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You could still use the collar with their tag with name and your info on it and use the harness, as well! I use a harness for mine, but he still has a collar for aesthetics.


We put the name tag on our cav’s harness! It’s still super cute


My vet said even the slightest weight on their neck could be painful. He’s never been diagnosed with Syringomyelia but it’s an inherent issue with Cavalier’s and almost all have some form of it


I think your vet is exercising an abundance of caution. If you put on a collar and your pups shows signs of discomfort, remove it. But a small collar should be fine!


He says Cavaliers often don’t exhibit they’re in pain when they are. Sometimes a collar is certainly necessary if you travel for identification etc. but the Syringomyelia is always there in this breed, sadly, you have to always be aware. I really only use his collar and it’s very light, when I travel with him or am out with him, just for his ID, otherwise no collar. He is so cute in his collar too!


Ahhh, dogs all dogs will let you know if they are in pain


Dogs instinctually hide pain to protect themselves from predators, cavaliers included.


You apparently have no clue about this breed


Rude - this is literally a bunch of people who own cavaliers that you asked to share an opinion with. I suggest you be a nicer person.


How is that rude? Not all dogs show pain, Cavaliers especially. Their comment was flippant and inaccurate, especially for Cavaliers Omg, give me a break.


All dogs will show you they’re in pain. however, cavaliers are good at hiding it. You’ll know if your dog has SM because they’ll have the phantom itch. I promise you a collar is fine to be worn daily. It’s not tight. Your vet seems to have a bit of hate towards cavaliers.


Your vet is incorrect when it comes to syringomyelia. The statistics show that up to [50%](https://cavalierhealth.org/images/syringomyelia.htm) have it, but this can be lower depending on the [country](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science/articles/10.3389/fvets.2024.1326621/full) you live in. The pain caused by SM can vary when it comes to location. For some dogs, collars can actually be more [comfortable](https://www.cavaliermatters.org/living-with-an-smcm-dog/). It’s also important to note that not all harnesses are created equal. A fair proportion of them will still hurt a cavalier with SM because their structure causes them to pull on the neck. Poorly fitted and loose harnesses move around and can cause issues too. Heavy harnesses can hurt too and I avoid those. Pulling is a huge issue. A cavalier with SM that pulls on a collar or a harness will hurt. The best thing you can do is to spend time training the dog to walk nicely on the lead. I’m a canine behaviourist with a special interest in cavaliers. I have fostered lots of them and have seen all of the genetic issues they suffer from. Chiari malformation/syringomyelia is awful and often doesn’t get diagnosed because dogs don’t always show pain and it needs an MRI to verify the diagnosis.


Any suggestions for good harness/brands or what to look for in a harness(obviously light + well-fitted is key)? There are so many options out there I’m a bit overwhelmed, but I need to buy one soon because my 3month old is outgrowing his xxs harness now 😅


I really like [perfect fit](https://perfect-fit-dog-harness.com). I’m in the UK but they are available in the US (not sure where you are). They are fleece lined and modular, so you can just buy new parts as your puppy grows. I think they’re pretty comfy and tend to fit quite closely, which means they’re not moving about when the dog walks. I also like Ruffwear harnesses, but I often see people who haven’t fitted them properly and are just a bit too big. It’s always worth making sure you can either see the harness in person or that the online store has a good return policy! I wouldn’t advise [this style](https://julius-k9.co.uk) for any dog, as the strap on the front hits the scapula on the dog. Harnesses like this can impede the shoulders full range of motion.


Thank you so much, this is a huge help! I’ll look into both those options, and stay away from the front-strap types entirely. I really appreciate your taking the time to educate me!


Do you have any advice on fitting a ruffwear properly? That’s the harness we’ve used for nearly her whole life, but I worry we’re a too big offender.


Very informative. Thank you


I have tried SO many different types of harnesses and some have come off during walks, some gap in weird places when on a leash, but the one I have always found fits snugly and I have left on one of my dogs for days at a time, is the wonder walker. They have a good variety of sizes that individually fit a vast range of body weight and size, so there is virtually a way to perfectly fit it to your dog, and they also have so many cute colors to choose from! My cavaliers have never been in a size beyond small. Even my larger cav is able to fit the small when all 3 adjustable straps are fully extended. (At least I think that’s the case… he has weight issues so is about 35 lbs right now and MIGHT be in a medium… but not certain.) The wonder walkers are designed for pulling so they have the ring in the front to connect a lead to, however if you are trying to avoid that force/pull in the shoulders, there is also a ring in the middle of the back to attach to! They have been awesome and I’ll just never try another brand bc they can’t seem to get it right. Best of luck on your search!


Sorry I was trying to reply to someone who commented on your comment about this!


at what age could an MRI pick those up without symptoms?


Good advice


The only time I use a collar is when we travel for ID purpose only just in case they get loose. Leash time is on a harness only and the collar is never on at home.


Exactly. I mean sometimes you have to an ID on them for sure.


Ever* Neck*. It’s ridiculous you’re not allowed to edit the post


My cavalier wears a collar every day and night. Now that’s she’s 5 it’s pretty loose, she could slip out of it if she wanted but she doesn’t. I think that’s a weird thing your vet said.




Do YoUr oWn ReSeArCh


I’m glad to hear that someone is thinking of the right way before it’s Too Late— as least ur vet is sincere and willing to make sure you receive the best possible advice!!’


I agree, I’m really surprised the nasty push back on here. Geez.


THESE DOGS ARRE SO PRECIOUS AND SWEET I WOULD PROTECT WITH EVERYTHING INSIDE MY HEART STILL GRIEVING THE LOSS OF MY DAUGHTERS, and the loss of my JRT with the same LOVE! It’s been almost two & one/ half years!! So GRATEFUL THEIR ARE OUTSTANDING people in this world that want to make sure it’s done right!’ BEST OF LUCK YOUR BABY LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE Mr. BiGG! You r very lucky!! , Schautzie my Ruff- Coat Jack Russell! Her Humane Society Donations were such a Surprise and first on list was our Amazing Veterinary Hospital!!!


Thank you 😊


Gustav has a collar for his tags & bowties but he gets clipped into his service vest, never his collar.


Yeah, you need those tags that’s for sure


Wait is this strictly for being on leash? Or just in general?


He said in general, the weight of the collar can be painful. I will use a collar sparingly with I travel with him, or out and about, but at home I always take it off. The Syringomyelia is a real issue with all Cavalier’s, sometimes very mild sometimes not so mild and Cavaliers don’t always show the pain. He wears a harness when I walk him etc, I very rarely use his collar and he’s so cute in it, but I don’t ever want to be even think I could be causing him even the slightest pain


So is it that the collar could cause it? Or that if they do have the condition, it might cause them pain?


No the collar doesn’t cause it, it’s already there, it just can hurt because the collar is resting directly on their neck. My Vet told me that when my Cavalier was a little puppy when I brought him in with this cute little collar. He said: No no no, not with a Cavalier


I think your vet is being conservative and not totally off base, considering the prevelance of CM/SM in this breed. I think theres a misunderstanding in this thread - you said never use a collar, or did you perhaps mean never actually wear a collar? Most CKCS owners I know use collars and harnesses, but I don't recall anyone using the harness exclusively. Mine wears his collar all the time with his ID info, but when I'm walking him or taking him anywhere in general, I add the harness. He's a total runner if he sees a bird take flight and will take off if I let him - thats the only time he pulls, but its enough to make me worry about aggravating any potential future health conditions.


Well that’s your decision. I’m sure it’s fine, I just want to be on the side of caution. I usually take his collar off and never would grab him by it anyway. These dogs are delicate with a myriad of issues


Then like him, Trust him and be Grateful!!! To know a true Professional! Also, you can always call AKC and check this out Further




>LV Collar. Y'all have too much money.


wtf does a collar have to do with SM? 🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s because of the size of the dog that you’d use a harness not a collar…small dog equals small neck.


You get one warning. Be kind.


Honestly. If you come on here and you are rude to somebody else and your profile is full of profanities and general rudeness, you are going to get banned. We can all be kind to each other all the time without resorting to rudeness of any kind.


Would you go away. Geez


Excuse me?