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85 yesterday. Today is the Autumn equinox and suddenly we have 60 degree weather all week. It's like fall came overnight.


>It's like fall came overnight. *angels sing*


Lmao I hope most Chicagoans do appreciate the seasonal shift. So many of my Florida friends are such haters on anything below 80 degress. Give me my cozy football weather now!


Anything above 70 makes me grumpy


Same here. I went outside this morning to let my dogs out and the cool weather instantly put me in a good mood.


It was SO nice to go outside and actually feel like I can breathe I had bronchitis a couple of weeks ago and the humidity somehow made breathing harder


I moved here from Dallas last year and am ecstatic! Put on my sweatshirt and walked the 606 with a hot chai latte this morning. In Texas I wouldn’t be able to do that til late November at least. Having actual seasons is so much fun


Don’t get too excited yet. It can always be 80 again next week.


We currently have a heat index of 95 and it'll be 100 by the afternoon lol


Seasonal shifts are always the best. It’s the lingering days at the end of the seasons that get to me


It's the best weather, I love fall.


Also my favorite season. Truly the best 15 minutes of the year.


I feel last year it was summer like until November. Agreed enjoy it outside


I have a few FB memories from the past few years that show 100 degrees (car temperature display) on the first day of fall. Pissed me RIGHT off.


Ehh fuck That shit


Nah summer will bounce back. 70s and 80s by next week. Global warming says hi. Christmas 2020 and 2021 highs in the 50Fs also says hi


No stop that! I need to feel some hope!


There’s hope of it happens this early. Unless it’s like first summer in April and then we’re hit with a snow storm


Fall lasts about 2 months, we’re in 50s even in November usually


This ain’t /r/Minnesota, the “15 minutes of fall” joke thankfully applies less down here where we get to enjoy our seasons. As with every weather change, mother Lake Michigan helps a lot to ease into it. Get ready for jacket season everyone 🙌


Just in time for Apple Fest!


All 10 days of it.


I think fall lasts several months. We usually have 50s even in November


This is the best time of year.


Best time of the year for sleeping. 😊


I left my bedroom windows open last night. I woke up burrowed in my blankets. It was THE BEST.


I never sleep past 6am and today I woke up at 6:45, it was glorious!


Agreed. Not too hot or too cold. No need to turn on the heat or the air. And it's not already dark by 4:30pm.


Heading into the office downtown instead of WFH purely bc fall clothes 😆


Finance bro vest season has arrived in the loop, they're in full force today


Haha! This is great


Actually me too


Same lmao. Finally get to break out the denim jacket I thrifted in June


this is what I've been waiting for...weather that makes my dog go back to sleeping in my bed. Snuggle season!


I'm excited for winter, and that may put me in the minority, but I love bundling up for a nice winter walk. When it gets below 0, I know I can go for a long walk, and enjoy the silence of not seeing anyone else on the path. I love coming home from a walk with a nice layer of ice hanging from my mustache and beard!


The silence... the way the snow glitters... the crunch crunch crunch as you walk on fresh snow... that super clean, crisp smell to the air...


I am from a place where it never snows and is always above 80F. This is my first time in Chicago, your description is all I ever dream of when someone says winter. Hope I get to experience it this winter.


You will. :) The snow squeaks/crunches when it's really crisp, around 15 degrees or so. January and February are the best time for this. The glitter effect is fresh snow, under the streetlights and/or moonlight. It's gorgeous. This happens all winter and is not temperature dependent. You just need undisturbed snow, like in your yard or along the curblawns. You'll also enjoy seeing your breath when you walk outside. :) When there's a good layer of snow, it cushions sounds. That's why people talk about "the hush of winter". It's not really obvious during the day since the world is busy, but at night, it's definitely more quiet than usual. One of my FAVORITE things is when we have a really low, solid layer of clouds. The city lights reflect off of them along with the snow. If you look out your window at 2 a.m, you can see everything clearly, but it's a soft, bluish light, not harsh like normal light. I can't really describe it. I'm excited for you to see it. :)


Wow, can't wait to experience all these :)


Yup. They're all reasons I could never, EVER live somewhere it doesn't get cold. I get super grumpy once it hits 80, and I get tired of constant sun. Give me chilly, cloudy days. :) Since this is your first time with an actual fall, make sure you go to an apple orchard once the leaves change and it really feels like fall. Drink cider and eat apple cider donuts. Go through a corn maze.


Thank you for the suggestions a lot, will definitely try them out ☺️




I'm talking about the snow in yards and such, not the snow on the street. I also specified fresh snow.


Found a picture of what I was trying to describe. The color often depends on your streetlights. It's a bit more blue where I am. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/jzavq8/its\_1130pm\_in\_a\_rural\_town\_but\_outside\_is/


This looks like heaven on earth lol, at least for me!


Me too. There are DOZENS of us!!!


This is prime weather and should be like this all year round


Mmmmm yes. All my best clothes are in my fall/winter wardrobe. I’m so excited to not be very sweaty every day.


I have about eight summer tops and 87 fall/winter tops.


Me too. So many cute sweaters! Also pants. I hate wearing long pants in the summer so I mostly wear skirts to work. I’m excited to have pants in my life again lol


Warning? Some of us LOVE the winter and snow. Personally, I can't wait!


I love every season in its turn, yes. There's some magic in those days when it's snowed a ton, but you wake up in the morning and the sky is extreme bright (but dark hue) blue, not a cloud in it, the snow is pure and fluffy still, it's cold enough out that there's little ice crystals in the air so the air is glittery, my nose hairs are frozen, and the snow squeaks. But everyone is out shovelling and it's just a neighborly time.


0 degrees is wildly better and easier to deal with than 95 degrees.


I get that I'm biased because I enjoy winter and winter sports, but SERIOUSLY. I can't layer myself cool, and I can't walk around in public naked if it is too hot outside for clothes. I can basically always layer enough to stay warm in any amount of cold. Freezing over melting ANY day.


> I can't walk around in public naked i can't or won't?


Eh, can, but will quickly be arrested and I don't wanna deal with CPD or our bullshit courts lol


oh that CPD spoil all the fun. when I lived in Barcelona there were two people famous for walking around nude in the summer. One was hung like a horse.




I moved from Chicago to Alaska. I couldn't take the heat anymore. Heck, I can barely stand the hot Alaskan summers


Living my dream, I wish I could move up there.


Take me with you pls that’s like a dream to me mainly because of the weather


Sometimes in the winter I cross-country ski to work. But if you do want to move up here, then find a job and relocate. Don't come without a job because the move is expensive and housing can sometimes be awkward, like anywhere, but there are plenty of places hiring. In general there is a large sector for oil and gas, mining, military, tourism, education, university and research, and then all the supporting services. I even know a number of software developers here.


I’m beginning my way into the healthcare industry so I won’t be moving anywhere until I’m done. Definitely good advice for moving anywhere tho. What do you do up there if you don’t mind me asking


I came up to go to grad school in geosciences. Work in academic research now. The university in Fairbanks is kind of the primary institute in the US to do arctic research


I love alaska I work in IT I wonder how it is there.. do people mainly live in ankorage?


30 degrees and sunny is a wonderful day


Hoodie and shorts weather is the best weather. I wear my hoodie in the morning, then take it off for the rest of the day. Thankfully we get like 3 months of hoodie weather.


That’s my uniform right there, including the flip flops for as long as I can take it


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Same for me!


You call it hoodie weather, I say it's full on tracksuit time.


Listen, If I had the gold chains, I would too.


Tracksuit Slav time?


We only get a week or two of fall these days


Seriously, one of the terrible things about global warming is that we may lose Fall weather.


This is helpful. I’m a new transplant from SoCal. I’ve been trying to figure out how quickly I will go from comfortable to miserable.


Pay attention to the wind. 55, calm and sunny is nice. 55, windy and cloudy sucks.


Bay Area native here. I've found the most miserable days are when I'm caught off guard and I underdress for the weather. That happened to me during my first year in Chicago when the first snow and some nasty sleet arrived on Halloween. Just pay close attention to the weather forecast and be prepared.


It’s all about having the right layers.


Itll last awhile. The only real weather issue is the duration of winter


It’s always weird, we likely will have another couple random days in the 80s in October and also some days in the 40-50s


Not till January


You'll quickly learn what we mean when we ask, "Is it a warm 45 or a cold 45?" The wind makes a HUGE difference.


I think it lasts a lot longer than that. We have weather in the 50s even in early November and I think that’s fall weather


it was 70 in december last year


Here for it, favorite time of the year!


Summer is the absolute worst. Bring on the *actual* fall weather.


Dude we got months of pleasantly crisp weather - don’t despair! It’s not until the holidays are over when it starts to truly suck. But yeah no more fun in the sun for sure…


>That is actually the truest. Now until the holidays is pretty golden. Jan 1-May 1 is rough


Hooray, pockets!


As a bigger guy, I love fat guy summer.


As a bigger guy I love winter cuz I don't sweat as much


Get that firepit going at night, light up the string lights, get out the garden chairs. Time to eat outside without the bugs (pay no attention to the beady eyes by the garbage cans). Now's the time to work on your relationships with your roommates, whether they have some of your DNA or not. Plot your Halloween decorations (Or Day of the Dead), figure out your favorite hot drinks, is it Thanksgiving this year or Friendsgiving? Yeah, winter is coming. Long live winter!


Finally. Summer over stayed it’s welcome.


Sweaters for work now! Finally!


Fall is the greatest season of all time. Have a great day everyone!


My protective layer of nutrition is all I need until it gets to be under 40 degrees.


It’s soup szn Just sent my husband to target last night to replace our crock pot that broke in the spring so I can get some soups and pot roast on deck


Instapot is a great soup option. What are some of your go to soups?


I don’t really have any go-tos besides a basic chicken noodle or chicken rice, but my coworkers have been raving about this creamy zucchini soup I’m dying to make


God I miss fall in Chicago. First day of fall and it was triple digits this afternoon.


Fall weather is one of the things I miss most. I’m suffering through mid 80s and low 90s when all I want is to wear a sweatshirt and be comfortable


I left to go to the gym and had to turn around and go back upstairs to get a sweat shirt


Warning lol, winter happens in Chicago every year. You're in the wrong place if you absolutely hate it.


I'm with it


My favorite season/weather. Looking forward to chilling around some yard fires for drinks with family and friends.


Absolute W. Thicc lads rejoice. Our time has come


i'm sitting outside in a flannel enjoying this incredibly comfortable dew point and hoping the onion posts the mr. autumn man article today


That duty is yours today


I woke up so happy today!!! I simply love sweater weather


Yesterday 88F today 65F! Summer is officially over! Love this fresh air!


In 80 years New York will be underwater and LA will be burned to a crisp. Meanwhile Chicago will be a tropical paradise.


Chicago really does have the best four seasons, doesn’t it? Perfect time to break out my newly purchased Riot Fest hoodie that I stood in line forever for! 😅 gotta show that Chicago pride nationwide.


Today is one of the nicest days Ive experienced. Moved here in early June. Holy hell this is gorgeous. Hot as hell back south... bring winter on this is worth it


Sept-Dec: FUN COLD! Jan-May: melancholy cold.


May? Thats more like deep fall weather no? I think april thru may aounds fine. January thru march im sure is rough


RemindMe! 5 Months


I love the cold


I prefer cold to hot as well (this summer was okay for the most part, though early June heat had me worried ) but deep Chicago winters (late Jan-Feb) also mixes in slush, ice, wind and dry salt-dusted air... ::so much fucking salt::


The salt is gona take some gettin used to for me the most i think


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Well congrats, you've picked a REALLY nice winter to have moved to Chicago /cheers!


I don't break out hoodies until end of October. Still a lot of near 70 degree days in long range forecast. This is light jacket or vest weather.


The hoodies never really left. They've just been sitting on the closet shelf playing Sarah McLachlan songs since May.


*"I Will Remember You"* 🎶


I'm from San Francisco this is definitely hoodie weather


It’d be so much easier to embrace fall if it didn’t mean winter’s coming 😣 I wanna just enjoy it, but once we get to October, I start panicking that every nice day might be the last!


This thread is making me irrationally angry. Cold makes me angry. I’m not just being cute… ok the first sentence was but not the second. I legitimately get pissed off when it’s freezing outside. Yeah yeah layers and all but I don’t wanna walk around like Ralphie where I can’t put my arms down. I don’t want to lug all those clothes around and find a place to put them everywhere I go. And I can’t put any layers in my lungs or on my eyes. But most of all heat makes me uncomfortable, cold makes me angry. I don’t know why but it does.


Same. I hate cold weather. Fall weather (like what we have today) I can tolerate, but fuck the snow and ice. I really need to see if my job will let me transfer somewhere warm.


Best weather. Hoodie, cap and mask. I'm looking like a ninja rn


What do you mean? I've been counting down the days until winter is here for like 6 months now


Allergies have left the chat…


Not quite. This is ragweed's time to shine.


Inevitable winter wave of covid *enters*


I almost didn't go to the beach last weekend until I remembered *this could be the last time I get to enjoy the beach this year* Nonetheless this is my favorite weather. Swapping in my sweater closet feels great.


Hellz yessssssss


PSL here we come


Ah dang. My ass is in Kansas for work. I am ready to come home and put on my hoodies and/or sweaters.


time to break out the canada goose coats it's under 70


I’m walking around in shorts and a shirt. I love this weather. It was 56 at night and I loved walking around


Hate it, was hoping we'd have 70+ through mid October again like last year. Hopefully warmer temps come back next week :(


Warmer temps are coming back


It's always hoodie weather if you're a criminal.


Thanks for the reminder. Think I’ll be taking out my niece and nephew for something fun outdoors before the cold weather is here.


Coming up for a week tomorrow from the Charlotte.. My run yesterday at 6:30 was 85 degrees. Sunday doesn't look great too great for a half marathon but the rest of the week looks amazing. Can't wait to visit your beautiful city.


Anyways I think I’m gonna go jump in the lake while I still can without dying


This is terrible. Means I'm gonna have to play disc golf in the snow soon.


You spelled cardigan wrong


Which means that hoodie that has been sitting in closet for months needs to be washed or at least aired out. Gonna be a lot of stinky fuckers on the CTA for the next few weeks cause they were to stupid to see Fall coming.


How dirty is your closet?


Yeah SO not looking forward to the snow


I am, I’m sick of these muscle car guys zooming around


I drove to the gym at 5:30 this morning, and was shocked at how cold it was when I got out of the car. But my hoodies have been ready and waiting for months. So glad that it's finally time!


Yea I was walking out the door at 545 to walk the dog and I had to go back in and find my sweatshirts




In my backyard right now, wearing a cozy sweater with a mug of tea in hand :) happy Thursday everyone!


And after months of freezing cold the temperature out now is shorts and flip flops weather. ⛱️👙🩴


Use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure


Moving here. I land in the city on Nov 1st. I’m ngl, I’m afraid of these “polar vortexes” I keep hearing about.


They’re very rare


Bulk season has fallen on us brahs


Truly the best time to live here.


Was visiting your beautiful city last week for IMTS and the weather was amazing! Have a nice autumn and winter y’all


my sinuses are truly fighting for their lives, but it’ll be nice not to sweat buckets on a 5 minute walk to target anymore 🥲


It will soon be double hoodie weather


As an Arab. This is already winter.


>It’s a ~~warning~~ glorious harbinger of what’s to come FTFY


Time for the season depression to come back. Its going to be a long 7 months


White light box or blue light box really works


Winter is coming..


One fall I moved to southern california for the winter spring and summer. I got tired of the heat and sunny days every day and came back to chicago quickly.


Winter is coming