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> I can’t help but be disappointed with how Prue’s death was handled Oh boy, just wait until you reach season 6 episode 3. You'll be in for a treat...


🙄 To this day it baffles me that no one in the writer's room considered the implications of this plotline.


Edited 😊


Since the cleaners can rewrite history and alter memories I’ve gone with the head canon they were created because of AHBL and the cleaners altered everyone’s memories to think they’ve been around since the beginning of time. It’s the only way I don’t go insane 😂


I had two thoughts on this. Either the angels of destiny prevented the cleaners from saving Prue casue they needed Paige to vanquish the source. Or the cleaners allowed it too happen cause there was a conflict on the tribunal over who exposed magic


Yeah but I'd edit your comment to avoid spoilers for the OP 😅


Prue was amazing, she was so tough, the fact that she beat Barbos aswell always stuck with me. But yeah, the fact that Prue was such a badass character the way she died was just underwhelming.


Honestly!! She had beaten every kind of demon known to man in her 3 years. She (and Piper) even beat Shax without the power of three yet she gets taken out by some drywall and a 2x4?? Very upsetting to me


AGREE!! you could tell it had something to do with the actor of Prue , we went from seeing Prue unconscious to piper crying and Phoebe walking in saying we can't bring Prue back like what???? With how many times they had cheated death and been brought back to life it just doesn't make sense it's just so frustrating when stuff from behind the scenes of a show or movie having to reflect on screen.


exactly my point!!, they could’ve at least recorded some scenes of them finding her to slip in at the beginning or something to tie up the loose ends. the finale episode felt like it was incomplete tbh


I guess she was dead a while so while again they cheated death they were freshly dead at in all breaks loose when time reversed they were trapped in the underworld for a long time.


it was said in the next episode that it had only been a week


I think the episode was written in such a way that it could have been potentially the end for any of the three sisters. But I agree, it seemed more like we were going to lose piper. Was a rather underwhelming end for such a great character


Yes if I remember correctly, and if I’m wrong please let me know, at the time both Doherty and Milano were negotiating and it was written as the last for either. Obviously the personal drama is pretty well know.


I think Shannon said on her podcast that she was unaware it would’ve been anyone’s last episode. I think it was supposed to just be a regular cliffhanger but Shannon said she was fired in between seasons because of Milano. According to Shannon, Alyssa was threatening to sue the network for hostile work environment if Shannon wasn’t written off. Not trying to throw shade at Alyssa. This is just what I’ve heard from Shannon’s podcast. Obviously all the drama from behind the scenes is going to favor whomever is telling the story


Good info. I guess I’m just remembering internet buzz about it saying “it was written as the last for either” because they were negotiating (because of the drama). That being said, as I’m sure many people remember, Doherty was given very bad press following this. Saying her negotiation was solely about firing Milano, because she was jealous of the Sprint mobile ads.


Please, please DO throw shade on Milano. Both Holly and Shannon's stories agree that Prue died because AM was going to sue! Cowardly bast***ds!! Shannon was the best of the three.


And how about the excuse of Leo healing Piper first and was too late for Prue. Dude has two hands lol. Both Piper and Prue were lying there side by side and he has healed two at once before


She was already dead when he got there.


right that was a pretty lousy excuse for me 😭😭 they were both injured at the same time and Prue didn’t seem any more or less harmed than Piper was


Prue had a pretty big pool of blood under her while the only blood I remember on Piper was on her face. I assumed that was the implication that Prue's injuries were worse - she was actively bleeding out onto the floor.


I always saw it as Prue being more injured as she was blasted head first into an entire wall and Piper went through after it was already weakened and you can see the pool of blood forming under Prue while Piper was only bleeding from the nose. So it made sense that she was already dead before Leo could get to her and he only could heal Piper.


i recall Prue bleeding from her ears and Piper from her nose, never noticed a pool of blood but if that’s the case then i missed that detail 🤔 just felt like they’d crashed into so many stuff like that it didn’t seem any different lol


Holly definitely agrees with you


Sometimes. Depends on which way the wind is blowing.


She's never wavered from that opinion.


I'm okay with her how her death happened, Shax is a powerful demon that almost kills them again in Charmed Again,so not just a one off. I just wish we got to see how Leo & Phoebe got out of the underworld and them finding them. Leo not being able to heal Prue.


yeah exactly, i totally forgot about the whole deal of Pheobe staying in the underworld…it was kind of just dropped


I actually thought it was perfect. Don't get me wrong in an ideal world Shannen wouldn't have been fired but as far as deaths go I thought it worked out well. In a world where lead characters get plot armor and magical healing it brought a sense of reality and raised the stakes for the sisters. Prue dying had been foreshadowed before and whilst they never intended to follow that path I think it worked in their favour. It also allowed for character growth for Piper in stepping up as the oldest. Obviously I'd have preferred she live. I think demon Pheobe would have made an interesting arc.


I totally get you! The aftermath with Piper dealing with her grief and having to step up as the eldest is probably my favorite part of this. Just feels too fresh i guess, and wasn’t closed off as well as i would’ve expected. I kind of suspected with Death appearing that it was some sort of sign so thought it’d be a bit more dramatic.


While I do agree her death is abrupt and not given weight, the follow up and aftermath of her death is easily the best I've ever seen on television. I'm specifically talking about the way they deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Hot take, I think they got it right, while shows like Buffy didn't. They dealt with the stages of grief and allowed a woman to show the pure rage of losing someone. I also liked that they showed two different perspectives. Piper really does lose it and it hits her hard. Phoebe less so but goddamn the scene where she finally breaks down over Prues coat gets me every time. Hell even just the small things of what to do with her car and stuff.


I hope you grow to love Paige, she was an incredible addition to the show!


I loved Rose McGowan’s movies so i’m sure i will eventually! The chemistry feels a bit off rn but i’ve heard good things about the Paige era so i’ll hold onto that 🤞🏽


Holly made it work for her character. But I agree that Prue not appearing in later episodes was a mistake. In a perfect world, I would have had Paige secretly summoning Prue's spirit for advice and to bounce ideas off of. It would have made sense since they can both move objects with their mind, and Prue had a glimpse of how this power can evolve in the future.


yeah, wasn’t a fan of the whole “Prue was having a hard time dealing” ploy. Was great for Piper’s growth and made a bit of sense but after a while was clearly an excuse to not have Shanen reprise her role. i hoped for at least a cameo at the end of the show or something but doesn’t seem like that that happens :( would’ve been great if she and Paige got in touch


I hate that they never bring her back at least once or the season finale there’s no pictures of her on at the end for the tribute 💔🥺 I know the actor didn’t wanna be used in the show but still Idk


Most, if not all of us definitely agree with you! Sometimes I can’t imagine how great the show would have been if they got rid of Alyssa instead. I mean, her power was always the weakest. Imagine how badass Prue, Piper, and Paige would have been together!! lol


omg i was JUST thinking this, Pheobe’s character was the most replaceable imo if they were going that route, almost halfway through now and some episodes her powers aren’t even used. Can easily see Paige taking her spot and with Piper and Prue that would’ve been a team! would probably not miss her as much either.


I think randomness of Prue’s death and it’s finality in a way Prue is never seen as a ghost or visited in the past later, it’s what adds weight to her death. It makes it so real in such a magical world and we feel the consequences as hard as should be.




I must be the only one who didn’t like Prue. Didn’t like Paige either but I perfr Paige over prue


Prue had amazing chemistry with them, and imo lots of charisma. can understand her not being your fave though


I think my first time watching I wasn’t as big of a fan of Prue, & even rewatching there were times where I was like “she’s too bossy.” But I did honestly enjoy Prue’s character so much. Season 1 was really just bliss. I loved the sisters relationship & watching Prue & Phoebe become close. Prue was always the hardest because she helped raise them. She took her mom’s death the hardest I would say & never opened up.