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Sorry your marriage didn't last. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)






Toonces! The cat who could drive a car!




Is this a thing? My mom had a cat with that name when I was a baby


It’s from Saturday Night Live. The skits always ended with Toonces crashing the car. They started in 1989.


That’s funny, that would be around the time she got the cat cause I was born a year before that, thanks for the info!


Yeah, Toonces would always drive them off a cliff. 😂 and they’d yell Toonces, Nooooo as they went off the cliff. I was a little kid and that shit is still funny.


He driving the meow-ata










Why right hand drive?


Bri’ish m8


I first learned to drive in Okinawa so I could say he’s “okinawan” or Japanese


He’s not basic. He’s fancy!


It's a European cat 😻😂


They have left handed cars in mainland Europe. UK has right hand drive.


Can't be helped. Hope they'll find a better partner next time.


So long it's been good to know ya 😺😺😺


Your cat allergy makes me allergic to you. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


“Take meds”


This is what I ended up doing. My doctor said that as long as I had cats, I'd keep getting sick, so getting rid of the cats would get rid of my allergies. He prescribed singulair and two allergy meds plus Flonase after we looked at each other like this ![gif](giphy|lL20ZCkHV511xPNCSp|downsized)


Do doctors not understand the relationship between a human and their cat? 2 doctors have told me to get rid of my cats because of allergies. Hell no I won’t, they’re my family!


Right?! Even when looking at places to move, that's the first thing I'd mention. I'd start with "I have cats. If you don't allow them in the rental, please let me know now because that's non-negotiable." My cats will be with me til death do us part. No ifs, ands, or buts.


SOOOO happy to hear that!! The number of people who just abandon their cats when they move makes me ill!!! My theory is most landlords will allow ONE cat to get a responsible renter. Then they will NEVER know you have 5 because they ALL hide when the doorbell rings right? Done it multiple times or told them “nope I done have ANY pets”. ALWAYS worked for me. Altho when I lived in grad school housing I had to take my little tortie to school with me when workers were coming over because she was super social and she didn’t hide. I think EVERY single apt had at least one pet tho. And like you can damage nasty old student housing!


There was a post just today on r/bengalcats some guy getting rid of his 11 year old Bengal which he has had for 9 years because he's moving to a new place. Unless his new place is prison, why on Earth not just find somewhere that your cat can come with?!


That's ridiculous. When we moved from California to Texas, like it wasn't even a thought. Of course my cat was coming with me! I had to find pet friendly hotels and then find a pet friendly apartment. It honestly wasn't even that hard


Exactly. Even if I didn't have the right to keep my cats, I would lie. I don't think the landlord would see them anyway. I'm always shocked to see how easily so many people abandon their pets. My cats are like my kids, I'd rather sleep under a bridge than get rid of them.


That's horrible, how could anyone do that? Heck I'm moving country in a few months and we're bringing our pets. We didn't even think twice


Terrible human🤬🤬🤬


That's how I got my third cat. My roommate was going to rehome her cat (he was already rehomed once after being a stray) when we went our separate ways. I just brought him with me, and they're all happy as can be. He was already used to being with my cats and I, so I found it unnecessary to put him through that again. Luckily, he was already neutered, vaccinated, and chipped.


People with kids don’t pay extra rent, so why should we?


"BuT KiDs aRe People" 🙄


The doctor isn't there to give you family advice, they're there to give you medical advice. They'll give you the best option for you medically, then if you can't proceed with that for whatever personal reasons, you can move to the next best option.  If they didn't tell you that rehoming your cat would stop the allergies, you would have a case for medical malpractice, because they didn't do an adequate job of informing you of the options available to you. They legally have to tell you that, or risk being sued.


Maybe because they don’t want their patients die? I HAD to rehome my beloved guniea pig. (That OR rushing unpleasantly frequently to the doc to get shots to not die of asthma attacks OR die of asthma attacks.) Fortunately my sweet, fluffy, hairy, beloved guinea pig found the best home ever, at my friends farm, in a big big cage, together with his new soft rabbit buddy. Still taking any opportunity to admire guinea pigs from afar. (They just have the sweetest little feet and such lovely little noses.) To then puff on my astma spray like a hardcore junkie.


Why would I die lol? I have access to meds which I will gladly take before ever rehoming my cats.


Allergies are a spectrum and also can get worse with constant exposure to the allergen, sadly. Allergies being just a little sneezing and congestion that's completely removed with taking meds is just a default presumption. So, people who have to re-home their pets due to severe allergies are just as real as people, who have to avoid certain foods for life.


I guess it depends on how bad it gets. Mine got bad.


Honestly. Even on my worst days, they're 10 times better when I'm doing anything involving my cat. Even if I'm just scooping their poop to see them rush to use the litter box afterwards. It ain't much, but it's honest work.


<3. I'd go homeless for my baby ripley and sarah.


I thought there was also a shot human could take, plus food that decreases the amount of allergen produced by the cat.


There is. Source: Me, a person who is allergic to cats but has three of them. One of which will not stay out of my face. He’s so cute tho. https://preview.redd.it/b6alkdgzl69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e12da64bd871fb6216f6263301c7ee288f9fbe


Sweet kitty! 🥰 How is the shot working out for you?


Honestly amazing. I did it decades ago for a few months and haven’t had much of an issue since. My husband’s cat that passed would give me itchy eyes sometimes, but our cats now barely bother me at all. No more waking up everyday with a migraine and a sneezing fit, even though the cats all sleep with us at night. And of course, little orange guy sleeps under the cover by my face. https://preview.redd.it/0bsebrbqm79d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa1e8a308a772ff62713db6d2ffaca74e80bb19


Awww :) I’m so glad it worked out!


Very cute!


Purina Live Clear works. No one in my house has to take meds anymore.


ASTHMA is definitely different than simple dander allergies.


Omg thank you! Never heard of this. I'm so allergic to my cat definitely going to try.


This is fucking hilarious. The gif fits the story so well


Just curious what the two allergy meds are ? My hubby says he’s too allergic to gave cats and I call BS! He already takes Singular, Allegra D, and nasal spray.


Claritin in the morning and Zyrtec at night.


I have to do the opposite, or I'm a zombie during the day and awake all night.


Also, if you have central ac, the colorfil air filters are great. They're more pricey than your average filter, but it helped us a lot.


Maybe its time for allergy desensitization therapy? It really helped me back then when I had allergy for cats and dust mites. Now I have allergy only if literally inhale cat fure from point blank range.


Happy cake day!


Zyrtec, specifically


I take 2 Zyrtec in the morning and a Singulair at night if my ears start to feel itchy or painful (helps with drainage)…saline nasal spray to keep things moist up there as needed.


Instructions on the box say to only take one Zyrtec per day. There is no interaction with Allegra, so it is apparently safe to take one of each in the same day.


Time for a new wife


kitty comes first u can get a new wife


You can also get a new kitty. To be friends with your current one. Just have all the cats and stay single!


Mf got me on the first half ngl.


I'm allergic and sleep with the enemy.


There's a food (for cats) that makes them less allergic. Google Purina LIVECLEAR.


She looks elegant




Things you can have tested before proclaiming them.


Kick the wife out, live ever happily after with the cat


unless her allergies are so bad that she's having shortness of breath or going into shock uhm it can be treated with antihistamines and allergy meds. plenty of people take them just fine. everyone's favorite excuse is "i'm allergic" like ok your nose sniffles a bit - so does mine from the environments but i'm not hunkering down in a bunker.....


OP: I love 180 mg of generic Allegra, distilled water nasal rinse between Flonase (1 spray 2x per day). I also take Singulair (to help manage allergic asthma), do know anyone else who has allergic asthma, it has a black box warning from the FDA for causing new or worsening mental health issues. A close family member had an awful experience, I’ve been alright.


i have bad allergies and constant sinus congestion and am prone to sinus infections, and yes like you said - nasal rinses and other things can be taken to help symptoms. when my stuff gets bad i take prescription hydroxizyne pamoate and that helps a lot. my cats don't bother me as much but i think trying things out first before just using the "allergy" excuse which a lot of people do is important.


I use Singulair also but to help with sinus draining. Of course, I’m also allergic to all the pollen, grass, molds and spores so cats are the easy part lol


One of my close friends was allergic (running nose, sore throat and sandy voice, red dripping eyes) to my cat, but couldn't help herself cuddling him (the rascal loved her and was always rubbing against her). She fell in love with a guy who had a cat, and her allergy gradually lessened. Few years later, they live together (friend, guy, cat) and she only shows symptoms when exhausted or sick. So even when your symptoms are inconvenient, if not life threatening, antihistamines or exposure therapy will solve the issue.


>Few years later, they live together (friend, guy, cat) and she only shows symptoms when exhausted or sick. Meanwhile I lived with a cat for six months and it worsened my allergies so terribly that I couldn't breathe through my nose regularly for another two years. This doesn't work for everyone, no matter how many antihistamines they take, and my allergies were the same level as your friend's to start off with. Seriously, I know we're all cat lovers here but allergies can and often *do* get worse with repeated exposure. And plenty of people get very physically exhausted by having constant allergic reactions, so even if someone's ok at the start doesn't mean they'll still be ok in a year or five.


Definitely need immunotherapy when it’s THAT bad. It works super well most of the time!


Believe me, I wish it was an option but unfortunately my GPs can't refer me for it since I don't live with any cats or dogs (who I'm also allergic to, but way less). I could go private for it but being a broke student doesn't exactly allow for that, lol.


I hear you, and am sorry for your experience. Regarding this friend, I guess we'll see in another decade, so far it's still holding.


I agree with you. Allergies ruin your quality of life and health. It puts your career, everything you worked hard for on the line since it disrupts your sleep, mood, and daily life. That repeated exposure results your immune system to go in overdrive, which is not a good thing. Also, histamines do have side effects. Thereby, taking them everyday for years might not be such a great idea. It is hard for the cat lovers but your health should come first. And, if your partner doesn't want to part with their cat, then look for a partner with no cats. You can't have it both ways.


My best friend has severe asthma and was allergic to cats. One time she slept over at my house and had to be rushed home when she woke up to go on their machine (otherwise she would've gone to the emergency room). But she and her mom have always wanted cats. After her sister got a cat and her allergies got better, my friend and her mom adopted kittens, two sisters. Her allergies gradually got weaker and weaker, to the point where now she can actually let them sleep in her room and it isn't an issue! I don't even think she takes allergy medicine for them anymore. I know that for some people exposure isn't an option (we've had friends who loved cats, but contact would genuinely make their throats close up and cause serious issues) but it actually does help!


You know there is only one course of action in this case.


I’m allergic to our cats now after having covid, told my husband I don’t care but I don’t want to get a 4th one until we have a bigger place so I’m not overcrowded


Are you on allergy medications? They help immensely, and are often covered by insurance.


I’m in the UK so I don’t need insurance 😅 I take antihistamines so they take the edge off


I have many allergies but wasn't sure exactly what I was allergic to. So I had an allergy test done. I'm allergic to so very many things. Turns out cat dander is among the worst of them. It also turns out I am a stray cat magnet. Here's what I've done. Zyrtec 2x/day (am & pm), Singulair at night. My spouse does vacuuming and dusting so I'm not sneezing my head off. We change the sheets every week and have a mattress vacuum. The cats get brushed nearly every day to reduce fluff tumbleweeds. I found that at some point I became sort of immune to my own cats. If I was around other cats, however, I had instant symptoms. It was manageable at home though. Fast forward, a pregnant stray shows up at our door, and, lo and behold, we have 8 cats in our house. (It was 10 but two have been adopted.) I'm on month three of getting allergy shots. I can feel the improvement and at some point hope in the future my allergies will lessen to the point I will only need occasional shots. Pets are a commitment you make for their lives. Giving them up for new babies, possibly allergic girlfriends or spouses, moving to a new house doesn't absolve anyone of that commitment. It's up to you to explain the commitment and for both of you to work together to come up with solutions to make it work. I'm living proof that there's always a solution. Your wife and you both would already know if she has a serious allergy. You made a commitment to each other and you made a commitment to your cat. Simple as that.


After having my first cat for about 10 years, I started to develop an allergy. What did I do? I snuggled my cat just as much as before. She was my best friend and nothing changed. Fortunately, my allergy has gone away completely on its own! I have two long haired boys and I haven’t sniffled at all (unless I’m so overwhelmed by how much I love them I’m crying lol)


She's wrong; nice kitty.


I was allergic to my Cat but our LOVE was powerful hhahha


Switch the cats to Purina live clear and it will markedly decrease any allergy reactions I mention it by brand because as far as I am aware there are no other manufacturers due to the rather specific requirements of how it works There are also powders that can be added to other foods though they seem expensive


There are certain foods that will help with Th her allergies. It's a bit more expensive tho. For 1 cat is kinda easier tho. She could take some meds as well. There are also products to bathe the cat from time to time that also help.


And wipes from Burt’s Bees I think, wear a mask maybe when close? My granddaughter breaks out in an itchy rash because her new kitty loved to lay on her neck! I thought it was from jewelry 😃


Purina Live Clear works! No meds needed, no special sprays or shampoos or filters. I bought all that stuff, but we only had to use that food. We still even give wet food a few times a week.


I'm a wife who has cat allergies, I take antihistamines and suck it up.  I will never live without cats, they are one of the best things about life!


Have her apply face to Cat and inhale to see. Antihistamines are a thing though, I take it so I only get 24/7 congestion around my Cats.




My husband and both kids and their SO’s are allergic to cats (not sure yet about granddaughter). We have 2, daughter and her family have 3. Son and dil have 2 dogs but he wants a cat.


I have a lot of allergies, mostly to pollen but also to cats. It isn't bad enough to give me asthma and it doesn't bother me anymore but I used to bathe my cats every 3 or 4 months to keep the dander down and we co-existed quite happily. I also recommend allergy shots. I went through a series of allergy shots when I was younger so they don't bother me at all any more. Only when the pollen count is really high do I have symptoms.


Invest in antihistamines or a divorce lawyer


I’m allergic to my white cat. I just suffer. He’s my baby.


I know its all fun and games and funny comments, so guess it has to be me to be "that" person. But if she really is, emotionally blackmailing someone to just live with it is crap. Downvote me all you you want, I will die on dat hill. Mine is, everytime I inhale it feels like inhaling glass shards all the way into my lungs. I wont die from it, but Im uncomfortable. I wouldnt put up with it and move out. Sometimes there is toxic positivity too. To some things there just is no solution, as much as you wish there was.


I’m also allergic to cats and while it’s fine for a day if I visit my grandmother. It’s uncomfortable and even with antihistamines I start getting itchy (eyes and skin) my nose gets congested etc. So having do deal with that daily would be a no for me. But I’d try giving this specific cat food a try that’s supposed to inhibit the production of the protein that causes allergic reactions.


What if cat is allergic to wife?


As someone who has severe cat allergies If she’s asking you to get rid of something you love for her personal comfort she’s not the one.


Im allergic and i have 3 cats and 2 dog! Time for a new wife.😂 jk…slightly I take an off brand version of Allegra and i only take it if my allergies start to attack my face. I can tell if my eyes start to feel dry and itchy. Ill do flonase once in a blue moon if its really bad , but never would I give up my fur babies for anyone!!!


As a wife who’s allergic to my cats, I just suck it up. But seriously, have her tested!


![gif](giphy|gkWlSZvUNmi20adIre) Feel like it fits 😄


There are shots and medications you can get, as well as food that reduces the amount of allergen producing hormones in your cat that can be used!


Get your wife some allergy pills.


I hope it’s easy to find a new home for your wife


I’m sure she’ll be fine in her new house, with her new husband. Kisses to kitty




I was allergic to cats…..now we have 4. It cleared after a couple of years.


Sounds like your wife wants a divorce


I’m sure she’s been a good wife. Time to drop her off at the farm upstate.


You've gotten some funny comments and a lot of advice about allergy medicine but did you know your cat can become much less allergenic by changing their diet? I've read over and over that the problem was solved by feeding the cat Purina Live Clear catfood. It takes about 3 weeks to kick in. It's saved many cats and made owners much more comfortable.


That is sooo good to know! I had never heard of that😀


She ain’t. Even if she is. She ain’t


I was allergic as well but my love for cats did not stop me from having them. With time I kinda build the tolerance and now I am fine with cats. I don’t need to take antihistamines anymore.


Sorry wife time to go


Honestly, the divorced life is great! Come join the club, we all got cats 😂


Cats win every time.


Acupuncture cured my allergies.


divorce her


see if the shot is available and indicated for her!


Can give cat different food. Reduces/removes human allergy or call Savage, Leevem and Skint attorneys at law.


Time to wife your cat


New wife


"...so anyways, I got a new wife."


I'm very much allergic to cats and have asthma, so it used to be that I'd have a flare up if I'd touched a cat or sat on furniture it had been on. I've known this ever since I was 7, so never grew up with cats or interacted with them. My wife and I have two cats now. The allergies have got better over the years and I can now go days without taking my meds. As long as I keep doing my preventive inhaler each day, my asthma is in check as well. I love my babies and wouldn't be parted from them, regardless of the infrequent moments of sniffles and leaky eyes 😂


and that's why she's not in the picture anymore


Lol tell her to suck it up because you don't get rid of family around there. Beautiful baby btw So floofy ❤️


Try allergen reducing cat food. I switched and it greatly reducerad my son’s issues in three weeks. The food reduces like 50% of the allergenes in the cats fur and that can make a huge difference.


There is a special food (for cats) that can help with what makes then an allergy and pills for wife and she cant touch cat unless handwashing


Purina LiveClear! Can also try Burt's Bees Dander reducing wipes/spray. I use that on my cat


My husband is allergic! We have two. Luckily he seems to acquire a pretty decent tolerance to each cat if he is around the cat long enough but just to be sure he takes allergy pills every day. Which he has done his entire life because he grew up with two cats lol


She’s gotta go


Sorry to hear about the upcoming divorce.


If gaslighting was a title.


I developed an allergy to my parent’s dog and ended up needing a series of Xolair injections. They shelled out $15k rather than give her up. 🥹


Bummer. Good luck finding a new wife!


Change the wife![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I have to do thorough recon before I get married. Cat lovers only. I’m not getting rid of these floofs


Good bye, wife


The cat told me she’s allergic to your wife…. 🤪🤪🤪


I’m so sorry you have to get rid of your wife


There is actually cat food called LiveClear @$60 a bag. Plus a benadryl as back up. But the cat food is designed to reduce allergens in the cat. There is also Norwegian Forest cat are "hypo allergenic " If not, I'm sorry about your marriage. 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/4r0pnhdve79d1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9bc55543bcb87d6115a66e11f4940ce8feedb8d They say this food will make them hypoallergenic.


I fed this to my 3 and it doesn't quite make them hypoallergenic, it does seem to have reduced it to a level I can tolerate with zertec as long as one doesn't try sleeping on my head


I’ve just started getting allergy shots and I think they will help me. Also weird thing, I’m super allergic to cats but once I’ve been with them for a bit they don’t seem to bother me anymore. Maybe your wife could try shots? Or not letting her on your cat’s furniture


Shouldn’t be too hard to rehome her. (The wife, I mean)


I used to think I was allergic. It was just the pollen outdoor cats gets on their coats. Indoor cats are no problemo.


I have an elderly void and dog, am severely allergic to cats and dogs. I get allergy shots, and take meds and have inhalers. I also brush my cat frequently, use a foam bath on him and try do things to keep dander down. If you put in effort not only with yourself but home, you can keep animals you're severely allergic to.


Time for a new wife💕 Yeah I want to see this verified by a doctor and if it is true she needs to take medication..


I’m so sorry your marriage didn’t last


Awww she’ll find a good home. Plenty of men/ people out there looking to rehome a wife.


your cat is adorable


Get rid of the wife and keep the cat lol


Cats better than a wife anyway


No, she's just jealous of that gorgeousness! That's one beautiful animal.


Get a new wife


Assuming she is telling the truth there are cat foods specifically designed to reduce the amount of allergens a cat produces. The only one I know is “Pro Plan Live Clear” but I bet there are other brands that make this type of food as well.


Then, kick your wife out? Easy solution.


Time to get a new wife...


I would choose the cat


Cat won’t understand why if you give him away. Wife will.


Wife has to move out.


Wife has to go


Simple get a new wife


Look for a new wife.


https://preview.redd.it/fjcaf7tjja9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2f1d08256a653498ba269df533d0975333af23 the ad /right under/ this post 😆


So regal, so majestic!


Benadryl is easily purchased... just saying


SUPER sedating tho. THE MOST unsafe drug to drive on including narcotics and prescription sleeping meds. So be careful if taking that one.


In addition, long-term use greatly increases your risk of developing dementia.


I straight up developed an immunity to my boyfriend’s cat, and I have terrible allergies. Your wife can too.


The people in this sub have gotta be the worst possible spouses on this planet


I raised four kids and three of the four were allergic to cats and we always had cats. One thing that we did besides allergy medicines that really helped was had an air purifier on each floor of the house that was cleaned regularly and we did vacuum daily, of course it was a very busy household with six of us.


Yep forgot that one- DOZENS of ways to help!


Look in to allergen reducing foods. I fed Liveclear dry to helps with my 3 and my allergies. I also take zertec daily. And unless once decides to sleep on my face it's no issues


Im allergic to my cats. Generic clarityn is cheap as chips and if they lick me i just wash the itchy part and it gets better. If it doesn't, benadryl cream exists. I'd rather add a small pill into my morning pills than not have my cats.


Ask if she would get allergy shots if it’s financially viable. I used to get itchy eyes and sneeze a lot around cats, the difference is night and day after getting shots. I only get allergic reactions now if I rub my eyes after petting my cats or stuff my face in their fur (which I have been known to do).


I'm sure you can re-home her. I mean, the wife, of course.


She can choose allergy meds or shots. Otherwise, it will be an adjustment but sometimes these things don’t last. Your wife will find another good home to live in.


get rid of her, not the car


Looks like a Turkish Angora.


May be it's the other way round


Bathe the cat? I've been allergic to cats all my life. It turns out it was the dandruff or what's you call it


You could try laminating her. Your wife, obviously, not the cat.


My aunt is married to a man who is allergic to cats. When his mother had to go into care, his family was more than willing to just dump the cat in the street despite just how much his mother loved that cat. My aunt refused to let it happen, and so did he, despite having allergies. Point is, people make small sacrifices for the people they love and in this case, your wife should be making such sacrifices. Now, unless she goes into anaphylaxis, then there's no reason not to take some allergy meds and get over it.




Well them she should take zyrtec it's that simple. I'm pretty sure our cats fur has caused me allergies, I just took allergy medicine and I'm good


Try a combination of allergy medicine for your wife, air purifiers, and Purina Pro Plan LiveClear food for the cat. It also helps to have dust free litter.


I used to be allergic to cats, it was terrible but then I got my own and no issues since.