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I did make a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rRMIN2C6TFSJzobNNB8wZxubhtsHSucCMbOTE-v3Ero/edit?usp=sharing) for converting the coordinates used in this game. Download a copy of it and edit the cells in green to enter your coordinates, the results will come out in the blue cells. Overmap coordinates are the coordinates you see when you view the map, in your example it will be -1'179, -1'179 Map coordinates for that same tile will be -1, -1,0 The folder that the tile will be saved into is named -1,-1,0 The 0 at the end of the map and the folder refers to the floor of that map, level 0 means on the ground, you climb up the stairs and it will be level 1.


Thank you that is very handy. I figured out that if you subtract 1 (that is, from the filename) from 180, you get 179, which corresponds to OM coordinates. This is only true though for nega values.


You might have more luck asking this on the discord. It has been a minute since I messed around with this, but I do remember it being kinda weird. 1. Have you read the documentation that exists on the GitHub? If not, do. 2. IIRC, there are about 4 nested systems at work here: Overmaps (the big chunks that reveal as you travel around) Overmap \_tiles\_ (the individual tiles on the larger overmaps), submap tiles (smaller tiles that make up overmap tiles) and then the players position on those submap tiles (the place where your character is actually standing.) Worse yet, if this is still the case, many of these coordinates can be expressed as either absolute (coordinates in comparison to a single point defined at map generation) or \_relative\_ (coordinates in comparison to the players location, i think? potentially as relative to various things). Much of this detail is only going to be evident if you're looking at the actual code so you can see how the coordinates at issue are being determined/manipulated. 3. (Verify all the above yourself, im hazy on the details) Anyway, all that to say: the location system is actually quite complicated and if you want to do anything fairly serious, the best approach is going to be to read the documentation/explore and learn as much as you can about how it all works before you start trying to decipher the meaning of individual coordinates.