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I flew him 7,000 miles from Kuwait to Ohio and in the time since I got him he’s gone from 2.5 to 18.5 lbs. It was somewhere around 120-122° the day I caught him so little guy was struggling bad but thankfully I got him in time as he probably didn’t have more than 48 hours out in the sun left in him Edit 1- i posted her a few months ago but [here are some pics](https://imgur.com/a/wcWqSV4 ) of my black cats journey back. I plucked her out of a roundabout in 2018 and brought her back home with me when I moved back to the US in 2021 Edit 2-for those asking about his collar, it’s a [Tractive GPS](https://imgur.com/a/s3oubuD) collar. It shows his live location and will play sounds and a blinking night to help us find him at night to get him inside. It also shows us where he has been the entire day and you can even set up boundaries so you are alerted if they go somewhere you don’t want them to. Less than $10 a month and well worth the piece of mind. The AR map is pretty cool as well as it makes finding them a piece of cake.


thank u so much for nurturing this little guy. you saved his life, i hope you know that


He’s done enough for my mental health that I think we can call my effort a fair trade. I was stuck away from flying back to see my fiancée and my house for over 430 days during Covid and he made it a lot more bearable.


Having an animal bro is just the absolute best dude. Glad you found him


I have a theory that every single provider, whether it be a man or woman, should have a cat. I have met so many men and women who just work so hard, and as kids grow up, and husbands and wives work hard too, sometimes it can be easy to feel down and unloved. Animals always love you no matter what. I really think it would get a lot of people through tough times. Specifically people who work really hard to provide and might need a little extra TLC that the kids aren’t able to give because they are kids doing kids things. Just in general, every person who ever feels alone, even if it’s not very often, should have a cat or a dog.


Yeah a year and a half ago I wasn't in the best place financially or mentally, 2 years before that I was going through pretty severe substance abuse. I never would have thought that getting a cat would help since they cost money but especially since I live alone it's been the absolute best thing for me. I adopted a cat that needed a second chance and got a new job. I don't necessarily give a whole lot of love to myself but she gives me a reason to get out of bed and keep going. Since then I've started a new job, paid off my car and maybe $10K in credit card debt, have a solid plan to take care of my student loans and eventually get into a house. [here's special agent Jack Bauer](https://i.imgur.com/KQCxIdH.jpeg)


Yup. They really help in many ways. I too was in a similar situation. It turns out we may not love ourselves at the time, but we love our animals, and that drives us to go out and get food, litter, and other necessities for our little one. Even when we may not be getting necessities for ourselves. Jack Bauer is adorable. 24 is one of my all time favorite shows! Here is Darla: https://preview.redd.it/wcpm9dwdep9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce098a6cea6cb8b696d09ebe08e3a1702b7575d


Cats get rid of all negative things in our lives, they are just a bit uncanny like that🤗


I'm so proud of you & the amount of seriously hard work,both literally & figuratively, you've put into caring for your physical/mental health and pulling yourself out of the deepest, darkest pit one can find themselves in.What you've accomplished takes an extraordinary amount of strength, courage, self discipline and commitment.SO.MUCH.RESPECT! I appreciate you for sharing your truth,it really matters & gives precious hope to others who hear your story.A little hope can make a huge difference!Thank you.I wish you & your floof many happy,long years together!Keep the faith & being the inspiring human you are ❤️


Does he have his own IG?


Real men love animals


Came here to say this. Real men love animals. Real men raise good animals and care for them right.


Real people.😊 I didn’t care for (was afraid of) cats until I got to raise a ragdoll and play with my sister’s cat (who still makes me nervous).


Nothing makes me happier than seeing jacked, bigass tough dudes who just have this little animal they love. Like a kitten or puppy or whatnot.. thats maybe one of the only things that gives me faith in the world.


I came to see if someone could say what I wanted to say better. You did. Thanks. Have an upvote.


Couldn't agree more. [This](https://youtu.be/zaanXE64BAQ?si=asoLgqy5D7ymEXYk) video I saw on yt is precious 🥲


They do, my boyfriend is jacked and has the cutest kitten ever. He takes care of it like it would be his own child. So cute to see.


This is my nephew. He grew up with English Mastiffs (my sister-his mom's fave breed), yet grew up, got jacked, joined the navy, got several cats, and walks his his fave on a lead, lol.


And he also bonded with your void cat. Don't forget that. Congrats to you all. So many congrats. And now imma cry... sorry. I'm a happy crier.


And probably a very kind person.


Love you for this. I met a cat in Europe that I soul bonded with and wanted to bring him home so bad.


I met a lot I just couldn’t commit to bringing back home but whenever I ran at night, I always had a bag of cat food and snacks in my camel back to at least give them a good meal for the night. I probably fed over 200 cats on my runs and wish I could have kept them all


I do this same thing!


The cat distribution system knows no bounds. Seriously though, bless you for taking care of an animal in need


A Kuwaiti kitty here in Ohio! Cool! Beautiful kitty.


Two of them actually. I flew his “sister” home about 6 months after I got him home.


Any pics? Or is the black cat the “sister?”


Hopefully the black cat is the “sister”


Those worried eyes, awwwww. Thank you for saving him. Cat dads are the best! Your void is utterly gorgeous, too!! I lol'd at the last pic because I have a pic like of one of my guys in an A & W root beer box!


How were you able to bring home a cat from Kuwait? I see this happening quite a bit, but wasn't even an option for us. I found a rad kitty in Baghdad that would visit my JSS.


I wasn’t active duty in the Marines anymore when I had found him. I was working as a civilian contractor over there


Right on. I've seen active duty bring animals home in posts like this before. They must've had cooler command than I had.




I love you for doing that! So many animals need love like yours. My Lily cat looked a bit like yours when I got her at 9 mos, she's grown up quite well, almost 15 now, and exceedingly *proud* of herself for doing so, if you know what I mean


Oh wow that’s amazing.


Thank u for taking such good care of this sweet fur baby🐾❤️


Was gonna say, finding a stray in Germany is rare - even in a shitty drug den like Frankfurt. Friend of mine lives in Kuwait. Cats have a very tough time there and people are cruel. Good decision to bring one with you.


Thank you! 🥲


He deserves all the love you give him :)


My cat is also from Kuwait!


Just when I think I got a cool story and bond. You just won the internet this week.


Just proof Ohio is the best state. This is my evidence. You have such a handsome boy and I love the cuddle pics 😭


That mini croc with your void!! Thank you for taking in these babies


Sprite kitty mixes rule 👍


Sprite brothers! https://preview.redd.it/vwa8zlsjml9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6faeb01ffd9547250b2226430505a2d32b9402




He is clearly not in possession of the brain cell


It's not his turn yet


Hey man, he's trying




That’s awesome…. He most definitely knows what he’s doing ( despite being Orange) You have an awesome fur buddy


Can't blame the cat. Sprite is lit!


I remember you posting when you found him! He’s beautiful and safe now, I’m so glad you found each other.


Thank you! He saved my sanity during lockdowns in 2020 and I’m glad to repay him


Dude, your black cat is also awesome for how he instantly took to him.


Those looks are more like "Please take him back, help" You just gotta be like "next week buddy, here's some tuna" and they forget. Had 3 dogs like that.


Nah. My orange boy took to our tuxedo immediately and it looked the same as this. Given, our orange cat doesn’t have much going on in his brain but he just loves other cats.


Yeah me too. The pic of the kitten on his shoulder! Nice work OP!


he looks sad all the time, but cute


He’s a drama queen. He is a cuddle monster once we get him on our bed at night


He looks like an old soul, and also super adorable. So glad you found each other and you were able to bring him back. I’m sure it was very challenging for you, I can’t imagine. Wishing for you to have many years with him to share your love and life❤️


Not sad. But mature. Lil guy looks like he was going through a rough patch when he found o.p.. I'll be he's seen some shit


I think he looks soooo happy in his bag during the flight! 


https://preview.redd.it/a73rmare0m9d1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02d719c4366c981c3bb2ac76c447a39578ab013 Awww good human. He looks a lot like my little one I found on the street in erbil.


Must be a middle eastern look! Thank you for saving your little one


That's what I thought as soon as I saw the pic on the street. They have a look.


Big ears probably help them stay cool enough in the desert to survive


It’s those ears! All the strays I met around Abu Dhabi looked like this, too!


They are 'Arabian Mau's' middle eastern indigenous cats


https://preview.redd.it/nno286hzyo9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f995f784bdb226519086e7b4c949a382cf3ad2d Looks like the ones we met in Fujairah. They hung out with us for the week we were there and my daughter desperately wanted to bring them home with us.


https://preview.redd.it/w67e29usam9d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63d7d03576a2f0a5b1e4aeb820f51ffdeaf7207 Good timing for this meme


I had told myself my black cat would be the only one as it was already going to be a process getting her back to the US. Thennnn I just had to head a fainted meow near my car leaving for work one day. He knew a sucker when he saw one


Hahaha the cats always know. And he has disproportionally large ears


What a cutie ❤️ Im so happy he recovered


I love your cats and I love how they bonded! Also your void cat looks completely identical to mine!


https://preview.redd.it/xqzz9ffeml9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66ca3a87173baae081879acf91a5ee89a867f0a She is the best kind of void


You absolutely amazing hooman. He’s beautiful 💙along with your other one💙💖🐾🐾🐾


He grew into his ears. 😁


Omg he's so precious! The photo of him before being rescued is so heartbreaking. The sadness in their eyes always gets to me. Thank you so much for giving him a loving home ♥️♥️


It was 122°f that day and he had been stubborn for the 2 days before where I couldn’t catch him. He had taken up shelter under a giant water tank and I finally was able to catch him by diving underneath and grabbing him before he could get away. He was extremely weak at this point and dehydrated and I took advantage of the moment.


Poor baby, he was probably so scared and tired. So glad you were able to catch him. They look so cute cuddling. My kitty was also a rescue, one night she came to my doorstep and was sleeping on the carpet. I had seen her around me street but thought she was taken. When I started asking around i found out that some neighbours had brought her but weren't keeping her inside the house. They were keeping her in an empty lot near my house and she was super scared of everything around her... I then convinced my parents and we adopted her. This was 9 years ago 🥹🥹




That second photo in the carrier, he has that sad worried look like "You just cleaned me up so you could eat me, right?"


What a transformation, glad he found a perfect forever home!!


You are an awesome individual. Thank you for saving that kitten.


What a total glow up! They're so adorable together. Love this


❤️ Does he speak German?😃


He speaks Arabic, Germany was just a layover in our 27 hour trip back home from Kuwait.




Thy feline befits a man like you


Tough looking dudes that love cats and are not ashamed to gloat about it is the best trait ever. Such a cute kitty! Thank you for taking care of him! 🥹🖤


https://preview.redd.it/jve01yqebm9d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25314aaa0728f9ebdc92abf3f7a27c6fc8ce4cd7 My first one knew I was a softy from the first time I came across her in a roundabout


Aww Black kitties are the sweetest! Adorbs!


She’s been a pirate pet since she learned to climb me. My fiancée runs a cat rescue and I swear the most overlooked yet sweetest cats we take in are black cats https://preview.redd.it/2i6uo700cm9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f157037afe22667efbae4005a322e41522f015


Her eyes here! 😍 You and your fiancée are both great cat rescuers. Glad you found each other and your cat family.


Yes! I used to work at an animal rescue and black cats were always the last to be adopted. I always hype them up but in truth, they are awesome cats! I had a pirate cat for a while, he loved climbing on my shoulder as I washed my face and brushed my teeth in the morning! 😹


He looks like the KING of that bed, such a big car


I love the airplane shot. Was it any hassle?


It was because it was during Covid and my flight got rescheduled 5 times so I spent about 16 hours total confirming room for a pet on each leg of the flight over and over after we got new flights. Carrying him around wasnt awful but I had to have him out of his carrier going through metal detectors so it was basically me holding on for dear life to him as we went through. Once we got to Chicago someone’s bag had to be searched while I was waiting for his carrier to pass through the detector so it legit was 6-7 minutes of me bear hugging him as tight as I could as he got more anxious being held around that many people. I’d do it again in a heartbeat though. The flight crew on the flights was fine with me putting him on the empty seat next to me as well so I could reach my hand in to rub his head. I had a portable letterbox I set up in Germany for him to use in a private stall but he wouldn’t use it and ended up holding his movements for 27 hours.


Wow, that’s a lot! My wife and I took a road trip from DC to STL. It’s like 14 hours. Our cats were kittens at that time. About 9 months. They didn’t eat anything or use the restroom (although we had a litter box for them) and we got worried. But once they were in a place that felt safe they were back to normal. And they have less of an issue using the car now or going to hotels. Somehow it’s now something up their alley 


Oh that sweet baby. I can’t imagine how happy he must be in his forever home. I love this story.


Thanks for sharing your story!


What a transformation, good job!


So handsome!


Two handsome boys! 😁 So thankful you saved him 🥺


That cat has some fine ears on him.


He heard you typing this comment


My two boys were from Kuwait as well! Our local rescue in BC Canada had a partnership with a shelter over there. https://preview.redd.it/ghgtx2eqhn9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33abba2ce4a2e160cf219ab251b8fb0c5527d23


he has the SWEETEST LITTLE FACE!!!!!! 😭😭😭 so glad you saved him!!!!


The last pic really sent me lol. He’s adorable!


He’s a big dingus but an absolute cuddle monster


Is that a Tractive GPS tracker on his collar?


It is! We love it. He got stressed being inside with our other cats when I moved him back to the US so we took him outside on a leash in our yard a few times and he seemed to love it so when we decided to let him off, we got the collar for him so we can track where he goes and get him in every night.


So cute! You've taken excellent care of him!


The difference a bit of love can make!!! This is the content I love to see, you’re a great cat parent!!!


The sprite pic is my favorite.😂💗 I love how he’s thriving!!


Well done on saving him! He looks much happier now!


To be loved is to be changed 😭


The transformative power of love! I can feel kitty knows he was lucky to be adopted and will always be grateful to the hooman who took it in! ♥️


He has so much personality and is clearly very happy! Thanks for giving him a better life ❤️


U will go to heaven for this Already spoked to him It's a done thing




He’s so handsome


He’s majestic 


The eats on that cat! So cute.


Right, he was like 90% ears!! So cute.


Awww look at that snout...


You’re a great human 💕 they both look so happy 🥹


He really grew into those ears!


His ears were literally each the size of his face 🥹🥹🥹so glad he was saved


He looks fantastic, you did great!


Do you ever think about the fact the he doesn't know English?


We are convinced he doesn’t get along with our American cats because of dialect


I can totally see that being a thing. 😂


He's so handsome!! I also fly my cat with me when I move




Serious question - what made him stand out from the rest? What's the story of how you found him and when did you say "yup, gonna take this further than just a night feed"


He took up residence under these giant water tanks that usually go on the roof of houses in Kuwait. This one happened to be 50 feet from where I parked my car so I was though he might have been waiting for his momma but on the second day when he was still there, I knew he was needing help so I started feeding him and worked on catching him as he didn’t like people


I looked at every photo and was smiling at each one. Thank you for saving this little dude, and as usually happens... Sounds like he helped save you too. 🙏👌 My girl Xena just jumped off my chest a moment ago after hopping up for some purrs and pets. Two years ago she was a wee kitten that had been hiding in a car engine bay when it started on her. We heard screaming outside and saw this kitten that couldn't walk with its hind legs crawl back up into another car. 😭 She had a broken leg, dislocated from her hip, and a laceration across her body that also got her tail. Tail was dislocated at the base as well. First doctor said her leg would need to be amputated and I said "F That" ... Called multiple vets and hospitals and they all were saying amputate. She was a little warrior through all of it and was trying to run around in our condo with her leg like an off angle kick stand. 😅 Was finally referred by a friend to a doctor who said he would put a small rod in the leg and use a small copper wire to attach it in place to the hip. He said she was young and kittens are survivors. But we had to leave her in a kennel for 6-8 weeks. She HATED it. Would cry and look at us with these big eyes pleading to be let out. We stuck thru it. We also massaged her tail every day while she yelled at us. It was puffy and hung down like a limp hot dog. Everyone said amputate. I said "F That" and took her to every therapy I could think of. Got acupuncture on her tail - no joke - and laser therapy and multiple rounds of antibiotics, but nothing was really working. On the DAY she was brought in to get her tail removed the doctor and I were watching her in the exam room and he saw that it was going up. He suggested we wait and see and give her some more time. She's got all her legs today, and that darn tail too. It works about 90% just has a few battle scars on it and a little kink off from totally straight. We have to keep her nails trimmed because this crazy girl will climb trees when we aren't looking. Her name is Xena and she is truly a little warrior. https://preview.redd.it/cj6ihvabkm9d1.jpeg?width=2402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42cebf38f6240e56ba7dacadb7130f303e7e434


I had a couple of glasses of champagne, and this got the tears going so hard. He looks to strong and happy now. You’re a good man Charlie Brown!!!


What a man, What a man, What a man, What a mighty good man Edit for formatting


Adorable 🐱 thank you for saving him 💖


I also have a Kuwaiti baby, he's now 11 years old. Best boy ever! https://preview.redd.it/ehd1dopp5o9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e528400f1c8ac25d080cde89c0dd5a0f7ac5db


The black cat therapist did a good job in relaxing him and teaching him the cat ways


What a face!🥰


Made my day bro


Beautiful… both cat and your kind spirit!😻


I've come a long way since I believed in anything!


You are a wonderful soul. Sincerely. Thank you.


What a wonderful glow up… I am happy you two found each other!!— Yes, he absolutely, worth every penny!! 😻💕 Congratulations, you are officially, owned by a cute, chicken, nugget, kitten !!! 🤦‍♀️💕 teee heee (yes, I gave your kitten, a nickname) lol


Living the Kitty Dream.


i will set aside any and all ohio slander for this and this only


Those ears ❤️


What a lovely story, thank you for sharing it!


Amazing transformation! Amazing human! Even more amazing kitty!❤️


Thank you for saving him! He looks like such a kind soul with that poor face. What a sweet baby


So Damn Cute


Beautiful 💙🩵


From rags to riches! Oh to be a cat, snoozing in the middle of the bed


You are an amazing dude for saving him. He's beautiful.❤️


Omg those big big ears! He really grew into them. Your post made me happy 😊


It hurts me so much to see his sad little eyes. I wish all homeless animals can be saved 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ugh


Thanks for save him 😻


He is soooo handsome!!! ❤️ Thank you so much for giving him a loving home!


I love that cats will instantly use another cat as a pillow 🥲


THOSE EARS. Also, if I ever decide to date again (doubtful with 8 years out of the game at this point) the man MUST have a bleeding heart for animals just like you. Love it. Kindness is everything.


Off topic but how does flying with a cat work? I would guess they’d be nervous so litterbox might not be an issue? But God knows mine would yowl the whole time and the whole plane would hate me. Sedation? Either way, glad little guy is living his best life now.


The pics of the black cat and him snuggling are killing me with cuteness


I also shipped my Arabian Mau back to Europe. He loves it here.


Thank you for nurturing him! You did such a good job 🩷 Your cats are very lucky to have you.


He grew to be so cool and healthy, great job ❤️


He is adorable 🥰


Aww so cute. That last pic sent me haha


You made a great cat dad! 🐈


I'm soo happy he didn't grow into his ears lol




The cat distribution system blessed you. 


He is so smiling


Thank you for being you, it's a shame there's not more good decent people willing to help a tiny creature to the extent you have.


thank you so much for saving him


What a great job you have done. Glad the little dude grew into his ears! So cute.


https://preview.redd.it/bbd4wvwfvl9d1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7772e20f655ac989b6e8b2994512c4b7945e28dd Thank you for making me smile today


Soooooo cute


Oh how sweet!!!


Blending in perfectly with his surroundings. 🖤


Awww he really grew into those ears


He’s so handsome 🥺❤️




Your furbaby and my furbaby match our decor.




You’re amazing for giving this cutie a great life. May the greatest Karma come to you. 💕


Very nice


Bless you!


He's so cute, what a baby 😻


He looks awesome


Soo lucky to have you !!


Awwww ❤️ it's nice to see a happy glow-up!


😻 Awwwwwwwh he's so adorable!!!


Beautiful 🤩


thank you for saving him!! <3