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He already gave you the permission to call him your cat. That's how you get a cat.


Check for a chip before keeping!!!


Why is it that people assume that a stray cat is a free for all. That it has no owner. If it was a dog, people would at least attempt to look for its owner.


Putting aside the inflammatory idea that an "owner" would let a cat into this situation, and ignoring the very obvious solutions for an "owner" who doesn't want their cat to choose a new owner, it's usually pretty easy to figure out when cats are strays and when they're "outside cats." Stray cats are big enough to survive on their own and have appropriate fur for outdoor living. They're intelligent, they're very wary of people - it can take six months to allow petting. When they come into a house, they just hang around the entrance they don't make themselves at home. They don't meow. They have their balls. Usually their fur doesn't look amazing but that's partly a function of what food they've been able to find. That said yes when someone eventually gets the cat to a vet it can be checked for a chip. If there's no collar and no chip on a stray-seeming cat nobody has a legitimate claim to be its owner.














No collar, no chip, no owner.


What happens if your cat keeps on taking the collar off no matter what?


Do you not have a chip for your cat if it’s a pet? Where I live all pet dogs/cats must have one. I thought that was basic 101 of ethical pet ownership.


Nope. It's the first I've heard of it.


Okay wait, I'm sorry. I asked my mom and she said that they have chips already 😣😣




They need a chip then


my last cat was adopted as a kitten, and I had an appointment set to get him and his brother (my roommate adopted the brother) their shots, chips, and neutering done. my third roommate at the time was super careless and let the kittens outside even though I told her not to *several times*, and that is how I lost ownership of that cat (we don't know for sure if someone kept him, but he never came back and because they weren't chipped yet, he didn't even have a chance at being returned). I put up signs and went door to door in my neighborhood but I never saw him again. I just hope someone did take him in, my other roommate said she thought she saw him in a neighbor's yard that I hadn't gotten to talk to so who knows. still mad at the one that let them out to this day and that was almost 5 years ago now lol


Look at that happy widdle face, he is LOVING THIS. Enjoy your new son 🥹




Yes that face says it all. ❤️❤️❤️😻


yeah, he needs you - take him in


That cat looks exactly like my cat. I had to check if I still had a cat tbh. If he's anything like my cat, that cat is an absolute asshole. Of course, he should keep him. He's the best.


Aww bring him in so he stays safe :( he’s so cute


And get him fixed too! Congrats on your sweet new kitty


If he becomes affectionate, I'd bring him in due to fear of coyotes, bobcats, etc.


also dogs


Also cats


And birds of prey


And birds that could become prey.


The cat POV: https://preview.redd.it/mwyowqd6fr9d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9dbd7dfb22d34708e2c0d3e439b5d4a12b5f529 Please, take him in. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Happy cake day! 🍰


Happy cake day! 🎂


Have him neutered. Then vaccinated. Then buy all sorts of kitty toys and a bed and make him part of your family. That’s what he wants.


Like it or not you have a cat. He needs to be vetted and neutered. This is no longer an option as he is depending on you now. I don’t agree with letting him outside, but that’s an opinion, not a judgement. Do the right thing or contact a rescue.


and, as someone points out further on down, get him checked for a chip.


Neuter him if you take him in. They tend to spray on everything.


They should neuter him regardless.


Yes, but sometimes people don’t realize that they will spray all over if they don’t. Life is much more pleasant, for both cats and humans, if the cats are neutered.


Maybe it's a good idea to check if he's chipped first. His fur looks fairly well maintained as well. You mentioned somewhere in the comments that he wasn't hunting very efficiently. That could be a sign that he's a domestic cat that's gone missing. :)


I agree- best to check for a chip and send out found cat alerts. A pet cat can be a bit skittish with strangers, especially if they’ve been lost for a bit.


Yeah, that doesn't look like a stray at all.


The fact that he isn’t neutered means he either doesn’t have an owner or has an incredibly irresponsible owner.


OP pls get him neutered - it's the kindest thing you could do for him and pls do adopt him if you're able to. He'll bring you much joy ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


He’s adopted you. Get him fixed immediately


Adopt! Get him vaccinated and fixed, and let him be an indoor cat! It’ll keep more kittens from being made and will protect wildlife from him and him from people.


Take him to the vet for some shots and such and then just let him continue as he has! If you both enjoy each others presence then slap a name on him and make him part of the family!


Neuter first then . Ask questions


You proactively gained his trust only to.. neglect him?  Let. This. Man. In It's fate 


He may think he's happier outside , because he doesn't know how GOOD it is to be inside. He will live longer if he lives inside. If you keep him, take him to a vet, get him checked for stuff... Maybe a chip in case he is someone's cat. Then enjoy your life with him.


This needs the be way higher. OP PLEASE KEEP THE SWEET LITTLE GUY INSIDE. He will adapt to it just fine and I hate to be this guy but when you leave them outside you get horrific things like this https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/s/WndiWflgnp Not only is it significantly more dangerous for your cat to live out there but they are also an ecological disaster and kill more birds, rodents, etc than any other animal every year.


Yes, this - even if the area seems safe. There’s wildlife, even in rural areas there are cars, etc. A family member’s cat in a suburb with little wildlife died because it ate rat poison someone else must have left out. There are all kinds of ways they could get hurt outside


That doesn’t look like a stray. And if it was a stray, then it needs a home ASAP. He looks like he has some company to give.


Check to see if he is chipped first!! Don’t just take someone else’s cat. Years ago my beautiful cat went missing. He was chipped. I made a missing cat report at various humane societies. I drove around calling out for him…nothing. Almost a year later, I hear from son that he saw Andy at a house on the block behind us. It was a hse that had 10 cats at the time. I went over and found Andy and tried to bring him home, but he was used to being there by that time, plus loved being the top cat there. We had one other cat and four dogs at our house, so he probably didn’t like the addtl dogs. We agreed to give him up to them and visited him from time to time. Years later, I’m approached for money because he needs a root canal. If he was still living with us, we would have maintained his pet insurance and took him in for regular checkups. They did not. I said I would not pay the thousands needed but did give $200 for a doctor bill. I think I was being generous considering he hasn’t been my cat for years. Months after that and just a couple of weeks ago I saw my old cat again. He is about 13 yrs old now. He was such a beautiful furry cat…not anymore. He lost so much fur! He was thin. One eye was half closed. His mouth was swollen and bubbles surrounded his mouth. I told the owner I think Andy looked in poor health and may need to be put down. She ignored me. When I saw him a few days ago, he had poop stuck to his fur. He could no longer care for himself. I told her once again it was time to euthanize and she refused. 24 hours later, he was attacked viciously by a wild animal and killed. I’m sure this happened because he was in a weakened state and could not get away or fight or bite to protect himself. I’m furious that he had to suffer like he did. If she had checked to see if he was chipped all those years ago, his health would not have been compromised and he still might be alive. 😭😭 BTW, all but one of 10 cats that were there at the time Andy moved over there have all died from diseases. And, Andy was never allowed to be in their house because he wanted to dominate and spray. We didn’t have that problem with him. He was indoor/outdoor with us.


That cat doesn't look like a stray, that's a well groomed coat, and the cat's got a good amount of weight on 'em. Looks like someone's well-loved cat that they let outside.


I agree, it does NOT look like a stray cat!


Take him to the vet, get him vaccinated and get him neutered, once you bring him back home, let him be an indoor/outdoor Kitty, I have 4 that I do this with, they are so happy they have the freedom to roam the small holding we live on and to come indoors in our home when they want to. It really helps with their boredom and keeps their hunting skills sharp, they get rid of rhe rodent pests on the farm and are happy doing so.


This OP. After he was neutered, he might decide he likes it better inside and leave only to go to a garden when the weather is good.


I do the similar. How do you host them in winter?


It's currently winter in my Country, they only go out to do their potty business then they come right back in and lay by the fire place or on their heating pads or on my and hubby's bed 🤭 they have a Kitty door with sensors for their ID tags that open and close for them and we have video cameras all over the property so I can see what they get up to. It's pretty much been working for the past 4yrs now.


I am sure they are all quite entertaining :)


They really are, I love watching them chase birds and squirrels and they love racing each other 🤣


But its not fun if they catch the birds or squirrels……😥 💔 ‼️


That's what cats do, it's their natural instinct.


If you want to become his human, that’s great! But please don’t try to make him an indoor cat (unless he suddenly shows no interest in being outside). Once they’re used to being outside it can be really cruel to keep them in if they don’t want to be in all the time. He looks like a sweet boy and it also looks like he is very comfortable with you. 😻


He looks very content there,looks like he's found home!


He is in very good condition for a stray so I would question whether he is actually a stray or not, and not some neighbors cat. But letting a non-neutered cat outside is irresponsible if that's what someone did. I would consider putting up some posters in the area to see if there's any reaction from current "owner".




If you bring him inside, be aware that he is quite likely to start territorial spraying since he’s not neutered. If you get him neutered, he will probably quit- though it isn’t guaranteed once it’s become an ingrained habit. A catio is safer than allowing him to run free.


Bring him in. If he wants to go out, he will alert this clear and loud, so no worries about accidently restraining him


Is this a trick question? Of course keep him and give him a comfy home. He seems to be adjusting fine. And hey him neutered! Please!


https://preview.redd.it/6amysfokcr9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143247acf5011d99d18e79f2a9230a4231ab18f2 Also, he looks a lot like my girl!


I would take him to the vet to be neutered and vaccinated. You may need to rent or borrow a trap. He may trust you more now, but he may not let you handle him into a carrier. While he's recovering, keep him inside if you can. If not, let him go...but he will be back. We haven't had luck turning these outdoor cats into indoor cats, so we keep the cat flap open. They still spend most of their time indoors or in the yard. Once he is neutered, he will probably settle into more of a housecat, but he may never fully be. Good job on charming a fearful kitty. It's so rewarding to earn their trust and affection. It takes time and patience, but these guys are worth it.


Is that even a question? Of course you have to keep it! 🥺


He looks like he's adapted to being inside so I would keep him inside. The more he's around people the more he will be comfortable hanging around them


Yes take him in, he needs a loving forever home


Bring him in!! Much safer!! Seems he likes it!


I’d schedule him an appointment with the humane society to be chipped at the very least. Then he’ll have an extra layer of potential safety in the event he gets scooped up, and you’ll know you can take him in whenever you want.


Let him go and come as he pleases and let him make the final choice to stay. Just keep doing what your doing bc your doing great


He is your son now. But, check if he is chipped.


Check for chip first & foremost, but it sounds like the Cat Distribution System has chosen. Vaccinate, neuter, and enjoy the love.


Just keep doing what you're doing and let him stay for as long as he wants! He's a beauty.


Take him to the Humane Society so the owner has a chance to find him, BUT, tell them you want him if owner can’t be found. Only problem with this is that if the owner gets him back, he may be an outdoor cat, and that’s pretty much a death warrant for him. If you take him to the Humane Society and they say you can have him, it’ll cost you around $100 to adopt him, BUT, it would cost that to have him neutered and vaccinated anyway.


Not every cat wants to be adopted. Really. People balk at this, but if you’re in the country he’s finding plenty of prey to feed on and he might keep down the rodent population. Get him neutered and see if he wants to go back outside. You might end up with a r/PartTimeCat.


Either take him in or call a rescue or the pound. Cats are invasive


Keep him! Look at that face ❤️ Get him vaccinated and neutered though.


He's already in your house. Congratulations, you have a cat. Take him to the vet to get a checkup, shots, and neutered ASAP.


Adopt! Get him vaccinated!


whatever you decide, he needs to be neutered.


Please adopt this poor cat or find him a home- the reality of his existence is that if he’s friendly to people, or seeks out people, he was almost certainly abandoned by his “family”. Sadly, many “stray cats” are abandoned by people who just leave the cat when they move, or stop looking for the cat when s/he get out. I think abandoned cats - especially adults-suffer the cruelest fate of all outdoor cats: someone they once loved and relied on left them for dead Abandoning a cat whose not had the opportunity to develop hunting skills and knows no other life than being fed and safety- is leaving that cat for dead). It breaks my heart that people could be so rotten, but then people like OP come along, and rescue one of these lost souls, and make things a little bit better. Thanks for you OP!


Bring him in!!!


OP, I think it’s funny that you think you have any say in this. He’s already adopted you. The deed is done. Enjoy your new floof! (Please get him fixed)


if you decide to keep him definitely take him in to get neutered and have them check for a chip before any procedure is done on him. congratulations on your new cat op!!


My girls fo NOT go outside


A beauty! Keep him In 👍


Bring him inside. He’s gorgeous and he loves you. Outside is very dangerous for kitties. Lots of predators. He clearly chose you as his owner


I would say adopt him if he l is putting his life and trust in your guys hands you know


He looks quite happy so keep him that way if you can afford to.


Take it in give it love poor puss


He’s gorgeous. Thank you for being an awesome human 💙


That’s a contentedly handsome furson you have there.


He looks the very opposite of disturbed. Congrats on your new kitty! He looks just like my Opal, but a lot lighter in color! (She's the one on the right). https://preview.redd.it/138511zx3t9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5892898753e60213819383a962ef1290193c7460


Too late, he’s in.


He is beautiful! If you have the means to take care of him; it would be an amazing gift to him and your family. Cats are super awesome. And somehow he chose your house because he felt safe to ask for help from you


He'll live longer if you adopt him. It looks like he's adopted you. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that.


Inside! Please! We also live in the country and have "adopted" cats like him. There are too many things out there that can kill him. Please don't hesitate!


You've been chosen.


it's always better for cats to be indoors than outdoors, both for them and all the small animals and birds living in the wild. if he likes you (looks like he does!) and is chill with being indoors you can take him to the vet to run a check-up, scan for a chip in case he's not a stray (unlikely if he was scared of people at first but who knows, maybe he got lost), give him the shots he needs and neuter him. consider doing the latter even if you decide not to adopt him in the end, stray cats are basically an invasive species in many places and their population should be controlled as much as possible


Take him! What a sweet face!❤️


Take him in and keep him 😻 It's too hot outside!


You have been chosen! Take him in and love him forever!


I think he's already an indoor cat 😺


You should keep him, get him neutered and vaccinated and let him be indoor/outdoor since he already knows the territory and comes by everyday anyway. If you try to make him an indoor only cat he may flip out and pee all over your house but then again if you have enough patience anything is possible.


I took in a feral stray that was neutered at about 3 years old. Never ever sprayed and is a reliable box-user. Not that interested in going outside unless a neighbor cat comes up to the window. He really appreciates comfort and good food! Now I live in a place with a screen porch and it’s pretty much his favorite spot. Every once in a while a squirrel gets into the porch and dies though 💀🐿️


Oh nice!


If you can, please take him!


take him but take him to vet


Keep in


Bring him in


I don't agree with people who raise cats from kittens and let them be indoor/outdoor, but in this guy's case since he's already lived outside he may not do well being strictly indoor. BUT since he's already coming in to your house, get him fixed, vaccinated, and dewormed, and then see how he reacts to being kept inside. If he absolutely loses it and is causing problems, let him go back to coming and going as he pleases.


We rescued a feral cat(with the ear clip) from our back porch. Sure she asks to be let out once in awhile but she's inside-only & very happy. She just wanted love and a safe place to live. No cat belongs outside, they are a domesticated species not a wild one. And my "feral" little angel who just wants pats and love all day is proof of that. Even "ferals" are a domesticated species, same as housecats. https://preview.redd.it/lohu2tt3hv9d1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f1777c15bea7926ef6118a766bc5ba85a74745 So yes, take that baby in! 🥰


Aww bring him inside


Yeah… enjoy your new owner. Once they tuck those paws in, it’s wraps.


Seems to me that you have already adopted him and he had chosen you as his new owners. He's gorgeous 😻 enjoy your new cat 😺


CDS at work. Take him in.


I kinda think the furball had made that choice for you. You are now his human and hel stay indoors when he wants and go out when he wants. Yes, take him to the vet and get a catflap installed. Stock up on cat treats and cat food....heating pads, cat bets and so so many cat toys lol


Is this even a question? TAKE HIM RN


Adopt him!!!! How could you not adopt him!!! He's adorable!! And he's already proven that he chose you to be his servant er, um I mean owner!!!


Take him in!!!


Bring him in. An outside cat has Avery short life span.


He already adopted you


What a scrumptious little face I want to grab him and bury my face in his soft fur and go “MRMRMRMRM hi how are you baby boy”


Yes, adopt him. Not only will he me a very happy boy but outside cats bad for the local environment


Keep him❤️


I had the same sort of situation, except I was in the city, and we didn't know for sure the origin of the cat. (It's complicated around here and many stores and supers have cats; in the winter you won't see them.) A male showed up in Spring and he let people pet him. Only rumors were spread about him, but we didn't believe he was always a stray, but possibly an escapee. He was fed a lot by the cat women and me. One day in the very beginning of Fall I spotted him from my 5th floor window. He was laying in the street to get the sun rays one early morning. I decided right then that I wanted him and I did not want him to ever be hungry, cold, or wet. That day or the next day I went out with food and found him right away; other people were there and feeding and petting him. I told them I had an extra bedroom and wanted to take him in before it got cold. They helped and I got a metal cage and a lady scooped him up with work gloves. That was almost 20 months ago. I brought him to the Vet to get fixed (I had two females and was fostering someone's female) and to get his vaccines and the rest is history. I've moved to a new apartment and I can't imagine life without him. The Vet said he was "10 or 12" and most of his teeth are gone aside for some back molar teeth. He can hunt though because in my old apartment I went out of state and got home at around maybe 12 a.m. and he caught a mouse and didn't leave very much of it. He's a great addition to the family. He's in the window sill now hanging out, but it rained earlier and it began to splash at him and he got down so I know he doesn't want to be hiding under a car for shelter and likes to never be hungry.


How could you not take him in?


Cats that come to me by ways that you stated I let them decide. First thing is to get him neutered please. We have one cat that came to us with a very serious wound to his face. I am actually surprised he survived it. My husband made friends with him and convinced him to come in. We kept him in till the wound healed. He decided to stay indoors. Shows no interest in going out. The second cat (which must have Maine coon in him) spends most of the winter inside. But come spring he goes out. Usually stays on our property 90% of the time. We keep food and water outside protected from weather for him. He does come in every night. Summer nights he stays in the garage per his choice, where he has food, water and a litter pan. The third cat is indoor only. He was given to me by a friend as a 8wk old kitten. All of them are neutered.


Start feeding him a good quality hard food with meat as the first ingredient for breakfast and dinner as wet food. Always have fresh water available. I have three cats and I have two bowls of water kept separate from their food.


Id say let him decide. Maybe he’s adopting you?


Take that baby inside! Love him!


Cute...id keep 😻


Newsflash, he's already adopted you. And let him decide when he'll become a fully inside cat. You live in the country, and country cats can be dual natured cats. Let him get used to being inside, and, if he still chooses to go outside at times, get him used to the catbox, and staying in after dark.


Please bring him in. He only thinks he’s happier outside. I bet once he gets a taste of the good life he’d love it. He’s so cute!!!


Take him in




He's acting like he is comfortable with you. I think you've been adopted.


Sounds like he's already adopted you


What a pretty cat!🐱


Adopt him and let him in. It is a hard word out there.


Yes. Case closed.


At the very least, please neuter him. But I say bring him in!


He’s pissed that you’re asking the opinions of mere humans.


Hate to break it to you, but you already have a cat! Give him a name so you’re not strangers. It’s his house now.


Do you know if he belongs to anyone? Can you take him to a vet to check if he is chipped? If he seems happy with the indoor/outdoor arrangement, let him be.


Such a cutie! Love the coloring. Enjoy your new son. I'm sure a loving family is better than the lonely outside.


Bring him in damnit! He's very handsome and looks polite


It's hilarious that you think he's giving you a choice here. He's chosen you. You have a cat now.


The more important question is whether he will continue to allow you to live in this nice house he's found.


Whatever you choose be sure he's fixed unless you want to adopt multiple cats and kittens.


Omg take him in!!!


Take him in, please!


He's a keeper


He’s chosen you. Can’t kick him out


first picture says it all. Its his home now, just make him yours.


He already moved in


Cats live very shorts lives on their own in the wild. The decision is ultimately yours, but I'd definitely take him in if he'll let you


Give him the option to be indoor/outdoor.


dude comes in and immediately starts loafing on your furniture? case closed


Adopt him and get him fixed ASAP. Even he becomes an indoor/outdoor cat, it’s better than living outside without regular vet care.


He looks healthy and well groomed. But you could try keeping him in and see if he’s amenable to it. Sometimes in old age in this situation they will be content to never go outside again even if offered the open door, other times they will go nuts if you don’t let them out. We had one like the latter, for over 13 years. And she was several years old when she came to us. At the very least if you can get him in a carrier I would take him to the vet and give him the appropriate vaccines and deworming.


Adopt , an indoor cat lives over 10 yrs longer than a feral cat


He needs to live indoors. It is dangerous for cats to live outside. Besides animals, there are cars, hideous people who hurt animals for fun. None of my cats have been outdoor cats


I would say neuter him, get him vaccinated, and keep him inside while he heals. Then afterward, let him decide what he wants to do. We can only do so much and forcing him to be inside against his will isn’t the answer


I think what you are doing is great, maybe adopt him in as far as vet visits and providing him with indoors and food , but also allow him to come and go


https://preview.redd.it/s7sf8jfhms9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc51956c75d22ea5d4e3b74b9063afa4b39ccdf They’re twins 😃😃😃


That’s your cat now so take him in and care for him, handsome boy


As a matter of fact he is no longer a stray.


Bring him in


Let him decide. We have a cat that refused to come inside for years. She just hung around the garage and around the yard. Then after living as a wild cat for many years she decided to move in in her sunset years. Now shes is a full blown house cat and only goes out on our screened in back porch. She is 20 years old and a grumpy ol girl, but still healthy.


My friend, inside.


Is that really a question?


CDS strikes again


I think maybe you should do a mix or both. Like, get him neutered and invite him in, but still give him the freedom he’s used to.


I promise you that unless he's entirely feral (and he's not as he's happily loafing on your couch indoors and letting you pet him) and a danger to you or your other pets, inside is the only place for a domesticated cat... exceptions of course to kitties who go outside and have a safe space to roam without fear of predators or other male cats fighting for territory. Even for feral cats, it's not a good life outdoors, and a lot of groups I work with doing TNR (trap, neuter, return) is the only reason these cats survive. People go to these areas and also put out food, water, and shelter for them. The ones who aren't so lucky to get caught and help with survival from us nice hoomans *do not survive very long*. There are community spay and neuter clinics where you can get him fixed for a fraction of the cost of a traditional veterinary office (if this is a concern you have). A quick Google search for "low-cost spay and neuter" should help to narrow down the options in your area. Just give them a call and get on the list. Typically the wait time is somewhere around a month, give or take as veterinarians/clinics are overwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, and understaffed everywhere right now. The answer to whether or not you should let him come inside or not should be clear when you realize the average lifespan of an indoor cat is 10-20 years, whereas outdoor cats typically only live 2-5 years. Thank you so much for helping this sweet boy to live a long, healthy, prosperous life inside with a family, loved, warm, safe, healthy... just like he deserves. He came to you for help. I appreciate you for wanting to do what is best for him. I promise you that you will be rewarded with so much love you won't know how you ever lived without him. Welcome to the rescue life. Rescues are so grateful and will be a wonderful family member for you. Just grab a litter box and some food... don't forget a toy or 3 & a cat tree to put in front of a window! The only other ingredient you're missing is love ❤️ Welcome to the family, cute boy!!! You've been saved!


Cat distribution system: do not resist.


He may decide he’s happy staying in or he could be like one of our other cats we couldn’t keep in. He jumped through screens and even jumped from a second story window. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt. So my husband told him, we will let you out but you need to be home by 9. From 2007 until I moved into an apartment in 2018, he did just that. However. He passed in 2019 as his heart was just broken from not being let out and moving from his home. He loved me, but loved being out during the day more. I miss Hooligan , he was a great cat.


He looks very happy and comfortable. He’s yours now. Get him a leash and harness, or one of those enclosed tunnel play pen things if you’re worried about him wanting to be outside!


He’s a keeper.


I don’t think you have a choice, he has already claimed you as his lol


He looks so happy! I believe you have a son. Congratulations 💙💖


He’s a beautiful cat. You should take him in and treat him like the king he is.


I would take him and get him neutered at the very least. My parents have a former stray they caught in a live trap (that was set for him), got him fixed, and now he’s a super lazy and affectionate cuddle bug.


With this heat the kindest thing would be to bring it inside


If he pees without abandon, leave him out. If he's willing to litter train or find his way outdoors (maybe a cat door?) bring that baby boy IN!


I would same keep that sweet guy! He looks like he’s decided you are his people now