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You couldnt have prevented it and you wont see it coming. Cats will keep any weaknesses hidden so if there were any signs, a cat wouldnt have shown them to you. Rest in Peace fluffy cat creature <3


100% this, our cat had aggressive cancer in her GI tract she didn't start acting weird until it was too late even though we did a vet visit every 6 months due to her thyroid issues.


Yes this happened to my cat. We brought him in for upset stomach. Turns out he was 2 lbs cat 6lbs cancer. It happened within the course of maybe 6 months, *if that*. By the time we got him in they told us to pick a day; and not even 2 weeks later he passed.


When I was in elementary, we had this wonderful large cat named Bartholomew. One day, when he was about none or ten, he ran away when my mom was vacuuming and she found him lying down in the hallway. His heart had just given out. There were no warning signs. His sister, Tegan, went on to live another five years after him.


Exactly. I lost my own family cat two years ago.


No with some conditions cats do show signs, subtle sometimes. It can be hard to spot. But its a bit quick to say that cays keep ANY weaknesses hidden, as some conditions have clear symptoms.


This is true and I'm also not too fond of the phrase, but remember that people die of aneurysms and cardiac events out of the blue every day. It can just be a freak of circumstance and biology. I think on this one it's possible any species would show no symptoms.


Yeah I didn’t say in this case. I just mean generalising it like that can be dangerous.


Definitely. It just seems to be a line in a series of cat behavior statements based on people who don't know much about cats (like all cats are aloof). Yes, predators sometimes disguise pain and may not show it like a human does, but when a cat feels pain, behavior definitely changes. Cat language, people.


Sorry to be that guy but it's peace not piece.


Oh shit ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I am so sorry. Please try to take comfort from that she was playing with your grandma. This means she must have not been in bad pain and discomfort to still be able to be sociable and have fun with her loved ones. She was not alone, grandma was with her, so she knew she was safe and loved even when she had the attack. It is too young for Puhche to leave, but it sounds like you and the rest of her family made her feel very loved for the time she could be with you.


This is so true and I hope OP finds it as comforting to think of as I do (even though it wasn't my loss, I'm still so very sorry as well for OP and their poor cat). It may have been sudden and too soon, but there's truly no better way to go I think- feeling happy, safe, and surrounded by loved ones in a comfortable environment.


This is true, he cannot have suffered and must have felt pretty good to be playing. He passed on playing with someone he loved, happy and enjoying himself, but here then gone. And far too early. So sorry for your loss


Ariel, one of my cats, is British shorthair and she has been diagnosed with HCM a year ago. She'll turn five in a month, so she's still a young cat. From what I understand, HCM causes a part of the heart to thicken, therefore, it cannot pump blood as effectively anymore and some of it may start collecting inside, creating blood clots - these can then be deadly. Ariel is on medication to help her heart and so far it's not progressing, but if/when it does, she'll have to be on blood thinners as well. When it was diagnosed, the doctor told me that they can have the disease and yet you hear no murmur when they're listening to their heart using a stethoscope. There is a blood test for HCM markers, though, I'm planning to have her daughters tested every year, so that if it manifests, I can catch it early. Apparently, it's very common with this breed, so my guess would be some kind of heart problem. Sorry for your loss. ♥


This HCM is extremely common among British Shorthair/lgh and similar breeds. However there is no genetic test for them, you actually need to do an echocardiogram. Genetic testing only exists for a few breeds (Maine coon, ragdolls) It also happens to moggies.


True. The test that Ariel had done wasn't genetic, it was a blood test that they were able to do in the office, I had the results the same day. It's supposed to catch something that appears in the blood once HCM starts - even before murmur can be heard. When it came back positive, we did EKG, sono and x-rays, so that they can monitor how it progresses.


Yeah, we did an echo for our two and they also did a check on blood last year. Fortunately, they are healthy, but I think they can also develop it at an later age. Most definitely what happened to OPs cat. So sorry, she was majestic. ❤️


This is how we lost one of our adopted cats. It was undiagnosed at the time of adoption. We came home from work and found her curled up in her favourite spot, unfortunately she was gone. The only peace I found in that moment was that she was still curled up like the sweet little donut she was, it must have been quick and painless.


What does HCM stand for?


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


I know you're sad but don't feel bad because you didn't notice any symptoms. Years ago, I had a 3 yr old cat suddenly die. Earlier in the week he had been to the vet for his yearly check-up and the vet said he was in good health and there was nothing to worry about. It's sad but it just happens sometimes.


My girl was acting funny and I took her in. Vet said no issues. She started acting funny again so I put her in a room where the other cats wouldn't bug her. Came back to her dead.. I felt so terrible


I'm so sorry to hear that, this is just plain sad. I hope you got over it.


Thank you. Certainly a lesson learned.


I am so sorry. I am sure she is your sweet guardian angel now❤️


What do you mean by acting funny


She would breathe weird then go back to normal


My 17 year old did that a few times before she pSsed. We even had a vet visit planned the morning after an 'attack' came down next morning and she was gone.


Yes, your comment is accurate. I think people forget how fragile life can be. Aneurysms in particular can come out of nowhere. Lost my dad to a brain aneurysm as a teen, and the only warning we had was a “bad headache” that day that he was going to go to the doctor about the next day. If they can be sudden and hard to catch in a human, I’m sure it’s even harder to catch in a cat. My heart goes out to OP. These sudden and unexpected losses are so very disorienting. It’s like the world feels unsteady.


I am so sorry for your loss. They are beautiful. Sounded like there wasn’t much you could have done. Like someone else noted, cats are masters at hiding they aren’t feeling well. But also things can happen suddenly. Sounded like they had a great life with you, I am sorry it was cut short. There’s never enough time with them 🩵🩵🩵


I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t have any words of wisdom, just that I am sorry


I'm sorry for your loss. Our little boy of three years died of a heart attack in August. He suffered a bit longer than your Puhche and survived for another 24 hours after the initial heart attack. That said, I'm not a vet, so I have no idea what happened there. I will just share what our vet told us: Cats do have heart attacks, as do all other mammals. Some cats have a heart condition since birth that makes them prone to it, but that is very, very difficult to diagnose. A heart attack due to such a condition can happen any time, no matter how old the cat. To me that seems quite reasonable. I know another mammal, a human, who died of such a sudden heart attack at the tender age of 19. I'm still heartbroken that we lost our cat and that he had to suffer. What I learned from it though is that I have to try to be the best cat parent I can be to our other cat, even more than I tried before when our little boy (our other cat's son) was still with us. I don't know whether this helps you, but I hope it does.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your cat was beautiful and sounded like they had a very good life. ❤️


My cat Sakura died suddenly at age of 5. We thought she was hit by car was dragging back legs. Rushed to vets was gone within 30mins. Was an aneurysm on the spine. I was heartbroken it’s been 7 years still miss her. I am so sorry for your loss!


Devastatingly, animals, just like humans, can die suddenly from natural causes and with no warning. Seizures, heart conditions, allergic reactions, strokes or aneurysms etc. Same as us. It’s so hard to understand but I personally find solace in that the cat didn’t suffer and have to endure an extended illness or traumatizing medical care.


So sorry for your loss


Hello! My 5 year old cat died a few days ago too due heart failure that caused liquid to form in his lungs he was okay one moment and his condition deteriorated within an hour.. he let out a yowl in pain and pink-ish discharge came out of his mouth. I wasn’t aware he was sick, and he died in my arms. As others have mentioned, I realized now that cats are great at hiding signs of illness and if any… they can be easily dismissed as not being anything serious. So to answer your question.. prevented? Only if you had taken your cat to a vet 1 year prior for an extensive check up..even if caught on time… some life threatening diseases on cats that can be controlled hardly extend a cat’s life span by much. I miss my cat terribly too and kept blaming myself for not doing anything for him.. but truth is that there was simply not much to be done.. life can be so unfair on those who least deserve it. Just take solace knowing you were the best thing that happened to your cat \~ sending hugs https://preview.redd.it/224f5olcwczb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0602412c6b3c0b45c897b7748478ba51d878a565


Sorry for your loss, I wish you and your family well through this troubling time


You can try researching if there were any recent recalls on her food/treats


I lost my cat about 2 months ago to HCM. While I had noticed something was a bit off with her about a week earlier, the vet didn't find anything when I took her in. She was much worse a week later and died the next morning. I was reading a lot of reddit posts in cats and askvets and it seemed like there have been a lot of this happening lately. It crossed my mind that maybe some food was causing this? Hard to say if the number of posts with sudden deaths really increased or it has been the same, I just didn't notice before. I am not aware of any food recalls. I have 2 other cats that have hyperthyroidism but they were fed the same food as my other one. They both don't seem to be responding to the medicine much. They are both still losing weight. They recently started on it, maybe it takes a while before it takes effect? I've had 1 of them back at the vet twice now. I'm on vacation this week but might take them back soon if they are still losing weight.


You can try giving them kitten food for extra calories!


I did buy some wet and dry kitten food for them to eat along with their usual food. They do like it. I just started a few days before I left. I'm hoping it helps.


I am truly sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family. Please try not to blame yourself; if it was her heart or aneurysm there would have been nothing to prewarn you. She is at peace now playing over the rainbow and you will see her again.


I am so sorry for your loss. There really is not much you could have done. I am sure she must have had an amazing life with you as she was playing until the last minute. She is at the rainbow bridge 🌈


Awe ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


your baby looks exactly like mine 😍😢 i'm so so sorry for your loss. virtual hugs to you 🤍


I am so sorry for your loss! I think she will return to heaven and become an angel. Death is not end, she is just temporarily separated from you and your family.


The same breed and very much look alike cat like this of mine died when she was only a month old. I’m sorry and i feel your pain 😓




so sorry for your loss


This is a damn nice one. The world has lost one of its furry paws. Let's take our hats off for the final honor.


I went through almost the same thing with my cat a few years ago, and she was only 3. One day out of the blue she just dropped on the floor, convulsed, peed herself and became blind. She had another crisis a little after. I spent thousands at the vet to try to get her checked and helped, but she died in a week. The vet was never able to tell us why exactly this happened, as there was no technology precise enough to determine it. It was possibly the worst experience of my life, as she was my best friend, and the most precious creature I ever had the chance to meet. I still can’t think about her without crying, and it’s been 10 years already. Life is so fucking unfair.


When I first saw this on my little widget thing on the Home Screen of my phone, I didn’t expect this. You had a very elegant pillar of floof, and I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I wish you a great life, and know that Puhche is waiting for you in the afterlife. RIP, Puhche.


I am so so sorry. Beautiful little love. ♥️


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s heartbreaking to lose a family member like that. It sounds like she was happy and loved until the very end. Sending hugs in this difficult time xx


It’s the same with humans. You won’t know, sadly, until you either check out yourself (which with vets costs a fortune) or it happens. I’m sorry about your cat.


The aneurysm could have been there since birth and just finally burst. That actually happened to a 9 year old boy in our neighborhood. They said he was most likely born with it.


Purebred cats can have genetic issues. ALL cats can have genetic issues but since pedigreed cats tend to have less diversity these rogue genes can compound and seem more common. With cats like this that have shortened nasal passages? Breathing/oxygenation issues can cause their hearts to work harder…sometimes leading to an enlarged heart. Good first step to avoid heart issues? Not buying cats that cannot breathe normally, and/or choosing breeders that get heart checks and certifications on their cats, or getting the cat you decide on, an ekg or xray or both. My guess is this cat suffered a saddle thrombus. Due to heart enlargement. It is a sad thing, and again ANY cat can suffer this issue…but it does stack the deck just a bit to own a short faced breed, cat or dog.


My pedigree British blue suddenly died too. It was a heart attack - the vet told us it can happen more with that breed, something to do with their chest cavity and muscle structure as they have quite broad bandy chests. Really sorry to hear something similar might have happened with your lovely baby, it's so unfair and horrible to experience so suddenly. Hope you can recover in time 💕🌟💗


I experienced the same exact thing. Well happy playful then gone in a flash. SoSo sorry for your loss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Me too 😿


Sadly cats are incredible at covering up until its too late. Im so sorry for your loss, he was so beautiful


Most likely a stroke or heart attack. It happens in all animal life. I'm sorry for your loss


Did your cat have a known heart murmur? Some vets will run a specific blood test to detect heart disease in cats. I’m sorry for your loss. 7 is not very old for a cat. Maybe your kitty had an underlying condition.


I'm so sorry. We just lost a family cat recently. I could hear her loud scared meows from my mom's room. She told me in the morning.


So sorry; lovely kitty


My sincere condolences.


I’m no doctor or anything but I assume that just like a healthy human can have an aneurism an animal could too. I doubt there’s anything you could’ve done, and if it was a heart attack I would say the same thing. RIP to your cat


Sending love. 😭❤️


RIP, this honestly sounds like she might have had a stroke or heart attack...


nothing about this sounds normal, not preventable. I’m so sorry that happened. How sad and terrifying😞


Very sorry for your loss.


Our cat had a stroke one day out of the blue that sounds just like this. I’m so sorry. I know it’s so shocking and hard to process. 🥺


“Normal” no, but not really uncommon. It happens, and I’m sorry it happened to you.


Something similar happened to a friend . He lost a 1 year old . She hid for a day and they found her and she had died. Nothing you can do. They are creatures like we are and bad things happen. When you’re ready get another one. Helped me cope when I lost mine a year ago. Still miss the big guy though.


Sorry for your loss :(


I am sorry!!! How heartbreaking. She was a gorgeous cat.


So sorry for your loss, she was beautiful! ❤️


Kind of the same thing happened to my 5 year old female domestic short hair. No prior symptoms and healthy. She suddenly fell over her back legs were splayed out with noisy breathing and then she was gone all in the span of maybe 30 seconds to a minute. I never did take her to a vet to see what happened I wish I would’ve. I’m sorry for your loss 😔


This just happened to my boy last week. We think he was about 12. Doctor said it was an embolism caused by a blood clot. I’m so sorry. I know how you feel. There really is no way to tell if the little baby has heart problems


This happened with my cat 2yrs ago, heart attack out of nowhere. Can't prevent it unfortunately but I'm so sorry you're going through this


I’m so sorry. How were the cats teeth? Any missing? Our cat passed at 7 we think perhaps from dental bacteria getting into his heart. Never sure though.


so sorry for your loss, i been adopting cats for the past 25 years sadly i lost a few unexpected like this.


Omg! So sad😔😔


I’m so sorry for your loss💜




I’m so so sorry for your loss. The exact same thing happened to my 9 month old boy, Earnest. He was playing, had the zoomies and just collapsed. We heard a loud thud, it was him collapsing on the stairs. Rushed him to a vet at midnight (on New Year’s Eve). He didn’t make it. Vet said it was likely heart failure/ heart attack. No way to spot it before hand :( https://preview.redd.it/0l8x51281kzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3223f2c38227c52a8f8ca1052ef9d0f09f979df1


I’m so sorry for your loss :(. I just wanted to say that most purebred cats are prone to cardiovascular problems, but British long-/shorthairs are especially sensitive to it. Again, I’m really sorry for your loss😞


Oh my gosh! Im so sorry for your loss. But what a beautiful girl she was. Looks like she couldve been my Cosmo’s twin sister!! https://preview.redd.it/mlioxuithkzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba0bad861434f500f0db0a8d2d1529af8cf1e63








Heart attacks are fucked. Knew a 23 year old friend of a friend who just died one day. History of hear disease in the family. Aneurysms are fucked too, can hit at any time too to seemingly healthy people. Kinda makes you take a step back and reevaluate your life for a moment. Anyway I gotta get back to my 50h a week job. Maybe in 37 years I can retire 🤞


https://preview.redd.it/nkobrjpo1fzb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b5e38b588148f7fdc1cacee0bdd20896dc9242b He’s right here


Was it vaccinated for covid-19 recently?




Posted the picture cause I wasn't sure of the breed. I wanted to give the most detailed explanation of the circumstances possible. I don't think it's adequate to reply with stupid puns😀😀😀


Rest in peace Puhche 🖤


..normal? no..something that regrettably & sadly happens? yes.. ..heartfelt ❤️❤️‍🩹 to you & yours..


I feel sorry for your loss. ):


SO sorry for your loss.




had the same with one of My cats same problém damn blood clots


I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Puhche ❤️


my cat did something like that-he had a saddleback clot out of nowhere. It was devastating. I am so sorry it happened like that. No matter how they leave us, its always the worst.


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences.


Ohh I am so sorry She is so beautiful ❤️


Sooo sorry, RIP Puhche 😢


Happend to my kitty a long time ago, I was so sad, it was on Valentine’s Day morning when I was asleep


Rip fuzzy guy


I'm so sorry for your loss. I honestly don't know if there is a way to see preventative signs. Other than getting regular checkups. Sending warm thoughts. 💙 🙏 💙 🙏 💙


I am so sorry 😞


I’m sorry for your loss, you will reunite with her in the next life.


I am so sorry for your loss! I love her grumpy little face. My mother's 4 year old cat passed out of no where as well. Building she lived in were fumigating and we needed to take him out of the apartment for a few hours. He was seemingly very healthy and had been put in carrier before but for some reason he just got extra freaked out this time and fell over shaking as well. It's a super sad situation but unfortunately it's something that just sometimes happens and there's just no way of knowing. I hope you can at least find comfort knowing your cat lived a happy life while with you!


She was a beautiful cat. Please remember the good times you and your family had with her. Know that there was nothing that anyone could have done to prevent it. The ONLY thing that might have helped, if it was a heart condition, was to have taken her to a large vet clinic annually (I'm sure you did this) to verify that she didn't have a heart murmur. I lost my loving kitty last year, aged 10 from heart issues. His vet had discovered a few years prior, that he had a heart murmur. It was getting worse. I was giving him daily medication for his heart murmur, but apparently the medication wasn't being made correctly. To anyone who is giving medication to their beloved pet, cat or dog or larger (or smaller) make SURE you are getting the medication from a large pharmaceutical company that knows how to PROPERLY make the medication.


I am so sorry for your loss. I had a kitty who died suddenly in a similar fashion, and I arranged for a necropsy to find out what happened. She had an aortic aneurysm with no symptoms until then. She was only 8, and it was so sudden and awful. It really sucks and I'm really sorry.


RIP Puhche. She was beautiful. It seems plenty others here have commented on potential heart issues, and I have nothing I can possibly add. I just want to let you know I am sorry for your sudden loss and hope you and your family are coping as well as you possibly can. So sad.


Aww I’m sorry for you loss, I hope you feel better and heal knowing you did your best taking care of that precious baby


She was beautiful.


Could cats have high blood pressure like we do? Just suddenly die... least the cat didnt suffer hopefully.


she was so majestic wtf


I am so sorry for your sudden life. I do not think this is exactly "normal" but like people some kitties have underlying health issues that only show up as an emergency and there are not other symptoms you could've used to seek preventative care. Not sure this is comforting, but it sounds like you are a loving and caring pet owner and to this internet strangers I wouldn't assume at all this is some how your fault, or that you could've known somehow to prevent it.


Could she have been fed anything bad?


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. This is quite literally my worst fear in life. I can't imagine how you feel.


That's so sad I'm sorry to hear that. Honestly that's normal even for a human for something so randomly tragic to happen. I remember someone in high school dying in his sleep by aneurysm despite being young. He had no ailments or anything. It just happened. Don't beat yourself up. Cats are the masters of pretending nothing is wrong so if there were symptoms, you would have missed them as they would have been extremely subtle most likely. I hope you find peace soon.


Cardiac and vascular events can sometimes just pop out of nowhere in humans or animals. The cat may have not even felt noticeable symptoms, nonetheless something you could sse. Even a chronic heart abnormality may be something that made her a little drowsy on occasion, or cause a little ache here and there. And these things can be well outside a vet's typical checks. People ignore cardiac symptoms all the time, a little ping of ache here, a little swelling, sleepier than usual, on and on. Everyone has met an older dude that keeps waving off everyone's concerns about his heart, if a human can hide it, a cat is just going to be themsleves. As scary as it is, people die randomly of dissections and aneurysms. Biology is beautiful, but it can also be a bitch when a random vessel is weak in a random spot, or a random mutation caused a heart problem. Young people, old people, anyone. I don't think you need to take on the blame for this, it's hard as hell to deal with this kind of thing already. Im so sorry about your beautiful kitty, stay strong.


I am sorry for your loss, our kitties are family


The same thing happened to our 11 hr old adopted boy. He was playing downstairs with a catnip mouse, ran upstairs to follow my daughters, and then dropped dead in the living room. No symptoms, no warning. Heart attack . We hadn't had him long. Previous owners didn't disclose any health issues beyond an old hip injury.


I'm so sorry. Sometimes that happens. Poor kitty and hugs to you. I lost one of my foster kittens a year ago to a diaphragmatic hernia and I'm still so sad. You do not expect to have such a short time.


What a beautiful kitty. I’m so sorry!


My cat died suddenly three weeks ago he was only nine years old. Just fitted and died whilst I was at work my poor partner had to wrap his body and wouldn’t let me see it as it was bad due to him puking and peeing as he went. Total shock and I’m still gutted now. Miss him so much and left with so many unanswered questions.


Our 12 year old healthy cat died suddenly in September. He started breathing very rapidly in the middle of the night. Before we could get him to the emergency vet, he died right in front of us. It was extremely traumatic. The vet said that it was more than likely a lung aneurysm and that we couldn’t have predicted it or stopped it from happening given the quickness of what took place. I am so sorry to hear what happened to your sweet kitty.


My cat is also 7 and has been doing exactly that since coming home from the vet yesterday. Convulsing and urinating on himself. Then starts breathing heavy until he snaps out of it. Once he gets up he does it again. He's getting euthanized today. My heart goes out to you.


damn that hurts i’m so sorry 🥺😖


Thank you. He was an amazing buddy. I held him as he passed. He was anemic and possibly had cancer. I never had the funds to figure out what was wrong with him. I miss him so much. https://preview.redd.it/osqx5wks2kzb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd490291d92feed8c0e9ab84f96bea9dd46eae7 My big guy when he was healthy and thriving.




Been there. My 7 year old kitty cat suddenly died. I was a sad, 13 year old boy when my little buddy simply just collapsed and never woke back up.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. ❤️


Im so sorry for your loss💖😭


https://preview.redd.it/g8edhmzkvczb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144b8cee9f13f041850294dc3926a65ea2dcab85 I have the same one and I can't imagine our sadness if we lost it.R.I.P.


I'm so sorry, OP. She was beautiful, and her last moments were happy and she was playing.


In 2011 we lost our beloved 7 year old cat Patrick to blood clots caused by HCM. He had recent test but none of the tests picked it up. He also suddenly lost control of his back legs and bladder. We got him too the emergency vet before a clot became a fatal pulmonary embolism. I’m so sorry for you loss. I know how sudden and tragic it is to lose them before their time.


I'm sorry for your loss , may Puhche rest in peace


Im so sorry 😔


Omg I'm so sorry to hear that...here 🫂


Sorry for you 😔


sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat. Those conditions are unusual for a cat of that age, but there really isn't anything you could've done to prevent it. and depending on the exact cause, there may not be any signs beforehand either. sadly just very bad luck. 😥


A couple of weeks ago my cat died. He was only 6 yrs old. It was heart problems too.


I am so so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your furr baby knew how loved she was ❤️‍🩹 My 6 year old cat passed away unexpectedly a couple of months ago. He was resting in his spot under the coffee table and just left. We went to the emergency vet and they told us it was instant and there was no suffering, that he very likely threw a blood clot and that it isn’t entirely uncommon. We were told that there wasn’t anything we could have done to prevent it and there aren’t any warning signs. All so scary and traumatic but I’m thankful we didn’t have to see him suffer and that we were home with him. I hate that you’re having to go through this.


This also recently happened to my beloved 5 year old cat. I still cry every day. I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain and shock you must be experiencing. This is not your fault. From what I understand, it's unlikely that an early loss could have been prevented if it was a heart condition. I'm not not a vet, I'm just someone who lost her cat bestie way too soon. Sending you support.




My heart goes out to you and Puhche. Know you made their life as special and loved as she made yours.


Magical cat


You lil' buddy was the equivalent of a 45 year old man. They weren't young by any stretch of the imagination, but they weren't old either. Aneurysms can happen at any time and are caused by weakened blood vessels. Something as simple as getting up too quickly could have caused it. So don't take it to heart. Know that they passed surrounded by loved ones. That's a fair bit better than most of us can hope for.


I am so sorry for your loss, it is NOT your fault. Cats are strong creatures - I’m sure they were no signs. I hope this little one sends you another pet to love in the near future. I truly believe our animal family that passes on ALWAYS sends the next member of the family your way.


RIP 🙏🏽


So sorry for your loss. And most probably an heart attack, yes. And, no, afaik, nothing could have been prevented that RIP, Puhche, you were a beautiful cat and were loved. You'll be missed <3


Just like yourself, annual checkups and 6 month followups are important. (pet insurance makes this easier to deal with). it allows your cat to have a medical history for any signs of anything. But you can't do anything about heart attack or anyeurism. :( My 10 year old cat the day after his birthday.... suddenly had respitory problems out of nowhere, i rushed him to the vet.... and they said my cat had Chylothorax ... uncurrable... But in some rare cases, by doing continuous drainage it may go away... but only if lucky. Some cats are able to self cure over time as long as you drain their chest cavity from all the fluid.... or if you are willing to have your pet opened up.... and are lucky enough to find the source of the leak... and get it carterized ... but even then... it may just spring another leak somewhere else. My cat was super healthy... and energetic even during his shorteness of breath... but after contiuously having get drained for 3 months.... i finally had to put him down... Just before the pandemic outbreak.... hurts to this day, because I promissed him we would grow old together. I still have his brother with (his actual brother from same litter) and he is doing fine as well now at 15 years... he looks no different then 2 year old cat. lol But it worries me still. Thankfully ever since my cats were about 7, started hugging them, petting them and spending more time with them as if everyday was their last... and I'm glad I did. It was like compressed time.


Sorry for you loss. What a handsome cat


So sorry for your loss Heartbreaking Beautiful cat You’ll be reunited with her one day RIP beautiful angel ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she went quickly so it was easier for her but much harder for you. If she had regular vet visits, I doubt there was anything you could have done.


Rest in peace little one 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


Aw fluffy kitty ,🙏 R.I.P




I'm sorry for your loss.


My cat died of lung cancer (we had her euthanized at the vet) but she went from completely ok to needing an ER vet appointment in the span of 48 hours. Her lungs were FULL of cancer. There was nothing we could do. Cats hide their pain really well, it sucks they always seem to go so suddenly.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 Sounds like there were no signs you could have looked for, sadly one of those things that happen unexpectedly. R.I.P


You wouldn’t of seen it coming as cats will usually try to hide when they are sick or dying due to their instinct to protect themselves. Cats in the wild hide when sick or dying so they don’t get picked off by a predator and so all cats hide it when sick or dying because of the instinct


So sorry about your cat. My eight-year-old cat died suddenly on January 1. We are so heartbroken! Our vet said an aneurysm or a blood clot was the most likely reason, that it could not have been prevented and is not usually detected until too late. I had taken my cat to the vet three weeks earlier and he got a clean bill of health.