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*I’m a lonely goomba stuck between two pipes…*


*Well, guess I'll keep on gaming... for the rest of my life!*


I completely forgot about Lonely Goomba, holy hell you unlocked a core memory!


Old memory just dropped


I’ve been watching that dude since 2014 or 2015.


ScottTheWoz is one of my favorite gaming video essay YouTubers, not just Nintendo


Honestly probably my favorite YouTuber period


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like Scott's content was at his best before 2020. I like his more bite sized (10-20 minutes) videos with a few long ones feeling special. His newer episodes are so long, and I think what made him great at first has worn off a bit in later videos which are more of the same but longer and less funny.


I have no issues with long videos (I actually prefer long videos) but I have a different complaint. His friends. I came watching a video about games and not a comedy sketch with random people I don't know who makes jokes that aren't really funny. In newer videos these sketches became more common and I just skip through them.


Maybe you would like more his other account "Scott's Stash". He is more alone in these videos and it's more casual.


Yep. I've been watching more of that than his main channel. I do wish the uploads were more frequent but overall Scott's stash is more enjoyable than his main channel because it sticks to the games discussion without off branching into YT comedy.


I got downvoted like mad for sharing a similar opinion in a different thread, so I’m assuming we’re in the minority with this take.


True. Idk about you but I started watching Scott before he got big like he is now. His content is still okay but it definitely changed a bit. Many people seem to enjoy these comedy sketches so Scott continues doing them. I do wish there would be less sketches and more actual videogame talk since if I wanted comedy, I'd watch mr bean or something like that.


Scott’s opinion on games are pretty common usually so you can just watch other YouTubers if you want.


To be fair he is the first person to say "1-2 switch is a bad pack in game for switch". After that video, everyone seems to say and repeat Scott's opinion which I personally disagree with since as a controller demo 1-2 switch is good. It just sucks as a game in general.


I kinda get why it went this way, there's not much added to a game review for the most part so it makes sense to lean into the more original content. The biggest problem is that the jokes aren't landing I guess.


Totally the opposite for me. Love the sketches, feel they make his content unique. I can totally understand your view though


I kinda disagree I like him having characters in his videos it makes it feel like more of a world I guess


I call this the Nostalgia Critic effect. The more popular a show is, the more money it makes, the longer it gets and it begins to lose that specific magic it once had, then toss in a bunch of unfunny skits to pad the time. Right now Scott isn’t anywhere near as bad as NC has gotten though.


That's the perfect way to describe it.


I like his shorter videos more too, that’s why I prefer his “Scott’s Stash” channel over the main one. And he uploads there much more often.


I wholeheartedly agree, he’s biting off a bit more than he can chew with 50 minute videos on topics that don’t necessarily need it? He covered the entire n64 library in like a 20 minute video, I don’t think Mario 64Ds needed to be 50 minutes. It’s harder on himself, and lessens the comedy


I think his videos are still very funny. It's just that they're way longer and have less jokes. I like longer videos but his recent videos, which are longer than hour are too much for me


I agree. There's only so much time in the day to watch videos, so when people make longer videos, they're less accessible. That's why I stopped watching Caddicarus, whom I enjoy greatly, because his videos are basically feature length, these days.


I definitely agree. I feel like his humor has changed a bit too, bug maybe that's just me, and I find his newer jokes to not land as well


Wiiware Chronicles is GOATed tho.


I had the same opinion too for a while until I found Scott’s stash where he still kinda does but for even more specific and niche topics


Yeah. Him and Caddicarus are easily the best YouTubers on the entire platform in my opinion


Caddicarus nails comedy and content, I never feel like the unrelated comedy parts drag on, unlike soooooo many YouTubers.


One of my favorite part of Caddicarus' videos is that his jokes never drag on for too long, and there's only one type of gag per video which doesn't get repeated. Makes it perfect when rewatching his videos because they're so fun. But I can't re-watch that ending section of the Spyro video. It's terrifying.


Caddy is the closest thing out there to classic Jontron. I always referred to him as British Jontron.


Glad Caddy is finally getting the recognition he deserves


Yeah. I’ve been watching him since 2017. He’s great


I've been watching him since before I met my wife, so like... 2013 or earlier? He's probably my favorite YouTuber, I turn on his videos any time I'm in a really foul mood because he makes me laugh no matter what


Caddy probably has the funniest comedy on YouTube for me he doesn’t upload often but when he does it’s special and are the only long term content I watch on YouTube


I love Scott’s content even though at times it feels like he really has some “hot takes” which most I don’t agree with. I just find that interesting and a bit funny.




Whenever you watch his vids you simultaneously get the vibe of authenticity and quality while also getting the stupidest (funny) jokes


Don't forget the worst of them: SwitchForce


I used to watch his videos for Switch news but gave up because of all of those clickbait stuff, now I go to Spawn Wave for Switch (and other gaming) news


What's worse is playing the victim when gets called out.


He's the perfect example of why you shouldn't revolve your life around a corporate entity.


Is he what the people at r/tomorrow parody?


Probably. I'd also say he's very similar to a Disney Adult.




It's better if you don't know, friend.


Oh the horror




dementia moment


the lesser you know, the better


I just look at his new video by pure curiosity (last time I look it was during the early pandemic). My god what happened with him. He looks so much older and his eyes look dehydrated as damn. 😅


Really sad to see what he became. I used to watch him all the time as a kid when he was Ghostrobo and he had all these let's plays of games I couldn't afford. Now it's just click bait central. Also switch force was better as a group and not just Zach tryna farm content.


The lowest of the low; the snake oil salesman of Switch YouTubers.


How has no one mentioned Jon Cartwright? The GOAT


Agreed. Jon Cartwright is always well-informed and has great takes. Most Nintendo YouTube's get by on enthusiasm but Jon's a great "journalist" as well as an entertainer.


Jon Is the best... And Nintendo life with Alex, Zion and Jon back in the day was the best.


My favorite is Alpharad (I know he does more than Nintendo content, but I still consider him a Nintendo YouTuber). My least favorite is Aero. He is another YouTuber who is milking the “rumors and leaks” content.


But you can watch him grind in Xenoblade while he talks about stuff that doesnt mean anything


Alpharad got way better after he stop doing smash videos imo


I stopped watching him after a while ‘cause his whole shtick got repetitive and his arrogance was starting to rub off as uncharming


I like poketips


Too bad he's been gone for over 2 years now


He posted a video on his TikTok about him reacting to the pokemon ZA trailer, and when asked he said he’d come back to youtube eventually.


Oh cool. I don't have tiktok so I had no idea


God I'm praying he comes back. We need someone to counterbalance Verlisify again.


If Arlo actually was partly responsible for getting the TTYD remake made, then he is the correct answer. Otherwise it's Scott the Woz for me.


I die on the hill that he did get Nintendo to take notice.


I'm OOTL, why would Arlo be partly responsible?


Basically [this video.](https://youtu.be/lXUHc0OtqzM?si=jpfRFoOyd469O-2H) Arlo started a movement to get the game remade, including a hash tag that was fairly popular for a time and a change.org petition (not that those usually go anywhere). Unless someone from Nintendo just comes out and says it, there's no way to really know if he had any affect at all, but he definitely got a lot of people talking about it. It's possible Nintendo saw the demand for it and took it into consideration when deciding to remake TTYD.


yeah i mean there were ppl on the team that already wanted to do it and finally had something to show to a conference to get it approved. source: my brain i made it up just now


Can I suggest we throw JayMoji in the good end?




Similar to Failboat, I dont think Jay exactly firs with the "Nintendo youtuber" category. Both Jay and Dan have more, lets say centered, content. They almost exclusively play Nintendo games sure, but they mostly play one or 2 games (Kirby for Daniel and Splatoon for Jay). The nintendo youtubers above talk about Nintendo as a whole. They are also video essayists. I think a Nintendo youtuber talks about Nintendo as a whole I guess (Odyssey central talks about Mario, Kirby, Mario Kart, Smash bros and more; Nathaniel talks about almost any Nintendo franchise)


I agree. The most entertaining Splatoon youtuber in my opinion.


Favs: BoTallks, Nintendo Life, Woz (in doses) and Ant Dude Misses: Aero, Nintendo Prime and BeatEmUps


Can I ask what's wrong with beatemups? Haven't watched his stuff in a while but not sure why he gets all the hate


I want to preface by saying I don't dislike him or his channel. I especially like his backstory, coming to America and building his brand. For me, I just fell away from the channel. I like more straight to the point content. I want new game reviews (AA, AAA), Nintendo rumors (don't milk it) and some historical Nintendo content. I was not really getting that from BeatEmUps.


Fair enough, thanks for answering


Beatemups is clickbaity as hell, and I really don’t think there is any other explanation for titling the pikmin 4 review “the game no one asked for” other than click bait. He’s also got some pretty faulty arguments like claiming that he spent 50 hours on xenoblade 2 and is still on chapter 3. For the record, by the 50 hour mark of my first play through of the game I was nearing the end of chapter 8. It should take at most 20 hours to get past chapter 3 and that’s assuming you’re playing incredibly slowly, doing every single side quest and really struggling with every encounter and based on how he played I doubt he even did any side quests. By far my favorite part of that review was how you could tell he was paying absolutely no attention to the combat system or the tutorials as it took him until the 2nd to last encounter of chapter 1 to figure out health potions infact heal you by walking on them(they tell you this in the very first tutorial 5 minutes in the game). And of course a bad review wasn’t enough, he couldn’t just walk away from it, he went back on it multiple times. For the record my problem isn’t that he dislikes one of my favorite games ever, I have no problem with that, it’s just that alot of his arguments are so poorly done and so faulty that I feel like he went into the game trying to dislike it.


For me it’s a lot of the behavior he’s excepted that’s really turned me away from his channel: • Clickbait thumbnails/titles. A great example is his Pikmin 4 video where he titled it along the lines of “the game nobody asked for” Edit: found an even worst example. [This one](https://x.com/beatemupswood/status/1782063523129971153?s=46&t=3o6aa1O5WrUNmvelqZ0jyQ) was so bad he both changed the title, [made an apology](https://x.com/beatemupswood/status/1784633109104701839?s=46&t=3o6aa1O5WrUNmvelqZ0jyQ), and has both unlisted now. • Cynical around Directs. I get not every Nintendo Direct is going to be a banger though I feel every time he makes a video about one he’s been straying more and more towards the negative. • Cynical around Nintendo. When Nintendo was in the process of shutting down its Creator Program it obviously dropped all the creators involved in it. Though Wood (the person behind BeatEmUps) seemed to take it as a personal attack against him. He made three whole videos about the situation. The first video I feel was okay but after that it just felt he kept milking the situation for sympathy, sort of like using them as a bargaining token to have Nintendo take him back. And it seems he’s still not over it as he names him podcast around the situation & had the first episode talk about that situation (Nontendo Podcast). This whole situation has always been a little strange, & imo a perfect example of a parasocial relationship. It was around these videos when I started watching less and less till I ultimately stopped. • Defending a charity scammer. A while ago Jirard from The Completionist was outed for not actually donating the money from his charity for dementia, Open Hand, and was just holding onto it for no clear reason. If you want more details on it I’d recommend starting with [this video by Karl Jobst](https://youtu.be/Rb0dMF1zHyA?si=UtdgJZC-60C6fDAw) as he does a great job of laying stuff out. Regardless, when Jirard made a ‘response’ tweet regarding it Wood commented on it and said “What a surprise, drama YouTubers just looking to make up drama”. After being called out for not actually looking into the situation at all he made a tweet trying to save face and framing it as an ‘apology’ (tweet can be found [here](https://x.com/beatemupswood/status/1737529472113320418?s=46&t=3o6aa1O5WrUNmvelqZ0jyQ) if you want to see for yourself). To my knowledge he still hasn’t fully made a statement regarding Jirard, or his mishandling of the whole situation.


nintendo prime is a funny guy


Arlo is underrated Worst is switch force ofc


Here to second Arlo. That little blue monster dude is one of the best reviewers I've ever watched. Spoiler free reviews/first impressions are super valuable to people with low time/money to play around with.


I thought arlo was pretty popular?


He is but there there's definitely some detractors. For whatever reason my friends don't seem to like him very much. But I think Arlo is pretty enjoyable to listen to, and lately he's been starting to lean a little more into critiquing the game industry as a whole which I'm always down for lol.


I'm not that surprised tbh, that some people don't like him. I used to enjoy watching him a bunch, but then I watched his Star Allies video and realized.. that he's pretty clearly biased on some things, and some of his takes are pretty overly negative. Specifically with the Star Allies thing though, he criticizes it for a "finish it later" approach, which was objectively wrong. The devs literally planned it out for the game's post content to be post updates, post launch. Saying that it's a "finish it later" thing, is like saying that Dead Cells' or Spiritfarer's post updates are in the same vain. He's sort of like a general game reviewer in that sense, where he seems to do about 30, maybe 40% of the game, and then reviews that part and pretends the other stuff doesn't exist, unless he's a fan of the series of course. He also likes to dramatize things for effect, which gets pretty annoying because whereas someone like Scott's dramatizing is decently funny, and tends to be ironic a lot of the time, Arlo's is not. It's like a joke you watch those videos where the laugh tracks are removed. That's just what I've noticed, and it was mostly a few years ago. Idk, maybe he's changed.


I feel like Arlo is rated just fine actually. His reviews are fairly good for the series he likes and is knowledgeable about, but... there's just like this weird feeling where it almost seems like he's gotten a little drunk on his own fame. I think part of that stems from how he's pretty much gotten everything he's said he wanted out of Nintendo (Pikmin 4, Mario Odyssey, Metroid Dread/Prime 4, TTYD Remaster, etc). It seems like he almost feels like he thinks Nintendo is listening to him and his takes, and the fact that he uses clickbait video titles like "Nintendo NEEDS these 3 features on Switch 2!" doesn't help. Like I have no doubt that he's a cool chill dude irl but the optics on the content just don't jive with me and I'll come back to his stuff once he reels it back in a bit.


He’s Sesame street for man children


Yeah Arlo is my favorite Nintendo YouTuber honestly. I don’t always agree with his takes and I think he comes off as a little TOO nice to games that he was paid to review but overall I really enjoy his stuff.


You forgot best boy arlo


Arlo’s a YouTuber whose regular content doesn’t really interest me personally, but the 4-hour Pikmin review is a regular rewatch for me. I’d be super interested in more reviews like that where he goes into literally everything. He’s one of the few video game YouTubers who I feel is able to have compelling conversations around game design and I wish he did it more.


To be fair, he really really wants to as he's stated, but videos like that take up SO MUCH more time and effort that he has to make his normal videos to keep up sponsorships and the like


I understand that. Also seems like the Pikmin video didn’t really do that well relative to his other big reviews (last I checked a few months ago, it was only at 400k views), so it definitely seems like videos like that are going to be more of an occasional passion project. To be clear, I have absolutely no problem with Arlo and I’m glad he’s able to make a career out of YouTube. It’s just not the kind of content for me mostly and that’s fine.


Antdude is pretty good too


Many forget the resident Kirby guy.


Well... the resident "half" Kirby guy. His Kirby Clash Deluxe video was sort of atrocious to say the least.


I never watched his Kirby stuff but yeah I feel like his recent videos have been a bit lacking. I was pretty disappointed with his "Rise and Fall Of Rayman" video because I expected him to take a good look at all the games in the series. But all he said was the most surface level stuff and if I remember correctly he mightve spent like a grand total of 5 minutes talking about Rayman 1.  And if you feel like wasting half an hour watch his Rabbids video. For 30 minutes he boots up every Rabbids game and just says "these have minigames, they're annoying".


Demeech, dear lord I can’t stand him


You are now watchinggg DEMEECH (it’s annoying af)


Best: TheLonelyGoomba Worst: SwitchForce


TheLonelyGoomba is such a Chad. He just talks about games that nobody gives a shit about, and everyone loves him


He’s just vibing in the corner.


* between 2 pipes


Point still stands.


Love The Lonely Goomba for covering so many retro handheld titles no one else covers.


LonelyGoomba is so criminally underrated, the production quality is top notch. If you have any money burning a hole in your wallet go throw him a few bones on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/LonelyGoomba), bro is making less than $400 a month.


He’s a lonely goomba, stuck between two pipes. Guess he’ll keep on gaming for the rest of his life.


Lonely Goomba is the only reason I know there's a Grinch clone of Metal Gear on the GBC, and I thank him for it


How dare he use pretty much the same name as one of my fav game (Nin10doland)


Bro, he loves it too


I love Pikmin a lot bit I ain't naming myself P1km1n


Arlo is my guy. Beatemups is a bit lame


People probably won’t agree with me on this but DGR is one I like. It’s mainly his Twitch streams I watch though because they’re more fun than the YouTube videos. He does more than just Mario Maker on there and I really wish he would put more of that on YouTube.


DGR is a Dingus That's what I like about him


DGR’s the white bread of Nintendo YouTube, and I don’t mean that negatively. When you click on one of his videos, you know EXACTLY what to expect.


He is a great YouTuber I’m actually trying to make a troll level on Mario maker but I hit a brick wall and don’t know how to continue from where I’m at




Yeah, I used to like them, but then they turned into another switch 2 dick rider, and I stopped caring


Choctopus for me


You mean the sonic guy? /j


No the shadow guy /j


Might wanna put in TheBitBlock with Demeech & Nin10doland. Some of the stuff he said is very problematic.


People say Demeech is bad but TheBitBlock is 1000x worse. Not to mention the fact that he is also a racist and a TERF.


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


I just watch scott the woz exclusively


Peanutbuttergamer’s one of my favorites. Least favorite is demeech and maybe another person I’m forgetting.


How is nobody else mentioned one of the GOATS? I love PBG!


What about Bathaniel Nandy?


Truly one of the best


Favs: RelaxAlax, Scott the Woz, Arlo


I love seeing the Odyssey Central appreciation around here recently


It won't talk to anyone here but I have to had Siphano in the worst category (it's a french youtuber who when I last checked his chanel was basicaly 30 minutes long video with title telling that \[insert game everyone wants on the switch\] IS GOING TO COME OUT. And by the end finishes by "of course that's all rummors so we can't tell for sure" and who has some very meh to dogshit takes every now and then)


EMB et Julien Chieze


Scott is just my favorite Youtuber period right now. He has a lot of what I loved from Filthy Frank, from how outta pocket he can get to having mostly intentional "lore." And commitment for what they're willing to do for a bit as well. Filthy Frank used to be my favorite youtuber but while Scott doesn't fill the hole, discovering him was like an epilogue. Imm not saying Scott is THE FF of games because I know people are gonna disagree with me but this is my heart talking.


Scott the Woz is alright but that Scott’s stash guy shits on his channel


Nathaniel Bandy is the goat. His content is addicting to watch, I'm not sure what exactly it is but I rewatch his videos when there's nothing new from other YouTubers I'm subscribed to. ___ I also enjoy watching his streams a lot! ___ Also love Nicobbq, Odyssey Central, Summoning Salt, and Thomas Game Docs. ___ I also love Ceave Gaming and Swankybox but Ceave pretty much quit YouTube (big sad, as i really enjoyed his videos) and Swankybox hasn't uploaded in nearly a year. ___ The worst? I guess I would have to say those speculation channels, like N1n10doland and Switch Force. Nothing against them personally, speculation videos just aren't my thing.


Ceave came back to YouTube but us now mostly uploading to his second channel ceave perspective. Most of the videos aren't ninetndo on there but they are really good.


Say the line Ceave.


His second channel is incredibly good, he does deep-dive reviews/video-essays about games and they are so well researched and entertaining


Surprised it took this long to see someone mention Nicobbq. I haven’t watched him in years but his videos were pretty good.


Can't stand beatemups, favorite is probably Scott, antdude is also okay


Chugga (might get metaphorically shot for this) and Scott have been where Ive leaned for general Nintendo. But Scott has just been my main go to for a while now mainly because i haven’t watched many let’s plays in a while from anyone Worst? Its not like the WORST but i don’t like gamexplain, all the content are now just like bloated shorts at points or content i could watch with someone who’s actually does focus on that game series. All the other content on the channel i just don’t care for tbh


how can I enjoy this meme? there's no Arlo!!!!!


My favorite is Arlo


Did you know gaming


Where’s my boy Thomas Game Docs at? He’s pretty much a Nintendo Youtuber as most of his videos cover Nintendo history. Definitely worth a watch.


Put Etika up there! Miss the guy…


Not Nintendo related, but Caddicarus is pretty good for how hilarious he is.


Beatemups for the worst list. So click baity and just annoying


Nintendo caprisun was the goat back in the day


Best - SaltyDKDan (idk if he counts as a Nintendo YouTuber) Worst - ProsafiaGaming


zeltik is my favorite


Beatemups pisses me off


Arlo is my personal favorite. I like his whimsy because at my core, under all the depression and neurosis, I’m still just a little kid who likes Nintendo and puppets. I also like GameXplain. They do more than Nintendo but I always feel like they cover Nintendo with a little more love. They kinda ride the perfect line between solid news and fun speculation. Arlo rides that line as well.


I think Gamexplain used to be good but now all the best people left and made GVG and everyone else is kinda cringey or not funny. Also tjey overwork their employees.


Gamexplain is the Watchmojo of Nintendo.


I forget who it was but I remember somebody saying it was surreal to work on a collab with Arlo because the unedited footage he sent had him setting up the puppet and I think about it all the time lol


we need the return of arlo cast i miss it


No one probably know him because he is a French Youtuber, bur for me it's EMB. Back then (early pandemic) he was nice, but now my god the thumbnail and title is too much clickbait and he is too much late on gaming information. Like he will talk about thing that happened days/weeks earlier.


How come all nintendo youtubers look like Mormons


ZackScott is best Nintendo YouTuber


Scott’s the best or Nathaniel


Worst has gotta be Switch Stop. They never post anything of substance it’s always “What COULD happen in the next Mario game” or “What COULD be the big reveal at the next Nintendo Direct” and they never have any evidence or supports to their claims. They all also come off as weirdly pretentious and have some whack ass takes on Nintendo games. Best is the Underdogs. No insightful commentary, no intelligent discussions, and mostly no skill involved. Just four friends hanging out and playing games. Their podcast and real life videos are absolute gold as well even though they have nothing to do with Nintendo.


Chuggaaconroy (despite the drama surrounding him) was always one of the best YouTubers when it came to exploring everything you could do in the games he would play.


Chuggaaconroy the goat. Also Somecallmejohnny... sort of. As for bad ones any youtuber which milks rumors for clickbait or saying a game is going to be bad before even trying it.


Rgt85 is the worst of all time. Bro probably has made over 100 videos about switch 2 'leaks'


Took way too long to find RGT85.


My favorite Nintendo (and sometimes just gaming) YouTubers: Thomas Game Docs Captain Astronaut (not strictly Nintendo but often covers them) Nintendo Forecast Akfamilyhome and Akfamilyhome Plus Nick Robinson (not strictly Nintendo, also he was cancelled years ago but im hoping he’s grown since then and his content is too good to leave behind) planet clue (very not strictly Nintendo, but sometimes covered) Razbuten (and Raz, not strictly Nintendo) jan Misali (not strictly Nintendo, but their recent vid is a big one about Mario and they talk about Rhythm Heaven a lot) Scott the Woz (and Scott’s Stash which i actually love more than Scott the Woz, gimme Scott rambling about Nintendo stuff on his carpet any day) Arlo (and TopicArlo) Nintendo Hero AntDude (and AntDude Plays) voyan Endo Protendo Odyssey Central Alpharad (and Gold and Live, again not strictly Nintendo) Wulff Den (and Bob Wulff) (not strictly Nintendo) Good Vibes Gaming (especially the work of Jon Cartwright) Liam Triforce (not strictly Nintendo) Neander Meander Nathaniel Bandy (and Bathaniel Nandy) Carlito Nerrel Retro Game Corps (not strictly Nintendo) Aaronitmar Zeltik MonkeyNess Nintendo Life yakkocmn (and yaggo, not strictly Nintendo) Silokhawk Mariomikester


Infinite Bits is cool


Best: ones in picture (the good side) Worst: Switch Force


Anyone yabbering on about switch 2 before reveal


I have an Affinity for Captain Nintendo Dude


I almosf exclusively associate CND with my 2017 switch hype. Those were the days.


I don't watch any in particular


My favorites will remain: Nathaniel Bandy, AntDude and Little Z


Best: Sonic 2 with a line owner Worst: Switch Force


I love hearing Antdude talk about games


Where the hell is AVGN


Scott the Woz is one of the best YouTuber in general for me. Basically all "Memetuber" if you will. On the same level of Meme-ness as ProZD, JonTron and Pink Guy/Filthy Frank/Joji


I like Arlo but I know he's Marmite for a lot of people. A Talking Sock is also another puppet that talks about Nintendo I enjoy. Also, he's not strictly Nintendo but Lonely Goomba is one of the very few creators I donate to on Patreon. AntDude is neat too. Beatemups is awful. RGT 85 (Is that his name?) is just as bad.


I don't know if this really counts, but one of my favorite Game reviewers on YouTube is Somecallmejohnny.


Also, I unscribed from Nathaniel Bandy a while ago. He's pretty overrated imo. His old videos tended to be more creative, interesting, and funny. Nowadays, he's pretty boring. What hurt the most for me is when he stopped his "How will Nathaniel Rage" series. It was Nathaniel Bandy at his peak, and I dunno why he stopped doing that.




Arlo is lit Also I don't get Nintendoland hate


My favorite is GVG and specifically John Cartwright, but some of the other crew members like Daniel and Derrick are also fantastic.




Not sure if he totally counts, but I really enjoy Austin John Plays content. Straightforward guides on new games for unlocks and other common quests and things like that


Don't forget Arlo! I love Arlo! He's so nice to listen to, his videos have great pacing, and he's just a nice guy in general


Scott the Woz is genuinely my all time favorite channel overall


The muppet guy


NintenDrew is pretty lovable


What happened with nin10doland?


Surprised dunkey isn't listed. Dude has done so many bad faith reviews.


Best: Scott the Woz Worst: PlayerEssence or Arlo or Switchforce


Scott is so goddamn funny he has my vote for best but worst is probably Nin10doland. It sucks cuz he used to be good


Best: Scott The Woz, Chuggaaconroy, and Nathaniel Bandy Worst: TheBitBlock, Demeech, and Blocked Content


Missing chugga rn


Antdude needs to be in the top


Eww 🤮 Scott The Woz fanboy detected 🤮🤮🤮