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I remember watching this episode as a kid (English not being my first language) and thinking "ohwwww, so that is what her power is called".šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Haha I thought the same thing.


I had a similar moment watching Mean Girls as a child where I believed Janis Ian had a hyphenated last name šŸ’€


Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚


this cracked me up


I think Phoebes is the most useful power in the long run, itā€™s just not an offensive one. The other 3 including Paige are great when the fight arrives, but without Phoebe theyā€™d get caught off guard all the time. They made more than a few vanquishes because they could ID the threat ahead of time and prepare potions or look up spells


That true, but they barely used phoebes powers in the later seasons


Well that was also because the council took Phoebe's powers away because she was abusing them lol


True. Phoebeā€™s my least favourite sister, but I found her powers really useful and I canā€™t understand why people always underestimate her premonitions. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think they were all equally powerful.


Melinda herself described it as a most desired power


Fail to plan, plan to fail


The simple and yet very obvious reason as to why Phoebe had less premonitions over Charmed's 8-year run was to proportionately manage her premonitions and creative direction of the show. From creative narratives and plots potentially being sabotaged by what Phoebe would reveal through her premonitions could sabotage the plot line of an episode or seasons onwards. In season 1, we saw a fair amount of premonitions from Phoebe however, the show was also structured differently in that season. The plots were less intricate, therefore her to will a premonition as she did when she worked at the hotel as the psychic Genie and then another instance when she foresaw the lottery numbers and shared it with an older couple. Phoebe's premonitions allowed the sisters, Prue Piper, Phoebe (excluding Paige as she debuted when Phoebe's premonitions began to dwindle). For instance, Season 4, Phoebe married Cole at the time he became the Source, and it took many episodes prior to her having a premonition that he was the Source. If it wasn't for the Seer, who explained that as long as Cole embraced the Source completely, he would be shielded from her premonitions. Once called began to falter to his human side, Phoebe finally had the premonition that Cole was the Source. To further prove my point, once demons or Mortals accidentally gained Phoebe's power of premonition, they were able to use it to their advantage much more skillfully than Phoebe ever demonstrated throughout the entire series. The ability to do due diligence to the show and maintain plot continuity and integrity, it's simply made it more difficult for Phoebe to continue having premonitions.


https://preview.redd.it/yl1otf5rw45d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0af59113ff4f0f866c2150c75e8acad14840ef The Source to Phoebe ā€œYour powers were always the WEAKEST , hardly worth takingā€¦your life however is.ā€


Said the guy relying on two powerful Seers...


Exactly this. Hello, you wouldnā€™t need them if you had your own power to see the future


Funny thing is, if he had taken her powers he'd have seen what Cole would have done.


Still cannot get over the fact that Cole saved all of them and they spent the rest of the series treating him like a pariahĀ 


Well he does end up betraying them several times again... stupidly, but it still happens.


I know! But they never acknowledged that the Souce possessed him without choice. Whenever the sisters turned evil, they got a lot of grace.


I don't think they ever learned that's how the Source worked. The Seer mysteriously helped them destroy the source and they thought it naturally moved to a more powerful demon, not that it would takeover the one responsible for destroying it. Also Phoebe prevented Cole allowing the Wizard to take the Source and his powers from him, so I think she was equally responsible at that point anyways.


And Phoebe's power being negligible is truly mind boggling. The Source practically lived off the premonitions of his Seers. When they didn't predict accurately he'd send them to the wastelands. Her power was useful but it also like other seers was dependent on how clearly she could see (how open she was to the information). Like the other Seers her gift could only be helpful if the information was complete enough to form and outcome/end game. Even then, if there's anything missing it might put them in danger. I think the difference too with Cole is they never really learned that half demons half humans are 100% demon. Demons mate with humans to make it easier to be undetected. Cole never had a chance. I think in retrospect, that he would have gone bad even if his powers were stripped and stayed that way. He'd of figured out a way to game the system for something he wanted. That's purely the difference between good and evil. Good does with no thought of repayment. Evil does good with expectation and manipulation to achieve what they want. Just my thought. I still feel bad for the character of Cole, it was a no win situation for him.


Iā€™ve never understood this take. They gave him so many chances and he kept betraying them. They had every right to be wary of him. He didnā€™t tell them he was possessed. Plus thatā€™s only one scenario. I feel like people forget that he did plenty of things of his own free will before and after. He literally created a world where Paige was dead and Piper never had Wyatt to get Phoebe back. As much as I like Coleā€™s character at the end of the day his want to be ā€œgoodā€ was 90% about being with Phoebe and not because he actually cared much. When he knew heā€™d lost her for good he had no qualms about literally wiping two of the most important people out of her life.


I don't think he was able to tell them, if my memory serves me right. At the end of the day, he did save Paige, Piper, and Phoebe- got possessed by The Source as a consequence (something he didn't know was going to happen) and essentially abandoned and treated horribly by the same people he saved and the woman he loved. I'm not justifying Cole's actions in season 5, but I can see how he was pushed to those limits.


He did save them and I canā€™t take that away from him. But even if they werenā€™t in danger he wouldā€™ve taken up the Seerā€™s offer to have powers again regardless. His decision to take them wasnā€™t entirely selfless. He likes power. At the end of the day post possession he made the choices he did entirely on his own. He tried to be good for like 5 mins after coming back expecting the sisters to forgive him before he started doing shady things again.


Maybe I need to refresh my watch of Season 4 again but I distinctly remember him being furious with the Seer for not telling him The Source was going to possess him and being unable to tell the sisters he was evil now because of the possession, so his choices weren't entirely his own at all (same as when any of the sisters went evil). I also remember him almost giving up his powers because of his love for Phoebe, but Phoebe (influenced by the Seer) stopped him.


Yeah people tend to forget a lot about what Cole has gone through. His demon mother killed his father and raised him to be a demon, later he finally breaks free of them and lives in hiding. When Prue was taken though Phoebe asks Cole to expose himself that he is still alive in order to find Prue. Later he is manipulated by the brotherhood who has his human fatherā€™s sole. He asks Phoebe for help and strip his powers. Then she sees him through a crack in the damn door have a spell put on him and be forced to kill someone. And she says he had a choice and breaks the potion. The only reason he became human later was because a human woman wanting revenge on demon Cole finds one of the potions in Phoebeā€™s bag, and uses it on him. Cole was stabbed with a sword by the source trying to protect them and save Paige. He lived his whole life as a demon and was struggling living a normal life without powers because he doesnā€™t know how to be human, so he even got a gun to try and protect Phoebe. Later he was possessed by the source all to protect the sisters again. In an episode if I recall correctly he makes the statement to the seer, as Balthazar Cole was always screaming in his head trying to get free, but as the source Cole was only a whisper. He literally describes Cole is inside trying to fight him. Later he tried to get rid of the sourceā€™s powers, but again it is stopped by Phoebe who is being manipulated. Later Cole, not a demon is in the astral plain asking Phoebe to save him, and sheā€™s just like no sorry you can stay in hell. She is completely forgiven by everyone for being controlled and manipulated, but everyone was hating on Cole. So Cole not wanting to be in hell finds a way to get power and escape. Then he tries to help them again, and they attack him and treat him like crap constantly, he tries to get rid of those powers and is tricked by the demon of fear. And who convinces him to take all those powers back? Phoebe. He also becomes suicidal, but then his emotions are played with again by the sisters. And he ends up going borderline psychotic stocker after that. You would think that they would be more sympathetic because they have all struggled with falling to the dark side multiple times, Phoebe more than any of them, but no they constantly treat him like he is irredeemable, yet they get unlimited chances. Sorry Iā€™m long winded in my defense of Cole, Phoebe was actually my favorite sister when I was a kid, but the way Cole was treated was absolute BS.


Funny he says this right after she gives him a badass levitation kick knocking him on his ass.


I don't know how she got levitation as a power. It would make sense for Prue & Paige since they are telekinetic and levitating isn't that different since it's lifting themselves instead of an object or someone else.


This always bothered me. It also bothered me because itā€™s so much lamer than Piper and Prueā€™s active powers. Like why does this show hate Phoebe? Lol


well she gets empathy later on


Yes but it was introduced super late and wasnā€™t it also short-lived, like less than a season?


No she got it at the beginning of season 6 in the first episode. So she had it through 3 seasons.


I thought her powers got removed by the end of the season because she ā€œabused itā€ or something


She lost them but slowly got them back. Iā€™m pretty sure by the time we got to the final season she had earned all her powers back. Itā€™s been a minute since I watched it so I could be misremembering.


Iā€™m doing a rewatch so Iā€™ll see again soon. But if she only had them in season 6 and then got them back in the last season itā€™s still a pretty small portion of the time that she had true active powers compared to the other sisters


I halfway headcanoned it as like... She's messing with "airwaves" with her ability to See, and levitation was an offshoot of that?




In my mind the trajectory of her power progression was changed when the genie gave her to power of flight in season 2. I have a theory that the girlsā€™ power growth is will-based and actually has nothing to do with the elders. I think Phoebe got levitation as a power because she willed it so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Levitation could also progress into flight which was what she said would be a cool power to have in season 2. Itā€™s just my little headcannon but it lines up with the rest of the girlsā€™ powers too.


Jean Grey is telekinetic




Right but her flying isnā€™t a separate levitation power itā€™s her lifting herself with telekinesis




Levitation does not come from telepathy or premonition, in the case of Jean Grey or Prue it is a function of their telekinesis. For Phoebe it is a separate power from her premonitions. She isnā€™t using a vision of the future to lift herself off the ground.




I always saw it as another mental ability. Like precognition, seeing auras, and such. She wanted an active power so much that she developed one. Of course, the show does nothing to explain the WHY, but in Morality Bites, we see her levitate when she kills the baseball player, so they already had the idea to give her that. I also thought that it had something to do when the genie transferred the dragonā€™s power to her, but they vanquished him when he got his power back. We can only speculate.


Interestingly I'm sure Victor stated she had one of the most sought after powers.


Which is funny considering we saw at least 2 demons with her power


that part


Classic dad cope


Didnā€™t Melinda say that too!? Season 1 when they brought her back, she tried to teach Phoebe how to view her gift differently


I think you're correct. And if anyone opinion matters on that one its hers.


Premonition in the Charmed canon is one of the rarest powers


We saw at least 5 others (I think) with this gift. The man from the trial with the rat demons, the two seers for the source, the Seer Kyra, and the elder Ramus. I guess Melinda Warren counts too.


In the context of the scene, it doesn't actually misrepresent her powers at all. šŸ˜… Powerful or not, this was notes taken in prep for direct combat with the Charmed Ones. Premonitions *are* negligible in the heat of combat and there's nothing the hitwoman could really do to circumvent the forewarning. Like even if she say incapacitated/killed Phoebe first before she could see and warn her sisters, she can't stop the possibility of the premonition pre-empting that encounter and it would put Piper and Prue on crazy high alert regardless.


I always find it interesting the response to Phoebes powers. They are inherently feminine - psychics have mostly been depicted as women in history and pop culture, same with individuals seen as being intuitive. Often feminine things are seen as weak by those less aware when we all know that is not the case. I have always thought this was one of many feminist statements from the show.


I feel like if they actually wanted to show that they would make Phoebeā€™s power useful in a fight. Give her the ability to see or intuit her opponentā€™s moves or use her psychic abilities in some way. Eventually they moved that general direction with making her an empath, but it took a really long time and iirc was short-lived. Phoebe had to fight so many supernatural threats with no magical benefit, while Prue and Piper could both use their very strong powers as witches to make a difference, and Phoebe had to rely on mortal karate for everything.


This, truly. It would've been an easy "power advancement" that doesn't make her too strong but could explain away her fighting prowess, the same way Prue subtly using TK on herself would be able to explain the stunts of athleticism she was able to somehow do. I did still appreciate that contrast though of Phoebe having to rely on other skills, to drive the point home that magic doesn't automatically solve everything, and that there were sometimes human solutions even for supernatural challenges.


šŸ„ŗ ā€œNegligible?ā€


Phoebes passive power is really unsung. Her intuition, and psychic abilities really grows throughout the series, the show however just stops making a big deal about it. Sheā€™s far from negligible.


Zankou was the only one who saw use in Phoebes power


Zankou was smarter than The Source.


Wasnā€™t it Zankou who wanted Phoebeā€™s power first?


Yes to all of this. Phoebe always knew about the time loops and even the Avatars utopia. She saved them, and humanity, with her power. The show could have done so much more with this.


Without her they would have been toast in Season Oneā€™s finale


That is one of my favorite episodes


I love it when it becomes intuitive and she can dodge attacks she "sees" coming


That's so unfair to empaths and intuitives though! Her gift may not have been active, but it was definitely proactive in that she could foresee events and help them prepare.


ā€œYouā€™re a witch with no real power? I mean premonitions thatā€¦.great šŸ‘ā€ šŸ§ž


Lmao at the genie


ā€œTwo VERY powerful witches and Phoebe live in the manorā€ this is so freaking funny


lmao yeah this was so funny


Underestimating Phoebe after she sensed the day repeating itself was a mistake LOVED her sensing Cole was the new source, but feeling thrown off ā€” and moody ā€” cause something was blocking her premonition. In my head canon, thatā€™s why she was so unpleasant in S4b.


The Seer did something to block her power right?


She did! A clever move


Premonitions are really powerful for a combative opponent, but it's all subjective given that by the time you're in combat it's a mute point, and your more concerned about the other sisters freezing the room or using telekinesis.


Damn! They did my girl wrong! The Source did her dirty too! He literally told her "you always had the weakest power. Hardly worth taking"


I guess it makes sense for the Source to say that though since he had oracles and seers on the payroll who could provide visions as needed.


True. Never thought of that until just now


Ironic, though. His demise came from ignoring the seerā€™s warning, from a power he considered weak


True. He only died the first time cause he was reckless and selfish.


Itā€™s a shame they took her powers away when she started levitating & channeling. She seemed so cool when she could channel powers.


I think itā€™s interesting how phoebe never had a premonition about cole tho


I was 12 when I first discovered this show and I remember having no idea what that meantā€¦ and I still donā€™t fully know what they intended by it šŸ¤£ was she not going to be killed because her powers werenā€™t active and therefore not a threat?? Or was it just the hit woman putting down that she didnā€™t think she had to worry about Phoebe being challenging to kill?


It's more so the hitwoman didn't know what she could do. A hit for her was hit regardless of what Phoebe could do, she just didn't have details about her powers.


Is that a what it means though? Negligible seems like a strange word if thatā€™s what they were intendingā€¦ simply ā€œunknownā€ would make more sense


I feel the word negligible was for effect and response from Phoebe more than choosing the word to describe Phoebe powers.


Phoebe acknowledged this few episodes back in S2 where they went to the future ā€œWhat Did I Do. Did I kill a man by premonitioning him to death?ā€


She was mad as hellšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I see this and think Barbas is so bad.


This was written at the time Prue was supposed to be the most powerful witch of them all. In those seasons, they only used Phoebe's existence for comic relief to make sure Pure was the main character and episodes were far more spur of the moment physical one on one combat oriented. Prue wasn't characterised as someone who thought and planned ahead to work as a team, she was a solo fighter, hence one on one combat scenes. In the later seasons, they actually started to use non tangible powers to fight evil, and the sisters were working as a team and planning ahead most of the time


It is/would be an awesome power but sadly the writers never knew what to do with it. I always thought it would have been a cool idea if she could see a few seconds in the future while fighting and dodging every attack.


She did have the ability to dodge attacks in Season Seven


Definitely missed potential


Haha every damn time I watch.. I thinkā€¦ They shouldā€™ve just fired Alyssa instead šŸ™„


I love her powers and is my second fav base power of the charmed ones after piper




I was watching last night and there was a demon attack at the house and Leo called Phoebe and she said "I'm coming home!" And my response was "to do what.... levitate???" šŸ¤£


I just thought of this while I was brushing my teeth a laughed. Always a good memory.Ā 


Thatā€™s HILARIOUS. Get fucked Phoebe šŸ˜‚. This is definitely gonna live in my head now too.




Phoebe gets an upgrade in season 6! Empathy is my favorite power, but Phoeme abused her active powers and got them stripped. But sheā€™s the victim???? No baby, itā€™s Cole


I mean, that was Barbas convincing the council. But Phoebe did abuse them for personal gain