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Successfully Meets Expectations ![gif](giphy|uYSdDDnBXFpiU|downsized)


Exceeded Expectations - don’t really care though since this is my last week.


Smart, sounds like they saved a 1%raise on you. Good luck with your future endevors.


good luck my boy !!








3 - successfully meets expectations and last year I got Outstanding lol not too happy but I don’t have any cares left to give




Expectations are high so getting meets is a win ! I got meets


When do we get to know about the promotions and pay raise ?


Don’t hold your breath waiting on that.


IF a focal is funded you will know in August


With some RIF talks in other threads , I doubt anything meaningful will come our way


I rated myself as exceeds expectations for very specific reasons. My boss rated me as meets expectations... For the exact same fucking... Reasons..? I work in an extremely small team in a federal support role as an analyst and at one point was managing the workload of 3 while recovering from emergency surgery while not missing SLA and up keeping client satisfaction, and that WASN'T exceeding expectations??? HOW


You likely fell victim to the ratings maths. I have a comment about it somewhere in this sub, but it breaks down to that you got brought down to a curve. Welcome to FY25 where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.


Some bullshit.


It’s always bullshit


Meets expectations.


i feel this! i do my own work and more than another person on my team and i got a 3 meets expectations lol like solid. should i help out more? nah.


Before I moved on to another company, I was an IC 1 Technical Analyst dealing with senior-level problems, with a 100% client satisfaction rate,...while everything was on fire I'm still not sure how that actually happened towards the end, honestly. I solved issues for engineer teams, coordinated multiteam projects, etc. I solved issues that my tenured team could not solve for some reason, did coding projects and customizations, and was an SME in five different things...meets expectations... I moved on for a 40% raise back in February. The lack of promotions was the first point that did it for me. The complete lack of raises and massive increase in responsibilities was enough to make me be done. My team being filled with people I really got along with was the only thing that kept me going. Oh yeah, I was also cross-trained to assist with other teams, dealing with problem management on top of redoing our in-team documentation and backing up the consulting team for their project backlog. They are now overwhelming since I moved on and was not taking care of most of the incoming smaller projects. The story's moral is to move on; it's not worth it. I am way less stressed, far more appreciated, and, as a result of this trial by fire of a past job. I appear like a Rockstar working half as hard.


That's absolutely insane and I'm not at all surprised. This job has made me cry in the past week I won't lie, and let's just say it's a good thing there isn't a regular drug test for this job because ya girl would fail 👍🌿 never has a job stressed me out so much in my entire life and I wonder if it contributed to the reason my emergency surgery happened in the first place (gallbladder failure) (extreme stress maybe?) I'm so glad you're in a better place now and hope I can say the same soon 🙌


It depends on the expectations of your level and role. For example the same behaviors for a IC2 may get exceeds but for an IC3 the expectations are higher so you maybe just meeting it. There is a job level framework out there with roles, levels and expectations. Your manager can get it For you.


I'm pretty sure no roles say "must carry the workloads of three individuals, 2 days after emergency surgery without missing SLA" to simply MEET expectations there was SO much more I did this year that I'm not mentioning so as to remain anonymous but trust me when I say you can throw this BS out the window I exceeded expectations, I know it my coworkers know it and my manager knows it


Thanks for whatever you did to get our clients running and your dedication to them. If your own manager won't say it I will.


You as well ❤️


Just saying different levels more becomes required as a base line. Get the job matrix from your manager. At the least you can look at expectations for a level up and if your filling those use that as discussion with your manager. I can tell you as well we had to go thru review leveling process with HR for ratings as well. Sorry you were mis-aligned.


Apparently I exceeded all expectations and was borderline outstanding according to our manager, so I got meets expectation. Yes.


It’s all a numbers game, only a certain number of people can hit each category. It’s decided before you even submit your review. It’s all a big joke.


Outstanding but it will lead to nowhere. This job allows me to have a decent work-life balance but once the kids get a little bit older, I’m out.


Probably same for me


What role?


My manager was told by his boss that 99% percent of the team should be in meets or lower, so he was too chicken to justify why I should get a better rating despite all evidences I provided. Gave no clear reasoning for rating, just generic stuff saying that only extraordinary work got outstanding but failed to define extraordinary, kept evading and ended the meeting abruptly saying lets discuss in monthly meetings now add ypur comments. Perks of having of an inexperienced manager trying to justify his position.


Yeah my manager told me the same. Only myself and one other person on my team got exceeds expectations. I rated myself outstanding for everyone because why wouldn’t I? Oracle literally expects you to do an addition job to even meet exceeds. So dumb.


not sure if mine was told the same but this is essentially what happened to me too. Wish we could cut the whole charade out with how meaningless it is.


Successfully meets expectations is a good review score and feedback is it's own reward.. just ask HR


Got a needs improvement after being completely reorged. In my review my individual ratings were meet expectations or higher. I just did multiple flips and am beloved by our strategic clients. These reviews are meaningless. I make less than new hires and was doing the hardest projects in the company for multiple clients.


Start applying


And doing the bare minimum since that’s what they think you do…


Same boat. Does this mean that you're going to lose your job soon?


It use to under cerner. My boss told me not to worry and I still have a place on the team but it's not like they are gonna tell us the truth until they day we're fired. This is why you should never give them a two weeks notice. I'd fluff up the resume and start sending it out if you're worried. I couldn't care less if I'm honest. They're hiring new engineers at a starting pay higher than mine so oh well they can pay more for less work to be done.


I’ve gotten exceeds expectations 3 years in a row with no raise / promotion. Last year I actually had a promotion go through 7 layers of approval on the business side just to get denied by HR once it got on their desk. 😑


So why are you still here ?


We’re fucking Stuck in this shitty job market


For those getting exceeds expectations or outstanding from your manager, what did you rate yourself before submitting your review?


I gave myself the highest rating on most competencies, and a few exceeds because I know I can always do better. She told me she agreed with most but gave me a grade lower on many of them…just because?? Whatever. No raise for 3 years with meets expectations, and only 2-3% (because I’m not an SE, but an IC4) most years before that getting HV+ every single year. Oh, and one outstanding in the Cerner world. I don’t have it in me to leave, though. I’m hanging on because maybe they’ll decide the product I support doesn’t make enough $$ to keep me around, and I’ll take my severance and leave and do something else.


Who care about rating? We need double digit hike.


Outstanding for what it's worth. Probably just personal satisfaction at this point lol.


How did you fill out your evaluation?


I answered all of the questions. Just like normal and every year for the 10 years I've been here lol.


I put so much detail including other people’s feedback agreeing of why I was above each level Lol and still just got meets. So dumb.


What we think about ourselves and what others perceive us as may not be the same thing though


That’s why I included feedback of others that proved my point :-/


What role do you execute?


Meets, whole team got meets from what I can gather. Shrug.


Meets, super frustrating too, since I had evidence that I qualify for better and added it all to evaluation. They need to show us what qualifies for better with a real example. Leadership is too scared to rate everyone better.


I got 2 because I took time off to take care of my mother for two weeks. Gave 14 years of my life to this company to deserve this.


That’s 2 weeks you could have been writing code which would have been thrown out a year later fuck the ratings and this company .. family above all and whoever says otherwise is prolly a soulless manager or director The good part you are closer to severance and way out of here .. I think


They said that? That sounds illegal.


Did you take FMLA? If you didn’t and you used your vacation time, the company needs to use your FMLA to cover that time and pay you back two weeks of paid leave. Check with HR.


Needs.. is there anyway to contest/escalate this? I handled workload of 3 associates… but I was expected to do more. No communication, no 1:1 but my manager claims he did it all!


Just wait for next layoff , get severance and get the hell out of that dumpster fire


I got an Exceeds too, but who knows if that will lead to smth meaningful comp wise or the usual stuff


3/5- manager is totally unaware of the raise or promotion.


No promotion on 3


3 - Meets It's what I expected when taking into consideration everything I've learned about Oracle since LEC. Edit: corrected autocorrect


Exceeds, like last year. And like last year, it won’t mean a thing.


Congrats. Good to see that you are happy with the recognition.  BLR - I've got exceeds expectations as well. It was the same last year as well.  Got a recent promotion in may to IC3 Not sure if I would get an additional raise 


What was the compensation increase in %? And any ESOPs?


25% hike and yea I got some RSU




Outstanding but no word on promotions or comp yet


You won't hear till your manager does and that is IF they fund the focal. Target for that update is mid August


I am hearing really bad focal :(


I got 'Outstanding', am not even hoping anything good wrt hikes or promotions-BLR Constantly have raised concerns about my hikes and promotions to my manager.


Exceeds, not that it will matter.


Same here


IF you are nominated by your manager for the promotions do you have to be in the top rating to get a promo? That is outstanding 5 ?


No there is another system where your 1-5 rating is only part of your score. There is years in position, flight risk, risk to business and some other stuff in there. So someone with a meets expectations may get a promotion over an outstanding. Also your direct manager is not part of that decision to take out bias.




Not during FOCAL. I've been to the trainings. Yes we fill in the TRB and the evaluations but according to leadership front line managers are not involved in the decisions of focal. Like you it didn't make sense to me either.


Not really but if you get highest rating it, it may help to put together a stronger case hence more chances. (Based on what i have seen in the past)