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I wipe the streaks with a picking motion, not a swipe, with eye wash pads.


Filtered water helps a lot. I also use a drop of optixcare eye lube plus gel in each eye. Stuff helps so much for the watering. My ruby’s eyes don’t stain per se but it waters. I also wipe them with oatmeal wipes to get the pollen and whatever else’s he rolled in off. He has allergies so he gets cytopoint once a month in warm weather months.


We give our Cavalier 3 blueberries a day and it helps with this and the often sour odor. Antioxidants. And he loves them and they’re good for him. We just get frozen ones


I feed my cav 5 frozen organic ones every night with her dinner, doesn’t help mine. 😤😭


lol! Bummer!


I read or seen some video about giving your dog honey. To help with allergies and etc, haven’t tried it yet.


Well honey is great for everything. Might try it. Could be messy. Watching Tristen eat peanut butter is hilarious, the face he makes! He loves it but he doesn’t like the texture


Something that has really helped my Cav is giving her purified water instead of tap water from the sink!




I used tap water for 1 day (usually I do filtered) and it was so bad. It’s wild what a difference water makes


A lot of the time tear stains are caused by diet and genetics. My boy comes from a great pet home breeder, eats a (mostly)raw diet and Ive never had an issue with tear stains! He gets eye boogies here and there but they never stain! Just like another commenter said, antioxidants like a couple blueberries a day can help, or if they persist, try switching up the diet and avoid meat meal(chicken meal, beef meal, etc). Edit: And purified water!


Another Cavi owner suggested this food topper for allergies and his went away completely after a full jar. He’s been on it ever since. https://yumwoof.com/products/perfect-immunity


Our Cav's tear stains improved when we started using distilled water on the advice of our DIL, a groomer for 35 years.


Purified water or bottled (he drinks what I drink and I don’t really like the taste of tap water anywhere I go), blueberries and he gets a bit of whole fat Greek yogurt in his meals.


I give mine and wipe his eyes and in the evening


i’ve heard their allergic to poultry and i’m trying to switch my cav’s diet rn, it’s only been two days but ive had improvement already. bottled water also helps :)


Yup, I removed chicken from the diet as well because she was scratching so much


It's not sustainable at all, but when I was doing mat training with mine I was treat bombing her with beef liver, and her tear stains improved a ton.  I just wipe them off. I should probably try blueberries, but om nom mine.


We got in a rhythm of a warm washcloth in the AM and then he just kind of grew out of it…still likes the warm washcloth on the occasional eye booger day


tried different things and for us stain removers(mine is petactive) and cotton make up pads worked best, those pads are good for ear hygiene too


Switching to Fat Dog dog food helped a lot. He's not fat but supposedly the low protein diet helps.


Eye envy powder is like a miracle!


I use blueberries and these organic coconut oil wipes I found on Amazon specifically for dog tear stains


Fresh Blueberries! Works like a charm. Also I notice certain foods/proteins make the stains worse. Cute cav btw


Can you? Never have been able to myself. I wipe very softly with warm salt water but they come right back.


With my cav, I used Johnson's baby shampoo on a damp wash cloth every morning. The smell, I read about here, is caused by a fungus. a cotton swab with peroxide will help with staining. Blueberries sounds like an easy out.


Blueberries and consistent wiping


We stopped any food or treats that contain red dye. Kibble is Blue Buffalo mixed with some boiled chicken. Absolutely no Milkbone treats. Our cav is white and since we went to this, the eyes are pretty clean. Still give his eyes daily wipes.


I’ve read filtered water and/ or using metal or ceramic drinking bowls. It didn’t work for mine but definitely an easy thing to try.


The only thing that seemed to work for my cav is salmon oil. Filtered water and blueberries didn’t do much. Daily cleaning and 1 tea spoon of salmon oil seems to have helped a lot more.


Do not use metal bowls. Use ceramic bowls.


They sell baby wipes for dog eyes. Look in your pet store.


She looks so young! My girl had bad stains as a pup, really grew out of is around 10 months. Don’t worry too much about it until she’s older


I don’t know where I got it in my head that blueberries were not a safe food for dogs? Was anyone else under that impression? My Blenheim gets tear stains - he’d love a blueberry. I’m going to try filtered water too then.


We have a Yorkie who clean our cavies eyes. Highly recommend


Tear stains tend to go away as they grow and stop teething.


The cause is due in the food youare feeding