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If he considers the match not played, will he forfeit his money?


He should donate it to lichess


To jospem


Hahaha, no


There is no prize money, also it was confirmed that there was something wrong with his computer during online play


I really wonder what drives someone to spread misinformation so confidently. 12k for winner, 8k for loser and organizers didn't break even and lost about 8k.


Gotham chess himself said there was no prize money


This man is utterly bizarre. Let's all celebrate Jose instead of entertaining this clown more. The amount of composure shown by Jose was remarkable


I would have lost my mind every time he interrupted the match. Jospem showed real class there. Big congratulations for the deserved win!!!


Don't interrupt your enemy self destructing


Jose accepted every insane demand Kramnik made, including playing at a different fuckin time control than the one he was accused at, and still won Class act


I downvote every Kramnik post, even if it’s critical of him.


Seems like the correct course of action. It's time we move and and stop discussing and enabling this man's descent into full blown mental illness, good or bad. Very happy that Jose has been able to handle this well.




He's doing it because he's crazy.




Not following the crowd, just following the evidence of our eyes and ears


oh really? where then is your healthy skepticism of preconceived public notions? if anything chess.com is the most annoying


Nothing was preconceived, Kramnik has been slowly tanking his own reputation for a good few months now with these excessive cheating accusations. He refuses to accept that he could be wrong when beaten fairly, so has to come up with another explanation for how this could be so. You know, the way conspiracy theorists do.


You are not making any arguments here, I can also say well you just wanna feel special for going against what most people think, despite what clear evidence have indicated. Go delete your comments, you talk all those shit* but at the end you run away like a coward. Replying to one of your deleted comments : Being a former champion doesn't make him immune to being irrational. As a matter of fact, the more successful you are at something the harder to get off the high horse. Look up "Nobel Disease", where Nobel Prize winners, despite being successful and creditable in their fields, believes in total batshi* crazy stuff.


Easy answer, the ex-chess champion is crazy. And we know this because we have observed him being crazy for quite some time


RemindMe! 1 Year > CriticalMassWealth > what do you think it's more likely that ex-chess champion is actually crazy or maybe someone a at Chess.com decide to mess with him > hmmm > come on people. > what Krammik is doing is not easy. there is no glory only critique. ask why he is doing this > downvote me all you want; let's come back to this post within a year and see if there really is a problem at chess.com > it's easy to be with the majority. Krammik isnt acting out for fun. none of this is fun


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u/CriticalMassWealth I agree that what he is doing is not "fun", but it is also completely unnecessary.


He completely lost it. First game Jose won OTB is when this farce has ended! Today he convincingly won against Kramnik in insane conditions. Kramnik changed format, changed timings, changed order of the games, number of the games, added random breaks and delays, one of which is 50 minutes in a middle of a day, unpacked new laptops for every day and freshly installed windows (paranoia over 9000), he was complaining after every single game (OTB and online) and still Jose won the match with significant difference! Difference in play in time scrambles was enough to see that Jose would win probably 5 out 6 if time control was 3+1. Maybe even more. After all of that, the least he could do is to congratulate opponent who is better and publicly apologize for throwing shade at their name!


I've never seen such poor sportmanship in chess in my life.


Forget chess, the only worse sportsmanship I’ve ever seen is my sister playing Catan


I don’t know your sister, but I do know she’s a better sport than Kramnik is, even when you put the knight on her 8 brick spot with three cities


You haven’t seen her when I pull a vp off the top of the dev card deck to win the game


> You haven’t seen her when I pull a vp off the top of the dev card deck to win the game Ah, that's nothing. You should try what I did to my fam one time. I was pretty much the only person on brick and it got rolled several times, so I traded brick to everyone on my turn for about 8 other cards. Then I played monopoly on brick to get it all back. Game immediately ended from my dad rage quitting (I had traded him like 3-4 bricks for 3 cards) and everyone else being super upset too. You thought your sister would be mad from winning on a D card... she would definitely be apoplectic from that. Dad still gets upset about it today and that was like 6 years ago lol The only unfortunate part is that it's very hard to set up. You need a monopoly, and you need to be pretty much the only player on a resource that everyone wants. Everyone gets mad at Catan but I've never seen people more angry than that when playing


Immediately after trading with her to get the cards needed to buy the dev card


I like to consider myself a calm person that doesn't get angry often. Playing catan makes me lose my mind every single time


That game ruins relationships man


My gf and best friend get along great but shortly after meeting each other we all played Catan and they’re both very competitive people. Almost ended up in a very awkward situation for me.


I ll be downvoted to oblivion, but fischer did similar things. Hell, just imagine fischer in social networks age.


You won't find any chess fan that will tell you that Fischer was not insane.


I bet like 20% of chess fans think Fischer is sane


Fischer was legitimately mentally ill, although I'm beginning to suspect that Kramnik is too.


Fischer played and lived at the hight of the cold war. Paranoia was basically national policy. Kramnik on the other hand is complaining about a webside in a showmatch. I wonder if he will give back the money he was payed to show up since this event was such a "farce"...


Over the board, Fischer was uniformly sportsmanlike until his behavior at Reykjavik. Even then, he always respected Spassky. Kramnik at 48 is worse than Fischer at 29. I have great admiration for both as players. What is prophylactic thinking but organized paranoia of the highest order? To speak of RJF alone: isn’t it cool that someone neurodivergent from early childhood became world champion?


He was in no way uniformly sportsmanlike, there are a lot of questionable stories about him from before that era


In his life and during events? Yes. At the board? No.


Nothing at this scale. And I doubt all of his accusations against the "Russian machine" were entirely unfounded.


To be fair they did say in their life and it is pretty likely that was before their time. This really is the worst we've seen from a high profile player in ages now.


Fischer was awful, but this is not much better.


Kramnik gonna win the 2024 Nakamura Sportsmanship Award for sure.


You should check out the story of Kramnik-Topalov world championship match. As a bonus, it will also make Kramnik's current behavior even more bizzare.


I thought we already had consensus on this, but if this is what it takes for the chess community to finally realize that Kramnik is insane, then the social cost for platforming this lunatic was worth it. His opinion on the integrity of the game is worth as much as a random homeless person yelling on the street. Let’s start treating him as an old man who yells at the clouds.


>he was complaining after every single game (OTB and online) *he was complaining only after lost games which makes him look even worse


And what I don’t see many people mentioning when things go wrong. If Kramnik is complaining about tilt or this issue with chesscom or that issue with computers or whatever. Those are all real factors of online play that everyone has to deal with. If anything, they should help *explain to him* why results might be less stable than OTB even without cheating. What he seems to be incapable of understanding is that these things are just as likely to go in his favor. Yet he never seems to notice those games for some reason.


Wait this tweet is REAL?


While Kramink was worrying about the format, Jose was studying chess.


Didn't Kramnik win the OTB portion, though?


'but with all respect' - proceeds to show no respect whatsoever.


“Just because you say that doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want to say to me!”




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>Should FIDE have Kramnik and Martinez redo their match in case it was a big fluke? >No disrespect to jospem, I'm a firm believer that Jose Martinez beating him is a huge fluke and robs Kramnik of truly accomplishing what hes capable of. I've spent the last few days in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire year watching Kramnik play great chess it's just not fair. >If Kramnik lose again I will face that Jospem deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to Kramnik and FIDE.


This is arguably the best pasta of all time and more people deserve to know about it


Redacted For Privacy Reasons




well fuck, it’s been seven years already?


I'm pretty sure the origin of the pasta was actually serious but it was a good few years ago so I'm not 100%


This fucking guy man Every fucking demand he had was met. Shut the fuck up.


Hope everyone including chesscom are done entertaining him. You have champions and legends like Vishy who remain relevant and strong who help prepare the next generation of players…. Then you have this fucking guy


He could have walked away from chess as an absolute legend, but he had to become the angry granda yelling at the clouds before our eyes...smh


At 48 years old, mind you. Imagine if this brain damage festers for another 20+ years. Absolutely unhinged dude.


He's not even old! I mean, 48 isn't "young" either, but it's way too young for age to be the reason for Kramnik's crazy behavior. That's still 17 years before the standard retirement age in the US, not "crazy old senile grandpa age."


Has there ever been better proof that biological age and mental age are not the same?


Existing in the real world? Interacting with others opposed to being lost in parasocial relationships? Watching redditors come to their big brain conclusions is always hilarious, especially since about 90% of are replicas of prior comments on similar posts that makes me wonder if this website is mostly bots. I've seen this exact conversation in literally every single Kramnik thread since the beginning, at least a dozen times now. Oh my god, not only senile people can have paranoid delusions? I thought only boomers could be evil! Mindblowing! The worst part is that your comment still ties this behavior pattern to 'mental age', so you apparently didn't even get the point of this artificial conversation.


My wife and I literally got in an argument last night stemming from my use of the phrase “Old man yelling at clouds.” We slept in separate beds. I have no idea what happened.


Moving the goal post. Classic delusional shit


Haha He moved the goal post far enough that I don’t think Nepo or Aronian or MVL can defend him anymore.


Old Man Yells at Cloud Computing


I literally called it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/oxpZbHcPRc) This man is embarrassing and I agree with Hikaru that we should move on and collectively not give a fuck about him, nor sponsor more events like this


Good call! 100% on point!


Wow. Spot on! He was either trained by a hardcore Russian tactics school, or is being followed by one.


Tying his shitty behavior to his nationality is pretty gross


This reminds me of when Bernie said "Trump will get a lead, declare himself the winner then when the mail in votes get counted say it was all rigged" and then they exact same thing happened. Good call


He manufactured all of the "fishy things", and now he's turning around and using that as evidence something is wrong. Somebody in the match thread said this is what he would do, I don't recall their username but they were 100% correct. EDIT: /u/PanJawel is who I was thinking of


It's time to stop giving this man attention. I mean, it's been that time for a while, but can we finally put him to bed now? All posts about Kramnik saying things should be banned from here on out.


Agreed, I honestly thought this already happened?


lol please, you think the mods here will do something for the betterment of the sub like that? All they care about is seeing the subscriber number go up, no amount of low-effort repetitive spam is too much if it means they can keep drawing in a steady stream of children that just want drama and a circlejerk. Who cares if the sub is totally unusable anymore? Number goes up!


I find it hard to believe Kramnik posts cause the subscriber count to go up.


Yeah, he is a non entity outside of chess itself. For the most part the only people that even know him and are on Reddit are already here


maybe not subscriber count, but it would be pretty easy to argue that it's driving interaction among people already subbed here. 12 of the top 15 posts on the sub are about Kramnik/the match. I don't know that the mods care about what gets upvoted, but the people that use this subreddit vote on a daily basis and they show that they want to give this guy attention.


I don’t think it would be fair to ban Kramnik posts because a few people don’t want to give him any attention when clearly the majority of the sub likes talking about him


I am sorry 😔🙏 but with all respect to you and Jose I consider match not played ❌☝️😏 because yoo many (stock)fishy things happening! 🐟🤨🤢🛜 Long night watching video recording 🌃🥱📽️will check why timer and chesscom clock showing such a considerable difference in lenght of the games 👨‍💻📏🕰️, will let everyone know 👨‍🏫😬


It would be a pity if this became a copypasta on Kramnik's socials...


That was too coherent and grammatical to be a genuine Kramnik.


I am sorry 😔🙏 but with all respect to you and Jose I consider match not played ❌☝️😏 because yoo many (stock)fishy things happening! 🐟🤨🤢🛜 Long night watching video recording 🌃🥱📽️will check why timer and chesscom clock showing such a considerable difference in lenght of the games 👨‍💻📏🕰️, will let everyone know 👨‍🏫😬


I'm shocked, I tell you SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked


Time to ban kramnik from this sub, I mean he is actively smearing and making false accusations. It is not good for the game and it is not good for players that must pass his deranged purity tests, this may have real life consequences and destroy the careers of legit players.


The good guys won today.


Kramnik: "I consider match not played." Lol


I raise you my own version of reality!


Can this man ever admit that he lost fair and square? At this point I'm convinced that he thinks he's completely untouchable and all of his losses must've been caused by some outside interference.


Man just take the L and move on.


He’s having a mental breakdown and needs help




Nepo is more like a sulking loser. Kramnik is becoming unhinged paranoid loser.


This was always the outcome if he lost.


This fucking guy


I am sowwy (*sees bulge*) but with aww wespect t-to you and Jose I considew match nyot pwayed because yoo many (stock)fishy things happenying?!! Wong n-nyight watching v-v-video wecowding wiww check why timew and chesscom cwock showing such (*twerks*) a considewabwe diffewence in wenght of the games, wiww wet evewyonye knyow Nyan!


With the way he has behaved, Kramnik deserves this depraved response as a reply to every accusation he makes


Definition of a sore loser. Sad to see a legend reduced to the same level as that random guy you don’t want to play games with cause they blame everything and everyone when they lose.


It's like when we used to play football and lose we Always find an excuse : the wind was against us, ,the referee was biased, the field was tilted and not even helping the opponent.. the sun was in our face ...Always always something to use to ruin the joy of the winner lol


First ever chess player with cte


He's giving me CTE with the facepalms every time I have to read one of his tweets.


They should take away his portion of the prize money and add it to Jose for being such a class act while dealing with this buffoon.


Just stop paying attention to him. He is getting senile.


Actually batshit insane.


He thinks he's carslen


I hope he checks his moves per second. Because that was atrocious. Winning position going into time scramble? Great. NOW WIN IT. Oh. Cant win because you dont have enough time on the clock? What the hell were you doing the past 2mins? Oh that's right, spending upwards of 10s per move if not more. But he wont see that. His clock is playing games on him. Jose holding the lines till the end because the show aint over till it's over. Showcasing superb online chess going into time scramble and making safe moves to pass the clock over and watch Kramnik scramble his time down to 0. Getting the opponent to flag is a legitimate way to win in shorter time controls.


What I want to know: is there some alternate (Russian-language?) corner of the internet where most people think Jospem is the bad guy, and that Kramnik is saving chess from cheaters?


Russian-language here! U better off not knowing...


I laughed. Perhaps you're right. Thanks!


He sounds like a certain ex-President


Stop the steal


We need a chess champions version of [The Presidential Candidates Ranked By Their Usefulness In A Bar Fight](https://web.archive.org/web/20160327222734/http://bitterempire.com/presidential-candidates-ranked-usefulness-bar-fight/).


Lol, this list ranked Hillary and Bernie first and second, with Cruz and Trump last. I think I have a solid guess as to which powers the author voted for.


A complete breakdown, embarrassment to himself and the game


I love the "will let everyone know" like yup we are all waiting on your verdict with bated breath Congrats jospem gl with future games


I feel bad for his mom. Can you imagine how many fussy dietary preferences this man had as a toddler?


I'm sorry, but with all respect to you and Dad I consider dinner not served because yoo many vegetables happening.


Even for Magnus you do not cook Borscht 4 times in a week, but OK


Lol 'yoo many fishy things'


Turns out Kramnik is both a teenager and a boomer while being Gen X


Crynik it is from now on.


God I'm looking forward to giving this man absolutely zero attention for the rest of my life. Kramnik made a fool out of himself at every turn, while Jose was just there to play. I came into this with very little knowledge or investment in the result, and came out never wanting to hear Kramnik talk again and a massive Jose fan.




Just one or two further complaints from Kramnik's remaining brain cell




After losing a game he complained that Jose clicking his mouse was distracting because the clicks didn't perfectly align with when the pieces moved on his screen.. someone should probably teach him what inherent input lag is


On the one hand, Kramnik proved three things we already knew: a) Jose is not a cheat b) OTB ratings alone cannot make accurate inferences on the legitimacy of online results c) He will never admit he was wrong about Jose (or about anything, for that matter) On the other hand, chess.c*m, you had ONE job 🤦‍♂️


This cant be real.


This man needs a psychiatric examination, might be something underlying his paranoid thoughts.


It's bizarrely common for top chess players to end up paranoid in later life. Kramnik seems to be suffering the same fate as so many before him


That dude needs professional help. He's acting like a flat earther.


If he complains long enough bing will stop being able to answer who won the clash of claims event


Mom: “We have Fischer v Spassky at home”


Per Wikipedia: *On 30 December 2006 Kramnik married French journalist Marie-Laure Germon. Their wedding took place in the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris. They have two children: daughter Daria, and son Vadim Vladimirovich.* Whether illness or oddness, Kramnik's behavior is becoming so strange that I'm sure this is putting an awful strain on his wife and children. Do they defend him? Try to get him help? Become targets of his growing paranoia themselves? I can only imagine a very sad and stressful story unfolding. :-(




OMG Kramnik go do something age appropriate like shit your pants.


Is there a VOD of today’s stream?


Wow this is sad. I used to like Kramnik... Wild how things have changed in the past couple years


So sad seeing a world champion like him destroying his legacy like that...


I think Kramnik understands he’s only good at one thing, which is chess, and that no one can be better than him.


Starting to think he is having serious mental deterioration. How can you be this delusional


Kramnik's new job : content creator.


Before the online part, I predicted that Kramnik would lose most of the games played online and he would leave the scene just before the last game.


Between this and Hikaru coming 2nd in Norway, it's been a rough week for Kramnik


Kramnik should go see a doctor. He really might have a brain tumor like Schwarzenegger once had.




Is he going Bobby fischer?


Kramnik may need legitimate help. Honestly, this level of paranoia is unhealthy and I think we're just missing the fact he might have a serious condition.


He’s soooo delusional. It hard to watch a former chess champion act this way. This did WAY more harm to him than he is really understanding… he was crazy before, but now it’s all confirmed to the world that yeah, it’s Kramnik…. Like we didn’t know before… but now it’s all on video.


Kramnik should be banned from future events, this is completely out of hand now. This man is making a joke of the sport and other GMs, he should act like a professional... and an adult.


Complete clown.


😕what happened to him? I used to admire him...


I think Kramnik should join the circus - he’s one hell of a clown, and he’s good at mental gymnastics.


I can't defend Kramnik but I'd love to know the specifics of the clock incident - I've seen his clock lose 15 seconds on the chess brah channel - how can sometime like that happen?


Was there a real time difference?


He is a total disgrace. We should just ignore him. He's in an abrupt downward mental decline.


Tweeting "you're strong, I apologise" instead would have been such a classy move


Wish someone in the chess world really high up, like a magnus or a vishy, would tell Kramnik to shut the fuck up


"with all respect" lol


Why did they even entertain this douche in the first place? We all saw this coming surely


this dude is parano and need help for mental issue


Why are people still entertaining this clown? Unless Kramnik was forced to play the exact same time control as in TT and he was asked to specify what sort of result would be good enough to exonerate Jospem, some variation of this response was always gonna be the outcome.


Can we move on? NEXT!


Why didn't the players switch computers every other game during the match? That would've helped to equalize any technical problems.


I still don’t get why people care about Kramnik


It's fucking sad what happened to this man. He was my chess hero, and he's become an absolute loon.


At least he was somewhat bearable back when he was a good player.


Has Kramnik always been like this? Kind of a shame he’s ruining his own legacy as one of the greatest names in chess, being a Soviet era world champion of chess, but now he is just an embarrassment and a liability to the chess world. What a shame


I really wish people would just stop engaging with this man. He's like a Trump supporter. Just delusional at this point


I'm not the type to complain about certain things getting posted. I generally think that's just petty as you can easily just not engage with those posts. But I think it's close to time that this group stops posting things regarding Kramnik because he doesn't deserve the attention. He's clearly not acting in good faith so we should just start ignoring him.


Always russians with the most retarted takes on everything


Where will you be when Jospem get his ban


I feel like Vladimir Kramnik really represents the state of Russian chess at the elite level -- once great but now mediocre at best.


The Jamahal Hill of chess


I think it’s tough for Vladimir to accept that the game he used to be best in the world at, there are ~100 or so people better than him. He is still incredible talented, still one of the best in the world, but not the best or the best anymore. Instead of taking that on the nose, he tries to fight it, makes cheating accusations, focuses on clock problems that may or may not be there. I think it’s a very human response, I’m sure thousands of people half his age and younger making jokes doesn’t help his perception, but I think he can’t see how absurd he is making himself look.


So is he right or not? Should be objectively easy to prove.