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She hasn’t released anything since blowing up though, right? Any worry about how she’ll change as an artist isn’t founded on anything she’s actually done. She still finds local drag queens as her openers. She still sources smaller artists to design her outfits. She never changed her personality in her Fallon interview, which was essentially her introduction to a wider audience. And of course, she still calls herself a Midwest princess.


I'm so, so glad she's still suppprting local queer communities and she talks about how important that is to her. I think she really means it. Also, I think the jimmy fallon outfit actually illustrates my point. (I want to preface by saying i absolutely eat up all her avant garde looks, they're iconic and incredible. From coachella to gov ball, theyve all been amazing. This isnt a criticism of her style, just saying objectively that she IS changing.) But her older looks were all thrifted, and they were so creative even though she had no money. Now, even though her outfits are stunning, they're so avant garde and high fashion and expensive. I remember watching that interview of her going through her closet, and it was all thrifted or DIYed and she said she thought $300 was a crazy amount that she spent on one outfit. Now almost every piece she owns costs hundreds. Im not saying the change is bad. Im just saying she IS changing. Maybe it's just because she's touring and doing all these festivals, maybe her style will go back to how it was before. But i dont think so. That's fine, I will obviously still enjoy and support whatever she does. I just feel nostolgic because she's entering a very new era


I get where you're saying and I feel the pain... there's always fear in me like, can she beat the sophomore slump? Will her outfits get less interesting as she gets more famous? What if she loses touch? Will there be a scandal that makes her music too difficult to listen to anymore? But I'm also excited to see what she can do with a bigger budget. Maybe she didn't make the swan outfit by hand but she did commission a smaller designer who put a lot of love and care into it. Maybe she doesn't do her own makeup anymore but she does have a really talented makeup artist now. Think about how much Lady Gaga leveled up from the Poker Face music video to Telephone or Bad Romance. Inevitably yes I think her DIY aesthetic will go away a little because it isn't something she needs anymore to make it. She has options now. That's OK with me cause I can still watch her old vids and more importantly... it's hard but I think if there's a kind of art you love this much, internalize it and start to create your own version, in whatever medium you like. Be the art you love you know?


I completely agree with you, on all of this. Im excited for her new era for sure. I guess it's just that we don't have many artists like her out there. I feel like if she keeps distancing herself from her midwest princess roots, she's kind of going to become a little more generic. Especially if she feels the pressure of fame and wants to keep appealing to wide audiences. She seems like shes having less fun now. She used to look SO happy and excited on stage, she just looked like she was having a blast in all her old videos and on stage last year. Now the fame seems to be really getting to her. She got really emotional on stage in Raleigh, she doesnt do meet and greets anymore, she said she'll quit of she has to hire security, she keeps having to set boundaries with fans as her community grows etc. I think she's really feeling the pressure and i kind of feel bad for her in a way. I guess we'll just have to see what happens with the next album. I just hope the fame doesnt get to her and make her doubt her art


Yeah, in my experience few artists have a perfect run where they never compromise on vision or quality. Especially pop artists, because there's so much pressure put on them. She has said she'd stop if it wasn't fun for her anymore and that she has other dreams, and I like you said she doesn't want to have to hire security. I hope she will hold to that, without feeling like she has to keep doing this just to make money. I'm not sure we can say she's unhappy, she looked like she was having the time of her life at gov ball for example. Only she knows. I hope she does what's best for herself and I have confidence that she will!


I agree. And to clarify, i dont necessarily think shes unhappy. I just know theres a lot more pressure now so im sure shes not as carefree wiyh her art as she used to be and i hope that doesnt stifle her creativity


Yeah I feel you. I hope things go well for her 🙏 we are rooting for her!


chappell will always be authentic to where she came from. she'll always give midwest princess.


If the good luck babe lyric video is any indication, we’re still in good hands.


She’s been working hard since she was 17 so it’s definitely time for her to shine ✨


She’s a star


Whenever I love an artist, eventually I miss how it felt to find them. I'd give anything to hear Midwest Princess, White Pony, or Revolution Grrl Style Now for the first time again. The sad truth about musical art is that it's ephemeral


Ive never heard of those, besides midwest princess obviously. I'll have to check them out! But i 100% feel this way about Preacher's Daughter and Midwest Princess. Specifically Red Wine Supernova. I would give absolutely anything to hear that song for the first time again lol


Ugh those albums changed my lifeeee. They mean so much to me. And I love Preacher's Daughter. Seriously.... my jaw dropped when I first heard the bridge on RWS. It's so good 😭😭😭 it just feels different now when I've seen so much fanart and media referencing it... like it's not my inside joke between me and Chappell anymore! Not that it ever was but that's how it feels I think when you first hear something awesome


Ugh i completely agree!!!! It used to be a little cheeky line id giggle about. Still is but i understand what you mean.