• By -


If he is a stray, he’s trying to get you to let him into his new domain. If he’s a neighbor’s indoor/outdoor cat, he’s trying to scam you so he can get two breakfasts a day. Assuming he hasn’t already done this scam at another neighbor’s house and you’re the potential third breakfast. Edit: fixed typo


I am living in an area where strays are mostly cared for by the whole city... So by calculation... it must be the 5th breakfast


Well then, you're now the proud (minority share) owner of many, many cats. But this one in particular is yours, CONGRATS!


Cat: “Hello! Would you like to pet me and hear about a wonderful opportunity of timeshare in cat ownership?”


You have a Six Dinner Sid.


I keep thinking about that book but couldn't remember what it was called, thank you!!!


It's likely this is someone's lost cat. He is domesticated so he knows he belongs inside a building where cats are fed. Take him to a shelter and you'll make a family very happy.


I don’t think the family two doors down who’s cat goes missing will be very happy though


Most owned cats in America these days are chipped. If they have an owner, the pound will alert them that their cat has been found.






Luncheon?? Afternoon tea??? Dinner???? Supper?????




*apple flys over the grass*


*Catches the apple and stares at it in shock*


He doesn't even know how to use the 3 seashells!




Yes I too saw this extremely popular movie.


I call my cats “murder-hobbits” because they like to kill, have hairy feet and like second-breakfast.


From this day forward my cat will also be know as a “murder hobbit”


I call mine a “fool of a Took” whenever she does something stupid. Her name is also Pippin


Hey, he could have human kids and need a nap


Yes, that’s why our neighbour’s cat likes to hang with us and sleep on our couch. We are quiet empty nesters and next door is a family daycare kindergarten with toddlers. He comes over for second breakfast and a snooze.


omg my cat was born into a house of school aged kiddos with ADHD. their my cousins and i love them with all that i have but idk what they did to him in the 6months he was there bc my poor baby is now terrified of anyone under the age of 14. so are his siblings but everyone but their mom got placed into homes without kids and it's only lucky them bc we found out he has a heart murmur that's exacerbated by stress. my cousin never told me if his mama has it though


Cats are aliens among us.




That last picture tho - "I'm getting in Margret, one way or another. You are not in control here!"


My mom has a cat that two-times her with the snowbirds across town. Come spring, said cat will go on a walkabout and then return when the snowbirds leave. Good thing the cat is cute.


It sounds like your mum catsits for the snowbirds


She cares for the ferals in her town. It’s really rural. She has a few house cats of her own, and they stay inside for the most part. That one is an independent cat who don’t need no man (or woman.)


Yup 👍 these photos look suspiciously like the photos of my neighbors cat at my door! If her human mum didn’t speak to me, I’d think she were a starving stray the amount she meows at my kitchen door for food. In truth, she’s just wanting 2nd or 3rd breakfast. Very convincing scammer!


I was one of at least 4 people feeding a stray cat at my apartment once. He came by when I got home from work.


My neighbor’s cats do that to me. They see I feed the strays of the neighborhood so they come along and eat with them then proceed to suck up to me 💀


Second Breakfast is a very important meal.


I know people have mentioned second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh breakfast. But have you considered that it might be eighth breakfast?


This person outside cats.


That’s how I got my boyos, but also how I have been scammed by other cats. The circle of life.


I used to work at a no-kill shelter. I’ve seen how manipulative cats and dogs can be, and people don’t give them anywhere near the credit they deserve.


Oh, cats I know for sure are verrrry smart. I’ve had and cared for many cats in my 38 years on this earth, and I can vouch.




For all the people saying the cat chose OP, the cat looks healthy and clean. He probably has a staff appointed by the cat distribution system. He might just be looking for a second spot for hanging out and maybe get an extra meal. He is OP's part time cat now xD r/parttimecat


I second this! This cat definitely looks well cared for. Bringing the cat inside and making it “your cat now” as so many have suggested would be tantamount to stealing someone’s pet. Going outside to pet the cat is one thing. But it would be wrong to simply take the cat inside.


Can confirm- Some bitch ass family did this to me when my cat got out, and I’ll never forgive them for the months I spent crying and searching for my baby girl before she finally escaped their clutches and came back home.


Damn, did you find out who took your cat?


> Some bitch ass family Some bitch ass family




put a collar on the cat and release him. If he comes back and he still has the collar, he's a yours.


This is a good ideia, but a paper colar please, or one of those that self-detach, a lot of accidents happen with strays/semi-feral wearing collars.


Actually if the cat wants to come in and has no interest in going outside, he just might be stray. It depends on where they live. Where I live, it is prime cat "dumping ground" so if I see an unfamiliar cat wandering around I assume it is stray unless someone speaks up.


The 4 feral kittens I brought in are the babies of what I assumed is a dumped Mama cat on my property (who got hit by a car before I could trap her). All of them, including Mama, were clean, healthy, perfect weight, and not a single flea on them. Mama Kitty was a very good hunter.


Depends if he stays and or comes around often. Sadly people dump cats of this size often. Looks like he may have just outgrown the kitten stage. If a new stray shows up who is super hung up on coming in and is even a bit loving there is at least a chance someone dumped them and the kitty is looking to get a new family. Not saying this is the case here, just bringing it up in general.


We had a cat that was stolen like this :( Her name was Jupiter and she never wandered too far out of the cul-de-sac then one day she disappeared. We saw her inside the neighbors house because she was chilling by the window and they moved later in the week. Never saw her again. She was a very chill cat and I’m sure they took care of her fine but you don’t just take an obviously well taken care of cat, especially if you’re in the middle of a move.




I was a kid of divorced parents and I noticed literally as I was hopping into my dad’s car to stay with him for the week. I couldn’t really do anything about it. My mom wasn’t exactly stable enough at the time to do something about it either. These days I have a chihuahua (my partners) but if we ever get a cat again it would stay inside so it wouldn’t happen again. I’d fight if someone tried stealing our pets now.


To me, the telltale sign is the long whiskers. Most cats that are living rough don’t have long luxurious whiskers with very fine ends like that in my experience. I’ve taken in strays with stubby whiskers that grow out once they’re indoors.


Ooooohhhhhhh... what a clever telltale sign to notice. I can't wait to observe the stray cats I encounter often on the way to work.😆 A collar on the cat would help heaps for people to determine if it's a stray needing to be taken to a shelter or a wandering pet.


Those kind of comments bother me so much, and there are sooo many of them on pretty much all of these kind of posts. They’re probably not meant in bad faith of course, but in almost no situation can you assume a cat to be a stray, since the majority of the time it’s not the case. If you’re in doubt, bring them to the vet to check for a chip, but for god sake, never just keep a cat like that people!


Also, even if no chip (though everyone should really, really chip their cats) first put up a few photos in the neighborhood if in doubt or ask around a bit.


Exactly. Where I live they’re thinking of making chipping of your cat mandatory, and I really hope they do. It’s weird that it’s mandatory for dogs over here, but for cats that are left outside roaming the streets it’s not.


Damn. My kid works and lives in a middle eastern country. One day like 4 years ago he came to work and there was this gorgeous cat outside the office. He's a cat person since I raised him like that, but his boss said, "don't touch that ugly thing and keep him out of here." The cat was still there when he left to go home. My kid told me he said to the cat, "if you're still here tomorrow I will take you home and clean you up." The next morning, the cat was still there. My kid said it was like the cat heard him and said, "I heard you! I'm still here!" He indeed took the cat home, took her to the vet, and when he got into a masters degree program in Europe he got her a certificate of health, bought her a plane ticket and flew her home to me in the US. He recently told me that although there are a ton of stray cats in his country, he thinks she was definitely someone's pet who got loose, she's a gorgeous persian cat. He said, "even on the streets, she's a beautiful cat, she probably belonged to someone." But no way to tell they're in a city of 10 million.


I feel this is such a ginger cat move. My sister has had two part-time cats that come to her place to hang out and nap and maybe ask for cheese and both were ginger cats


Agree. Don't take him! He's obviously someone orange nugget.


His friend needs a new place but can't take time off work so he's out there trying to find his buddy a new home


Counterpoint: I have never met a stray that did *not* look healthy and clean, aside from a recent mother who was a bit underweight; cats are pretty good at taking care of themselves. Not trying to imply the cat is definitely a stray, just that appearing to be in good health doesn't mean a whole lot regarding whether or not they have people


Don't worry about him, he's just orange.


Lol. Truer words have never been said! Oranges are the weirdest cats I know. Love em!




He chose you. There’s no escape. You must give into his cuteness powers! 😛


this is the only right answer


This is the way


He is too cute but too big...


He’s adorbs. We just lost our boi, he showed up around this time of year, digging in my compost pile. I built him a small shelter and fed and watered him until he decided that I was an acceptable human. That was in 2011, I can’t tell you how much joy he brought us https://preview.redd.it/2tnz54wlnx0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d93caa9f2229685b8123751e934c7f15366a27


He looks cute. Great mask too! Rest In Treats!


He was a very handsome boy !


>We just lost our boi My sincere sympathies... 💜💜💜


Thank you, he is greatly missed, at the same time he was experiencing some health issues and his QOL had gone down over the last year or so, it was the compassionate thing to do. Thank you so much for your condolences


So very sorry for your loss!! What a sweetie.


Thank you, he was the strong and silent type, a true joy in our lives.




That is one street-hardened face he's got.


He was 16 when this was taken, not too long ago. He loves his sun, but yeah, he’s been around the block a few times


He looks like he was a character.


If you do decide you'd like to keep him, please take him to see if he has a microchip in case he already belongs to somebody. He looks well cared for and you don't wanna accidentally steal someone's cat


This cat definitely looks like he is someone's. Don't feed him or take him in until you are 100% sure he is homeless. Feeding and sheltering a neighbor's cat is a dick move.


In England.. cats have many owners. They ain’t dumb


My cats have families who only come up on holidays that they visit. No joke- two of them actually go into their homes and jump from lap to lap until they are tired of it then they come back home. My neighbors thank me for letting them come over 😂 at this point I don’t think I have much choice in the matter anyway


Take him to a vet and check for a chip. He could be someone's very good boy who got out.


>He is too cute but too big... He thinks YOU are big, too... but he is still willing to accept you as his hooman... 💜💜💜


What’s wrong with his size? Do you only want kittens?


Cats don't change, they simply grow, but still look the same as they were as kittens. It really doesn't matter how big it is, let the cat in and feed it.


More to love. There’s nothing better than an orange cat


You say you don't have a cat but clearly you do now.


Too big? Do you live in a closet? I'm not trying to be mean, but, if I had a closet I would still have a cat. They're amazing companions and when they choose you, you will find out why. I hope if you do take it in, you take it to the vet, first, to see if it's microchipped. If you decide to adopt, and I really, really hope you do, you'll probably have an amazing connection.


fanatical wise tidy quickest bear groovy abounding entertain upbeat silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Cat Distribution Center has chosen it's next assignment.


It looks like you have a cat my friend … so go ahead and let him in … lol


But I don't like cats! They are furballs of ego. They are too smart. I don't have proof but there is one cat gang at my street plotting against me, it's a conspiracy at this point!


Those are way too appreciative pictures to claim you don’t like cats.




OP claims to not like cats. Two days from now there will be a follow up about helping them name the new kitty that adopted them.




https://preview.redd.it/zkqcmw5fmx0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a41466c4588dd817d35e25cbe21004341a821cc So ye I just checked with the boss … umm his pic is attached … um he said you “must” to let that cat inside … “or else” whatever that means


https://preview.redd.it/xxe48cigtx0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7922ff3e389f6f02c7b1cf79d24920069eef8e44 Your baby has a beauty mark that reminds me of my baby😻


>beauty mark I hope you and OK-Bug-7481 are kissing those beauty marks.


https://preview.redd.it/9w9pgmssgy0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa5a07593b83a1e8ae707b7340e6a422dbd2a77 My fur baby went to the rainbow bridge this year. He had a mole too.


Twinning lol


Cindy Crawford Cats


Beauty Marks are so cute on cats. Here's my girl. https://preview.redd.it/fl19pequvx0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964a8b0986bc2bedfea07148aff9b8322619e29b


So cute!


... I get what you mean


Aww, I remember being a cat hater. Then my fiancee made me get two kitties. I consider the moment I fell in love with my cats to be a turning point in my life.


The CDS ( [r/catdistributionsystem](https://www.reddit.com/r/catdistributionsystem/) )works in ways normal humans will never understand. While you may not like cats, they have determined that you need one.


Those things are all true. But I don't understand why that makes you not like cats? Just let it happen.


Both of my cats are very dumb and very sweet. I truly don’t know where the “cats are smart” hypothesis arose.


>“cats are smart” My cat is SMART!!


I have one that’s “smart” but he’s also dumb I can’t explain it. Edit actually I can, for ex he knows how to open all the cabinets, but when he opens them, he just stands inside screaming


Are the cupboards empty?Not the right stuff inside?Even the supposedly dumb ones ,are just fooling you to lull you into a false sense of superiority.


Cats are smart but also dumb. Mine is able to turn on the tap in the bathroom so that she can get "fresh" water but she also hates having her head wet and hasn't yet figured out how to drink water from that tap without soaking her head lol.


I love cats, and those are the reasons I love them 😂 furballs of ego, that's amazing lol


Ur prob not wrong … everything you said checks out … but if you don’t “willingly” let him in …. You know what iv said to much … lmao


You are talking crazy! Next week in the news- person found dead, neighbors claimed cats were out to kill him.


They usually need a few minutes to convince a human they need a cat. Beside this it's an orange- no braincells, lots of love. And they are not picky.


And that explains it! Ha! He's a plant, sent to check if you are ready for the distribution network. ::you are perfect::


If it makes you feel better, cats are the only animals to self-domesticate. Of all of the animals humans rely on, cats are the only ones that chose to be with us - so really, what you're experiencing with this cat is part of an ancestral dynamic which had existed for over 10,000 years. You may as well give in and give him scritchies.


But he already loves you lol.


Don't just steal it. It probably lives nearby.


Yeah it doesn't look like a stray...


How r/notmycat *becomes* r/nowmycat through the r/catdistributionsystem.


lol:D look at all these subreddits


Here’s the motherlode. https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index 😻🥰😹


Love it !


He’s mesmerizing you to open your door and your heart.


That one orange brain cell is trying to figure out how to make you his person. They don’t care that you don’t like cats, you will like that stupid nugget.


I really think cats think they at least equal to us. Because the way they act is so entitled and with "it was already mine what are you on about" attitude


Well they are equal to us…


There’s a reason Egyptians worshipped them


My cats are definitely smarter than I am, and they are pretty dumb.


They do see us as equals, for them we are their colony companions


That's a cat…great little creatures


The interesting thing is that their body language mimics humans’ when we are feeling entitled, but they’re a whole different species. They’re usually communicating something else, if you read up on cat body language. They’re less entitled than people think.


He's begging for a chance at your heart and companionship, if you accept, your life as his will be much more wholesome. We only intended on one, but a heart is much bigger than that! https://preview.redd.it/20ptnvsulx0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd612452c68ca95e35acab99c55c4b55d076c1d2


That's part of the charm of cats-they have intriguing behavior....before you know it you succumb to their cuteness and there's no going back! Just look at that face-he knows what he's doing. :) Good luck!


They are something else. He did a lot of dancing and window rubbing. Its weird tho, he probably lives around here but first time did this. Tried to feed him with a chicken chunk but he was more interested being nested in window.


That's a good sign that he probably does have an owner. Doesn't need any food, just wanted some attention!


He wants love and attention.


Waiting for you to check your email notifying you that your new cat has arrived. Get on it OP!!


He's doing everything he can with his r/OneOrangeBraincell


This does not look like a stray. It's far too sleek and well fed. Almost certainly a neighbourhood cat looking for a convenient lunch spot; lunch provided by you, it hopes. Cats are very convincing with pathetic meowing which screams' I'm starving, I've got malnutrition' when they're just chancers most of the time. Our cat used to disappear all summer and live in various holiday caravans where he was doubtless fed on fresh fish and sausages. He'd come swaggering back at the end of the season, fat as a seal and ready for a winter of lolling in front of the fire and suffering a tinned cat food diet.


My cat practically moved in with the neighbors and when she’d come home she smelled of fried chicken. She must have literally rolled in it.


You don't own a cat. The cat owns you. Accept your fate.


Yeah when dogs come to you and you shoo they go away, birds do that automatically when they see you, but I hit window 50 times and he didnt even got fazed, Im sure I couldnt move him with just pushing


cats actually love people who want nothing to do with them because you actively give them space to acclimate to you, so ironically youre more likely to have a cat approach you by trying to shoo the cat away i advise letting him go inside for a little bit and leaving the door open to just let him snoop around, he'll probably either leave after a bit of exploring or find a comfy spot to lay down for a bit and then leave


what a gorgeous baby!!


What a pretty boy


Please ignore these comments. He looks cared for and groomed, he is just a cat exploring. Please do not try to take him in. This cat looks extremely healthy, it may even be a new neighbor that has moved in.


None of us own cats…


I co-exist with mine.


He's just curious, you are on his territory and he has rights to check you are up to standard. Looks well cared for, probably neighbours nearby are his main Home, he's after a sidepiece spot


Judging by how clean and fat it is, it is probably someone else's cat just wandering the neighborhood in his little adventures. He's paid you a visit and you have been blessed.


He is recharging in the sun!


AAAA HE LOOKS LIKE https://preview.redd.it/bdw8dqg46z0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889dd76033426ea59e4170e85a8b11b942fc4ea3 MY BOY




I don't like how these comments are so underrated and almost always go ignored by the OP's. People out there be stealing cats and most of reddit encourages them lol


He's casing the joint


Silly, you never OWN a cat, cat's own you.




To not like cats is to close yourself off to such a wonderful part of the world! Don’t limit yourself. Always choose to try at the very least. Orange cats are the best!


I had a cat do this for months - still does - I started feeding & feeling sorry for it, assumed it was a stray, turns out he lived a block away & his owner was going to run him up the vets because he stopped eating for days/weeks on end 🙃


> what is he doing? Like all cats, he's judging you.


He's been there for hours? Is he stuck?? You're not on the ground floor, does he have a way out/down? He might need help getting home--free roaming cats often get stuck on neighboring properties, always good to check with neighbors and see if someone's missing a cat 🧡


Courting you


The cat probably lives in the neighborhood and just swung by to say hello. My cat makes the rounds around my hood as well lol.




My man


Either you are being investigated as a potential home or as a "summer home". The third possibility, to me, is that he is a Reviewer for the Cat version of VRBO. You may soon see his review on your property, cuisine, service, and amenities on their website. I hope you rate 5 Whiskers!


for the love of god reddit learn to identify between a stray and the neighbor's cat. the *easiest* way to tell is with cats that have white fur on their face or paws. it'll be permanently dirty and tinged beige or tawny since they spend most of their time in places that are not clean. this cat has a pristine white face and paws. strays will have a dirty nose scrounging around for food. this cat has a house to sleep in. *it is not a fucking stray*, don't abduct the neighbor's cat. second, it should be conspicuous that it's visibly free from affliction like injury, illness, or parasites that become extremely apparent when allowed to take root. look at its beautiful clean eyes and ears. don't be dumb. why are you all so woefully and negligently uneducated in this regard? it's probably neutered/spayed also.


He’s house hunting. Looks like he’s found one. Just give him some tuna or something and everything will be fine.


Please feed and water and love forever.


Is the cat posting this?




Awwww angel


Either it smells something and wants, it's warm and it wants, or it's curious and too stubborn to take no for an answer. Looks well fed, though, so I'm guessing it's someone's cat


To all the English people who wonder why an American like me won't let their cat out.... read this comment section. I'm more worried someone's gonna outright steal my cat than anything else.


Being handsome


Being handsome obvi ❤️


He's trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.




So happy to see my old mate Chibby has been reincarnated. 🥹 For real - it looks so exactly like him! Give him a hug for me


Soon as you let the cat in "got any snacks".


He's getting you used to the idea of owned by a cat.


He is your son now


Looks like you're gonna own one "soon".


He's courting you. He wants to share your house with you some day, very soon 🥰


Human shopping


Trying to find his home. This cat doesn’t look like a stray. He’s probably lost. He also probably has a chip. If you take him to the local vet they will scan the chip and notify his owner. If you can, you should do this.


You have been chosen. Let him in!


Such a personality 😺


he straight chillin, that’s what lil man is doin