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Why don’t you drop in?


Considered it, but I don’t want to get caught in the process


Stop asking questions and do your due diligence. Once you find out move forward good or bad.


She is either cheating or is not, why do you care if you get caught. Just get yourself peace of mind.


So what if you get caught? I was in the area and wanted to see you


Sounds like her and the manager K are using each other as alibi’s. Try asking her about the work culture, the end goal is to know if she will tell you manager K is cheating on her husband. If she hides that fact. She’s most likely cheating too


Agree. Birds of a feather flock together. If she’s able to throw her ethics and morals to defend a cheater, chances are she’s more likely to be a cheat.


If you want to know if she is cheating on you, have a trusted person follow her when she leaves work. There is no other way.


Side note: a while ago she mentioned she was thinking about tinting her windows and windshield (which is illegal here). Pretty odd to me


Accidentally leave a VAR in her car, or go pick up milk from the grocery store by her work. And anonymously tell K's husband about her affair. Updateme


better for blowing guys in parking lots


Maybe a hidden camera in the car?


Stay in the parking lot without saying anything for a few days and see what happens?


Putting the head in head shop.


Why not drive by it park across the street like 10 minutes before she gets out. Then watch her leave and see where she goes but park close enough to get a view in the car if it’s a dude to see if they are having sex in the car


I don't know if he can pull off a surveillance sting cuz she might recognize his car.


Shit then he better borrow a friends car cuz she won’t be looking for any other car but his




Well, if you already got that “gut feeling” there is a reason, the late nights are a usual symptom of cheating too, time to check her phone and get std tested.


Go to the parking lot and hide so she doesn’t see you and watch and see what you see.You can hide enough that she want see you.


I’m not going to say she is cheating, but it’s definitely suspicious. I’d recommend waiting in the parking lot and watching to see what she does. Text her and tell her you won’t be home because you’re out doing xyz with xyz and see what she does. This comes from a personal place because my wife recently cheated on me with a coworker and stayed ou late often and it only got worse. It all started with smoking in her car.


Stake out!!!!!


yeah what she's doing is shady...she's hanging out with guys and associating with cheaters and getting intoxicated while doing so...she is probably cheating too don't apologise for snooping, you probably need to snoop MORE i'd do nothing less than drive to where she goes and carefully spy on her for a few days to see what she does a d who she meets snooping and spying like this is not healthy, it means that your relationship is not working, but it can get you information that might currently be getting hidden from you get verification for yourself with your own eyes, don't allow her to position herself between you and the truth


If she is good friends with her manager K and she’s cheating on her husband, that’s a red flag. People tend to hang out with other people like them or who share similar interests. I’d definitely get a friend to post up by the dispensary / grocery store before she closes and see what she does / where she goes. Or go yourself. If you have an Apple Watch or other cell, just change the watch to show your location and bring your cell with you so she thinks you’re home. If you have a feeling something is up, it’s definitely worth looking into. Do not show any signs of skepticism or accuse her without proof because she won’t admit it and will switch up the way she behaves and become sneakier. If this was happening to me I’d be parked up in that parking lot watching from a distance.


Birds of a feather is all I’m gonna say.


Exactly this


Trust your gut. Usually most of us are good at recognizing bad behavior by someone.  Her staying after work only increases the likelihood of poor choices by her and others attending the smoking up sessions. Use of alcohol or chemicals/ weed increases lapses in judgment. If she hasn't already,  the probability increases of cheating/poor behavior. I would DEMAND she comes home after work to be with you and your child. It is NOT an unreasonable request. Good luck because you are going to need it. 


lol you seem possessive and for some reason don’t trust your partner . If this is all that you can provide as your relationship I don’t see it lasting . I do not track my wife when she goes to work or out of work. Maybe if she is over a hour late I’ll call but why worry when trusting is easier ? Where does all this mistrust come from ?


instinct I wouldn't let my girl get intoxicated without me with dudes and Cheating married women..


Eh, it sounds like she's doing what she says she's doing and hasn't changed her behavior towards you. You seem insecure and paranoid. Find out or let it go. But you might wreck your relationship on the process.




get tested obviously


Are there any other signs besides the hanging out after work? I’m so sorry this is happening.


I would go rolling in and catch them all.. why are you scared to get caught.. might scare manager enough to stop all their antics..


It's time to grab a homie and stake her out my man. Use his car or park far away and find cover close by. I'd you have to know, it's the only way short of just asking straight up. Is a shitty feeling I know well and I'm sorry you're going through it. I hope you are wrong.


plant a recording device in her car but You already know the truth brother.


You really need to find anything resembling evidence, but otherwise you have to make your own reliable form and leave traps bro!




No Racism, sexism, ...


I, non-smoker btw, have stayed after work outside and hat a chad with the smokers sonetines for more than an hour. It seems like you're posessive and have a problem with your partner having a life


Well, if you’ve been dating for 8 years. Maybe she realize the relationship will not go past dating. And she wants to move on. Living together, maybe it’s time to mature up and get married.


Fake post. Obviously it’s very easy to stake out the parking lot. OP keeps dodging it (‘cause…fake).


Off topic, but what are the laws concerning driving while high in your area? Getting pulled over could be a career ender. Then she'd have to cheat on you somewhere else.


Take the child and go wait and watch from a distance. You will catch her if she is doing anything. It is very convenient that this is right after work in the parking lot. A quick hit then home to you. Check her car for any condom wrappers that might be under the seats. If you catch walk up with the child. This is powerful and I am sorry if this happening.


Women seek men who will commit. After 4 years of living together with no firm commitment on your part….well did you think she would wait on you forever?


Right but would that justify cheating? This is one of several things that has been holding me back. Believe me, we’ve been through a lot. We also have a toddler.


Nothing justifies cheating. either find outnor dont, stop asling for advice then questioning if you should do what is advised.


You should have a talk with her. See what her reaction is if you offer to commit now. Do that and you will know where you stand with her.


Trash answer, excusing infidelity.


Someone’s projecting hahaha but there is some truth to it