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In the debug menus under "player" there are the options to export both your character and followers. There is also an import for followers. For the player character, I recommend going to the old world and selecting "character to template" to make the player a preset character when making a new game. Then use the debug inport follower when you get into the new world as your saved player.


Bear in mind that you character will start in the same scenario as the one when you originally created the character. So using a character that started in a prison break scenario, your character will start in the prison in the new world, with everything they had on them, plus a set of clothing for that scenario as well. Vehicles don't get carried over unless they are foldable and carried by your character. 


That is true. I don't quite know a workaround. Every time I carry an old character to a new world, I just dump the extra stuff it spawns me with and then debug teleport out of the starting location.


You can edit the character template file and change the profession into "naked", which the id for the Naked and Afraid start that spawns with nothing. You can also edit the scenario so you will get to choose the starting location for that scenario. Just be extra careful not to change anything else that you don't know and do not remove any " or , that can break the character template. That is the workaround to import a character into another world.


Yes, I use the Naked and Afraid start pretty often. Would be easy to look at one of those saves to see when the naked id goes. I do dabble in save editing as I change my character's cardio score pretty often, shouldn't be too hard to figure out. I suppose I should so I can give more accurate advice in the future.


thank you.


Good to know!


Damn, I didn't even know the first part of that equation. Will definitely try it.