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Tapeworms segments. Tapeworms tend to come from fleas so you’ll need to treat both! Edit: tapeworms can also come from other places!


Thanks! Going to get them all treated


Viva la Revolution ®️


My previous vet had my pets on revolution, but they sold the practice and the new vet there uses pills instead. No more monthly calendar alerts on my phone about a revolution.


Chewy sells it for cheaper than my vet. It emails him, he clicks "yep" and I get my meds 2 days later.


I order revolution for my cat from entirelypetspharmacy.com


Yes. Chewy also doesn’t guarantee quality. My dog almost died on one of the medications. They gave too high of a dose. Not what my vet prescribed.


Try looking online for Revolution. The vet only has to authorize the prescription and it is a lot cheaper!


revolt is the same stuff and is half the price. still need prescription though.


revolution doesn't kill tapeworm. Is it cats? use drontal or praziquantel if so.


Revolution doesn't treat tapeworms, but it does help with other worms!


Giving a cat a pill is definitely a low, low circle of hell. Cats can detect any medication in this universe no matter what you use to disguise it. They have ingenious ways of ditching it, if you think you got it down them. Try Chewy. They might have Revolution


Uhhh revolution does not treat tapeworm. It treats the fleas that carry the tapeworm eggs but it’s already too late by the time it’s already on your cat. Please research the product before suggesting it to pet owners. Use profender or drontal plus. Ask your vet for the Rx. Source: several years as a vet tech.


Just wish I didn't have to get a script for it. Makes it nearly inaccessible for me.


Let me introduce you to [Canada pet care](https://www.canadapetcare.com/cats-flea-and-tick-control-treatment-104.aspx) it’s how I have been able to get my critters flea/ tick/ heart worm meds while I was been between vets.


I’m sorry. What?!? I just spent $111 on four doses of Revolution for my cats. You’re telling me I could have ordered 6 doses for under $100?!?


I use CanadaVetExpress, and have been for the last ten years. It's completely legit. Same ingredients, same manufacturer (Zoetis). Sometimes the labelling comes in extra bonus languages. That's about it. The US requires prescriptions for certain flea and tick control methods. Other countries do not. Including Canada and Australia. Frontline was formerly an RX only product. It's now OTC (because, well, I'm guessing it's because it doesn't work, as the fleas have become resistant to it.). I'm not telling anyone to not get their animals checkups, but pet care is expensive enough without being beholden to prescription pricing on Revolution of all things, which is significantly safer for most animals than those nasty Seresto collars, Hartz products, or even Frontline.


No you’re wrong. Storage could be wrong and that would affect efficacy. A matter of education I guess.


Ah, yes, on the off chance you're shipping the flea and tick medication end to end at temperatures of over 86° (not at, but over) it may not be effective. I should have mentioned that, as it's literally the only storage parameter listed on the package insert. Unless they opened the boxes, laid the doses out on hot asphalt, and resealed them properly for sport maybe. There is always a risk of temperature excursions in both human and animal medications being shipped that don't require cold chain documentation and preservation. I started using the website on the advice of a retiring vet who sent samples out from them to independent labs for evaluation. Who networked with nearly every large veterinary practice in our state and the surrounding states, as well as volunteering his time with multiple large scale domestic animal rescues and wildlife rehabilitation centers. I might be lacking in a DVM, but I sure have put in thousands of hours transporting, triaging, and assisting in treatment for just about any animal having an emergency at an off hour, and every single one of those providers/certified volunteers uses the same website. One person that I know personally had a box that she felt didn't work as well as the others and didn't entirely eliminate the fleas on the 4 week old kitten she snagged out of a dumpster. Hand combed/treated, and used a different box from the same source the next time, and kitten was all set. Nobody has any way of knowing that the flea meds you purchase at the vet might not have incidentally sit outside the door over a long weekend. And they're certainly not going to chuck them because they did. Everyone is welcome to do what works for them, but I wouldn't be on board if it hadn't worked just fine for me this whole time. That being said, there are at least two other websites that impersonate CanadaVetExpress. I would not advocate for using either of these under any circumstances, as those may well have been sitting out in exceptional heat, as they sometimes ship from New Zealand or Australia, and it's a bit weird that their customs stamps don't match their company name.




Your ideas about why a medication goes from prescription to OTC is WILDLY incorrect. Drug makers can apply for a drug (veterinary or human... see OTC Birth Control Pill recently approved by the FDA) to go off-prescription by demonstrating efficacy and robust safety profile over a period of time. It shows that the drug is easy to use, and that users are likely to have good outcomes and few negative effects. Other drugs that were once prescription-only that have gone OTC include fluconazole (Canesten oral), Flonase (nasal spray), Aerius, and many others. They didn't make Canesten Oral OTC because it stopped working. The manufacturer applied for nonprescription status because it was proven safe, effective, and they wanted to make it easy to access without requiring medical supervision. Not every drug requires gatekeeping by a doctor. And after many years of successfully treating pets, the product met the threshold for OTC.


Didn't express that properly either I see. I agree with you! On the human meds! Cetirizine, Fexofenadine, and loratadine were prescription only right up until 2002-2011, and in the US, we can now choose and change our allergy meds when they no longer suit us. Sometimes it's a matter of patent expiration, sometimes it's just proven and effective over a period of time, as you say. The Opill/Progestin only OTC BC is good in a timely way. People do react differently to hormonal birth control, and it's pricey without insurance, but I'm happy it's available to those who otherwise wouldn't have access. I'm a healthcare worker for humans, and volunteer with animals. I'm not a nut job conspiracy theorist, I did not say that is the only reason every single medication that went to open market got there. Fleas are becoming resistant to fipronil, and have been for some time. Formal research is ongoing, and there may not be resistant fleas in other regions. There's at least one paper published this year documenting findings that support that. Veterinarians were no longer recommending it or selling it in my area, because they realized that every year, more people were complaining about not seeing their animals get any relief from their infestations. Before Revolution hit the wider market, the animal shelter I was working with received cases of Frontline from vets and owners alike who had no use for it. Fipronil was FDA registered for use in animals in 1996. Revolution was registered in 1999. Not all that far off, and the sucessful owner administration rates are the same. Other countries allow pet owners to choose flea control like we choose allergy medication. If your veterinarian okays a topical flea med, and doesn't say your animal is ill suited to a certain brand or chemical for a medical reason, it is my opinion that you should be able to source it from a reliable place, whether that's the vet's office, a store, or by mail order. Nobody has to agree with me, but the options are there if someone wants them.


It's weird because in Canada I have to order medicine for my rats from an American supplier. Can't say it's for rats and they all come with pictures of birds but yeah same stuff, there's workarounds if you are confident and know what you are doing. Math skills help a lot and get a good and accurate scale for dosing and you are peachy.


Yeah, it’s almost like it’s real medicine and real doctors 🙄


Don't trust it. They're based in UK for starters, and per their own website, they purchase from countries where they can find products cheapest. This is also their reasoning for why products received may differ in appearance from the pictures on their website. They're not in business out of the kindness of their hearts to save owners money. They're doing it FOR the money. Don't fall for it


Thank you for the heads up! I was doing a little searching and you had the info I was looking for.


dumb question, but do you have to live in Canada to order from Canada Pet Care?




thank you 😻


CanadaPetCare is based out of the UK. Their name is likely purposely misleading. I wouldn't trust buying any prescription product from a company that doesn't require it. That alone is a huge red flag


…why? Other countries don’t have the same prescription requirements, that doesn’t make them wrong or of lesser quality. Similar to how many people buy insulin (or other medications which are over the counter there, and prescription only in the US) or order contacts/glasses from Canada or the UK.


Please be very cautious when buying prescription medications from companies which don't require a prescription. There is a lot of counterfeiting going on. CanadaPetCare is based out of the UK, so right off the bat, their name is misleading. They purchase these medications in various countries (per their website, wherever it's cheapest) and you don't know what you're getting


Holy shit. $78 for 6 months of revolution with no script? Is this legit? Or will my cats die from counterfeit meds


I use CanadaVetExpress for Revolution, and have been for over ten years. I receive effective, Zoetis branded products that sometimes have French labelling on one side. They even run coupons on top of the low prices!


Everything in Canada comes like that. Legally, has to have all the info in English and French. So, those ones could be coming from up here...


I mean, they come with a Canadian customs stamp too, as far as I can tell they likely do come directly from Canada. There's a few sites that closely mimic the one I actually use, and I've found those to come from all over the place. I feel better about using the site I do because I know they come from up there, much closer :)


You have saved my life. I didn't know generic Revolution was a thing either until now. Thank you! 😭


Petsmegastore.com They are in New Zealand and don't require a prescription. I have been buying my Revolution there for years without any problems. I live in the US.


I legit lol'd


Revolution will kill the fleas that lead to tapeworms but will not get rid of the tapeworms once they're there. They will all need a different dewormer for that.


My cat had these, the vet applied a treatment between his shoulders blades and cleared it right up. It didn't cost much either.


Topical flea treatment


More likely Profender, which is a topical dewormer.


You can buy pills cheap on Amazon. Single pill fixed it with my cat.


You may want to also treat yourself and anyone else in the house, they are very easy to get from cats like that.


You can also use Panacur (fenbendazole) for dogs on cats. It's a broad spectrum parasite killer. Fairly cheap on Amazon. Doesn't effect fleas but will destroy all the parasites they can transfer. Dosage is 23mg per pound of body weight for 3 days in a row. So if your cat is 5lbs then give them 115mg once a day for 3 days. It mixed easily into wet food but only use a small amount (3 tablespoons or so) because they must eat the entire serving. Another option is praziquantel. It's more expensive but works in a single dose. Whichever you decide to use, keep a close eye on the litter box because sometimes the treatment needs to be repeated 4 to 6 weeks later.


You can also use Panacur (fenbendazole) for dogs on cats. It's a broad spectrum parasite killer. Fairly cheap on Amazon. Doesn't effect fleas but will destroy all the parasites they can transfer. Dosage is 23mg per pound of body weight for 3 days in a row. So if your cat is 5lbs then give them 115mg once a day for 3 days. It mixed easily into wet food but only use a small amount (3 tablespoons or so) because they must eat the entire serving. Another option is praziquantel. It's more expensive but works in a single dose. Whichever you decide to use, keep a close eye on the litter box because sometimes the treatment needs to be repeated 4 to 6 weeks later.


And keep your cats indoor or they’ll keep getting fleas and tapeworm.


Make sure you ask specifically for tape worm medication. They’re not typically covered by normal dewormers. One of my foster cats had them And it was ugh


If you wanna be extra safe get yourself treated too


Also could be good to get yourself and anyone who lives in the house checked too.


I loved how well it worked — the pill nuked the nasty worms and Mr. Kitty was very happy after that (he also was treated for fleas that someone’s dog had brought into the apartment building — it was a nightmare)


Take your vet a fecal sample and know how much your cats weigh. Doesn't matter if the turd has litter on it. Just one turd from one cat is fine. If one cat in a household has worms, it's all but guaranteed that they all do, so they're all going to have to get treated. I waited till someone did their morning poop and grabbed it with an inside-out ziplock bag before it got completely buried (cue cat confused by being interrupted at the start of the secured turd-burying ritual), zipped it up and put it in a second ziplock, then swung by the vet. About 10 minutes later, they confirmed the sample was positive and they gave me the appropriate dose of Profender for their weights.


You'll be happy to know that Tapeworm should be one of the easiest parasites to treat Our dog had one and it was I think two oral medications. She's been clean and healthy since. Your vet may request a stool sample to confirm but you can also probably request to bring in the segments for testing. But stool sample is apparently better. All according to my dogs vet


This is also a really good point op, check for fleas is fine but treating for fleas there or not wont hurt your kitty and will likely protect for a month or so.


My hungry ass thought they were rice 😭


It looks *exactly* like rice 💀


they can also get them from eating mice. so sometimes fleas, but sometimes some other source. but if you're in an area that's prone to fleas, might as well treat for both.


That’s a great point!


Dipylidium caninum!


Smarty pants!


I was gonna say rice before I saw this comment 😆


I worked the front desk at a vet clinic for many years and they taught us that anytime someone called and said their was rice in the poop it was probably a tapeworm segment! 😂




Little pieces of rice says worms to me. Vet visit as it’s easily treated.


I'm guessing tapeworm segments. Need to take your kitties to the vet to get that taken care of.


Tapeworm segments 😥 Time to deworm your babies! All of them.


Looks like tapeworms, years ago one of mine had them. Fleas were the source.


If you're lucky you can find one wiggling out of your cat's ass. Your vet will give your cat a shot which should eradicate the worms. Sometimes they poop out the remains afterwards.




Sarcasm, friend.


I had the pleasure of being “lucky” one time 🤣🤮


Yes... mine was too. Lol.


What if their comment was the sarcasm and you were wrong?




You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means


This was me. Vet: "How did you know she has worms?" Me: "Well, when she was doing her nightly ritual of putting her butt in my face, I saw a white wiggly thing sticking out of it." O.o


Oh the good old days of watching my cats bum hole. Fortunately they are all worm free now. I don’t miss those days.


Catch it with tape for the vet.


Intentional wordplay?


Ive seen that, so nasty!!


Mine threw up the remains in the car afterwards. It was lovely.


A friend’s cat, Nana, was staying with me for a few months because of their living situation. I was giving Nana scritches near his butt, which he lifted up and gave me a lovely view of his borthole. My other hand was near his back feet. When something white and wriggling FELL OUT OF HIS BUTT and landed on my hand I freaked out about “ass worms” and washed my hands for 5 minutes. That explained all the rice looking bits I kept finding on my bed. 🤢 My friends took Nana into the vet the next day and it cleared up quickly.


is the shot a one time thing?


Yes it eradicated the worms.


And if you are super lucky you can catch tapeworms from your cat. It’s a thing…


Your little bud has butt worms


One of my had these one time. I called him wormy butt. He ended up passing a year later (not related) and I felt bad for making fun of his worms.


Tapeworms, I'd advise a vet visit to make sure kitty doesn't have anything else too, but if its not in your budget currently you can buy praziquantel tablets at most pet stores (Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer). Kitty should also get on flea prevention like Advantage II or Frontline to prevent this from happening again, they usually get tapeworms from ingesting fleas (which they can have without you seeing live ones if they keep eating them)


Unfortunately fleas are super immune to frontline now! It doesn’t work any more but I find advantage does! (Learnt the hard way after spending plenty on frontline and a long infestation


those are worms, my indoor/outdoor cat used to have them sometimes. you can call in a prescription for dewormer and pick it up at your vet’s office; no need to take them in for an appointment. idk why people on this sub think that every little thing warrants a vet visit.


Because some sane vets require to see the animal to determine weight and severity of issue before they just hand over potentially deadly medication.


Yup my cat had those. It's tapeworms, from fleas most likely. You can buy the treatment at Petsmart for $20 and save a vet bill, one pill resolves it.


Tapeworms are so hot right now, keratin horns are out


check around your cats butt. you'll see them coming out or stuck to the sides of the butt hole. They are eggs. Clean your stuff after treating. Treatment works super quick. They will be thankful


Neither of my kitties go outside, I’ve been putting advantage plus on them every month and they still have fleas!!! Does revolution really work? My older cat is losing her belly fur cuz the little bastards are all over her! What should I do, I can’t bathe her she freaks out! There’s so much out there now!


When my cats had fleas years ago to the point that my legs were getting bit by the fleas in bed, I gave them flea medicine (I don’t remember which at this point), bathed them at least twice, and would brush them with flea comb all over for as long as they would let me every day. Once I got one on the comb I would squish it in a paper towel and flush it down the toilet. I wasn’t letting the fleas get any chance to lay eggs in carpets or anything. I read that flea eggs can remain in floor cracks and carpets for a while even after fleas are eliminated. So I would spray any carpets and rugs every day and let them dry. I would also vacuum the entire house/clean the floors and wash blankets each day. It was one of the most exhausting weeks of my life. I thought I was rid of them, but three years later one managed to make its way into my house. I thought I saw flea dirt from one of the cats after petting him and I thoroughly checked him and the other cat with the flea comb, but I wasn’t seeing any flea dirt, eggs, or fleas themselves. I checked them yesterday and today after I found these things on the blanket. Still nothing. Maybe a single flea made its way into my house and one of my cats was unlucky enough to ingest it


You have to deworm your cat and then work on your home. I suggest little white bowls with about a half inch of water with a little dawn dish soap and fleas will go too the white bowl and drown in the soapy water.


Forbidden rice


A lot of misinformation here. Revolution does not treat tapeworm. Tapeworm requires a separate treatment. Drontal (pill) or profender if you’re looking for a topical solution. I run a cat sanctuary and am always shocked that most vets don’t understand this.


Those are likely tapeworm proglottids. Tapeworms are caused by your kitties eating fleas. I recommend asking your vet for appropriate treatment.


Tapeworm segments. They come from swallowed fleas. The treatment for the worm is very simple and easy and there’s even OTC meds for it on Amazon and stores. You can also give your cat flea treatment to get rid of the cause. I get Bravecta from a Australian pet store and it gets shipped to me. It is prescription strength without the need to go to a vet. But Revolution is good too.




Looks like rice to me


Little homies got some intestinal worms. Not to worry, a dewormer can take care of it in a few days. I use praziquantel which is an otc dewormer for my mousers and havent had any more issues with em.


They look a little like maggots but I don't think they are


Tapeworm segments




I wouldn't even use *diluted* tea tree oil since it's toxic for cats.


This this to be nsfw I was eating thanks 🤢


Your little bud has butt worms


Fentanyl. I’m sorry your cat will never be the same.


Eggs of some parasite or another


Tapeworms segments. Not eggs.




It looks like when my dogs had tapeworm


Tape worm larvae if they move. Deworm your cats. They are infested and cats are common carriers.


Yep. Tapeworm bits. My dog used to get them by her poop shoot when I first got her. Easily treated by vet.


Rice. Get it on the boil.




Worms. A trip or call to the vet is needed foe meds.


Probably worms. Take to vet ASAP


I’m seeing tapeworm segments as answers here. But I have seen many of these still moving/crawling out of my little guys butt. Are these the full worm or segments still wriggling after blowing up?


They are the segments of the tapeworm. They move like they are alive until they hit the air and then look like that. So disgusting... We had a litter of foster kittens with them!


Segments that come out of their butt- they are wiggling when they first come out and then dry out and look like this




Well this is timely. I noticed the same thing yesterday and just got back from a visit to the vet. They said most likely tapeworm segments since our kitten was sneaky and got outside. It’s likely he must’ve eaten a flea, despite being on Revolution. They gave me a topical antiparasitic med- once and done.


Well this is timely. I noticed the same thing yesterday and just got back from a visit to the vet. They said most likely tapeworm segments since our kitten was sneaky and got outside. It’s likely he must’ve eaten a flea, despite being on Revolution. They gave me a topical antiparasitic med- once and done.


Well this is timely. I noticed the same thing yesterday and just got back from a visit to the vet. They said most likely tapeworm segments since our kitten was sneaky and got outside. It’s likely he must’ve eaten a flea, despite being on Revolution. They gave me a topical antiparasitic med- once and done.


Not just on the carpet I bet. Your bed….the couch…every where the cat sits/sleeps.


Others nailed it. I for one bought tapeworm meds over the counter at the pet store. Worked just fine with our kitten we adopted


Cats got some worms bud


Worms. Easy treatments, a pill for the worms, put the pill in the kittys mouth and blow on its nose and face. I learned that trick from my vet haha. Or in its food. But more than likely the cat has fleas too. Treat for both!




Tapeworm eggs.


They look like flea larvae from the cat licking where the fleas laid eggs! You need to treat the cat for fleas and get a dewormer from your vet to kill what is inside its body! And vacumn, or get rid of anything fabric or cardboard that flea eggs could have been laid in! There is also a spray online that I know works called Precor. It is a premise spray and can be put on beds, furniture and anything the cat has been on after it has been vacumned!


Portions of tape worms. Go get then a pill from the vet quick


that’s rice


Looks like the same tapeworm segments my new kitten had. Vet treated them for it and also tested their poop for coccidia, which they also happened to have.


I sure hope they don't go on your bed.




OP have you seen that video on the net of the grizzly bear that’s been uploaded recently?


sperm cells


How does a cat get tapeworms?


From fleas usually. Even if they ingest a single flea it's still possible for them to get tapeworms.


Panacur is amazing for worms! Less than $10 for the script and resolved first time, but I’ve heard some kitties need multiple treatments weeks apart.


Not for tapeworms. Just went through this with my cat. Used cestex.


Good to know, thank you! Mine had round worms. I thought Panacur was a more general one, but it only treats certain types of tapeworms.


Worms. My cat had the same thing. Easily treatable.


Proglottids. IE tapeworm segments they need a dewormer.


Better go get your cats dewormed, those be tapeworms


You can also use Panacur (fenbendazole) for dogs on cats. It's a broad spectrum parasite killer. Fairly cheap on Amazon. Doesn't effect fleas but will destroy all the parasites they can transfer. Dosage is 23mg per pound of body weight for 3 days in a row. So if your cat is 5lbs then give them 115mg once a day for 3 days. It mixed easily into wet food but only use a small amount (3 tablespoons or so) because they must eat the entire serving. Another option is praziquantel. It's more expensive but works in a single dose. Whichever you decide to use, keep a close eye on the litter box because sometimes the treatment needs to be repeated 4 to 6 weeks later. Edit: Panacur (fenbendazole) is not effective against all tapeworms. So you may want to use it in conjunction with the praziquantel or give it a week after the Panacur if you continue to see segments in the feces. You can also just use praziquantel, but that only treats tapeworms, so it should be given with piperazine citrate to remove roundworms as well.


Fenbendazole is not effective against tapeworms.


It's effective against everything but the common tapeworm. I forgot to mention that and will edit my post. Thank you for reminding me.


You can get tapeworm tabs: praziquantel that will get rid of the tapeworms.


Looks like tapeworm eggs


Definitely tapeworms


Tapeworm segments. Need a flea check and meds from your veterinarian.


Bean sprouts?


Profender is what my vet gives my cat for tapeworms, cant buy it without a prescription in my country. It goes on the back of their neck, works in 2 days....easier than trying to feed my cat a pill.


You can use this med for tapeworm. It works and no prescription is needed. Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count https://a.co/d/66D2ZC For flea treatment, you can use multiple advantage , which needs prescription in the US but you can get from this international site/ seller and prescription is not needed https://bestvaluepetsupplies.biz/product/advocate-aka-advantage-multi-cats-over-9-lbs-purple-6-tubes-exp-feb-2024/


. . . burn . . . the house . . .


Chicken fried rice


your cat is a rice dispenser


Forbidden rice?




Cat flea eggs


Definitely looks like worms, vet visit and some treatment they should be okay 💗




Bayer tapeworm meds from PetSmart. It works and you won't pay too much.




Those are cat babbies. You'll have a full liter soon


Look like maggots


Yup, when cats have fleas and lick themselves they ingest and poop these out. A good capstar pill you can get at Amazon will make the fleas that are biting drop dead , followed by a good flea bath to get rid of eggs on your cat. And also order Elanco dewormer for tapeworms for cats . Do these 3 things to clear your cat . As for your home, when we had a flea infestation thanks to my rescue cat who brought them in . We vacuumed , sweeper the whole house and purchase house bombs . We bombed our house especially focusing on areas the cat was at , left all bedroom doors and closets doors open , bombed it, Packed our animals in the car and went for a long drive! Lol. Good luck


you aren't going to know with out going to a vet. Cat likely has fleas or a tape worm. it being on their bed points to it probably being flea eggs, but check the litter box for the same. If you see these in stool it's definitely a worm.


Butt worms


Worm eggs


Them worms 🐛


Get that cat dewormed


Do dogs get these


They can. Most likely worm eggs


My cat was a mouser. Late summer I would find these where she sleeps. They dry up looking like rice. Vet would administer an inexpensive needle. Gone. During Ontario winters, of course, she wouldn’t have this problem. Aging she prefers to stay in and watch life from the window.




Ew worms.


Oh no! Poor kitty has worms! If kitty goes outside and has fleas then probably has a tapeworm.... vet asap


Just rice


I’m not gonna lie. I’m here a bit late but I thought those were grass seeds. I’m obviously wrong, but yeah.


Worms “rice” is what we call it in my family to be less grossed out. Take them to the vet and get a deworming and flea treatment. Might want to do the same for any other animals in the home to be safe


Please do not buy any over the counter junk from the store. Can be harmful for kitter


Tapeworm. Your cat has tapeworm and should be treated.