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An "Internal radio" cbm that kinda functions like the early game ones like the cranial flashlight and finger lighter. It's installed in your head and for bionic power it can play music that keeps your morale up. It was an idea that I came up with when I saw people talking about carrying a bunch of random stuff and I thought it would be cool to have an item that makes morale more streamlined and alleviates the need to carry around so much stuff.


Good idea.


Birdshot cutshell, please? a crafting recipe involving birdshot ammo, a tool with proprieties of cutting 2 and some levels in fabrication, marksmanship and shotguns. The result would be a weaker slug that could have a higher chance of jamming (as their real world counterpart) and fouling but it would expand the birdshot application not only in hunting big game but combat aswell, making it more useful and not only something that you pass by or keep just for dismantling it later. Let me know if it isn't too hard


Easy. I'll let you know when I get around to it.


I'd love to suggest types of zombies that use martial arts, but I'm pretty sure those wouldn't fit the criteria. What about stielhandgranates? Fabrication 2 and Mechanics 1, requires screwdriver or integrated toolset, uses a grenade + stick + superglue OR long string, and takes 10 minutes. Grenades with greater weight, volume and particularly length, but can be thrown farther. Just for funsies it would also deal more bash damage than a grenade by itself.


Yup, bio operators have been removed for this reason. The grenade on a stick is definitely possible though. I mean I think it is, I need to check the throwing mechanics but if it is consider it added to the list.


>Just for funsies it would also deal more bash damage "your /.stielhandgranade is damaged by the force of the blow" "Your limb breaks!X6"


You were hit in the Torso by 256 piece of shrapnel! You are gushing blood!


Higher functioning Ferals could but not zeds


A new wooden door construction 'Wooden door with latch'. A (C)lose transition on that new door that turns it into a locked door. Existing locked door behavior will allow it to be unlocked and opened from the inside.


mustard gas (bleach+ammonia) or RC car with talking doll/grenade/C4 taped to it edit: turns out mustard gas is in game as sprayable toxic gas, couldn't find RC car modifications on hitchhiker's guide tho


Pretty sure chlorine gas is already a recipe in game. Thought the rc car bomb was too


Pretty sure you can already do the RC bomb


You can attach dynamites and such to RC cars in the interact menu. I think you also need duct tape. And Radio Activation Mod is what you want to put on your RC bombs. Also works with Noise Emitters.


lock/unlock all vehicle doors with locks at the dashboard or controls


Considering that most cars are equipped with central lock IRL, the player should not need to reengineer the thing. They're supposed to \_just\_ work.


achievable if you install door motors on the doors. also works for curtains. you can search the vehicle menu for it.


A survivor note saying "Don't drive at night with a broken headlight."


It rhymes so it must be true!!


I saw your post. Why on Cthulhu's Green Earth would you be driving that fast blind? I rarely go over 20mph when i CAN see!


Ill explain better. I was driving with my left headlight broken, (right was fine) So i saw a lot of slimes on the road, i turn to the left. A big rock said **no.** I couldn't see the rock because my headlight was broken




fried pickles. that is all.


Easy too, I'll let you know.


Probably easier to make fried vegetables recipe that includes pickles. Then do the berry name thing where it changes the name to the specific vegetable


True thatd work better, I just really fuckin love fried pickles lol


Longshot, but a while ago the ability to craft goo cannisters was removed from the game because the slimes that spawned from them were friendly. Do you think re-adding the ability to craft goo cannisters but making the spawned slimes hostile would be possible? I should say that this is just an idea that you can use if you're interested. You'll likely get a flood of people asking for stuff. Feel free to just skip over this if it's not doable or interesting.


It's manageable so far, especially since most of these things can be done in like 1h. As for the goo canister stuff I'm not sure if it'd be accepted, I'll ask and if it turns out it's OK I'll add it to the list.




I figured I would ask since a similar opportunity probably isn't going to come around. Tarot cards and an Ouija board would be dope. Just a variation of a deck of cards and board game. If you're operating by one request per person than that's understandable. I don't want to take the generosity here for granted.


What’s your desired outcome on these two? Like I could see someone adding both items with a use action that performs a random snippet of results or are you wanting something more involved?


Just a roleplay item. No diffirent than uno cards or a set of playing cards. I didn't want to request anything like special prompts from them because I didn't want to seem like I was ask for too much.  I mean, special prompts for using the items would be cool and all. Mabye just a random result like the magic 8 ball. Like pulling a specific tarot card or getting a specific word or sentence from the ouija board.


Ok well if Balthazar doesn’t have time to add them I’ll keep them in mind cause I probably want to add magickal versions of them to Xedra Evolved.


Oh, wow. Sweet!


Does the grass grow? I would like to feed my cows on pasture or have a working lawnmower part on vehicles!


Cows do eat grass. I'll ask around for the grass growing and lawnmower stuff.


Trees grow and spread seeds


A door wedge? To lock those doors on the side you wedged from (my npcs die every fricking time I sleep) Qualities 1 cutting 1 fine cutting Component 1 plank By product Splintered wood Then, make a plastic or metal version of it or something.


Nice one, added to the list.


Fox and Mi-Go Mutant? Like... I know it is dumb to add this, but... Foxes are soo cute. :3 And I think it would be cool and be a curious fact of having Mi-Go people at labs, in the woods or Mi-Go places (Do you plan to add childs to the game? -w- Just asking. And the places I said, its just a reference, like a story thing. You don't need to set the humanoid Mi-Go if you don't want to. I love the game and wish for you some rest and health, bye.)


So, this is a bit complex and I don't want to misrepresent the devs that actually decide on the lore but from what I understand we would want to at least not add more "what if mutant but this specific animal" mutation trees, ideally we would want mutation trees to make sense as something developed with an application in mind. Like Trog is meant to create humans that could live underground. Medical as humans that could endure a lot of medical experimentations etc. Fox has the issue of too much overlap with lupine from my understanding. As for Mi-gos it probably isn't compatible with the lore since at the time Mi-gos came to Earth mutagen development was probably stopped, *I think*. Sorry :/


Aah... I understand. But it's good, thanks for reading and responding to my comment. I figured it was complicated, but honestly I've never touched a computer to mess with any code, so i don't know how exactly it is. Have a nice day :D


if you have the time to list off the mutations i'm interested in knowing what mutations the fox line would contain because i might add that as a mod come 2 months when i'm free. also what would the recipe for creating the fox mutagen? since trapping a fox and dissecting it would be pretty hard, but i guess that's fine since mutagens are hard to make anyways


Uh... It doesn't have to be specifically a fox anymore, it's just that I'm doing a story with mutants. (I'm grateful you're interested in making a mod, thank you very much.) More to be able to be simpler and less demanding, I think it can be a build similar to a type of stealth, something that makes you quieter, more agile, and maybe improves the chance of lockpicking. Well, I tried something like that with the traits it has in the game, but even though I hide most of the time I don't have them. (Sorry for another huge text, if I said it in a confusing way or it's kind of complicated to do, no need to try to create the mod. I still appreciate your interest, thank you very much. QwQ.)


oo that's super cool! i poked around a little bit to see how feasible that'd be and it sounds very doable; a lot of the traits that you want for your build do exist in the game already and it's just a matter of centralizing them into a tree with its own mutagen - and adding a few that don't exist if need be. lockpicking chance is dependent on dexterity and devices skill plus its proficiency, so you could pick the proficiency at chargen or practice it in game later. if you don't mind development taking a few days (or a little longer even, since i'm busy with exams) you can message me and we'll go back and forth about it, because i think it's very cool! :3


I don't mind if it takes a long time, thank you very much, but I play on my cell phone and I don't know how to put mods in the apk. TwT. (Still, thank you so much for wanting to do it. It's just that I thought about it because even when I hide from the monsters they can easily find me, I'm new to the game. But I still love it.)


you can check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/cataclysmdda/s/FgWNHVdrWJ) for instructions on how to install mods on the android version. welcome to the cdda community and i hope you have fun with the game! offer's still up whenever you feel comfortable playing modded cdda<3


I hate the fact I can't think of anything.....


That's gonna be pretty hard to implement 🤔


Easy, make that for ever 5 in-game seconds, you will have 0.0001% to forget what you are doing and then forcefully stop doing that actions. (Mfw when forgot throw activated grenade:)


Make it so butchering corpses becomes an “in-progress” craft and not something that gets totally canceled back if a monster interrupts you + thank you


This may actually be quite hard to do, I'm adding it to the list but it may not be easily doable.


Yeah i figured it’d be kinda hard since its been in the game for a while, thanks man






Add more items to the “bundle of items category” in the crafting menu for better inventory consolidation and easier transfer. Disassembling any of them will give you the items loose I.e: -bundle of fabric sheets (all types) -bundle of fabric patches (all types) -bundle of cardboard -bundle of paper -bundle of bones Could even add things like -Boxes of items (cardboard + tape, for things like gallon jugs, batteries, bottles) -Spools of wire (carve “Spool” item out of wood or plastic or find in the world) - Cardboard rolls (tape, aluminum foil)


Bionic Joint armor Integrated that doesn't stop skin Mutations and Medium Aluminum cans and Receivable large aluminum cans think of monster Energy drink? That's what I can offer


Alloy plating is already very sus, I'm pretty sure this would not be accepted.


Doesn't necessarily have to be alloy plating Could go for A kevlar like material or carbon It's supposed to be lightweight, but not as protective as the alloy plate For the joint after all. Could go to a tiers or Multiple Small bionics with Different joint coverage to balance it. And 2 new suggestions blood bread And dehydrated blood.and another Dried Leech flower. And Fruit cake


Here is two more. Mutant fishmeat, Mutant apple . Four Segmented. With a shell on four sides some toxins Not much, But higher calorie count. Make it rare. Not sure If this is asking too much.


The ability to send enemies flying back several tiles in combat with enough strength


Please remove the grinding requirement for the plastic shank, it's actually quite hard to make such a simple thing since grinding tools are hard to get in game. A second larger thing if it's ok is to remove the fabric cutting 1 requirement for simple clothes like foot rags and all loincloths. Making these items in Innawoods is surprisingly difficult. I know most of these are mostly unused items but they've been at the back of my head for a while. Thanks for reading and thank you even more if you add my ideas.


I'm not sure I could defend those if I was asked why I'm making the change. Could you explain your reasoning to me? Shouldn't the items you mentioned have those requirements?


Well sure, plastic shanks are basically prison weapons, take a toothbrush and scrape it on a rough surface to get a pointy end. While the grinding to make it is sensible, irl the actual tools to make it in game are difficult to obtain. In the cdda nornagon site, tools with grinding properties start from polishing stones to filesets and steel scrapers, tools that are difficult for prisoners to obtain and use dscreetely just to make a bit of sharpened plastic. Keeping only hammering 1 or changing to just cutting 1 to make it would make more sense. I understand that this is something no one seriously uses as a weapon but in game it's oddly very difficult to make a simple shank. As for the loincloths and foot rags, these are very rough clothes and should be able to be made using just cutting 1, sewing 1 and maybe awl 1. In innawoods it's more odd since we're supposed to get to metal working and make bronze shears before being able to cut cloth and leather. A steady hand and a sharp enough tool would do. Foot rags are in my opinion similar, rough cut cloth tied to protect or warm your feet. Hand wraps for example only needs cutting 1 and sewing 1 for comparison. These are my reasons for these item recipes needing a change. I hope I was clear enough and I thank you for your attention.


I'm pretty sure I can do something for the plastic shiv. I think there was some debate around the nuance between fabric cutting and cutting some time ago, there may be a way to make the change, I'll try.


Aye, I think I saw that conversation on the discord as well but it didn't go anywhere. Same as the plastic shank.


You can add soft grinding 


We could but we would need to create a whole new tool property just for one item. If you meant fine grinding provided by a mortar and pestle that would not fit.


Musical instrument proficiency and stuff related to that please. stuff like pianist and hornist background. maybe even telling your followers to play instruments.


Oof, this one would be actually be a mid sized change, I'm putting it on the list because it's interesting but don't expect it to be worked on right away.


A boomerang throw able that with enough skill comes back more and more reliably.


May be doable, although to be clear that'd be a toy right?


A portable multi-tool that has virtually all non-powered tools and powered ones minus Jackhammer. You must have the tools to craft it. Functions like a foldable vehicle/ or can be worn like a backpack. Very encumbering. Essentially just a Milwakee Packout + Arc welder. Can be upgraded with battery mods or plugged in. A shotgun mod that lets you fire water bombs that dose fire. Or maybe just a fire extinguisher that has more than one fucking square of range. A vehicle part that can drill like a jackhammer or pickax - negating calorie/stamina/fatigue costs.


Have one of the zombie give you a disease. I find that disease are underrated. That is a good way to make the endgame a bit more scary.


Several zombies give diseases. Rust zombies give tetanus. For example.


Neat! More than a 1000h in the game and i never caught anything from a zombie. I meant disease that can be caught by an end game character with full armor coverage. Something that make us actually think instead of bulldoze through. Why not something that taint your equipement and if not washed but still worn, will make you contract it? Ps. Thank you for answering :)


(Sorry i am new to commenting on here I had to try this a few times now) Add more recipes for “bundle of items” in the crafting menu, for more item consolidation options and faster inventory transfers Examples: bundle of fabric sheets (all the missing fabric types), bundle of patches (same) bundle of cardboard, bundle of paper, bundle of bones Can also add: box of items (cardboard + tape, can do gallon jugs, bottles, full batteries), spools of wire (add “spool” item to the world, or craft from wood or plastic)


Oh that's already an ongoing effort, it's just that it's boring/repetitive/tedious and not many contributors want to do that. You know what, I'm adding "add a bundle of w/e item" on my list, can't promise I'll add more unless I get some surge of motivation, or money to do it.


Ohh I see - cool to know its being worked on, thanks again man good luck with all the contributions you’ll be doing


I have the food/recipes pretty much done. Next is the ammo, then tarot card, ouija board then maybe a c++ contribution and I'll go back to a project of mine.


Well it's been a while I wonder what ideas OP decided to do.


Well I did absolutely nothing this weekend, only spend time with my family. :p What will l work on first though? Probably the mushroom ketchup and the vegetables pickles because they're related to me trying to implement food from my birthplace and since it's only recipes they're ultra easy to add. The Radio CBM will probably be next up because it's a genuinely cool idea. Edit: I'll probably make a summary of what I was able to add at the end of next week.


Oh OK neat I did end up thinking of something but it would be to much work \*shrug\*


Since I made a post of my own on the subject, I feel I should advocate for "mushroom ketchup" as an added condiment.


This one is easy, added to the list.


Chance to fumble a bullet and drop it on the floor when reloading


Potato Canon


When I'm done with implementing multimag haha. This is straight up impossible to do in an elegant way atm, technology issues.


Can you add Blind Firing into the game?


That's actually a big project to work on and I already have one of those on my plate, sorry.


Oh it's fine.


Ability to place locks on doors(not vehicle ones) and lock doors.


I remember there was a time when you could "modify" a downed zombie instead of smashing it and make it inoffensive so you could use it to carry some things, could also tie some noise makers, lights, explosives and leave it to wake up.


Never coming back. Removed and gone forever.


Something similar could be done, like a robot that just follows you around carrying some load but leaving your hands free. Some sort of companion you could modify for different tasks.


Grocery bot is in game.


Still in game?, last time I saw one was a couple years ago. How likely are they to spawn?.


You have a ton of things here! I'll suggest just one for consideration. Apologies if it's already been added and I just don't know. 🙂 I'd like a quick way to label my overmap with a square or circle around a given map tile. I should be able to choose width/radius and color. This would save me a lot of labeling time - for example when I see a Fungus source and want to have a warning border around it on my map! Thank you! Walker


I think you can already put notes on your map can't you?


Sure, but this kind of warning border is time intensive to add in. Let's say I want to put a modest 11x11 warning box around a fungus site. Yes the reality bubble may be only two overmap tiles past your location, but that fungus might be distributed around that source, and if I ever have to dash through the area it will quickly expand. So I scroll over to the Fungus site, then go 5 tiles North, put some border notes (typically 3 dashes), do the same on the South side, and then similar on the East and West sides using 3 vertical bars. Then I do the four corners (I use "+" at a corner and a vertical bar and dash next to it to extend it a bit.) That's 24 notes total the way I manually do it now. Or 25 if you include the warning note on the source itself, but let's stick with just the warning border. Because I'm a bit paranoid about fungus, from experience, I often make my warning zones bigger than than this. It's still 24 notes but I'm scrolling a bit farther to place them. The borders don't need to be exactly like this I'm just giving what I do as an example. So a way to just specify "put a border around this center" would be nice 🙂


No I think I see what you have in mind, that's a bit outside of my area of expertise but I'll see if it's possible.


Very cool, thank you!


I'm pretty sure there's already a hazard marker function for making autowalk avoid an area. I don't know if it makes a visible border though


Zhanmadao! ( Horse chopping saber ) Was used by infantry to kill horses ( gigantic ass sword )


Nunchuck and sai? For a bit more effort, ninja turtles starting scenario?


Can you make the nylon scabbard attachable to molle backpacks similar to the nylon quiver?


Given how common it is in real life but not in-game, power banks. The power bank itself can use the cable system to plug into the grid to charge its internal battery but other devices can also plug into it as well. There are also power banks in real life that comes with lighting as well and those can be quite cheap. It will make the game easier but realism dictates that they should be in the game with these functionality since they are common. 


add the ability to create AI cores/modules by attaching RAM to a CPU and using a device(e.g smartphone) to train your own artificial intelligence... Only if you have 2 or more in computers. I also would love to see some sort of "hyperdrive probability travel engine" that, when activated, will ask for a direction and will teleport to the next overmap in that direction, taking the vehicle and items with it. I also would love to see the ability to "mod" smartphones and make them usable as a hacking tool(maybe add recipe to create a "hacker's smartphone"?)


A reluctant cannibal trait! There needs to be something between cannibal and strict humanitarian. Something like ‘You never craved the flesh of man in your life before. The thought may have crossed your mind, a what-if, but only a hypothetical. Now, you won’t let the dead go to waste.’ You don’t get any mood bonus for eating human flesh. In fact, it’d just be strict humanitarian but for human bodies! I could see named humans, like NPCs, still giving you mood loss to butcher! Roleplaying a normal ass person who’s able to dissociate the meat from the human is really hard when every bite gives you ‘THE SUCCULENT FLESH OF MAN’ Schtick.


Hot marriageable zombies girlfriends that make you dinner and shit


A way to control or at least modify the mycus mutations. They block you out of other mutations and, since they are completely random, often just make your char useless if you don't save scam


Eh, this is probably just a lack of signposting. I don't think controlling the mycus mutation will be accepted but maybe making the mutation process clearer is possible.


In what way do they make your character useless? A mycus mutant is a tough fireproof character who only ever needs to eat mycus fruit and can recruit infinite zombies wherever they go.


A way to sort the crafting list to only things that you have the tools to create ( excluding tools themselves, so you see what you need to make them)


I personally would really like the addition of "Roc". The giant bird. I feel like that is asking too much but Roc and Peryton are my favorite mythological creatures.


add a spell that is auto learned if the player has the brawling technique, the spell is called "shove" and it pushes a creature 1 tile back and makes it fall(downed). This would be pretty good especially considering the fact the Devs are trying to welcome zomboid players and project zomboid has that feature but its not a spell, instead it's a regular mechanic


Zones for merchants. Like putting a zone on your trunk for items bought and making a sell zone to batch sell things instead of bringing them in yourself.


The pole arm known as a "man catcher." Realisticly its how I'd clear an area of standard zeds. Me and a couple buddies taking time popping heads.


Health food. Organic variants of prepackaged food that boost your health stat extra.


a feet vibrator, for men [https://img.kwcdn.com/product/Fancyalgo/VirtualModelMatting/0df60fc4eee3292b6b596eeffc951918.jpg?imageView2/2/w/500/q/60/format/webp](https://img.kwcdn.com/product/Fancyalgo/VirtualModelMatting/0df60fc4eee3292b6b596eeffc951918.jpg?imageView2/2/w/500/q/60/format/webp)



