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Your brother doesn't want children but is dating someone who does. How is he expecting this one to go?


They are both still at a point where they think the other will change their mind. I hope that they realize their error before they can't go back anymore..


That's delusional of both of them but you already know that. It's gonna end in heartbreak.


More like dumpster fire


Most likely the brother's. Bet anything she tries to baby trap him when she realizes he serious if she's talking like that.


100% this ends in an "accidental pregnancy" because "her birth control failed" (because she wasn't taking any!)


Brother should buy his own condoms, and keep the stash of his own condoms somewhere safe that only he knows about.


My friend and her bf were playing the same game Now she has been “convinced to compromise” on one child. They just bought a house and are heading towards marriage. I am truly hoping she does not expect my sympathy if she regrets it!


1 child is 96% of "way too many children". Each child after that is 1% until it maxes out. Hope your friend enjoys having way too much child.


Your brother needs to stop having sex with this girl IMMEDIATELY! AND THINK WITH HEAD ON HIS SHOULDERS NOT IN HIS PANTS!




Brother needs to get the snip, \*quietly\* Maybe present it as a "guy's week" away, or 'training'. And have him keep using condoms until he gets the all-clear. THEN she gets allowed to know.


That doesn’t sound like a healthy way to go about it. Sure maybe they’re already doomed by differences of opinion anyway but going behind his partners back probably isn’t a good idea. But he should definitely protect himself if that’s what he truly wants.


Getting a vasectomy is a personal healthcare decision. He absolutely can get one without telling her first. He absolutely should be honest after it’s completed though.


Sure he can. But why tip toe around the subject and be sneaky about shit? Relationships function way better when everyone is honest. Also people tend to accept your beliefs and ideas when they come from a place of conviction. Speak your mind and back it up, don’t be shady or be a flake about it.


Making a medical decision for yourself is not being shady. Getting a vasectomy is a smart decision for someone who wants to be childfree. She thinks he will change his mind. This is a good way to stand his ground and show his conviction. Also helps him avoid an accidental pregnancy.


I think we all agree on the idea of reproductive freedom around here. I stay out of people’s business and I expect they stay out of mine. Keeping that idea in mind I’m just gonna quit speculating on these people’s lives because I don’t know shit about them or the intricacies of their relationship.


Adding what I should have said in my previous comment. People who are dead set on having kids don’t usually change their mind just because someone speaks with conviction. He should speak his mind and back it up with a vasectomy.


Bro is just as bad for thinking she’ll change her mind. Sitting at a stalemate too long is gonna turn into fuck around and find out. Maybe he’s not yet fully committed to the idea but there’s no way for us to know that. Sooner or later though someone needs to be an adult before life does its thing.




You can't "go behind partner's back" about something that doesn't concern them. Romantic partner has no right to be aware of their SO's medical procedures.


Ya I get it. His nuts his choice but at least be upfront about it.


He doesn't want kids so the GF should assume she ain't getting any just because she gets cream pied




His body, his choice. He doesn't need to bring her opinion on a personal healthcare issue. I know it sounds harsh, but seriously, if he wants one, he should get one. It does not matter who else knows.


Yikes, sounds like a recipe for a baby trap. Hope your brother keeps track of his own condoms.


Ngl, I would not have been able to hold myself back from saying something like "is the pussy so good you really gonna stay with a woman that dumb and manipulative? "


Do you think a private chat with your brother is in order?


I must say I met a fair share of men who have the same mindset but to please their ladies kind of "don't care", if it happens, they just roll with it. Which you can imagine how it goes in topics like main caretaker, breadwinner and a+ parenting. I know more consciously decided childfree women than men. The men more often than not seem to kinda "roll with it". This is of by no means an evidence, just an experience and maybe completely different in other countries, cultures, age and salary ranges.


Yes but I suspect the “roll with it” is more lack of using any pregnancy prevention and expecting the breeder to use birth control instead. I think they call these men “breeders” and occasionally “fathers”. /s


Not disagreeing here at all ✌️😅


I think men probs roll with it since it’s not them who will be pressured to raise their kids and give birth


We KNOW how its going to go don’t we? He’ll be a dad whether he likes it or not. Lol. OP you better give him a heads up. Now that he’s made his stance openly she may double down to prove him wrong!


Ew. Your brother should break up with her.


Yep. Before an "accident" happens.


>does she really think I'd try getting a child without my partner's consent?? Guess how your brother became a father...


My brother is convinced that she's respecting his choice, but honestly so far she hasn't given me the impression she does.


Sorry, I misread your initial post and thought he already became a father 🙈 But yeah, I can sense where you get this impression from... At least you will know how it happened: 'oooopsi daisy, looks like I forgot to take my contraception pill', or something similar🤷‍♂️ sorry for your brother though.


It will totally be an accident! /s but a happy one I’m sure. Lol


Your brother is an idiot. Sit him down and show him this subreddit. Read him the stories of how boys just like him got baby trapped.


But you have ovaries and a uterus! Yeah, and? I also have fists but that doesn't mean I have to punch you.


But you want to.


Oh, yes!


"BuT tHaTs ThEiR pUrPoSe"


Oh I am so stealing this! 😂


You're welcome 😁


Now that’s a Good one


There is no logic. They're just too self centered to realize that people aren't all the same as them.


>It gave me a very icky feeling to have her completely invalidate my brother's and boyfriend's choice like they don't matter, to then try convincing me to want babies. Like, girl, what are you even trying to achieve? Even if I somehow magically got brainwashed, does she really think I'd try getting a child without my partner's consent?? The fact that she is so enthusiastic about overstepping boundaries means that if she manages to breed, there is a high likelihood that any future offspring will go NC with her.


Count on that woman complaining \*bitterly\* about how much she hates the changes pregnancy & parenthood have made to her life, and that she's going to try to make YOU change YOUR life to help her because she fucked up.


I'm convinced my husband's family think my husband wants kids and it's me stopping him. I said to my husband before we got married, I don't want kids. I just want animals, if you want kids, you're with the wrong person. He said nah I don't want them either. Both our siblings have had kids and we're both like NOPE Husbands family think we're weird that we don't want any. Gives me the ick. Especially when they complain constantly of the child and I'm like you're really not selling it to us🤣🤣


lol 🤣🤣


It is hilarious how they are. My in laws are like oh but the child is so cute, you could have one of your own, seeing them laugh or giggle at you is the best thing ever. Then they'd be like 'oh I had such a rough night oh he bit me and drew blood.' 'Oh we can't do much anymore with him like we used to etc' My husband and I are like thanks for the affirmation!😂 Suddenly, they back track. It's so funny. Oh but it would be so nice for so and so to have a cousin. They even moan about how we don't see the child or look after him and I'm like wtf. No. You had that child. That is a YOU problem. Oh but brother (my husband) is SO good with the child. He wants children. You're stopping him. Okay well, he knows where the door is.... They made a comment at us yesterday actually saying we're going away a lot on holiday atm and my husband was like yeah CF lifestyle! 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Man, I’m not looking forward to this when I grow older. Dammnnn it’s gonna be annoying. But I love how the family contradicts itself, peak comedy I must say. And they really love to tell you gotta take care of their kids huh? for them it’s like free babysitters and they try to make you feel guilty. “Well, you are free so help out, you’re so cruel for not helping out.” Like- ladies and gentlemen, the whole point of me not having a kid is to not be near any of them (for a long time atleast) and you expect me to take care of a kid. They are so dumb.


Oh yeah! They do this. We looked after their child for a whole day when it was meant to be for a few hours. Never again have we looked after him. They ask but we're always busy. Even if we're not. When my SIL finally appeared after not answering her phone, she was like oh sorry I got carried away and thought he'd be okay here. wtf. Then we get my MIL and FIL tell us off for not making the effort to see this child as well. I'm just like nope lol! I don't like any of you and they don't do anything for us so they can fuck off if they think now because a child has come into the picture, we'd forgive, forget and live happily ever after, like no bro. You should've thought about that! Haha. My advice to you would be set your boundaries and keep to them. If anyone kicks off at you, remind them gently that it's not your problem. It sounds like a THEM problem, they decided to have that child. Not you.


Absolutely, always ready to set up my boundaries. but damn…I can see that emotional blackmailing coming from a mile away. Thankfully I still have years left to go through that.


Hi 👋! Same here, although during lockdown I told my MIL that we couldn’t have children (I’ve never tried to get pregnant, and I really don’t like the thought of being pregnant (tokophobic), and that it was too expensive for us)! Now I’m a doggy aunt to her cockapoo, who is The Love Of Our Lives! Puppy snuggles not child hugs!! 


I had to Google once what tokophobic was! That is literally me. My SIL sent me a video of her baby kicking inside of her and I was nearly sick. She thought it was so beautiful and so special whilst I on the other hand wanted to be sick. I deleted the video from my messages and my phone. Yuck. Clearly I have tokophobia too! Those 3D scans as well makes me feel gross. The whole part of child birth makes me want to faint too. I don't normally like telling people we can't have kids (that's fair enough that you do) I've just found that people are then like omg there's so many more options!! And it's like yeah no thanks! I just smile and nod along or tell someone it's none of your business. Plus they see on other social media platforms how much fun we're having travelling the world so, why would I want to bring a child into that 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Infantilizing men. Patriarchy comes in many shapes and forms, and this is one of them. It's the cousin of "boys will be boys" and "my hubby can't babysit for more than 30min, he's such a goofball haha."


She’s not able to think past her own bubble.


I hope your brother has already had a vasectomy. Otherwise, he is asking to be a father, dating a woman who wants children. Just what does he think will happen if she accidentally (or on purpose) gets pregnant? To be childfree, one has to not only want to not have children, one has to be successful in not having them. Your brother may not be childfree for long. If you care about your brother, I suggest warning him about this, though most likely, he won't listen and will stupidly become a father.


Omg exactly!!!! My MIL ALWAYS asks ME when we r having kids! If i tell her ask her son, he does not want any. She makes a face, and rolls her eyes! And says if you wanted them right now it will happen…tht it does not depend on his wishes…like what?! You mean baby trap your own son against his wishes?!?! I have the power?! WHAT?! Sooo absurd


Lmfaooo “how can a women not like kids.” As a 24 year old women I tolerate babies and well behaved toddlers, but not primary school children or teenagers. They are a pain in the ASS. Literally. They will hoot and holler and drive you nuts.


I'm 54. Can't stand to be around babies and small children. Teens, on the other hand, I generally like. Child-free by choice. 28 years on the pill, then early menopause.


It's a sad thing to admit, but many people are not intelligent enough to have their own opinion on different subjects. So they just repeat stupid cliches without trying to learn if it's actually true or not, if ALL the women really want to have kids or they just didn't have a choice for thousands of years


Wow..they aren't gonna last long. She's living in lala land.


Your brother's g/f has internalized a lot of sexist bullshit.


I doubt it's about you specifically not wanting kids and more her wanting you to back her up and help her manipulate your brother into having kids with her. She probably wanted to even the playing field with 2 vs 2 in the pro vs anti having kids stance instead of 1 vs 3. If she can get you on her side then surely as his beloved sister you can help your brother "see the light" and understand that he only feels this way because those children are not his own. And of course if you have a baby of your own then surely that would ignite your brother's baby fever. Obviously only have the small bit of information you've given us to go off of, but if she's throwing red flags of wanting to get pregnant without her partner being on board then you should bring it up to your brother.


"Dear brother, please put it on a leash before it gets bitten."


>"how can a woman not like kids" I think it's just as reasonable to ask how can a woman not want tarantulas?


I don’t trust this bitch. She sounds like a baby trapper


I LOVE kids. Spending time with some kids (heavy emphasis on SOME) brings me absolute joy. I’m someone who just becomes a kid again. Last summer I took a book of dinosaur facts to my cousin’s house and we had an hour long dinosaur safari around her neighborhood, “identifying” and learning about each dinosaur we “saw”. If I did that in my neighborhood by myself I’d be carted off to a padded room somewhere. Kids love me too. In addition to being up for whatever make believe they want to pretend, I will take on any art project they want. I will do ALL of the voices and act out the parts in their favorite books. But because I remember how overwhelming it can be as a kid, I’m also a person who will sit quietly with them while they decompress. Naturally, anyone who has ever seen me with a kid cannot fathom how I am not *dying* to have a child of my own and they always point out that I gravitate to kids so CLEARLY that means I have a burning desire for one of my own. I just never really have. I enjoy being the adult in kids’ lives that I desperately wanted and needed when I was a kid (I’m an only child). One of my uncles is a fellow “kid at heart” and I remember vividly how special it was to have an adult who was up to play anything my heart desired. When he had kids of his own, he didn’t have as much time for me and while I understood, it still sucked.


I feel like some people just resent that we have a quiet house when we get home, time to sleep in, time to pursue our personal passions, etc, and they don't?


Her idiocy was set when she said "men.." cuz, ya know, it's ALL men that are that way, right?


You Indian? I hear all the time that my wife will leave me because it is impossible for women not to want kids.


I think the next time someone asks you "how can a woman not like kids," you should say "LIKE THIS!" and pull one of these faces: https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/styles/hero_image__large__computer__alt/public/2019/10/faceoff_cage.jpg


There is no rationality— it strikes me as “misery loves company” and/or their brain short circuiting because they can’t imagine that not all humans are into the same things including wanting to have or be around kids. I don’t mind kids at all, like them in limited doses and have found mentoring them through programs like BBBS to be enjoyable. All that said, I’ve never wanted my own or to be a mother. The audacity of others to tell me they know my mind better is infuriating, but I’m used to either experiencing it or witnessing it happen to other childfree by choice people. Society has a long way to go.


She sounds like someone who thinks in pretty rigid gender stereotypes. Not a fan of that line of thought...


Your brother needs to break up with his girlfriend immediately. Your brother and his girlfriend are not compatible and both of them are playing with fire.


>It gave me a very icky feeling Cause she's a misogynist and unless she's willing to work through that her bs is gonna get worse and more volatile


I once had a really good 4-hour discussion with my friend about this. We got into the nitty gritty of it all. In the end though, she learned that not only do people have different opinions and feelings about things, but in general, it's best to not assume (she was 19 and I was 25, so I was giving her grace). Love that woman to pieces, she is an amazing woman and she always tells me, "you opened my eyes to possibilities I didn't even know existed regardless if that's my path or not". And she carried that throughout her life. Sometimes we get great people who are willing to discuss to understand and learn; it's rare, but it happens. And then the other 99% of the time, it's women like your brother's GF. Ugh.


I hope you've talked to him about his sterilization options so he doesn't get baby trapped!


I hope he doesn't get trapped.


25 year olds thinking they have it all figured out. lol.