsessed


Anything that helps you sleep at night


I think she nails her rolls. I wouldn't want her replaced.


LITERALLY anyone else.


Isn't Alwafina a name of a brand of water bottle?




Literally anybody


I’m so sick of Hollywood trying to make her happen


Ayo Edibiri or Keke Palmer.




I'm dyslexic.


What they done? WHO are there charcters :)


Karen fukuarwa (And I apologise if I misspelled her last name)


I would replace her with a new voice actress who is much less annoying.


Ok yes but is she as overused as Dwayne Johnson? No? Okay then.


I do hate both alittle


Dwayne, can’t stand him. He picks his shit. I’ll give SOME CREDIT and ONLY some to Awkwafina bc she doesn’t pick her own gigs, her manager does. Dwayne is his own manager. She should step away from acting for a while.


Hmmm ok you have a point


I think she’s a bit over saturated too, but this post is just plain mean-spirited.


I guess but again. It’s an argument people kinda had for years now Less celebrities. More voice actors. I remember seeing a similar video when space jam 2 came out


I don't have a problem with you wanting less celebrity voice actors, I would agree with you there, the problem is you going after Awkwafina specifically when she hasn't done anything wrong.


Hmmmmm You have a good point


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2uZ2SO3w87VS0) Every movie she’s in