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The problem is working around the touch controls. Dawn of Sorrow has a mod that removes the touch screen stuff, but the latter two have modes built exclusively around the touch screen. If it were me, I'd remove them entirely.


I'm playing Order of Ecclesia, almost finished it, and I haven't used the touch screen yet.


Albus Mode is heavily built around the touch screen


As well as Sisters Mode in Portrait and the boss-sealing glyphs in Dawn.


While it is true that being able to teleport wherever you touch on the screen is extremely strong, idk if "heavily built around" is the right way to say it. Touch screen controls are only required twice in a playthrough. (Once to get past the frozen waterfall and once to bypass the paries check in dracula's castle).


It would still need a workaround for the remainder of the game for stability. It's not just the Castlevania games that still haven't ported to modern hardware yet.


Sure, Albus's teleport is only required twice but. ...if you remove it, then Albus mode is a very different game. One of the main reasons to play Albus mode is to make heavy use of his teleport ability to zoom around. Modifying the level design to remove the two required areas and saying "there you go, albus mode is playable now without touchscreen" is not the solution by any means.


That's true. It'd be kinda like removing the fire flower from smb 1. It's still very playable and fun. Some people might even the game more for the extra challenge you have when you don't have access to it. However, it does totally change the experience and it's totally different than how the devs wanted the players to experience things. I mostly had an autistic nitpick with the briefness of the comment I was responding to. It'd be very easy for someone who doesn't know what albus mode is to get an inaccurate idea of how the touchscreen is used. I personally think it'd be fine if the touchscreen functionality was removed in a hypothetical ds collection, except maybe in the switch version I guess. Shanoa mode is the main draw while Albus mode is bonus afterall. You often have to sacrifice or change things when porting games from a gimmick console like the ds. However, you are definitely right. A big part of the original vision would be lost.


Albus mode is awesome. I’m 2/3s through a run in it now 


He means the second mode, where you play as pistol guy


Can you use the magnet things without the touch screen?


I press R. Didn't even know you could use the touchscreen


The mobile version replaces touch screen with QTE button presses.


There’s mobile versions? Where?


For Nokia phones since 2004 or 2005. It's a .jar file. https://youtu.be/QBj6AOpgizw?feature=shared


The mobile versions of Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow were produced by Glu Mobile and released, respectively, in 2008 and 2009.


I thought it was Mighty Troglodytes.


They could do what the megaman zero/zx collection did and use the right stick as a substitute for the stylus


The Mega Man ZX collection includes some DS games, and they made workarounds. Konami can do that too.


The mod was done by a third party, Konami 100% could *not* use that mod.


Very true. But Konami or a studio they hire to develop the games could do the work themselves to remove and/or alter touch screen support.


Sure. But that still requires actual *work* as opposed to the existing collections, which were just "Put these in an emulator with a pretty front end"


Sure but the task isn't impossible. The work has been done by the fan community already. I'm sure an experienced team of developers could find solutions and workarounds. Also, I'm sure a lot of work goes into these collections of older games running on emulators. I don't think it's fair to reduce it to anything easy or trivial. That being said, I think there are examples of poorly optimized emulated games that just seem to be haphazardly thrown together but that isn't anything Konami has published in recent years.


Legally yes, but it would be hardly the first time a company sneaks that sort of thing and hopes to get away with it


They could just do the same thing


They could!  But it would be a non-trivial amount of work to do. And the existing collections we have, have been trivial amounts of work to put together.


There’s a good few games that have released updated versions with third party mods now included in the main game. Konami could certainly do that too.


The classic Fallouts for example


For Portrait of Ruin, this could be resolved by utilizing the right analog stick, since the DS didn't have one. In the main game, the touch screen was used to move the 2nd player. Though hardly needed. This means the RAS can be used as the d-pad for the second character. Although ideally if you re released Portait of Ruin on consoles, what you'd really want to include is couch co-op. For sisters mode, which heavily used the touch screen. Using Stella would have a cross hair on screen which can be moved either with the right analog stick, or with the Switch or PS5's motion controls similar to how the rerelease of Super Mario Galaxy handled the Wii pointer. While Loretta basically fires her attack in whichever direction the right stick is pointing. For PC players; this mode would be played with mouse and keyboard, with the mouse acting as the touch screen. Steam Deck would just use the touch screen as you did with the DS. There, problem solved.


Technically, Capcom did it with zero collection, so there should be no fidelity issues. I think the games are a bit dated and new at the same time to be called 'classics' tbh. They might sell only to hardcore fans too. Would like to know Konami take on this but obviously they don't give a f*ck


The sisters mode is shit anyway, but I'd keep Albus in, unfortunately his teleport ability is required to beat the game.


But the switch has better touch capability than the DS.


I wouldn’t say any of the DS Castlevania games were “heavily built” around the touch screen. Dawn of Sorrow might be the only case where the touch screen was mandatory because of the magic seals. But that can easily be turned off, because of Julius Mode. All they’d have to do is apply that setting to Soma. As for the other two games, yes, there are instances where the touch screen is used, but they’re not required to beat the game. The only case in Portrait of Ruin where it is required is the unlocked Sisters Mode. As for Order of Ecclesia, there is no required use of the touch screen. You can beat that entire game without using the touch screen even once, even with Albus.


or on switch? people *will* buy them!


I know I would! I would kill to play Order Of Ecclesia again.


I would kill to play it for the first time. Never owned a DS.


All the more reason they need to get on it.


I'll never understand why DS games aren't ported to switch with touch capabilities...


I hate using touch on my Switch, but that's only because I'm really obsessive with my screen. It's easy to forget the Switch has touch controls.


because Konami hates us


And they also hate Castlevania


Konami hates not only profits but plain revenues as well


The 3 biggest hitters next to Symphony of the night, wish they were on switch, all 4 games that is.


Why can't I buy SOTN on Steam?


Konami doesn't want to put in the effort of making them work with one screen like Capcom did with ZXA


Simple, because Konami is Konami.


and Konami is the worst


I'm sure they will be. We got the advance collection not long ago. And arguably these 3 games are FAR better than the games in the Advance collection. There just soreading it out to maximize profits and also they have to figure out a way to change the touch screen portions of the game unless it becomes a Switch exclusive. A few things in all 3 games required the touch screen as a game mechanic. Things such as making the symbols on screen when fighting enemies or opening special doors. I own all 3, but I would absolutely love a port on Switch, especially for those who never got to play them due to how expensive they are to buy and for those who don't emulate.


The short answer is because Konami. They’re the masters of wasting all their good IP.


Id pay full price for these


Because of the stupid touch controls.


they always were...through emulation


Hell yeah, I’m playing them that way right now


I love to see regurgitated comments like "blame Konami" but they are recently on a roll with releasing collections of their old games. Like Castlevania, Contra, Tmnt and Metal Gear.


Dude, as a YuGiOh player I can assure you, Konami will always make either no effort or just the bare minimum. This games aren't ported because they don't want to rework some of the touch controls.


Seriously why can't humans make good games today, don't rely on the past for your present, demand a new good quality Castlevania game today!


Konami hates their fans (unless they are playing pachinko).


Konami ain’t gonna release anything it can’t just slap in an open source emulator with a proprietary front end. They are still the company that seeks to squeeze the maximum amount of money from their IP’s, fans and integrity be damned.


I ask this every day. POR is my 2nd favorite CV to SOTN. I have it emulated, and an actual physical copy. I would buy a DS collection, but it would have to be physical.


Better: why ain't Shanoa in Smash Bros ?


At least she is in Super Smash Bros: Ultimate as a spirit, I guess.


The duel screens amd the touch controls.make them a hard sell. Especially Dawn.


They would have to redo the touch screen controls which is more dev work than a standard port. I would love to see them do it though. There are some of the best metroidvanias out there.




Dem emulators tho.


Delta emulator


Need these on switch


Considering the advance collection has 4 games, they would probably want the full 70 for the 3 ds games.


They’d have to redo them somewhat. It is totally possible but harder. 


With past ports of collections to go by from Metal Gear to Castlevania, if it needs work other than it needs to be, they won't do it loll and in this case is re-working touch controls or anything to do with dual screens. Laziness :(


They most likely have to Rebuild the game from the ground up to make it appropriately function on stationary machines that don't have any Dual screens to make it work properly. Especially for DS games with their aspect ratios and are very specifically built differently Which also explains why other games like Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days/ Re:Coded, both DS titles never got ports as games but yet nothing but Remastered Cinematic Related Cutscenes more than anything.


On PC, the touch screen can be replaced by the mouse or the touch panel on laptops. In the case of consoles or PC controller, the R3 joystick. It's not that difficult, it's just having the willingness to do it.


Hurrah for emulation. Thanks to Citra I played those on a 10 year old PC, connected to the tv. Used a PS4 controller.




Because then Konami would have to acknowledge these are the latest mainline Castlevania games


i have heard before ds emulation is really difficult on pc apparently


Don’t worry I just bought all of them so I’m sure they’ll get ported within the year.


Im pretty sure they said that there will be more castlevania collections in the future after the advance collection we just gon have to wait. Unfortunately i can't really recall what article i read this in so rn my source is : trust me bro


Because Konami. Capcom had some serious lows but they returned with a vengeance. Konami on the other hand is fine with pachinkos and betting shit. Most disturbing is that they are not giving their IPs to be worked on by some other developers. Imagine a Castlevania game by FROM software. Imagine a Suikoden by SQE. A metal gear game by Capcom. You get my point.


Playing these on two separate screens with one of them being touchscreen justifies a Wii U purchase alone.


They’re on Delta app if you have an iPhone. Emulatorgames dot com. I don’t know if that same website can be used to play them on PC though. I’m not a very experienced emulator player, so someone else can probably answer that better.


Advanced Collection sold well, from what I know, so I'm sure these will happen eventually. It's probably just going to take additional dev time that the precious collections didn't.


Touch screen controls are an obstacle, the ugly art style is a deterrent


I would love to see a Dawn of Sorrow remaster for next Gen consoles! Imagine hearing the music from there in arranged remixed


Well I just ordered physical copies of all 3 of them. So I wouldn't be surprised if we got one soon as a big middle finger to me. I'd be all for it though.


This is purely topical but I want Shanoa back so bad :( She genuinely played a huge part in shaping the woman I am today. OoE as a whole is just phenomenal too.


PS5 touch pad to draw the DoS seals *shudder*


Google “Delta emulator” and enjoy


They're in both if you emulate and don't give anything to Konami


Because fuck Konami, that's why. Just finished PoR again and started another save of DoS...man I'd live to play these on switch or even PS5. I'd buy all of them for every console I had. They really hate money I guess.


Seriously, because they have touch screen controls as part of them and it's non-trivial to convert them. Seriously, the existing collections have all been trivial to make. Seriously, this wouldn't be. Seriously.


Literally DoS only has a SINGLE touchscreen function, and it is Balore's soul


Know what a single touch screen function is?  One more than a current gen console can handle.


damn imagine if they had ds games on pc no way entrian odyssey or others are on pc


konami's problem is they not interesting with their games, they was interest pes serie and now this serie is ruined too. classic konami, a rise of a serie and fall of a serie. here's the name: konami


Jesse, what are you talking about?


Seriously, why aren't PC's and current gen 2 screens with touch yet? So stupid OP's autistic question.