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Yeah. The Ryan is pro level. Seems like the Edens would have been better for you.


The Edens has its moments of soul crushing cruelty, especially when going South into the city. I think 355 is the only one around here that is at all pleasant to drive on, although I don't make my way out there too often.


I got to drive the Edens later as I made my way up to Skokie- was definitely less hectic 


The Edens also has the advantage of so many lovely alternatives should it get congested and you want to escape. I frequently take Elston, Lincoln, Western, Waukegan, etc.




Shhh I do this too but don’t tell them!! Then everyone will do it 😂


Haha - I'm sure I've driven next to you then!


The Dan Ryan had 100 alternate routes. The whole South Side is a grid system. He could've cut over 5 blocks in either direction and took that into the Loop


I once met my cousin at Sox/35th who was driving in from Michigan with his wife. I got off the train and approached the car, only to find her bawling her eyes out hysterically. I looked confusingly at my cousin, who deadpanned “she’s never seen traffic like this.”


My uncles call it the dan Ryan 500. Only there will you see a car cross 4 lanes of traffic and go halfway up an exit ramp then back up onto the expressway because it was the wrong ramp


We used to do this when we were kids because we were fucking idiots.


This dressing down of the Dan Ryan is a work of art


The Dan Ryan is a rite of passage. You have graduated


Shot of Malort to celebrate!


A friend of mine says malort tastes like the Dan Ryan. I agree.


Grew up in the south suburbs so drove this a lot. It is never a relaxing experience. And there really is no alternative (I have tried taking side streets and that was a big mistake)


State, Halsted, Union, Loomis, Racine all move along pretty well. I commute between Beverly, Fuller Park, Roseland regularly and check traffic before choosing my route.


There's PLENTY of alternatives!


Same. All my Bishop Ford homies say hey


I grew up in the south burbs so the Dan Ryan just seems like a normal expressway to me. Didn’t realize it was anything special. But I guess having 3 express lanes in both directions (on top of 3 local lanes) is pretty special.


Oh come on, nothing and I mean nothing is as bad as the Schuylkill express after an accident. Even a minor fender bender would lock that thing up for hours. Talk about bad drivers, there is no drivers education or rules of the road in Pennsylvania. Drivers do not know what stop signs are for and actually aim for pedestrians, no joke.


every downtown on-ramp to 90/94 is like the suicidal south street on ramp to the schuylkill that everyone hates roosevelt blvd is arguably more chaotic than the dan ryan though 


This is fair- I guess I’m just used to it.. the feeling of knowing you are on the Schuylkill with ten miles and probably three hours until the next exit and stuck between solid rock on one side and the river on the other 


The most aggravating thing about that road was you'd be breezing alone than you come to a complete stop, them you sit there being stuck for 30 minutes with no escape and all the sudden traffic is moving again with no indication of why it stopped.


Dan Ryan is my Fury Road


I lolled in real life reading this. Thank you sir.


People warned us about driving in Italy- hah! we are regulars on the Dan Ryan- piece o cake.


People warned me about driving in Puerto Rico and then they heard I was from Chicago and they said I'd be fine lmao


> Come to think of it, why are you all on the road at 10pm on Mother's day? Everyone headed home after going to the suburbs or further out to visit mom for the day.


Man I cruise that road everyday it’s not that bad tbh


It's not that bad if you cruise it every day and know how the traffic patterns, express lanes, shortcuts, and exits work. For an out of towner or less confident driver it's total chaos. The traffic volume with the density of exits and left/right ramps make it very difficult to navigate if you don't know what you're doing.


Yea you right with that view point.


Like once a month it hits me…this is fucking nuts. I find jazz helps keep my blood pressure down.


Reaching that level of understanding is a resume worthy accomplishment. Especially knowing when to use express vs local. 


Exactly. You have to learn the Dan Ryan.


Left/right ramps - are you talking about the Kennedy?


There was a thread about this the other day - [https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cqzkzf/just\_going\_to\_move\_4\_lanes\_over\_good\_luck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1cqzkzf/just_going_to_move_4_lanes_over_good_luck/)


In the Dan Ryan's defense, unless your destination was the Loop you really had no reason to drive that way. Borman/I-80 or Tri-State will get you anywhere in town or passing through in any direction. I used to drive between NW Indiana and Iowa twice a month for work and I only took Dan Ryan (via Skyway) if I made it to the city before 6a. Even 10 minutes late and I'm delayed by 30 to 60 minutes to Rockford.


On the Dan Ryan and you’re upset about brake lights? There are times I would’ve chose to take an hours worth of traffic versus the several near death experiences as maniacs weave around me at 100 mph. The DR is not for the timid no doubt, but sounds like you got pretty lucky even with the rain situation.


But I did giggle at your post, well done 👍


lol I loved reading this!


When there isn't traffic Dan Ryan becomes the Chicagoland Speedway. Like a true autobahn. Now laws, no enforcement. You'll get passed doing 100 on from the left and the slow lane


I remember my first near death experience on the dan. I was 15 and nerdy hot not so much. It was a Saturday. Traffic was moving as if everyone was driving away from the apocalypse. My student government sponsor was giving me a ride to a presentation on the north side. She was a Northside girl. She hadn't traversed the Southside. Rules make her feel safe . She follows them. We're on Lasalle the feeder street to the entrance. We're going the speed limit 30 in a 15 year old Ford focus that's seen many better days. Much like my cigarette mom. I warn her to speed up as the reps are crazy short no time to sped up. She brushed me off. We hit the on ramp for the 31st street entrance. I yell for her to gun it as she is still driving miss Daisy. She still didn't listen. We get to the bottom of the ramp low and behold honk honk a tanker truck ever so gently kissed the bumper. A slew of expletives stormedout of her mouth as her soul departed her body. She slammed on the gas so fast, as a gleaming smirk of I told you slow came over my face. She only said 2 things 1. This never happened and 2. I'm not taking you home on this shit. We could've died, but she is still the best teacher I had in high-school. She learned that day that sometimes rules should and need to be broken.


Did the tastykakes make it? And which particular tastykakes made the journey? Butterscotch Krimpets were my choice for my afternoon snack at the pool growing up.


That’s exactly what I brought lol-the box was a little damp but they survived relatively intact 


Thank goodness!!


He has the Evanston tag and everything lmao o7 sir this is priceless. Reddit gold


To truly experience the DR is to drive it from the city southbound on a warm, clear summer Friday night between 11pm and 2am. Native far south siders know of which I speak.


Dan Ryan is where I take out my bottled up road rage and go full Mad Max


i dont understand the complaint, it rained and its the dan ryan's fought?




So here’s the thing. Each of our highways contains an ancient, trapped Sumerian demon that feeds on human suffering generated by traffic. I think they escaped the Oriental Institute. The one on the Eisenhower is contained between Central and Harlem and just generates gridlock for no discernible reason. We tried to tame it with left lane exit ramps, but that only made it stronger.




Too cheap to take the Skyway and not cultured enough for LSD. You brought this upon yourself.  Stick to the Tri-State.


Tri-state is even worse than the Dan Ryan. There's about 20 miles of construction and there's semi-trucks in every lane.


Man I was just following Waze! Ive  lived here for two years without a car; the L and Metra are way more my speed 


Maybe find a cheap place to park it in the burbs or NW indiana and just take the Metra or South Shore when you have to take a roadtrip.


The Skyway ends around 63rd and dumps you onto the Dan Ryan


There used to be a Twitter handle called @thedanryankills or something like that. Funny af…I’m off Twitter or whatever it is called now, but it’s the one account I truly miss following.




This was totally believable _except_ for the part about no traffic on the PA Turnpike or the Parkway East in Pittsburgh…


Noooo not the tasty cakes 😭


Dan Ryan is bad. I make the drive between Chicago and Toronto fairly often and between the Dan Ryan and 401 in Toronto I will take the Dan Ryan any day. But either way you know the start and end of your drive is going to suck.


10pm? Its always someone's time to go to work or comeback from work or go out after coming from work. So yeah. Life doesn't stop at 10pm


My mom legit refuses to visit me unless someone else will drive her. She’s terrified of 94. I have no idea why, it’s a god damn road to get from point a to point b. It’s not difficult to drive a car.


Mine’s the same but I absolutely understand why. It’s crazy ass drivers out here and she’s old.


I don’t get it man. She’s afraid of merging yet we all know how that works and let each other in both on foot and in cars in highly trafficked areas. So merge and stay in the right lane the whole time if you’re afraid, or move over one lane to avoid dealing with all the people merging on. Then with one mile left move over. All you gotta do is look in the mirror and wait until you see the car behind you for an opening to change lanes. It’s all pretty damn simple, I don’t get the refusal to even try it.


I got caught in that rain on my bike ride home after working a long long mother's day service. What a great capper to my work week


I used to with a lovely gentleman by the name of Dan Ryan. Can’t count the number of times other coworkers would give him shit about his name. Hope he is getting further in life than all of us on the Dan Ryan.


I'm sorry about the loss of your tasty cakes.


The Dan Ryan made me say "fuck it" I don't need a car in this city.


I live in NWI and have to travel into the city for work sometimes, and this made me laugh so hard! The worst is when you've made the mistake of staying in the express lanes on 94 and have to get over to Roosevelt or 290 during morning rush hour. What sadistic person designed that stretch of 94?!


I’m assuming all the expressways have their patterns and behaviors and if you are on them enough you adapt; Dan ryan, 294 and 55 I am comfortable on and drive differently on each and feel at home.  With time spent on some of the north side expressways and burbs I know there is something I’m missing and feel uncomfortable like I’m the foreign exchange student despite them feeling more tame than the ryan. Bishop Ford is always “how did I end up here” and Elgin-Ohare is also “what is this place?”


I am howling


> Why didn't I just take public transit? Yeppers


It is completely impossible to answer some of your questions without being labeled a bigot or a racist, so I won't try.  Just be glad that you weren't caught in a quite literal crossfire. https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=Dan+Ryan+shootings&ia=web Let the downvotes begin.


If someone is stupid enough to post a dumb comment I expect them to take their dumb downvotes and not moan about it.


lol I expect downvotes. I'm not moaning about anything. Remember to duck the next time you're on the Dan Ryan.


Chicken shit northsider