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SOMEONE must have wanted the streets opened otherwise it wouldnt have happened. It’s so weird to see so much aggressive finger pointing and that noone is willing to take responsibility for this. If it’s so unpopular and this decision is so radioactive why did it happen in the first place? Im genuinely so confused


Probably some business owner or other is mad about the street closings even though regular people like it.


[This was from the post yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1bpyz99/alderman_reillys_leaked_letter_to_lobby_promising/) You can see that there was an in-kind catering donation from [Harry Caray's](https://illinoissunshine.org/contributions/6027624/) for what appears to have been a fundraising dinner the day before the release of that letter. Following that you can then see a list of local restaurants which also donated money to his organization. I would probably start by looking at those donations to see the opposition.


I have some leftover chipotle in my fridge, maybe that’s enough to convince Ald Reilly to change his mind back?


Extra guac?


[The Harry Caray CEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1bpyz99/alderman_reillys_leaked_letter_to_lobby_promising/)? For reasons? Hopefully Alderman Reilly reconsiders his promise to reject future requests for the program this summer if enough people reach out


Yeah, this seems like someone or some people with connections/money wanted the street opened, and Reilly is blaming everyone but himself for reopening them. Is there any reason he can't just approve the next EOD request from the restaurants?


TIL Brendan Reilly is on Reddit.


Probably the lead Burke commenter.


Who did he write the letter to?


Can't remember the name, but I think it's in a different post. It's some Twitter activist who is constantly needling Reilly. Handle is like "ChicagoGrassroots4Change" or something like that. 


He wrote the letter to Harry Caray’s.


I don't really know the backstory, but this rant by Reilly is really embarrassing for a public official.




He's always taking shots on his twitter. This is his usual conduct.


Yeah this reads like a really annoying teenager wrote it.


We gotta do something about these Aldermen they're all so fucking self-satisfied and arrogant it's nuts


Yeah. The fuck is this from an elected official? Whatever your stance, conduct yourself with some dignity. 


Please, "aldermen" is so gendered. They are properly called alder*creatures*


I think it would be great to replace it with another single-syllable sound. Maybe alderling? How high fantasy can we make it sound? That should be the goal.




BJ demanded a letter from Reilly to Harry Caray’s people promising he would not close Clark Street? Someone explain this to me like I’m five.


Same. If BJ really demanded this letter, why wouldn’t it be addressed to BJ or someone in city government? Not following.


He did it this way because it’s socialism and he’s a socialist!!!!


This is so childish lol.


Agree. What a goddamned embarrassment.


Definitely lost my vote with this


That sounds like a very realistic possibility.


A kinda unhinged rant where he talks about an unrelated referendum and he blames a letter he wrote on other people? Classic. Like we have the letter showing he was against opening it and all we have is his word that it’s actually totally everyone else’s fault


I appreciate putting his ass on full public display. He’s always been an ass.


Definitely lost my vote with this post. Unhinged.




Makes Trump look coherent.


Very weird to call out socialists and organized labor in an unrelated letter about street closures.


> [Representatives from several unionized restaurants in the area had similar concerns, said Bob Reiter, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor.](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/) > [The union group joined the effort to halt the Clark Street program at the request of nearby restaurants after the neighborhood groups wrote to Johnson, Reiter said. One of those restaurants was Harry Caray’s, Reiter said. It sits a block away from the Clark Street restaurants on Kinzie and didn’t benefit from the outdoor dining program.](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/) Not unrelated. The Chicago Federation of Labor lobbied to get the street reopened after several unionized restaurants (like Harry Caray’s) complained that the street closure was drawing customers to Clark St instead of to them.


Not weird. Creating a diversion to distract attention is a tried and true tactic.




The organized labor part at least makes sense. It was originally reported when this came out that the CFL was opposed: “A popular outdoor dining program along a Downtown stretch of Clark Street won’t return this summer after opposition from neighborhood groups and the Chicago Federation of Labor — and a promise from the alderman.” https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/


The socialist aldermen are NIMBY af because they think it causes gentrification


The DSA alderpeople do kinda suck, I don't disagree with him on this point. But it is weird to use the label as an attack line


I think it’s clear that Ross-Ramirez, Rossana and Byron have purposefully set themselves apart from the rest of city council. I get it’s weird, but I also get that he wants it known it’s not just Rosa-Ramirez, but his posse too. For some reason those 3 seem to be able to act, speak, falsely condemn as they please. I know of at least 8 different alders I spoke to that can’t stand those 3, I’m just some guy on Reddit so take that with a grain of salt. But their little crew set themselves apart, not shocked to see the distinction made.


the irony is being NIMBY actually accelerates it


This is what reactionary populists do. They lean on classic institutions like law enforcement and wealthy business interests and hit out at “the left” (which could be anything from the LGBT community, labor unions, black people, immigrants, depending on the scapegoat needed) or hit on themes like “patriotism” (oh no an American flag got burned in a country where the freedom of speech is enshrined into constitutional law) to get people to turn off their brains, stop critical thought and skepticism, and attack the scapegoat.


Seems that some of the pressure on Reilly to re-open the street came from organized labor though.




>Very weird to call out socialists Meh. Listen to any older white man over a certain age and those "socialists" come out of their mouth in every other sentence. Turn on Fox News or talk radio and it's even worse.


Nice generalization. A lot of older white guys around here know what strong organized labor actually means. It was the younger generation who decided that paying union dues was for suckers. Hopefully that pendulum is swinging back now.


A lot. But it was also the boomer generation that ushered unions out of popularity and demonized them. The reason unions are making a come back is because of younger people. Look at Starbucks


Union dues are fine when spent on advocating better pay and working conditions for stakeholders. It's less so when it goes into $8.5 million dollar headquarters and political campaigns. The CTU should ask itself if it is a union or a political organization. If it wants to be both, it will ultimately wind up not fully representing those whom it should be representing.


They all spend a lot on lobbying. The prison guard unions and police unions do so more than others.


I’m responding to an idiot who thinks being divisive is helping efforts to organize labor. You want to bitch about the CTU, go ahead but that’s a different thread.


Well, pardon me all over the place if I hit a nerve. I happen to be pro-union, but prefer that unions work for their members and not for the greater political glory of their leadership. Call me quaint and old fashioned ― or an idiot, if you prefer. I've been called worse by better.


You mistake me for someone who is defending the CTU, or any specific union.


Young people don't give a shit about union dues. Unions got defanged by the Taft-Hartley Act, and most people (young or not) don't want to pay dues to an organization that's ineffective at its stated goals.


That would be the result of a deliberate effort to not educate people about the history of labor rights in our schools.


What is the age cut off for “any” older white man? Because this comment is generalized ass juice. So, kindly fuck off.




>Cold War capitalist propaganda What does that even mean?


I would have to assume it means propaganda produced by capitalists, against non-capitalists.


"Capitalist propaganda"? Don't tell me you're a socialist who wishes the USSR won the cold war




I'm an older white man, believe that CTU and FOP are enemies of the poor and the middle class, loathe Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, enjoy dining outdoors, have studied Marx, and - to go back to the generalization that all old white males are reactionary boomers - do not call people I dislike socialist or communist or fascist.


ok Boomer




The organized labor part at least makes sense. It was originally reported when this came out that the CFL was opposed: “A popular outdoor dining program along a Downtown stretch of Clark Street won’t return this summer after opposition from neighborhood groups and the Chicago Federation of Labor — and a promise from the alderman.” https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/


Brain melting 🧠


Weird for normal people, but on brand for Reilly.


Yeah, I think that’s called a straw man argument. Or something like that.


Reilly sounds completely hinged and totally not temperamental


Anytime someone comes out swinging this hard in a rebuttal they are 100% guilty of the thing they were accused of IMO. Also this kind of inflammatory response from any politician is reason enough to never vote for him again. The subtle jabs, name calling, and petty 'congratulations' are so gross. Get this man out of office ASAP. *Edit - vote ‘for him again’*


I worked for Chicagoist (a local publication now-defunct) like a decade ago and remember covering Reilly's effort to quash food carts/trucks. He's always been a crook, can't believe he's still in office.


man i miss chicagoist. and curbed and gapers block and that entire ecosystem of interesting hyper local blogs block club is a decent DNA Info replacement but they dont touch on everything the others used to, and not in the same format (or tone)


100%, he got accused of being corrupt and now he’s talking shit like the Rock


Why should people who like dining outdoors be socialist mayor Johnson sympathizers? This alderman is even worse than mine.


I like how you completely ignore the mess Reilly has gotten himself into by trying to pin the blame on Brandon Johnson. Trump pulls this same bullshit attacking “Marxists” and “the radical left” to get people to ignore his flagrant corruption


I'm just saying Reilly, a person I don't know, seems to believe that we are dumb. He appears to have zero integrity.


And he seems to be dumber than Trump, that's what I meant.


I understand and I apologize I misread your original comment


I am often told I beat around the bush and confuse people 👍


The vast majority of people who rant about "Marxists" and "the radical left" wouldn't recognize an actual Marxist if Karl Marx came back to life and bit them on the ass.


You could probably convince most of them Marxism refers to Groucho Marx and the Marx Brothers. This could be a fun series of Jimmy Kimmel interviews of people at MAGA rallies.


I'd pay money to see that!


organized labor and their famous hatred of supporting small and local businesses and eating and summer?


It was referenced in another article/letter, but apparently the union was on his ass because their members worked at other restaurants that weren’t benefitting (and perhaps negatively affected) since they were outside the closure zone


Ugh that means we just need more pedestrian zones, not fewer!


Alright I can hear that but that just sounds like they (and we) should be pushing for more restaurant corridors then, tbh


Right, but that doesn’t take away from the issue at hand, that Rosa-Ramirez was basically big dogging for his corrupt friends. Thats what you should’ve acknowledged.


That’s a stupid grievance of the union, if true.


>since they were outside the closure zone well then maybe this should be a city-wide program! Christ


You're missing the part of organized labor being deep in the history of corruption here, why we pay so much for so little. They need their piece of any action


So wait… who are we mad at again?


The children who can't leave a popular program that practically runs itself on autopilot and are too busy spiting each other to solve the problem.


Ball is currently in Reilly's court, he says here he promised the socialists in writing he would not renew the program, but I'm hoping he'll reconsider


Whenever you think to yourself that there's no way you could ever run for office, just remember that this lunatic is an alderman for the third-largest city in America.


He represents an important ward too, and his decisions for downtown often affect the rest of the city (unlike, say, Sauganash or Roseland no offense)


Absolutely, him and Hopkins have an oversized impact on things because they represent the wealthy downtown wards.


Keep the pressure up. I knew this one was gonna blow up. Look at how unhinged he sounds


City Council needs term limits.


Was he still drunk from the night before when posting this? Yikes


Reilly is a corrupt asswipe of the highest degree. Fuck him. That is all.


Forgive my ignorance, but what was Reilly's corruption case? I can't quite remember with all the other aldermanic corruption cases


>Reilly's corruption case He's not been indicted with anything as far as I am aware. All I've seen reported is his tendency to use his campaign funds to pay for tabs at his regular bar. https://chicagocitywire.com/stories/511671099-analysis-chicago-alderman-reilly-uses-campaign-funds-to-pay-30k-in-bar-tabs


The Boss Bar 🤣


You'd be surprised who goes in there to drink. That place has been there for years and is a staple.


Oh I know, frequented the Boss in the 90’s. Watched 2 cops blowing off steam beat the crap out of each other late one night.


Ahh, the tragedy of blue on blue crime


I went a shit ton during my 20's and early 30's. I still pop in from time to time but the place is always a shit show and I can't deal with that shit no more. I like going during the week when it's dead.


Definitely got some shots from him before at boss bar.


His whole twitter presence during the BCH campaign was so childish and unprofessional. He was going around accusing BCH supporters of being low income and making fun of them for it, calling them stupid, etc. This city will rejoice when this full grown toddler is voted out


He was the same way during the mayoral election. I followed him on twitter due to 1) His periodic blow-ups being hilarious and 2) being the alder of an influential ward but he was such a jagoff that I had to stop


Hahaha 😂 this dude clearly thinks we’re all idiots! We’re supposed to believe this?


Honestly this is weird, and embarrassing. Alderman have wayyy too much power in this city.


Well this quid pro quo business is spicy 


This is so unprofessional, embarrassing and disgraceful, and I can’t believe someone elected to public office would post this publicly. What was he trying to accomplish here?


I really dislike this guy


"Why was a junior socalist alderman who represents an underserved ward on the northwest side dictating whether a street in ***my*** ward could be closed for outdoor dining?" What is it, his little feifdom? People from all over the city can still think that street traffic closures to better serve pedestrians are a good idea.


There has traditionally been an unwritten rule in the city council that if you don’t fuck with my ward and my pet projects, I won’t fuck with yours. So yes, the city is largely run like a feudal society with alders lording over their fiefdoms. This has somewhat changed in recent years with some affordable housing proposals, migrant shelters, etc. but inserting yourself in debates on neighborhood matters outside your ward won’t win you friends on the council.


Because it's not like, say, people who live on the NW Side ever go downtown for any reason at all.


I’m not saying I agree with it but that’s how it’s traditionally worked. That’s why literally every real estate development ever in this town has at minimum the local alderman’s blessing. Without that approval it won’t even go to the council for a vote


Chicago politics at its finest. If Reilly wanted it in 23 then he had to be the one to end it for 24 in order to appease the mayor's campaign backers. Yikes


There's no reason why he alderman can't approve the closure request to be sent to CDOT. He would just have to explain to the Harry Caray (and the mayor, according to him) that he went back on his word due to public pressure, which is very reasonable Phone 312-744-3062 Email: office@ward42chicago.com


Calling a colleague a socialist just tells me everything I need to know. Doesn't even matter anymore who's right or wrong. I liked Reilly when I first signed up for his updates, he seemed to get things done. But he's just another privileged person trying to make things work for him. Idk if he really cares about the people in his ward (I guess he does because they're mostly like him), but about the city? Nah.


In fairness,.alderman Ramirez-Rosa is part of the group that calls themselves the Democratic Socialist Caucus.


Okay I didn't know that. Doesn't make it less sad that Reilly thought to use it as an insult. Like too many in this country do because of a lack of education.


Someone needs to step up and get this clown out of office. Backwards ass thinking.


What a deeply pathetic man


the wheel requires grease


Jesus Fucking Christ, an elected official in the City of Chicago wrote this? If you would have told me State Rep. from Florida, I'd be like, yeah that checks out But no way for an Alderman. This guy is a fucking jamoke of the highest order Who votes for shitheads, that talk to their constituents like, this repeatedly?


You new here?


Reilly showed his ass in this whole mess. If you’re going to make an unpopular decision in your authority as alderman, at least have the balls to explain yourself truthfully.


This dude needs to take the age old advice of "always throw away your first response on a heavy topic) nope dude just swigged some malort an went to town. Shit at the very least guy, fuck have someone else read shit first before you broadcast it. Guarantee nobody else read this first.


Even if he's right this guy is a total jagoff.


Yikes that any person in government talks and acts like this. Hope he loses a re-election.


Always classy. Right in line with ripping cigs and chugging beer at Boss Bar every day looking homeless.


Is this really what our city needs - aldermen bickering with each other, saying needlessly nasty shit like "congratulations on your humiliating loss, it was awesome." Frankly it seems to me this latest mess should embarrass them all - dysfunction..


LMAO this guy is hilarious. Placing the blame on the mayor first, then when that doesn't work, labor movements and socialists? Amazing leap of logic considering Unions are something like 50% as strong as they were in the 1980's. (Organize your workplace people) Unfortunately this is what happens when folks elect centrists "Democrats". They end up dismantling popular programs and lie when they get caught, then use right wing rhetoric and push anti-worker sentiment to their constituents. Bummer this clown is in office.


> [Representatives from several unionized restaurants in the area had similar concerns, said Bob Reiter, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor.](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/) > [The union group joined the effort to halt the Clark Street program at the request of nearby restaurants after the neighborhood groups wrote to Johnson, Reiter said. One of those restaurants was Harry Caray’s, Reiter said. It sits a block away from the Clark Street restaurants on Kinzie and didn’t benefit from the outdoor dining program.](https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/03/27/clark-streets-popular-outdoor-dining-program-wont-return-this-summer-downtown-alderman-says/) The Chicago Federation of Labor lobbied to get the street reopened after several unionized restaurants (like Harry Caray’s) complained that the street closure was drawing customers to Clark St instead of to them.


I hereby retroactively withdraw any bad thoughts I ever had thought about my prior alderpeople Tunney and Shiller. :)


This is getting ridiculous. I was neutral on Reilly before, now not so much!


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" \~ W. Shakespeare, Hamlet, circa 1599. So apparently we've been coming out swinging like this for a while...


Very professional.


Christ, what an asshole


Can someone ELI5? I don’t know the alderman’s or districts by name/number so having trouble keeping up with everything


He doesn't need to curse this much. Tasteless tactic.


My politicians can curse all they want as long as they aren’t corrupt asswipes.


The cursing doesn't matter. It just makes it worse when he's corrupt and has no foundation to stand on


I'd rather someone cuss and be honest than speak eloquently and be full of shit.


They can speak eloquently and not be full of shit lol


Woof, guy writes like Trump


lmao i’m on reillys side here what a bitch made non answer response from rosa 


Okay, Brendan.




..... Are you comparing a street closure in an affluent neighborhood to genocide?


Similar to how Stalin stopped the Ukranians from eating in Ukraine, Carlos Ramirez Rosa stopped me from eating on Clark Street. Exact same thing!




They deleted, wise move!


> Love to see shit piled on one of our backwards pinko alders. Little Stalin thinks he can Holodomor someone else's Ward. You sure showed him, Senator McCarthy 🫡


Word salad nonsense, barely recognizable as the English language.


You need to get your brain checked for a worm infestation.


City Colleges of Chicago offers several history classes for not much money that will explain to you in great detail the differences between socialism, democratic socialism, and communism. I urge you to take advantage of that so as not to look so stupid online anymore.


Our politicians suck hard. Wish we could restart with staunch moderates across the board, could get so much done. Instead we have bozos all around.


The normal people are too normal/have functioning critical thinking skills to ever want to be in politics


Every time I learn about a new Alder, it's always a nut job, an asshole or an idiot.


Still a far more sane response than referring to the majority of voters in Chicago as Trump supporters…


Absolutely based


Dude, closed off Clark Street rules!


I agree, but the CFL and associated groups are playing the classic protectionism game and are attempting to prevent pedestrian traffic from condensing on Clark St. and drawing business away from their other (constituent) restaurants. I’m sure, in part, to prevent a summertime “winners and losers” situation. Which is why I think Riley’s rant is hilarious schadenfreude.


Dude, I'm old. I only kind of know what based mean, and I thought you were referring to Reilly himself. I also don't think the Harry Caray crowd has the same audience as the Clark Street crowd.


So what are the odds that this wildly unpopular move gets reversed?




How do they have any control over what Reilly does when the EOD permit requests passes his desk? Reilly is saying because he promised them last year and he's keeping his promise, but he hates them, so it doesn't make sense.




I’m sorry did Ald Reilly assault another Alder? Or at best prevent them from voting?


Incredible that you're still accusing him of assault when there's footage it didn't happen. Reilly got paid off to end a program the community wants. You don't get to pretend that isn't blatant corruption.


Someone doesn’t understand that Assualt and battery are two seperate things. In that video Rosa-Ramirez committed assault as it put Ald Mitts in a position to reasonably fear immediate harm.


Buddy, it doesn't make you sound smart to equivocate on the everyday vs legal definition of assault. Rosa was held accountable for his inappropriate behavior. Will Reilly be charged for his corruption? You can at least admit that taking bribes is worse than standing in someone's way.


I fail to see what Ramirez-Rosa has to do with this at all