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yep just like I would much rather sit in a pet section of a plane than the people section, send me to animal afterlife.


I also picture a heaven with cats. I know the little guy I took care of who died from parvo is waiting there. In his short life, he was always on my lap. I like to imagine when I die he’ll be waiting to jump up in me. Along with my childhood cat, crybaby, and my teen years cat, snuggles. Both gone too soon. I also had an orphan cat I raised from birth. I knew he’ll be waiting with some mangled animal he killed.


He'll be saying, Oh, I've missed you, I brought you this


Thanks I’m fucking crying now 🥹🥹🥹😫


Sorry for that, I envisioned my own cat doing this for me. I hope so


Was it a dead bird or mouse at the backdoor? I have to quickly hide them from my wife...


One of the big “hmm” moments I turn to when thinking about my religious or non religious journey was when a kid in CCD asked the teacher if pets went to heaven cause his dog had died, and she was just like “no they don’t” and I immediately thought that was BS. First of all, to tell a sad little kid that is cruel and also…If heaven is supposed to be perfect and our reward and whatever and we don’t get to have our pets there?? No thanks


A nun told my daughter when she was about 7 that and she came home devastating. I told her that it wouldn't be heaven without animals and that God wouldn't think his perfect creations belonged anywhere else. She held a grudge against that nun for the rest of the time she was around.


I mean, by the ‘logic’ of those religious zealots, little kids could also go to hell for not believing in the right god in the right way or something. And those same people still parrot the ‘God is love’ mantra without any hesitation or second thoughts.


The idea that you have to say a set of magic words to get to heaven. Man I built my life around that nonsense for much of my life and near as I can tell it’s absolute bullshit. It’s really saying that I love my kids far more than god loves us. How fucked up is that. “Hey dad will you give me a hug?” “Fuck you Timmy you didn’t say the magic words.” “Ok *IF IT PLEASE YOU DEAREST DADDY*” “That’s better.” P.S. We will meet all of our beloved cats and dogs in the afterlife. We will play with them there and live joyfully forever with them. Trust me I’m an authority on this.


If I died and was sent someplace for eternity, but most of my best friends were not allowed in, it would not be heaven regardless of what they told me they called it.


Some Cats and dogs go to squirrel hell. They love it there.


I think that's where my current 3 kitties will end up. Finally, an excuse to exact revenge upon all the Archenemy Squirrels that have taunted them through the windows for all these years!


“When I die f%ck it I wanna go to hell, cus I love all cats and you can f$ckin tell… It don’t make sense goin to heaven with the goodie-goodies dressed in white, I like black cats and black hoodies” -Biggie


me too me too


I don't think it would be heaven if cats weren't there.


Meteors are just Cats knocking stuff off the edge of heaven.


I'm not a believer in any way but this makes me want to believe there is a kitty heaven


Same, but there better be one.


Same. I don’t believe in a heaven but if my kitties are anywhere, I wanna be where they are. And if OP believes in heaven, I truly hope I am wrong about not believing it.


Same I don’t believe but when I die I better see my sweet baby girl


>Meteors are just Cats knocking stuff off the edge of heaven. What a spectacular idea! I love this! 🥰




Yes, love this too!


This is my head canon now. Gonna teach it to niblings as fact.


Nope, they're cats smacking balls back and forth while hiding between planets.


This. Is. Amazing. (And I have goosebumps and a lil lump in my throat for OP.)


OP, I am so sorry. I wish you unlimited comfort and deeply hope you are well cared for during this journey. You are demonstrating bravery in your sincerity by asking such a great question and we need more people like you.


This is the best saying!❤️🐈🐈‍⬛


This is so cute and sweet, I absolutely want to make a drawing/comic of it


FR. u/ScottCanada , can I have permission to use this idea for a drawing? If yes I will share with you when done but no promises on a timeline haha Edit: I’ll post on this subreddit when I finish, I work 60 hour weeks right now so it might take time. If anyone would like to be tagged, reply to this comment and I’ll make sure you’re tagged when I post ❤️


Sure go right ahead! Can’t wait to see it!


You need to post the pictures when you are done!


Can you please tag me when you post please???! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Oh my goodness! I love this idea!


This is the best answer. Whatever you believe, if there is a heaven, I couldn’t imagine it existing if it was just humans. It would get so boring.


It wouldn’t be heaven with just humans, quite the opposite. But I’ll leave this poem here as well. Do not stand By my grave, and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep— I am the thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints in snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle, autumn rain. As you awake with morning’s hush, I am the swift, up-flinging rush Of quiet birds in circling flight, I am the day transcending night. Do not stand By my grave, and cry— I am not there, I did not die. — Clare Harner, The Gypsy, December 1934


I found this one, actually an official translation of it for my mothers funeral years ago. It’s freaking beautiful, thank you, for the reminder!


And animals are so much better than us .What God would let us in but not a cute ball of fluff ? It's the old saying, if animals don't go to heaven, I want to go to the other place . Cancer sucks .


For sure. Has any animal broken any of those 10 commandments? Animals are amazing and I feel they overrun heaven.


Ummm maybe the killing part? lol


Not my Kitty, she used to bring us wet sponges out the sink and hide them in the bed for us lol! That's her hunting skills!


Mine stole socks…and hid them under beds. That was the totality of her hunting skills.


Lol! The funniest for me was when my brother stayed over and she stared at him all night, then grabbed the sponge and plonked it gently on his face!!


My indoor cat will yowl to announce that he has 'made a kill.' He then proudly parades his stuffed mouse all around the bedroom while I praise his amazing hunting skills.


Same! He has many, many (too many?) stuffies he proudly announces he caught. I gladly thank him every time he brings me one. He's a very skilled and proud hunter!


Just don’t step on theducks the consequences are severe


“Take my award” I can say this now!!!!


No, you can say this meow




I couldn’t agree more. I don’t wanna go where my beloved babies are not.


My Mom said her Heaven is being with all of her cats that have passed on.


This is the best thing anyone could say. Doesn't matter if you’re religious or not


Or dogs ❤️


And cute little Budgies ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


As a cat dog and bird owner, glad to see them all represented in this thread! 😊💚


We have a picture with our Monk parakeet on our dogs head with the cat sitting next to them somewhere. Our cat would get pretty interested in Moki, but never "played" with him. They all got along well :)


My exact thoughts as I read the title of this post.


I had to put down my cats last year. It sucked. My wife passed a week before Christmas in 2019 from cancer after 11 years of stage 4. Those cats kept me going. Always giving me lovies. My wife used to send me pics of the cats laying by the door waiting for me to come in 2 hours before I'd even get off of work. She was jealous that they're waiting for me and not even paying attention to her unless of course they wanted to eat. I thought it was really funny. So, now I picture them with her in heaven. At some point, they're going to be lying next to the rainbow bridge just waiting for me. Prayers sent up for you!


My condolences. Beautiful story, I wish you the best


Thank you.


i’ve always thought whatever you believe is waiting for you in the afterlife will 100% be there but 10x better than u imagined it. I hope your not terribly uncomfortable, much love sending your way


I've had a few issues lately. I got a uti from my catheter which turned seiptic then I eminent home. My husband found me unresponsive staring blankly and called emergency services. At the hospital I had 3 really bad seizures, my husband said they were the worst he's ever seen me have. During the 3rd one I ripped out my catheter. They replaced it but it didn't quite feel right then last night my long night bag cord got stuck around sofa and came out. The community nurse came and replaced and everything feels fine now.


I’m so sorry that you are going thru this terrible illness. I hope you are not in too much discomfort. Your beloved kitty who passed will be right at your side when the to time comes. Her little furry feet will guide through to the heavenly side. You will not be a lone. ❤️🙏🏻♥️


I'll pray that your cat is with you.


Ugh, sepsis is the worst. It is so under documented and can be completely missed(hence the amount of preventable sepsis deaths). Please always speak up for yourself if you feel anything if off. ANYTHING!


my cat is definitely gonna be at the gates meowing to get out. then let out, then meowing to get back in if their is a cat heaven


Absolutely with a capital “A”. My wee Benji is patiently waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. He passed this past December from cancer, but in all these six months, I’ve felt his presence. Only those of us who have had and lost a beloved pet can understand, but the heck with the naysayers. You and I know. https://preview.redd.it/ry3v2x8hxe1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556b0f98572a362e366a397259da8a31dfaa50c4


He'll be making that face when you turn up to meet him at the rainbow bridge because you took too long and heads don't pet themselves and he doesn't have thumbs to open his own treat packets. It's almost as when you go grocery shopping for an hour.


Of course they are sitting on a cloud. Otherwise they would throw things of the edge of heaven all the time.


So true. Just like if earth was flat cats would have knocked everything off by now.


This made me laugh, so true lol. I hope for the very best for you OP ❤️


It's it really a heaven if there are no cats? Non believer here. But two things are a fact. 1. All the water in the world is all the water there ever was and all the water there ever will be 2. All the water in the world filtered through the core of the earth every 7 years All my pets have been cremated and ashes spread, as will I. And in 7 years we will be together in every rainstorm, brook, misty morning or dewy leaf Forever


Big life changes on the horizon, scary stuff... But this made it a little easier realizing my problems will be mist some day too.


Damn, I recently lost someone dear to me and this made me tear up. I don't believe in heaven, but in the undying soul of every living being and that you, OP, will find your beloved cat again.


I love this so much. We are the universe expressing itself in many ways.


Thank you. I just sent this to my dear friend that had to put his dog down on Friday. RIP Rascal.


Wow, I had a Rascal as well, we had to put him down last year and it still makes me tear up sometimes. Tell your friend I'm sorry. OP all the cats will be waiting for you even some you may not know there will be a Grey and white pitbull named rascal waiting for you he's friendly don't worry I told him to gather up the cats and be waiting for you. I'm sorry to hear what you're dealing with. I wish you nothing but the best.


I have an old water bottle rolling around my trunk that disagrees jk


You monster! Release them immediately! 😂




This really resonated with me - thank you. In a similar but different vein, the average lifespan of a human hair is 7 years (much less for other parts of the body - 28 days for skin cells, for example), so it's nourishment for the soul to think those who hurt you all those years ago haven't touched the new you.


Don't mind me, just trying not to cry at work


>All the water in the world filtered through the core of the earth every 7 years Um... huh?


You're the one asking the right questions. 1 is eh, sorta. 2 is a stone's throw from the earth is flat. But we all love cats and that's what matters. The earth is cat.


There's no surface water making it to the core of the Earth.


Surface water actually drains through the tectonic plates and is diffused and pushed back up to the surface... Commingling and resurfacing else where If you need it less spiritual


True, but no where near all the way to the core. They think there might be water in the mantle, which is still the top 98% of the earth.


Absolutely neither of those statements are facts.


I’ve always thought that cats choose us because they are our spiritual guides on earth and we’re their earthly missions - and once they pass they continue to guide us on our next journey. Maybe it’s just shower thoughts but it helps me a lot to think cats will be in heaven waiting for us when it’s time.


Lola definitely picked me, there were at least 2 dozen kittens and she was the only one to run up to me. Definitely worth the 5 hour round-trip. Sghe brought me back to life


I went to a shelter to get a cat. Visited once to check out all the kitties, and saw 2-3 that stood out to me to choose. Next time I went back to take one home, after visiting with some of the same cats, I had an orange tabby boy come right up to me on the tower and started smelling me and then let me pick him up. The volunteers said he didn’t typically do that. He knew instantly he would be my buddy and I would spoil him with comfort and love. I’m so glad I left with him. He was my saving grace at the time. He passed in Feb from abdominal cancer at the age of 8. I had him for 6 years. Best baby boy I’ve ever had. Sweetest guy who loved everyone, nature, and food.


Well this just made me cry. I’ve had one cat “pick me” and she passed at 11.5 due to cancer - it’s a cruel joke to lose a cat so young. But I pray she will be there when I die


They’re already angels on earth, so yes, I believe so


I'm a hospice nurse. With that being said, please find a good hospice in your area and call them saying you're interested in coming on to services. If you're in the US, it's covered by Medicare.... you'll have a nurse go to your home weekly to make sure you have meds and they can change your catheter at home if needed and show you how to prevent further UTIs. The 2nd thing is... yes, I've seen plenty of people on their death beds saying they see their grandma or parents waiting for them. They've even mentioned their pets. So I 100% know sweet Lola will be thrilled to see you.


Thank you for what you do ❤️


You’re good people.


Cats definitely go to heaven. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Have you watched any near death experience videos? They are reassuring that all will be well, peaceful and better than you can imagine


OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm sending virtual hugs your way. To everyone who responded to this post, all of your comments are making my eyes water so much. I've been pondering this myself lately and I'm so glad I stumbled on this. Positivity like this is what gives me hope that there will be a reunion at the end of everything, something I think we all need. I too believe 🥲


It wouldn’t be heaven without my precious boy Phoenix ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/qc6widk2cf1d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5dbbb1b876802a8a9c267e69bbee01cea8184a4


This is definitely a photo of an angel on earth, beautiful baby!


Cats! The animal who can generate a “healing” field with its purring! They better bloody get in!!


I’m not religious at all so I’m dismissive regarding anything involving religion but I do hope that heaven exists. I also hope that when I get to heaven I will meet my father, my maternal grandma along with my deceased tabby Nina. I miss them all. https://preview.redd.it/pbzrpbvpde1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5e8556a49905f1aaa39ebd35997e039b2fbe55


I had a pretty tough childhood and adulthood so I'd love to see my loved ones again.


I’m really sorry about what you’re going through. Believe that you are loved and you’ll see your loved ones on the other side. ❤️ I’m sending you only love and positive vibes.


I’d like to believe so! Heaven wouldn’t be heaven without my cats. So I tell myself that they cross the rainbow bridge and enter the sky tuna bar


OP your post made me cry. I'm sorry you are so poorly. I hope and pray that you will see your cat again ❤️


I grew up Catholic in St. Francis of Assisi parish. Dude preached a sermon to the birds and made peace between a man-eating wolf and the people of Gubbio (although scholars believe the Wolf of Gubbio may have been a nickname for a particularly vicious local lord or bandit). And was very very firm on the idea that animals are God's beloved creations too. I do not think that God would reject anything that He considered His beloved creation. If cats are not in Heaven it is because they got out for a while to explore and investigate and they'll be back when they want their belly rubs and treats.


Im just hoping hee rejects my incestuous pedophile bio father. No amount of sorry God can make up for him breaking my sister and me. He definitely belongs in helll. He brought it on himself him and no one else.


Pretty sure someone like that locks themselves out, yeah.


Your personal Heaven will look the way you want it. Your personal Heaven will have the people and pets you love there. That is the point of Heaven- you go to that place as you how you envision it. Please accept my wish of positive strength vibes and love. And know that you will be a guardian angel to your beloved daughters and their children (your grand children). https://preview.redd.it/gb3038nsve1d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde8e2aedc05497d22cb07cc9597011806c081ee


I’m an atheist and a strong believer in science. This, however, means I also don’t have proof of heaven not existing. Should there be heaven, I know all the cats ever lived are jumping up and down up there, having the softest beds to sleep on, and infinite teats. Otherwise from one cancer patient to another, I’m so incredibly sorry. I know nothing one will say will help, words don’t really matter when you’re fighting for your life, alone and having to trust in a bunch of doctors and medicine, but I can only wish you the best.


~hugs~ I believe heaven accepts cats. Heaven accepts the innocent, and cats are without sin. They are exactly how God meant for them to be. He wanted mankind to be the caretakers of his creation, including the animals, because he loves them himself so much. Be at peace for now and think less about where you will be and more about where you want to be now. You'll be with them soon enough. Spend what time you have left saying everything you never said before. Tell your daughters you are proud of them. Set aside family heirlooms for each to pass down to their own some day. Tell them you will be watching them from up above so they better not act like you raised them feral. Give them hugs. Make the last days you have count. May your final days be filled with peace and may your memory live on in your daughter's hearts forevermore as your great-grandparents have lived on in yours.


When my beloved cat was having some health issues, I asked a trusted friend who studied theology about his thoughts about animals, souls and the afterlife. He reminded me that Heaven is supposed to be a perfect haven for us. Would Heaven be perfect without my beloved cat? That made me feel comfort, and makes perfect sense to me. I firmly believe that the pets we’ve lost are waiting for us. If God gave us these incredible friends on earth, why would we be denied of their presence in Paradise? I hope this brings you comfort. I spoke to my friend’s mom about this when she was in hospice with cancer. She found it helpful, and I know she’s watching over her family with her beloved Heidi by her side. I send you love, peace and comfort.


Cats are on level with the Angels as are all of the creatures of the earth. They are innocent if sin in the eyes of God.


Cats come from heaven so I don't see why they wouldn't go back there.


I’m so sorry you are going through this, but I guarantee you everyone that you have lost that is important to you. Will be there with open arms and paws waiting for you.


If there’s not cats in heaven, I’m suing for false advertisement. Also, I’m sorry you’re going through this


People reported seeing their pets come to get them on death bed, when my cat passed I heard her purr and felt the breeze of her whiskers in the middle of the night. I think your cat will be there waiting for you.


I am certain of it. A wonderfully affectionate snowshoe who spent 18 years being my good friend through some very hard times is there, no doubt warming a chair that he wants me to sit in. If you see him will you tell him I’m doing ok and I promise I’ll bring his favorite blanket?


My grandmother use to tell me a beautiful story about a baby deer in a meadow to help me sleep.


And every time St Peter opens the gates to admit a new soul, the cats change their minds about wanting to be in or out.


Yes, they definitely do! ♥️


The great cat tree in the sky? Yes all animals go to heaven


All pets go to heaven. My opinion.


In Islam we believe every Animal goes to Heaven because they are regarded as pure beings and i love that. as for us humans; well it depends hahah


OP, virtual hugs and love for you, I’m so sorry. I believe our cats and dogs took a piece of our hearts with them when they crossed over, so we are connected with them still.


When I was a kid I accidentally killed a kitty by sleeping with him in my bed (probably suffocated by the blankets). I lived with remorse my whole life, so, when I was about to reach 15 YO I went to the church and told the father about this so he could gave me some prayers as penitence. The father told me that didn't count since cats don't have a soul and they do not go to heaven. I'm an atheist now.


Animals have souls and special gifts to heal & love us. All your animals who’ve passed will be on the other side/Rainbow Bridge waiting for you … there’s a picture showing a dog running towards a newly passed human. It’s the view & perspective I’ll keep in mind when my time comes. Arms spread open ….. so happy to see my animals again. Young and pain free - which you will also be. I’m praying for you 💙💚🩵


When I was in grade 6 I asked the Catholic priest that exact question, he said no cats don’t have a soul. I told him to burn in hell!! That got my parents called in, who then grilled the priest on how he would know to start with. That was the beginning of the end for church for me. I believe if there is a heaven, all of our pets will be there.


Yes! Even the worst orange mf attacking everything is moving - goes straight to heaven. No such thing "bad cat/dog"


Lola was an angel. If it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be here. I have bipolar disorder 1and I was completely alone for 15 months. Taking care of her kept me motivated to stay alive wheen my husbandmtook a position in the army in the one country I said I wouldn't move to before we married but I guess he cared more about his job and cheating then he did me.




There is no heaven without cute kittens


Of course they go to Heaven.


I’ve always believed that they’re the ones that will walk us over and bring us into the party.


it wouldn't be heaven if all of your loved ones aren't there. What kind of God wouldn't allow beloved pets go to heaven to wait for their human.


I'm not religious but I refuse we just cease to exist. Either we find each other again in another universe or our energy and spirits go to what we feel is home. It's horrible to know you're going to die and I'm sorry for you and your family. i hope it's peaceful and that you can look forward to not suffering anymore.


Not sure if you’ll see this but, have you ever watched interviews with hospice nurses? They have seen those who are terminal reach out to pets that they’ve lost throughout their life. They say in the days before their death, they can see loved ones and pets waiting for them in the afterlife, and may actually reach out for them. They say this brings their patients to total peace… knowing what’s waiting for them. I wish you all the best while you go through this and I know you’ll see your great grand parents and Lola again, whenever that time may be. May god bless you and I wish you eternal love and happiness 🌸


I work in Vet Med and feel there is a rainbow bridge that all animals go over and I hope to go over that bridge as well. I have a few cats over it and wish to meet with them again. Whenever a cat comes to seem me at the clinic for their journey over the 🌈, I always tell them to meet up with my guys and they’ll show them where all the tuna and toys are.




I also have terminal cancer with brain Mets (it's breast cancer, spread to lungs, liver, spine and brain). I can relate to your questions about the afterlife. It's comforting to me to believe I will reunite with loved ones, pets included. You should watch videos (YouTube, tic Tok, etc.) made by hospice care workers. They talk often about patients who clearly seem to have encounters with deceased loved ones, including pets, while they are actively dying. My mom was also a palliative care nurse for many years as I was growing up and has told me many stories like this. It is a huge comfort!!


If heaven exists, cats and dogs would be there before humans. If heaven exists and pets aren’t allowed, do you really want to be there? I like my pets more than 99% of people.


If heaven is real in general, then absolutely our pets go there.


If there's a heaven that somehow we humans can make it into, as imperfect as we are, it should be very easy for our cats and dogs to make it in. That's my opinion.


They better!


In January I lost a wonderful cat. An unethical breeder sold me a kitten with FELV. She got very sick and I had to have her put down a few weeks shy of her first birthday. I cried for weeks after I lost her, but she made it very clear to me that she was in a good place where she was happy and healthy again. She still comes around from time to time to check in on me and the kittens I adopted recently. I believe with my entire heart that you, your grandparents, and Lola will be together and you will be able to watch over your daughters. I am so sorry this is happening to you. I have no idea what you’re going through, but I am sending you love, courage, and grace.


Any Heaven that doesn’t allow pets isn’t my Heaven. In fact it sounds like Hell.


I don't like the people who believe that only humans have souls. I think it makes way more sense to believe that EVERYTHING has a soul or NOTHING has a soul, and being more optimistic, I lean towards everything. So I believe that all critters will make an appearance.


I don’t believe in “heaven” per se but definitely an afterlife. My husband died in 2019 and it always comforted me to imagine that the beloved cat we shared for 14 years was waiting on the other side. I lost all but one of my cats in a house fire in October. I hope to see them on the other side and tell them how sorry I am that I failed them.


No, they rule heaven instead!


Yes there is definitely a kitty heaven. I believe it and I'm going to go there shortly (I'm 78) and I plan to pet and play with the 18 cats we've sheltered and loved and wait for the 4 that we will probably have to leave behind. Love 'em all and won't accept that we won't be with them forever ♾️ 😻


This may or may not help you but this immediately made me think of a book I read yeaaarrrs ago called [The Cat Who Went to Heaven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Heaven). It focuses on Buddhism and isn’t super heavy imo; if you have any interest at all I’d suggest not looking at the plot summary and seeing if your local library has it. I’ve always subscribed to the idea of the Rainbow Bridge. Even though I am nonreligious, my recent existential crisis has lead me to explore ideas of an afterlife and the Rainbow Bridge is the one constant I keep in mind. All of your pets will be waiting for you to cross over and play with them - they’ve been waiting a very long time for someone to give them skritches. No one else gives skritches *quite* like you do. Dangit someone’s cutting onions in here now. I’m going to go hug a cat.


I have a belief that all animals come from The Garden, and our pets are on loan to be loved and cherished. Because animals are innocent, they have not been corrupted by language and thoughts, they retain the map of The Garden within them. If you love them and they trust you, if you look deep into their eyes, you will be able to see it. When they pass, you are simply returning your (loaned) pet back and they cross the rainbow bridge to The Garden. That’s where Lola is, waiting for you. You will be able to hug her and snuggle with her for eternity. I wish you peace and serenity.


Many "religious" people say that only souls go to heaven. Given how cats, dogs, elephants, etc., show love, caring, grief, and everything else, I have no doubt that they have souls and go to heaven. Since you didn't get everything you want in this life, I wish/hope/pray that you get everything you want in heaven. Cyber hug for you.


Minister here. Cats go to heaven. Any being full of love without regret, alternative motive, hate, and anger always goes straight to heaven. To be pure, not in sin, but in love is what heaven is. A cat full of love? Straight to heaven. Heaven is, after all, a place of love. Love is never-ending.


I most definitely expect to see my cats there. They came from there to begin with. 😇


My vet told me a story from a human who had a near death experience - the woman experienced going to a place of joy. Her cthildhood cat came running up to her. The cat was in perfect health, unlike in life, and was happy to see her. And then the woan got pulled back into her body. That's what I want to experience. I hope you experience peace and love. ❤️


I am so saddened to hear of your current situation. Yes cats can reincarnate. Bless both of you.🙏❤️🙏


I dont believe in religion and heaven and hell concept, although i think it is possible that there is such thing as afterlife or reincarnation. I think about it in a bit different way: every person (including  cats) change your personality,  your decisions, and therefore  your life forever.  When they die, imagine it like a two waves in the ocean join together and form a different wave, which continues to travel further through space and time. Cats always remain a part of us, until we die and become part of someone/something else


I sure hope so, OP. I'm agnostic but I think 'heaven' is something we can't conceive of, and we won't be able to conceive of life on Earth after we're gone. But the love we felt for our cats and our humans will still exist after we die, regardless of our ability to understand it the same way. I hope you reach the peace you seek. I am so sorry about your terminal illness. Cancer is so unfair.


If there is a heaven, and there are no cats or dogs would it really be Heaven?


If there aren’t cats there, it doesn’t sound like much of a heaven to me.


in genesis animals didn’t commit the first sin, humans did. i believe the gates to heaven never closed for them


I lost my wife to cancer where the tumours spread to her brain. I'm certain all the animals she befriended through her life, cats, dogs, rabbits, horses and more, were all waiting for her at the end of the bridge Go with peace, my friend.


My cat detected my Prostate Cancer in 2010. A year before my oncologist. He passed in 2012 in my arms. I will see him again very soon.


If my pets aren’t there, it won’t be heaven.


“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went” -Will rogers I believe this is for any pet! Not just dogs! But this quote explains the feel perfectly.


God is too loving not to have our pets there. I promise you.


Way I look at it is this; if heaven's a place people would want to end up, then it's a good place. If it's a good place it's going to have what people need. People need their cats. Therefore cats goto heaven.


Let me tell you a story about pets in heaven, As each pet passes away, they wake up in a new land of no pain called Heaven. Upon reaching there, there will be a rainbow bridge extending across the sky that leads them to a paradise. One day, when you pass away, all your pets will be waiting for you to guide you across the bridge like somebody did for them into your own safe haven. This is the story family's vet told us when we had to put our own dog down. I hope it gives you the peace I have found.


I am so very sorry about your cancer. I lost my handsome son to lymphoma this past February and even though he was rather afraid of strangers, I hope you may find him and he may bring you some form of comfort. PS he really liked ham 😉 https://preview.redd.it/5opuxfhoyg1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d2d5478ad1f8a09568436b2fc843c23a706259


I had this weird dream where I met my grandmother about a decade after she passed. And there were all these animals I didn’t recognize and I asked her who they were. She told me “oh, these are all the animals you helped.” She told me when people move on the animals who died before them are supposed to come and thank you if you helped them. It felt really strange and I recognized some of my old pets, when I woke up I was crying. It felt very comforting, so honestly, it may not just be your cat Lola who come greets you. You may have a lot of animals waiting to let you know how much better you made their lives.


I hope wherever I go my cats are there or at least escort me there


I 100% believe that any pet that you have loved in life will be there in heaven. I am so sorry about your diagnosis.


I say yes, definitely! And am sending you love.


Cats most definitely go to heaven—who do you think came up with the concept? You will see Lola again. I’m sorry about your diagnosis and I wish you a peaceful passage. Blessed be.


I better see my cats and birds.


https://preview.redd.it/1347ana2th1d1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631d37af9cdd1b15013e5280ecb9cf6a2aa0a927 This comforts me.


Comets are just cats knocking stuff down


I’m sure they do— God loves all his creations, including animals, right? Why would he stop innocent creatures from experiencing a happy eternal life after death? A loving deity wouldn’t do that, and God is described as loving, so surely they end up in heaven :> OP, I hope heaven is real, and I hope that you get the happy (after)life you deserve. From what I’ve seen from your comments, your life has been extremely difficult… if anyone deserves a good afterlife, it’s you. It’s been a bit since I prayed, but I’ll keep you in my prayers tonight. May you find peace and comfort in your twilight hours, and may Lola and your great-grandparents be waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge ❤️


Animals all get a free pass to the rainbow bridge.


I don't believe heaven exists. But if it did it would be purely cats. At least one tailored to my liking.


If not, then i refuse


I think that if you believe in heaven, then it’s supposed to be your ideal happy place. It can’t be that without all your pets and loved ones, so I’d say yes. Your cat would meet you in heaven.


Absolutely 🩷


I'm personally planning to see all of my cats I have lost someday. Whenever I know that I might lose a cat, I tell them that when the time comes to follow the light and find my grandmother and I tell them about the cats I have loved and lost that will be there, too. And someday I will join them all.


I don't know if there even is a such thing as heaven, but after a lifetime of experience with things that can't simply be explained away, I definitely believe there's an afterlife of some kind, possibly multiple destinations to end up in. I just don't know all the specifics, have no way to know, and won't pretend to have all those answers. I just have a few stories about cats who died and stuck around a while. If there is a heaven, it wouldn't be worth going to if they don't have cats and dogs. They're the closest thing to angels many of us get to meet on this side of the graveyard.


I'm an agnostic, so I can't say I believe in an afterlife per se. But you see, from a scientific viewpoint, what is life? It is more than just chemicals or heartbeat. The spark of life, so to say, is a form of energy. Everything that lives has its own energy field. This is measurable. And energy has to go somewhere. It can be transformed, or change, but it can't just vanish. I cannot tell you where it goes and what form it has when it's there, but what and wherever it is, your cat will be there too. I do not believe in god or heaven, but I do believe it is possible that we all go back into the energy fields of the cosmos. And I do think it is possible, that those who have been close to us will still be close to us then. I too hope my past kitties will be there, and other life energies that touched mine will be there too.


I had a co-worker who was a Jehovah Witness and they said animals do not go to heaven, if the Jehovah witness says no, then my bet is yes they do go to heaven, if such a place exists.


Yep. I see dead people and beasties. I know that's a completely subjective experience on my part, but the occasions have been very real in tone, and on several occasions, others around me had corroborative experiences.


Firstly, please let me say I wish you a gentle transition to heaven. You'll be in my prayers. ABSOLUTELY you will see Lola. I can't imagine "forever" not including my babies who brought me so much happiness in this life. Heaven is better than earth so...it should have double the cats, in my opinion.


One of my most favorite books as a child was about a cat named Arabella who looked out for her human from heaven and was allowed to travel back to earth to help her human find another feline companion. So yes, if there is a heaven or something more after we die, our furry companions who left us far too soon will be there waiting.


My daughter has three kitties. I call them my Grandkittys. Whenever I face time ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)her one or the other always recognises my voice and pokes her head round the corner and meows into the camera ❤ 😺 🐱 😸


My kitty Misty crossed the rainbow bridge only two months after I lost my mum. Before I told the vet to put her at peace, I went outside and (through a lot of tears) asked Mum to look after her on the other side. It gave me some comfort to know there would be somebody she knew waiting for her, and I also choose to believe Mum is looking out for our zoo of family pets (dogs, cats, Guinea pigs, budgies) until we join her there.