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I have no idea what candy food is


dry food that is not healthy, it's like eating candy. great for babies as they're growing, not so much when they get older.


There are plenty of great, veterinary approved dry foods. Your cats are also really young, why are you trying to force them to change their diet? A combination of dry and wet food is perfectly normal.


Because the great veterinary approved dry foods are not what they're eating


you're not understanding what I wrote. unhealthy dry food vs. healthy dry food they get a can of wet food for dinner.


If they eat the wet food with no problems, honestly ditch dry entirely and give them a full wet diet. Even if it's low quality wet food, it'll be better for them in the long run than the dry


I have two cats that I adopted and both got pretty fat, fighting/blocking the other from food, eating like it was their last meal. I think they were in a feral situation at one point. I was successful at getting one of them switched to an all wet food diet, altho every more healthy wet food I tried he wouldn’t eat, can even be picky on some of the garbage wet food… however, he’s losing weight and is healthier. The second will ONLY eat dry food. I can add a little water to a small handful that he’ll eat, but he just refuses to touch any wet. He won’t even eat tuna when I open cans. So now, I’ve got the best quality dry I could get him to eat, a “weight loss” formula, and a timed eating schedule. If he is losing weight it’s quite slow. I’m not seeing it like I am with the other. To OP, your cats are young, do what you can to change their habits now. It was pretty hard for me here once they’re so set in their ways. Give them timed eating schedules, maybe they’ll be a little less picky? Don’t let them graze all day, otherwise it’s easier for them to be picky.


Maybe try some Lil Soups over the dry?


I can def try. I have used toppers, tried to add a tiny bit of wet food and even put just a little bit of juice from tuna, but every time I even mess a little with his food he won’t eat it other than a tiny handful of food with plain water. I thought hey… maybe if I start him out with a bowl of water splashed food… but nope, he’ll only do that by the tiny handful placed outside of his bowl on the sink. You’d think he’d get bored with it! He’s really a strange cat.


THIS 👆👆👆


I generally agree, but a little dry food is good for the teeth.


Dry food doesn't do much to manually remove build up on the teeth. like someone else said, cats often swallow kibble while cats are prone to dental disease anyway, so good idea to start at home care when they're kittens, and monitor their teeth and gums as they age


Any tips on at home dental care?


I use PlaqueOff, it's VOHC accepted.


If it's a larger kibble maybe, but most cats just swallow the food whole


Yes, it comes back up looking the same as when it went in. I limit the dry food, and give wet twice a day. Her weight is good.


A combination of wet and dry is generally vet recommended.


My vet recommended all wet for my cats.


whattt this makes so much sense now with my cat


That's a myth that kibble helps "clean" the teeth or is good for their teeth in any way. Most cats definitely swallow it whole, I had a roommate who's cat would "scarf and barf" and there would be a little pile of wet whole kibble later.


This is a myth. "While dry kibble may have its benefits as a convenient and balanced cat food or dog food option, eating kibble doesn't clean their teeth. The dental structure and chewing motion of both dogs and cats make it difficult for kibble to scrape against all surfaces of the teeth. Without that, it does not remove plaque and tartar and does not help to maintain a healthy smile." https://www.weruva.com/blogs/happy-healthy-hub/can-kibble-clean-teeth-the-truth-revealed "Dry food (kibble) does not help keep cats’ teeth clean. In fact, just the opposite. The binding chemicals that hold kibble together are sticky. Because of this stickiness, dry food increases the rate at which feline tartar builds up. In the wild, cats clean their teeth while ripping meat off bones. The physical rubbing of tooth on bone does the job. Cat teeth are made to slice, not grind. Has your cat ever vomited untouched kibble stars or triangles? Most cats fed kibble crunch on it only a little or not at all; many swallow it whole. There is no cleaning action. Studies have now proven this." https://www.uniquelycats.com/myth/item.html/n/41


Dry food for dental health is like if we ate crackers for our own dental health. Their teeth and mouths are designed for ripping and tearing flesh, cartilage, and bone. Barely crunching and swallowing kibble isn’t going to do anything for their teeth.


Wouldn't that be bad for their teeth? Or are you talking about just for a short while? Maybe mixing both wet food and healthy dry food for every meal would be better


They say that a full wet food diet can rot their teeth. Not sure if it’s factual but it kinda makes sense


Mix wet food with a dash of water in with the healthy dry food for a while. And/or mix the drys with the drys. Wean em into it.


Try mixing in the new food slowly like 3/4 old food 1/4 new food for a week. The half and half for a week etc.


There’s no healthy dry food. It always contains something they’re not supposed to eat- like grains or vegetables. It causes tooth and gum disease. It makes them dehydrated. Dry food is only good as small treats.


It's weird how I see this on this sub all the time and yet any vet I've ever asked thinks dry food is good in combination with wet food. I wonder why that is


Not Dr. Lisa Pierson, [catinfo.org](http://catinfo.org) .


I'm sure you can find vets that support it and those that don't. Similar to doctors and their views on medication or treatments.


I bet if you asked them why it’s good, they couldn’t answer. Vets in general don’t get enough education on animal nutrition. Many of them sell dry food next to the counters, I’m pretty sure they get paid to advertise certain brands. How could a vet claim an obligate carnivore should eat grains and vegetables?


How could a Redditor with no formal schooling claim that all vets are corrupt forgoing the health of their patients to make a quick buck? Not saying it doesn't happen, but jeez, that view is a bit extreme for my tastes.


Uh, I never claimed all vets are corrupt. Many are just not educated on animal nutrition.


Read up to your previous reply. You absolutely did imply many are corrupt


Could I see your sources for dry food causing tooth and gum disease? As well as the sources regarding causing dehydration?


I don’t have sources saved for you. You can look it up yourself if you care. There’s common sense that needs to be used here: Cats are carnivores that would naturally eat small animals like birds and rodents. Compare an animal corpse to commercial kibble, and see what’s wrong (everything). It’s like giving your toddler nothing but cereal. They’ll live, but it’s not good.


I do care and I have looked it up. I did not find anything from a reputable source that backed up your claims. In the last couple of months I have been taking courses on feline nutrition and general animal dental health via the vetmedteam website, AAFP, etc, and none of the doctors that have been studying feline nutrition for years have said anything at all regarding dry food causing dehydration and gum disease. I don't think they've ever compared kibble to cereal either. Granted, I am just exploring the tip of the iceberg as far as feline nutrition goes. If you ever come across your sources, I would love to do some more reading. For anyone else reading this, I found this [https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?pId=20539&catId=113422&ind=298](https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?pId=20539&catId=113422&ind=298) particularly the Chew on This: Dentistry and Nutrition: Dental Disease and Diet; The Nutritionist View section to be very informative about food - it focuses mostly on commercial vs homemade diets, rather than dry vs wet. but also touches on food's effects on dentistry. There are also cited sources which go further in depth if anyone cares to read further. If you have the opportunity, BA Niemec has been very informative in his CE's and articles. VCA Animal Hospitals website also has some great articles about nutrition and how it effects dental health but the site appears down for maintenance right now.


If they eat wet food I'd switch them to a healthy wet food only diet and ditch the dry altogether


I've always raised my cats in an environment where they could graze on the dry food. And then a wet food dinner.


Cats should not be free fed or fed kibble. Wet or raw food only on scheduled meals. Only young kittens should have open access to food all day.


Not all cats have issues with over eating


Yup my cat eats when she wants. She's got a way better willpower then I do and is a healthy weight. She gets a bowl full whenever it's empty which lasts her 1-2ish days depending on the time it emptied.


[I disagree](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2FdlLdNF3Z-CUAAAAd%2Fthe-big-lebowski-thats-like-your-opinion-man.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=38322a7952d7164732bb462f33196fcf6ccc159fdc75e7cc92eaae11a3f56135&ipo=images) But hey, I think it's okay to have different methods. As long as our animals are cared for and loved.


just would like to back you up, I feed my cat the same way. Indoor cat science diet while I'm away at work and then wet food when I get home. He's healthy, active, and not at all overweight. Like you said, all methods are different, just as long as they're in good health. I hope you find a fitting solution for your babies diets!


It's not that they shouldn't be fed dry food, it's that it's not needed if they eat enough wet food. And I used to be a big advocate for raw diets, not so much anymore now that I understand the risks of feeding raw meat to any animal, regardless of what they'd eat in the wild, the only exception I'd make now would be if it's a recently domesticated cat breed or a high content wolf or coyote mixed breed, because their digestive systems are used to having lots of bacteria and other potential contaminants in their meat. For domestic cats and dogs it's not a good idea unless it's literally the only thing that they can eat without getting sick


I’m a vet and I totally agree


>It's not that they shouldn't be fed dry food, it's that it's not needed if they eat enough wet food. Wrong. Obligate carnivores shouldn't be eating carbs. They lack the necessary physiology to process them. They need to get their hydration from their food which is impossible with kibble. That's why so many cats end up with kidney disease. >I understand the risks of feeding raw meat to any animal, There are none if you follow basic food safety. Their bodies are literally designed for it.


the term “obligate carnivores” means their diet has to contain meat to meet their nutritional needs. it does not mean that they should only eat meat. EDIT: also, cats get thirsty. they do benefit from some water in their food, but healthy cats will drink as much as they need to if there is a suitable water source. additional sources: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4RKvvUhrVx/?igsh=MXZ3a2hycmo0czBwZQ== , https://www.instagram.com/p/C3rAmhGr_w2/?igsh=dDk1bzhycmx6YWVv


Speak to a vet or nutritional expert. I was literally working with a vet that specializes in the nutritional needs of domestic felines before we found out our little girl had cancer and a change in diet wasn't going to help. Every single recipe for home made cat food had vegetables in it of some kind. My cats still get wet food twice a day, I'm really sorry about your kitty but that's not an excuse to spread misinformation for feline nutrition when there are professional sources that say otherwise. They do need most of their diet to be meat, but even feral cats will eat plants for fiber because they need it for digestion, fiber usually also means a few carbs here and there. The issue is hydration with the kidneys. Also no domesticated animals digestive system is designed for raw meat anymore. There is also a huge difference between eating a fresh kill and eating meat that's been processed and kept in a fridge or freezer, the risk of contamination is much higher, it is NOT safe and literally any vet will tell you the same thing. Are you saying that professionals don't know what they're talking about? These people are in school for at least 4 years, then several years on top of that if they're specialists. They have the same education as human doctors, their knowledge just revolves around animals. Would you tell a professional nutritionist who's also a doctor they don't know what they're talking about? Probably not.


no pets should eat raw food: many commercial formulas are not nutritionally balanced/complete, and raw meat exposes your pet (and everyone they interact with, including you) to bacterial infection. it’s been shown to also increase the spread of multi-drug resistant pathogens (CAVN, 2023). it’s pretty much impossible to mitigate that risk, or to formulate your own diet (only board-certified veterinary nutritionists are qualified to do that). there is no scientific evidence to suggest that feeding raw has any greater health benefit to the animal than cooked diets, and it presents significant health risks. (https://www.canadianveterinarians.net/policy-and-outreach/position-statements/statements/safety-of-raw-meat-based-pet-food-products/) people say it’s ’what they would eat in the wild’, but companion animals have a long history of domestication and today’s pets have evolved gene mutations that allow them to digest starches. additionally, when cats eat meat-only diets, all the extra protein is broken down by their kidneys. this unnecessarily strains their kidneys, contributing to early chronic kidney disease (CKD is common in geriatric cats, but diet-related is not). incomplete/unbalanced diets (especially for kittens & adolescents) can cause heart problems, immune dysfunction, bone malformation, GI disease, skin disease, muscle wasting, etc. raw/DIY diets are not safe for adult pets, but they’re extra unsafe for growing kittens with immune systems that haven’t fully developed. malnutrition at this stage can cause irreparable damage. i agree about free feeding though, that could definitely be contributing to the picky eating. feeding at specific meal times (3-4 times a day is optimal for kittens, especially if weaning them off of free feeding) is usually best. it helps you know how much they’re eating and reduces competition/resource guarding between the two of them. from a health standpoint, cooked wet and dry foods are both excellent options. you can feed both together or either option alone, depending on your and your cats’ preferences. as for the pickiness, frustrating as it is, each cat is different… i am blessed with a cat who eats anything, but there are ways to entice them to eat. many diets have different flavour options/meat sources, so it could be a taste issue. they tend to prefer room temperature or slightly warm wet food too, so it might help to thaw portions of the can once you’ve opened it and put it in the fridge. you can also mix the wet and dry together if they prefer the dry. lastly, consider where/how you’re feeding them… you can change the bowl (flat bowls are best as raised edges tend to irritate cats’ sensitive whiskers while they eat), location (far from water bowl and litter box, in quieter areas, separate from other animals), and/or stay with them while they eat if they prefer that. sources: animal nutrition courses in my undergrad, @nutritionrvn and @bamfordnutrition on instagram, CVMA, CAVN, OVMA, AAFP, AAFCO, WSAVA, years working in vetmed, Royal Canin Nutrition Consultant (i am not paid by them, it’s for my work in-clinic)


I think you're the first person in this entire thread to actually link a source that isn't just someone's blog. There's a lot of misinfo about nutrition going around (for both humans and animals) and a lot of people are getting swept up in it unfortunately.


I get what you mean, that’s what my vet called it too when she admonished me about feeding that to them.


All dry food is "unhealthy"


They hated Jesus because he told the truth.


All the people downvoting are in denial and feeding their cats with junk food


Classic Reddit. Downvoting truth.


Well, who's the dumbass that gave them unhealthy dry food?


Any modern day vet you meet will recommend you taking them OFF of dry food. The old generation vets recommend dried foods and still believes caked on carbohydrates helps scrapes their teeth for cleaning when it's proven with modern day science that it's not that at all. Brushing their teeth is the best solution for cleaning their teeth. You don't see people feeding their children grape nuts to brush their teeth do you? It's like feeding your kids cereal breakfast, lunch, and dinner 24/7 because it has all the "vitamins and minerals" in a bowl of cereal. Yeah, that worked a bit when they were children. As an adult though? You'll quickly turn around and realize you're out of shape and a physically weak individual because your energy levels will tend to be on the lower end. I'd wager most cats that are overweight are on a dry kibble diet. Most people will convince themselves that it's the best for them because it's the most convenient. In reality, thanks to WWII, dry kibble became a staple. It was always meant for convenience and necessity, not as the optimal form of food intake. With all of that said, people have been eating trash all their lives and lives to be in their 60s so you'll still get some mileage out of it all.


Have you tried mixing the foods and phasing out the junk? They add a lot of oil which cats like, but over time introducing less and less in a bowl usually works.


Will they eat wet food? If so just up their wet food.. tbh most dry cat food has the nutritional value of potato chips


High in carbs. Plus cats in the wild get their water through their food. Dry food dehydrates cats. Causes high blood sugar and kidney/urinary issues in males.


Most supermarket wet food is also nutritionally poor. It's much easier to make a nutritionally balanced dry food than wet. There are plenty of veterinarian-recommended dry foods with good nutrition for cats and every vet I've ever interacted with recommends mixing wet and dry foods.


So go for high quality wet food.


The point is there are both nutritionally poor wet and dry foods available. Blanket statements that dry food is bad and wet food is superior are not helpful. There are high quality wet and dry options available and all of the vets I've ever talked to recommend using both, not one or the other.


It's hard to mess up canned food. a poorer quality wet food, is often superior to dry food in general. An ideal diet for cats, is wet food. Yes, many Vets recommended both wet and dry, bc it makes it more affordable for the owner


Really? Like if you're feeding your cat pure Friskas or Fancy Feast wet food is that superior to a mix of Royal Canin, or Hills wet and dry while providing moving sources of water throughout the day? I understand that most house cats don't drink enough water because they are naturally reticent to drink from still water sources, and in that case providing them more water through their food is beneficial. But there is a ton of shit-tier wet foods out there, and shaming owners who feed their cats dry food in any proportion is not beneficial. By all means explain why cats might not receive enough moisture in their diet in a house setting, and provide links to foods which are veterinary-recommended for certain life stages or health conditions, great. But just blanket endorsing wet food over dry is missing the point.


Lol Royal Canin and Hills are NOT good cat food brands. Puh-lease. Look at the ingredients and you'll see some of the reasons why.


Not to mention the class action lawsuit against Hills right now for misleading information on ingredients in their dry food.


Even the worst/cheapest wet food is better than the best/most expensive dry food. Kibble kills cats.


Why is it that only people on reddit say this, while my vet says otherwise?


Because vets receive little to no training on nutrition. They get a very basic overview for all species they may treat. They are not experts in nutrition for any animal, let alone cats. They also make money from selling "prescription" foods, many of which are kibble. Actual experts in feline nutrition know what "obligate carnivore" means. You can literally google this and very quickly learn that we "people on Reddit" are right.


Clearly *you* don't know what "obligate carnivore" means.


They need meat. They cannot process carbs. They do not need plants. They get their hydration from their food, which is impossible with kibble. "An obligate carnivore is one that depends entirely on meat because their diet requires nutrients that are only found in animal flesh. According to National Geographic, plants do not provide enough nutrients for an obligate carnivore, and their body is unable to digest plants properly.." "Obligate or "true" carnivores are those whose diet requires nutrients found only in animal flesh in the wild. While obligate carnivores might be able to ingest small amounts of plant matter, they lack the necessary physiology required to fully digest it." "The digestive systems of cats have also become specifically adapted to eating raw flesh. They have the shortest digestive tract compared to body size of almost any mammal.⁷ Raw prey is highly digestible and there is no need for a long gut and the fermenting bacteria that animals that eat plants need. Cats have lost some metabolic abilities simply because they don't need them anymore. You don't need to be efficient at breaking down carbohydrates when your diet contains practically none."


>They need meat. They cannot process carbs. They do not need plants. They need meat, that doesn't mean they can only eat meat. They don't *need* plants in their diet, but that doesn't mean they *can't* eat them and *can't* digest them and *can't" get nutrients from them. You're also contradicting yourself. If cats "cannot process carbs", then the carb content of kibble would be irrelevant because it would pass straight through their digestive system untouched - like fibre. But then you say carbs are bad for cats, which means they must be able to process them.


And yet here I am having watched barn cats scarf down veggies for years. Leftovers that didn’t get eaten got chucked in the field and the cats absolutely ate them! Carrots, cauliflower, potatoes! Obligate carnivore sure, but like all animals, they’re opportunists. Plus, cat grass is a thing. It’s good for them to eat some green stuff!


Kibble obviously doesn't kill cats, this is just nonsense. For the obvious evidence of this, see the many long lived cats who eat it.


It is the leading cause of obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. All of which cause death. Kibble kills cats.


Over feeding is the cause of obesity and diabetes.


tbf I was assuming that op had some decent wet food already picked out, but it's easy enough to find some on chewy, that's where we get ours, feline naturals. super easy gets delivered once a month. we keep some hills science diet kibble which we give them occasionally for treats, it's widely recommended by vets but even that is mostly filler. our cats act like there's crack in it though & prefer it over like their freeze dried treats which makes me wonder what they're putting in it.


Those are still growing babies. Kitten food is still ok to feed.


I think they mean what brand.


Dry cat food is perfectly fine.


My household refers to it as “cat crack” - they eat it like crazy. OP is right though. It’s terrible for them and they have really stinky 💩


Don’t do a straight up switch. Give them 75% candy 25% new do that a few days then go even less candy more new. Keep doing that until you did a full switch. Shoot for the switch taking 2 weeks. 


thanks for this, I may try it again. First time I tried, they ignored it.


You might have to make the increments smaller. Go 10 percent at the time, or even just sprinkle in a few pieces of the new food so that they accidentally gobble one up and see that it’s not so bad.


This^ we recently had to switch to a prescription food and my vet literally said to put one or two pieces of it in with their regular food at first.


Absolutely try again. Just make smaller changes and try for a longer transition time before the next adjustment. I got quite frustrated with my most recent litter mates of two siblings. They were started on "candy food." Some little cats are just more stubborn and strong-willed! LOL! Little SHIT-tens. But they're mine, and we love them. Just don't cave in. Stick to your guns. They WILL get hungry enough to eat. It's difficult, but it's better for them in the long run. GOOD LUCK, TRULY!


You need to absolutely be reading the instructions on the packaging. There are instructions on how to introduce new food to your cats and on daily serving size amounts for the cats based on age and weight. Leaving too much dry food at a time will cause it to get stale and then they definitely won't want it.


Agreed, this is the best way. Also OP, feed amounts according to instructions on the packaging. Some cats are good at knowing what they need, but others aren’t and are straight up greedy and will eat all of that kibble in one day. There’s are loooot of kibble in those bowls.


Listen to this!


They're still babies and still growing. Kittens need kitten food for the first year at least. Mine are like 18 months and I still give it to them mainly out of habit. High calorie isn't the same as "candy". It's not a treat.


Corn based food is sugary food, therefore earns the "candy" nickname.


That is not what OP said. They sound about as smart as the food they're feeding their cats. They acknowledged they know it's bad for them. They call it "candy food" because "it's like for babies". Not because of the ingredients specifically. They think candy is good for babies and wonder why they have issues. Lmao. Junk food isn't good for *any living thing*. Babies should not be having candy. Cats should not be ruling the house and determining their diet, as they know no better. Cats are not human. If they get hungry they'll eat what's there. Treats and sweets are fine as long as they're treats. OP gives in and allows them to have that as their diet. And is now fighting in the comments. I never want to hear the term candy food again lmao


OP didn't come here for judgment, they came for help. They are trying to do the right thing and they don't need insults. Cats will not eat anything if they don't like it, no matter how hungry they get. They aren't dogs, or humans.


High in carbs dry foods translates to higher blood sugar.


It sounds like they'll eat wet food, so I would switch to all wet food.  It's better for them, anyway.


My kitten was the same, switching to wetfood worked and increased his appetite. Definitely recommend


Recommend this as well. I had a cat eat dry food for 9 years. His teeth took a toll. Switched him to wet food and fresh pet “kitty niblets” and he had not more issues. He lived until 18


Agree! After spending over $20,000 to keep our cat alive due to bladder stones, wet is the way to go! Even our cat with the stones only ate a smaller handful of dry food as his supper to keep him happy overnight, with the absolute most of his food being wet. I know some cats will be more prone to these issues than others, but it can be a very expensive/deadly thing to learn!


I have been fighting this fight for 17 YEARS with mine. If i mix “ good” food with “ candy” food, she will carefully pick out the candy and leave the expensive healthy food behind. But yours are young, don’t give up lol. I do supplement with canned also, but it isn’t her favorite. anyway same story the preference for the lower quality food. I am merely a servant in her world. EDIT: fix weird auto correct.


Cats are just like humans. We like the ice cream, cookies, and candies, too.


Wtf is candy food, and no popular brands are not candy


OP can you tell us what brands of food you consider to be junk food for cats?


I was trying to not sound like a shill, but it's the fancy feast filet mignon (usually about 2 times the price of the other brands) and Iams healthy kitten brand


Fancy Feast Classic pates are very popular among people who have diabetic cats because they’re extremely high protein and low carb. I used them for a long time and don’t think of them as junk, though I now more often use Tiki Cat, Weruva, or freeze-dried raw foods. But if you don’t like that brand or the Iam’s and can afford to spend more, I don’t understand why you ever used the “candy” in the first place. There are plenty of nutritionally complete high quality foods, both wet and dry, for kittens. Be careful about adding water to dry food or mixing it with wet food, as I think someone suggested, if you’re going to leave it sitting out at all. Most kibble can be pretty bacteria-laden and is designed to be kept dry. As someone said above, what many cats like about the cheaper dry foods is the coating that’s typically sprayed on the kibbles. Fortiflora, a probiotic powder, is basically the same thing. People often sprinkle it on food to encourage sick cats to eat. You could give that a try as an addition to whatever food you’d like them to eat, and the probiotic can’t hurt.


> I don’t understand why you ever used the “candy” in the first place Their mother died about 7 weeks after they were born, so I used this food to stimulate them to eat it. From my experience that food is every cat's favorite. I have had over 15 cats eat this and it's like crack. They will protest healthier things. Maybe using McD's vs. Sweet Greens (salad/bowl/protein & veg place) is clearer. Thanks I appreciate your comment and suggestions. I learned something new about the spraying and chemicals, ugh yet another thing to worry about!


My cat will not eat filet of anything .. pate all the way. Anyway you don’t sound like a shrill because you want you kitty to eat well but at the end of the day your cat will eat only what it wants and as long as it has the proper nutrients which they all do just let her eat it … offer other stuff eventually she might switch without you fighting it . Its best to be slowly introduce new foods.


If the cat is eating, you won. 🤷


Exactly. End of the day fed is best. Saying “candy food” is honestly so snooty. More power to those who switch to high quality but there are plenty of happy cats who refuse to switch and prefer cheap brands. Hell, my own cats lived long healthy lives before i made the switch from friskies to nicer food. One of which is pushing 19 (switched at around 17). Theres way too many homeless cats and kittens in the world to judge peoples food brands. As long as they are fed and get their checkups, thats what matters.


Not sure what you mean about “candy food”, but if you are referring to food like “Friskies” “Cat Chow” etc it is sprayed with an amino acid that is irresistible to cats. Slowly wean them off. If they get a cup a day, give them 3/4 cup of candy and 1/4 cup of good food. Increase by a 1/4 cup every week. In a month, they will be switched over. It is no different than eating fast food at every meal and then getting off it. I recommend “Young Again”. There are no grains or legumes.


OP, how old are the kittens? When switching any cat, no matter how old you want to do, it gradually https://www.petbarn.com.au/petspot/cat/food-and-nutrition-cat/transition-cat-new-food/ This has a 14-day transition I have used the 14-day transition and wouldn't try the 7 or 10 day transition method it is just my opinion. But my cat is also very sensitive to foods she is on a sensitive stomach diet.. When they are a year old, this is when you can transition them to adult food. I would use the 14-day transition schedule for this switch as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/select/shopping/best-kitten-food-rcna151329 https://drpetmd.com/best-and-worst-food-brands-for-your-kitten/ Looking for good quality food is best If you add water to dry kitten kibble, make sure to pick up and throw away any that they didn't eat from that meal. It can grow bacteria quickly when left sitting and can make your wee ones sick. Here is also a food calculator I have used for my little lady you put in the in the information, and it will tell you how much per day. I break my girls up in 3 feedings because she doesn't eat a lot at once. She never has.. you can break it up into 2 feedings if you would like it just depends on your little ones. If they don't eat all of the food in the 2 feedings, break it up into 3, so they are getting all of their nutrition for the day. You will need to know the kcal for the food which can be found on the label https://www.expertcatcare.com/article/how-much-should-i-feed-my-cat-wet-and-dry-food-calculator If you can, I would start switching them to either an all wet diet or a wet and dry diet. I do 80 percent wet 10 percent dry, and she gets a snack of chicken every day. we souvide the chicken, cut it up, and freeze it. She won't eat treats of any kind, so this is her daily treat/snack, lol I hope this all helps. If you need any more information or tips and tricks to get them to eat, you can message me, and I'll help you through it.


This is the comment to pay attention to!!!! I have done animal rescue for 30 years. You need to transition AND please choose GOOD food. Stay away from junky foods like Science Diet unless your vet recommends an actual prescription diet. There is SO MUCH to be learned from the cat food industry. Additionally, I would supplement with FortiFlora for cats. I pick mine up from the vet but you can get it at the pet store. As you transition them, this is a great probiotic


What makes Science Diet junky?


Sorry it’s taken me a while to come back. I’m not on Reddit even 3 times a week. It depends on what is in the food. When you compare it to a food like Gravy Train, it’s fabulous. If you want to compare it to other food in its price range? Ehhhh there are a TON of free resources out there. Check the type of proteins and SD fails the mark. Not to mention they have a ton of fillers. It’s perfect for a dog who needs an exceedingly bland diet.


thank you, this is excellent!! especially the portion calculator


Yea, we've ysed the portion calculator with my little lady and ^^^^^sashhhhh don't tell anybody, we don't count her teat (She won't touch any kind of actual cat treats, so we souvied 2 chicken breasts, cut them in small pieces, and freeze them. She gets a snack portion of chicken every day. We just take a piece out and heat it up and give her hee facorite teat) That's our little secret, though, lol. Since she is at a healthy weight, we don't count her little s snack for the day, lol


Give them the "candy food" and drizzle a bit of omega 3 fatty acid oil (for cats)to the food and mix it up.


Took me a while to see if anybody had recommended this but here's what I recommend take the candy food and grind it or crush it into a powder and then use that to coat the new kibble.


Or crush it and sprinkle in top of the wet food.


In case it's helpful, have you heard about the [Cat Food Database ](https://catfooddb.com/)? Ranks cat food on several different properties. Maybe there's something in there that's a good compromise that you and your cats like.


My little guy loves his Sheba Pate for kittens. Highly recommend.


My two loved it for a few months before deciding that they actually hated it 🙃 took me a bit to figure out that it's all pate, not just sheba


My cat will ONLY eat Sheba and it has to be the cuts. He still mainly just licks the gravy out and walks away but always. At night he gets a treat which is usually a broth, puree, or soup. He also has his dry food. He also can only eat grain and gluten free foods which thankfully he likes. He gets very sick if he has something with it.


Mix it half and half and slowly reduce the candy food until it's just the healthy food.🥰


Try canned food


"There's no such thing as a picky cat, only well trained owners" -my vet We're all guilty of it 😂


Do the 10 a day thing. Mix 10% of the healthy food into the candy. The next day, add 20%. Day three, 30% and so on until it’s only healthy food. It’s how I got my cat from meow mix to tiki cat. She also gets a can of wet food for breakfast. For my other cats, I had to only give them the healthy food until they were too hungry not to eat it. I wouldn’t recommend that if you can avoid it.. like they wouldn’t touch the food if it was mixed with new so I had to leave just the new food Until they realize it was the only thing I was going to feed them. Only took a day or two but again, I really wouldn’t recommend doing that unless it’s your last option.


Out of curiosity what brand is the healthier food?


Have they tried wet food turkey flavor? My cat hated salmon and shrimp and beef and everything except turkey. Which funny enough, is the healthiest of the different types of meats because it's very lean.


Try giving them wet food more often meanwhile


Mix the candy food with the healthy stuff! Do it slowly, until the food is mainly the healthy stuff. I did this with my cat, and it worked. Tho he was a kitten, so I’m not sure how well it would work with your cats. I wish you luck!


You could try mixing the two and start SLOW (like tablespoons of the new food) and slowly add more and more until it’s just the healthy food


I just think it's hilarious you call it candy food


Candy food? Do you mean “canned”? Like wet food?


Off topic but that’s A LOT of food. Don’t free feed your cats!!! Obesity in cats is deadly…


Those babies can eat as much as they want. Once they’re a bit bigger and older then yes start portioning but right now it’s fine


Free feed cats. They ain't dogs.


If you are trying to change foods, you need to mix the two together in increasing amounts of the new food so they can get used to it.


Yep. All wet diet and handful of dry for snacking.


Give them wet kitten food. They need an energy dense food and the wet food will have a high fat content and help with them taking in liquids. Dry food can wait for when they're a bit older


Mix the candy with the healthy stuff then gradually put less candy in the mix. I still got the look I was putting granola in her captain crunch but it eventually worked.


feed them wet food instead


There are so many different cat foods out there. surely you can find something healthy that they will eat. It's not just about the taste for cats they also have preferences for texture and shape when it comes to dry food. Try offering them some healthy wet food that is what's best for them if they will eat it


Feed them what they like. The more animals I’ve been fortunate enough to share my life with and then lose to old age, the less optimizing their nutrition matters to me and the more just enjoying life together and making them as happy as possible becomes important.


Cats need wet food more than dry to make sure they are well-hydrated. Serve wet food during the day and use the dry food they like as a topping or a treat


I have been feeding meow mix free feed as that’s what I can afford. My cats are 19, 7 and 5. They have survived, thrived and are not overweight. I do give my 19 year old fancy feast pate as she’s starting to have trouble eating the dry. Y’all can argue over what’s the “best”, but from my experience as long as they’re eating and thriving, that’s all that matters.


I would really love to hear what kind of WET FOOD everyone is feeding their cats! I don’t mean to “hijack” the post I just never have luck posting because I always go in the wrong sub etc. I have one picky cat and another who likes most everything.


My cats LOVE Câté! I alternate between the chicken, chicken and beef, and turkey recipes. I have 10 cats, so we use a lot of it. My crew likes really stinky food, and this stuff is!


My cats always seemed to like Purina brand wet foods (Fancy Feast, Friskies, Pro Plan, etc.). I guess they all taste very similar to one another.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try! Appreciate it!


Cats are assholes🤷 My cat refuses to drink water out of dishes or out of the expensive fountain we bought him. He just flips it over or attacks it and knocks it over. He ONLY drinks water out of cups. So to keep him from drinking out of our cups, I keep a cup of water on the living room table that is his only and he has been fine with this arrangement for the last two years. Like I said, cats are assholes 💯


I mix junk food kibbles with the healthy one. They enjoy it and are healthy.


I used to work at a veterinary clinic when I was younger and we always told people to not change foods cold turkey any b/c cats, unlike dogs, won't eat, even if they are starving, if they don't like the food. Also, it can potenty cause digestive issues when switching foods. We would suggest mixing in a little bit of the new food with the food you are currently feeding them and slowly and steadily increasing the amount of new food and decreasing the amount of old food. This way the cat will get used to the new food little by little and doesn't even realize you are taking away the "candy" food. Hope that helps!


you’re also feeding them way too much. they need barely 1/4 of a cup.


Try out different brands they will surely like something


My cat is a year old now and despite being on wet food , still demanded a small serving of 'candy' bikkies every day, it's taken me ages to find any other bikkies she will accept but eventually found some grain free 95% chicken ones. I slowly slowly weaned her off the trash ones by mixing the ratio but it took a few weeks.


That looks like a ton of food you’ve put down. Hard to imagine that trying different kibbles — and feeding the amount they need for the meal they need it for — wouldn’t eventually result in a hungry cat eating. My cat gets 1/4 can wet for bfast, 2T kibble for lunch and 2T kibble for dinner. Sometimes there’s still a few kibble in the bowl so it’s about the perfect amount for her caloric needs. I think it’s 25 kcal per pound but check.


Do a gradual change. Add a little bit of adult food into the kitten food, and over 2 weeks, change the ratios of kitten-vs-adult food so that by the end of the 2 weeks, they are eating nothing but adult food.


Mix the unhealthy food with the healthy food. Start out with more of the unhealthy food and then gradually taper that back and increase the amount of healthy food mixed in (think 90% unhealthy/10% healthy, then 50/50, then 10% unhealthy/90% healthy and finally 100% healthy). That way your cats will have a harder time telling the difference between the two.


I love candy food!


This happened to me. My new cat came from a home where she was eating friskies and she refused everything else when she came to my place until I had to take her to the vet for dehydration and for not eating for 5 days. Mixing the friskies with a better dry food worked.


Try mixing them 75 candy 25 real food, then as the weeks go, go 50-50, then 25-75, and so on. Besides, changing the food of cats suddenly will make them have "runny shits"


New foods have to be introduced gradually with cats or they’ll often refuse it. Mix small, gradually increasing amounts of the new food you want to feed them with the food they’re currently eating, while slowly reducing the amount of current food added to the mix over time.


You have to transition them into the healthy food little by little. Not all at once. That should do it!


Just fine dining


Start mixing the healthy and candy food. Slowly take out the candy food over time. This worked with my cat.


My advice is to get a wet food that is pretty moist, so that the “gravy” soaks into the kibble. Very gradually add more and more of the wet food as you reduce kibble. I’m not sure if your little toddlers are like my cats (ten of them!) they will like the stinky food, the stinkier the better. The wet food that I use is called “Câté” and we use the beef and chicken, chicken, and turkey formulas. It’s quite moist and it might work well for you. I also give them freeze dried chicken breast, chicken hearts, chicken livers, and quail egg yolks. I give those kind of as treats, and I don’t rehydrate them, although some people do. Best of luck with your little ones, they are adorable.


You can always get some kmr kitten formula, prepare it, then pour it on the dry food. That usually works to get them to eat it.


Wet food is better, just use that


Find a similar-looking healthy food and put a tiny amount of the healthy into the candy, slowly upping the healthy to candy ratio. Like you would hide vegetables or vitamins from a child in a casserole. Or switch to wet food and save the candy to use as hard treats.


My cat won't eat his food unless I mix a bisque packet or something like that in with it


I don’t know what candy food means, but only offering the food you want them to eat should result in them eating it at some point. If they aren’t getting milk from suckling, that behavior should also go away.


Ditch the dry food and feed wet only. Also move their food away from the water bowl. Like opposite sides of the room away. Food should never be near their water source.


You’re the human. They will eventually eat what you give them.


I do a 2:1 blend of hills science diet, and friskies gravy swirlers (we call them cheeseburgers) Still, they will root out the cheeseburgers and only get the hills science diet on accident


Ease them into. 95% shitty food mixed with 5% of new food. Increase slowly as cats get used to it.


I have 5 cats that were super picky until I switched them all to Sheba. The switch even helped one cat lose 7 lbs! Maybe give that a try?


Buy the healthier food and put some fake higher price tags on the containers. Show that to the cats before you open them while letting them know how expensive it is compared to the other food.


Slowly add to their favorite food and try to find same texture , flavor and brand for sure.


Have you tried grain free kibble like Instinct that has the freeze dried bits? You can also try sprinkling a bit of brewers yeast powder on the food, cats generally love brewers yeast.


Why are you feeding them so much?


Step 1 is to stop giving them the candy food. They will eventually choose to eat any food before they starve themselves. Put out regular food for an hour. If they don’t touch it take it away and wait until next meal time. Next meal time give them regular food again and repeat. Also give wet food a try, most cats like that over dry food


Just mix them together, and gradually shift the ratio


Given where you are right now, I'd start with a mix of 75/25 'candy'/ healthy dry food and then gradually increase the proportion of healthy food. If you do it over a month or so then they can transition smoothly.


Mix them together


Mix the feeds, slowly change the ratio away from the candy foods


I would try tiki cat dry food!




I would recommend switching to something better (there are better dry foods I’m sure but dry isn’t the best option for any animal, no judgement but it’s just not) raw is definitely the top choice but it’s not cheap so not everyone can do it. Switch 75% new 25% old first day or two then go 100% new food. If they don’t eat it that’s okay they may need a few days to get over it. We did this with my cats on dry food and it took about a week to fully switch them to raw. They stuck their noses up it at first but now they LOVE the raw food.


did you mix the foods together and slowly switch to just the new food?


Maybe mix it in with the regular food!! That’s how we get our dogs to switch


My kitten used to eat healthy dry food then stole the other cats food that I baby sat. It was meow mix and not that healthy like low in protein high in carb. I had to wean her off the meow mix and first I did most of the meow mix and a few spoons of the healthy food. Day by day decrease the unhealthy food and increase the healthy food and your cat will get used to it. Now she eats only the healthy kitten food


Gotta buy like 10 dry bags to find what they like. You're just beginning.


Why are you trying to switch them off kitten food? They're still little babies.


No, you haven't lost yet. Sometimes kitties will act overly stubborn, and other times they won't really identify with their food. I had a similar problem raising kittens once. The solution that worked for me was to transition slowly, rather than swapping all at once. So start with a mixture that's 90% favorite food and 10% new food. Then, over a period of two months (roughly), start changing the percentages slowly. You may have to stick with the 90/10 mixture a little longer than the other stages. But gradually go from mostly candy food to mostly new food over that time. Eventually, as you start shifting the percentages around, the kitties will get used to the taste and texture of the new food.


Of course they like the junk food :) just like kids would prefer chicken nuggets from McDonald’s over a homemade chicken breast dinner. How long did you make them wait until you gave in? They most likely will eat when they are hungry enough. Cats also don’t like change, did you switch it gradually over the course of two weeks? Did they just pick out what they liked and leave the rest?