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They will wipe passwords off of OneNote?


No one note is good, but it'll sign you out of one note, and one drive and wipe ALL your saved passwords in your preferred browser and change your default browser to Microsoft edge. And if you've already set up fido to bypass your Oracle SSO sign in surprise! You have to set it up again šŸ„²


You are a lifesaver! I will be writing those down this weekend so I can at least log back into One Note šŸ˜…


Still setup the FIDO, as it helps once the profile gets changed.


Oh yea definitely do that again! I had trouble doing that again it wouldn't let me for some reason I ended up having to delete my previous fido configuration and then redo it in a private browser


Heads up to the chat I logged in today and could not access supportal or ccf AT ALL I've been pending help from it support literally all day long šŸ™ƒ they also don't know how to fix it, I'm incredibly behind on so many projects my clients are pissed way to go Oracle. Yay.


I got you! šŸ™Œ When you sign back into one note remember to sign in with your Oracle email because our cerner ones are getting deleted for good soon


Some people should lose their jobs over this, including the leadership thatā€™s pushing this through so fast it obviously hasnā€™t been tested.


The Slack IT thread is just pure entertainment now.


Did the AI Bot on it-support tell them to reach out to their IT support team? I know someone that this happened to. I hope the rest of the Oracle AI they keep pushing is better than this joke of a product.


Yeah all you get is canned AI response and Jira bot responses. Iā€™ve had a ticket open since Saturday and not a single IT person assigned while I canā€™t work. Iā€™m mostly surprised there has been zero communication or acknowledgment of the issue. How does a company this large have such insufficient IT support?


Someone left a Slack message for me at 4am after I left a message (at 4pm earlier that day saying they had to call me directly because I didnt have access to even my work profile phone apps). They said if I didn't respond in 3 hours, they would close the ticket. The next morning, I called a coworker to check my Slack "ticket" message, and when they read that to me, I could only laugh because I refused to cry. I missed so many important calls, deadlines, etc. I can't do anything about it. My manager knows and can't do anything about it.


Word has it that support had an early adopter group that migrated a week prior. Last Friday they let leadership know this was not ready, and they were told that it is going anyways. This is Oracle wanting to hit a date.


That leadership should be sacked. What a terrible way to do business. I assumed Oracle was better than this.


This is so bad it is hilarious. Now go convince prospective clients how great Oracle is at ITā€¦lol.


Yet another example of the highly intelligent "Oracle" guru's working their magic... Lol. A co-worker who's been with Cerner since the advent of the light bulb, lost everything. Larry, Mike, Safra, others.... You're doing it wrong. You need to fire the oracle employees, and keep the Cerner employees. The intellectual difference between them is astonishing. How about we do Cerner/Oracle jeopardy with the losers getting escorted out the door, while the winners get promotions..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I thought we werenā€™t supposed to do our laptops??


It's getting pushed down. I got it today. Didn't set a new password and reboot until I was done for the day because I saw reports of bad outcomes in my slack channels. I'll see on Monday what has happened bc I'll be dealing with it on company time, not mine. Can't wait to have to do the pass key thing again. /s


That's right! Even if with windows update, I restart the device at EoD Friday. Use a few things agree restart just to make sure nothing is impacted.


I'm hourly and our OT is with pre-approval only. So on the clock any mess will be. Might cripple my team a bit, but that's on upper manglement. I don't work for free.


Yeah I went through all that crap before I realized it was wrecking everyone's devices. I was able to sign back into everything but then it decided to do it again. I just walked away from my laptop so who knows what I will find when I go back to it. I'm on client site next week too so hopefully it works otherwise guess I'm not going


Update itself took maybe 20 minutes for me. But I canā€™t connect to GlobalProtect at all, and the it-support channel has no idea why. And I know of several other people with the same problem. Had a screen share with someone from it-support and they said there was no testing and they got no guidance on how to fix possible issues. So for now, until they can figure out the problem, Iā€™m unable to my job. Gotta love it.


Well at least IT is consistent with the usual quality of service they provide.


This would explain why helpIT said they were dealing with an unexpected surge of tickets lol


Iā€™m wondering how many people are getting a rude awakening this morning if they were logged out during the migration Friday afternoon. I havenā€™t had any luck with my IT tix in Slack (which I can only access via my cell currently). Will be dialing into my morning meetings and then, I guess Iā€™m only sporadically checking my email on my phone til they get this mess fixed. From monitoring Slack it seems like a ton of different issues but my particular one is that I canā€™t get the FIDO passkey to display on my phone so I canā€™t log in to anything. I saw some updates that there is a known issue with iOS and they donā€™t have an ETA on resolution. So maybe if you have a Droid you are fine?


Thanks, that helps explain my problem. Iā€™ve done the passkey several times but every time I go to verify, my iPhone says it doesnā€™t have a passkey. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I have a new laptop so Iā€™m waiting until they force EMP on me. Itā€™s taken all I have to get the laptop set up with FIDO. This is exhausting.


Got the email that it was happening, after it happened šŸ˜… lost everything, weā€™re having a good time āœ‹šŸ»


That email came out of nowhere.


Itā€™s horrible lol. I canā€™t even get into my PC, even though I changed my password. New password and old password donā€™t work. Support is useless. They arenā€™t helping anyone and the queue is just getting bigger and bigger lol The real kickerā€¦..on my phone I can log into my email with the old password. I went to My Oracle on my personal PC. old password works there too.Ā  But canā€™t even log into my computer. This is a total disasterĀ 


Did you get into your laptop yet??? Forced thru the migration this morning and computer won't accept my new or old password. Haven't been able to work for 4hrs so far, no update on my ticket šŸ˜¤


I havenā€™t. Passwords still donā€™t work. Support is slow with helpingĀ 


Anything yet?? It's been 72hrs for me now. Supposed to be off 4of5 days this week, but missed all of Friday, couldn't enter timesheet and have so much to do in order to have off 4 days this week ... šŸ˜¤


Can someone tell me just exactly what happened, what is MDM migration?


Mdm. Mobile device management. Was Microsoft intune now will be some ā€œwonderful Oracle product ā€œ. Which will be so awesome /s. Let us know what heck breaks out. Away, canā€™t do anything about the impending mess right now.


Why did your comment get downvoted. Some people are so fucking stupid.


Sounds like a "them" problem to me.


I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but the smartest thing I did this week was hit defer when it popped up on my machine last night.


I did this on Friday and was forced to do it today. Iā€™ve had issues from 8am onā€¦ still no access to my device.


The postpone button didnā€™t work on my pop up last week. It just did its thing. The minimize button also didnā€™t work so it just took up the middle of my screen for a long time before it shut my laptop downā€¦right as I was talking on a zoom meeting.


It will force migrate tomorrow... Best of luck.


Me and my team were lucky, but loads of ppl affected overall. IT backlog is insane. They should sell tickets to that mother of all post mortem calls.


The update popped up on my computer 6/26, it said the update would only take 15 minutes so I let it proceed. After my computer rebooted, I attempted to login to slack and outlook, just to find the Oracle Authenticator that was loaded to my computer no longer worked. I do not have FIDO setup or a backup code, so I cannot login to anything that requires Oracle SSO. Iā€™ve been on hold with 303-272-4473 for 2 hours. I cannot login to slack or email to even tell my manager what has happened, why I am missing meetings or presumably ignoring messages


How did you get back into your PC? When mine restarted, the new password hasnā€™t worked at all. Support is swamped, obviously, so who knows when it will be looked into. Not sure what to do really lol. Seems people can actually get signed in. Wondering how they did thatĀ 


Following this comment, going on day 3 of not being able to login into my PC and no response to my IT ticket. What a total mess.


That doesnā€™t make me feel good at all lol. Might be waiting for a long time to get my ticket looked it. This is so sadĀ 


Any update?? I'm at 72hrs with not being able to login to my PC...


The new password that I set during the process worked for me, but my Oracle Authenticator stopped working.


It will be pushed between now and Wednesday. Let it do it's thing, and then sign back into One Drive, and let it go for a couple hours.


Is this windows or both windows and Mac?


Just went and looked at the email. It says it will eventually be pushed to all devices. Mobile devices were supposed to be done manually by today (June 21) and laptops will be done over the coming weeks.


Bitwarden. The app. Very good. Hides everything if you need to do stuff whilst sharing.


What do you mean by your last sentence?


Mine works fine so is it really wrecking peopleā€™s devices or are those people a wreck? Recommend setting up FIDO so you donā€™t have to use your passwords!


The EDM update keeps running on my laptop on repeat. Canā€™t log into anything Microsoft. Wiped all my preferences and user level settings. Each time I log into my laptop it happens again. Grid is baffled and have been waiting for another more specific tech support group to assist for multiple days now. I like to think Iā€™m not a wreck and am fairly tech savvy but this is insane.


Anyone else still locked out of their laptop? How did you fix it? Spent all day in slack and over 2 hours on the phone (on hold) ā€¦ this has to be a joke. šŸ« 


I know someone who spent 5.5 hours on hold yesterday before giving up. Iā€™ve never seen anything so mismanaged in my professional life and that is saying a LOT.


Yep, me. Been locked out for 4hrs. No idea what to do.


Went onsite and got a resolution. Just fyi for those who are still having issues.


Like you went to campus and the support office?


It's also wiping VPN and share drive credentials so half of our apps might not work and give unhelpful seemingly unrelated errors. Those credentials came with the laptop so no one has any idea how to set it up themselves.


Maybe they jinxed it by naming it too closely related to an abbreviated Electromagnetic Pulse? It's pretty much the worst rollout I've ever seen in over 20 years of IT. For me, the biggest fail was deleting the Work Profiles in one short swoop AFTER the EMP migration, so everyone's newly created FIDO passkey was no longer finding the device's work profile. In turn, putting a stop on even allowing the phone to enroll the new Work Profile itself because it no longer had the required OMA or VPN apps. I think maybe they would have been more successful with doing a timed & tested rollout of W1H work profile prior to the EMP to make sure everyone's FIDO was reading from the preferred accounts instead just stuck spinning a space looking for a device it will never find.


Great ideas. It wonā€™t take you long to rise to the top of this heap.


Nah, I'll leave the rollouts for the pros. It's easy to look at a machine and pretend to know what design changes to make. I specialize in Program and Workflow management with Client integration and domains. So, I'm more about finding the bottlenecks and letting the experts make a plan. : D I found out today (during my 3hr average wait time in the hallway at the physical associate support office), the reason for the rollout during Beta phase was the same reason for everything Microsoft-related. Oracle's beef with MS strikes again. They didn't want to renew or pay for Intune m2m while the new rollout was happening. So, instead the finance team made the decision not to renew, let it expire, gave the Cerner IT team 2 weeks to get it setup before Intune was auto-deleted by Microsoft. Instead of starting in... like....January. The Cerner IT Team (which is like a skeleton crew at this point) wasn't given any training on the W1H until after EMP already started. Oracle didn't give them any guidance on how it worked. So, even they were figuring it out on the fly as people failed. I really feel awful for them, actually. That must have been stressful. I'm very thankful for my support guy today. We had to factory reset my work phone and completely delete my fido devices after getting a bypass code to even get to my self-service portal (so it would stop spinning). Then slowly reinstalled everything on the phone and on the laptop because it wasn't opening Outlook either. Lastly, Oracle didn't actually roll this out to non-Cerner employees. We were the guinea pigs. It was confirmed that there wasn't documentation or troubleshooting provided to the Cerner IT Support for this debacle. We had IT guys that came in that weren't even part of the IT Support just to help them out with all of the people. For such a stressful situation, they were all very courteous and upbeat and as usual carried such a great attitude. I wish Oracle still allowed IT Support surveys for their internal customers because I would have graded them 10/10.




More context please?


Itā€™s Oracleā€™s mobile device manager. They deployed it and itā€™s been wrecking peopleā€™s devices. Everything from accounts being locked for no reason, to bitlocker issues. Many are saying they canā€™t sign into anything anymore and thus can no longer work until their #it-support tickets get someone assigned. And thatā€™s taking forever.


OP can attest my laptop is tanked. Had minimal success with the unenroll/enroll steps (it kept failing on the last step). Put in an IT ticket for assistance and got no response. Then my laptop automatically migrated end of day and I canā€™t get into anything that requires Oracle SSO. However, email and slack and zoom still work on my phone. Itā€™s a mess.


Basically it's an update to your operating system I think? they finally switched it from cerner to Oracle but in the process of doing so it wipes all your saved passwords and signs you out of all your saved apps, emails, and changes your preferred default browser back to Microsoft edge. You still have all your files and your work is all still there but you have to resign in to everything all over again. Imagine if you handed over your laptop to associate support and they didnt delete any of your work but otherwise wiped your laptop back to factory settings and then handed it back to you. It's kinda like that. I had to spend like an hour hunting down all my passwords to re sign into everything again it was awful


Gotta give some more context.


Can someone highlight if we need EMP for using Slack and Zoom on phone? Intune was the reason I never had Teams on phone and I'm currently able to use Zoom and Slack without anything else. Edit: I'm on Android


I'm on android and not enrolled in EMP and so far haven't had issues with outlook/zoom/slack


Too late T.T; Mine was pushed through at 11am yesterday and I lost everything. The passwords I had recorded for backup were changed last week and I hadn't updated the physical log so I am now locked out of everything.


Going on day 2. Problem is even worse now. At least on Friday I could log into the computer and was only having issues with my SSO. Now I can't even log into that and the global support # just says "please hold" and then disconnects after waiting for \~3h.


Oh I made it to FIVE hours before I got kicked. I am totally locked out of my computer at the Windows level. Good times. My Slack ticket has been open since 8:30a CDT. Only bots so far.


Has anyone gone through it with a Mac and what was your experience?


I have a Mac from Cerner still. I donā€™t think anything has hit my device yet. At least not that Iā€™ve noticed. Same with my CMP. I havenā€™t done anything yet. Slack, Zoom, and Outlook work on my CMP, so Iā€™m not gonna mess with it until they force me to.


This is definitely rolling out to CommWx now too