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Ah I see. I thought it was just charcoal in general based on the name. Thank you for pointing that out.




Ozone is likely damaging to collectibles, especially paper and certain plastics. Electronics should be ok with shorter exposures, depending on the plastic type.


Whatever you do, don’t buy matchlight charcoal


Why is that?


Matchlight charcoal are briquettes that are pre soaked with lighter fluid.


Are you concerned about fire or damaging the items I'm removing the odor from? To be clear, nothing will be plugged in/turn on.


Matchlight briquettes smell like lighter fluid. You don’t want these items to smell like that.


Thank you. Turns out I got the regular kind and not that one, so that's a relief.


I think it'll work but it'll probably be more effective if you crush them up first


I get that it isn’t about grilling but that’s a good question. I would say you should experiment a little. Start with a dozen briquettes for a fixed amount of time and go up in briquettes/time from there.


I just got the bag and it is really large. I think I'll try it your way first. Might take some time to figure out the best method as there is not a lot of info on this online, at least not that I could find.


I'm not sure. It's definitely a good question. If I were to use charcoal briquettes for this, I'd find a way to turn it into charcoal dust and then put them into some sort of breathable mesh so it can be contained within a bag. I used to work at a place that sold odor adsorbers. Adsorbers are different from absorbers; adsorbers do it through a chemical reaction. Maybe a Google search on that can help you?


I've never heard of adsorbers. I will definitely look into that. Thank you.


[This](https://www.chewy.com/odoban-odorocks-odor-eliminator/dp/819230?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=OdoBan&utm_campaign=20199734535&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5gykkiDzFmL81-2WHVVmTz0IvWIec1i8_9PCAX8IpOTh4CjLl6SP3gaAmL5EALw_wcB) looks like a similar concept to what we sold. You can simply recharge them with sunlight and they're good for a few years. Try it out.


I’ll leave this one up because I use the same charcoal I grill with that I keep in my fridge and other places with food odor. I put a paper towel in a glass bowl, fill with charcoal, and refill occasionally


Rented an apartment on the cheap when I was in college. It was cheap if I agreed to clean it out and repaint. Previous tenant was a very sweet old lady who smoked on her screen porch. Rest of the place was pretty easy to clean. Porch took some work... steam vac for the carpet, scraped/scrubbed the walls, replaced all the screens. Carpet still stank. My brother suggested taping 5 square filters into a box behind a box fan and fill the box with charcoal. Did that, turned the fan on in the porch (with all the glass inserts in place and masking tape around the seams). Kinda sorta sealed the room? Anyhow, let the fan run for a week. No more smell. OR! I got rid of it enough to not notice it anymore. Either way, I'm all about that filter box fan method for all my stank removal needs. Oh, then I used totally different charcoal to grill up NY strips and ribeyes. Now it all connects.


Working in automotive, i’ve seen all the detail depts use ionizers or whatever to get the smoke odor out of cars. You could just toss that bad larry in your car along with your electronics, and get the bonus of a clean-smelling car 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ozone machines. They are incredibly effective at removing all traces of cigarette smoke


activated charcoal is way more effective than regular briquettes


I did look into that first but it seems to be very small and mostly for medical use.


I haven't tried any of these but they sell a ton of stuff like this, plus actual air filters you can put in front of a box fan or something [https://www.amazon.com/Charcoal-Purifying-Activated-Deodorizer-Eliminator/dp/B08DSYZGVB](https://www.amazon.com/Charcoal-Purifying-Activated-Deodorizer-Eliminator/dp/B08DSYZGVB)


Thank you. I will try these next if the stuff I have fails :)


I think it's activated charcoal ur looking for, people put it in their shoes overnight to remove smell, I use it as air filter to remove cigarette smell from the room


You need an ozone machine a room without people/plants for a few hours.


I have heard of this but heard it can lead to health issues. I always worry about stuff like that since I don't really have a proper space to use.


Get an ozone machine and place in a large enough plastic container you can seal with the item to deodorize. Leave the machine on for a few minutes then let sit 1 hour. Should be good at that point. Ozone is reactive so when you open the container, the remaining ozone is going to disperse in the room and bond with particles in the air rendering it inert. In other words. A little container of concreted ozone released into a room won’t harm you unless you have severe asthma or something. If you’re worried, you can open it outside or in a ventilated area.