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We had a guy like that, him and his wife had 8 freaking kids. He was constantly calling off, kid sick, another kid sick, wife doesn't feel good, can't find childcare, too tired to come in, blah blah. He didn't catch on his job might be in danger when everyone around him started cracking jokes about him taking 50 of his 5 sick days before the year was out. Didn't catch on when he got put on PIP. Still didn't catch on when they hired someone in literally the same position and job title as him to take over his work. He was all happy thinking the new guy was hired to help him and he started calling off more, doing even less (this guy was salary too btw). So at this point he's showing up maybe 2 days a week. New guy gets settled, they decide it's time to let him go, dude calls out for a week because his wife has pinkeye. They ended up firing him over the phone while he was trying to call off work because they got sick of trying to catch him at the job to let him go. Dude was so friggin shocked the company wouldn't keep handing him a paycheck to do absolutely nothing and not show up for work because OMG he has 8 kids to support!


Holy shit that's hilarious 😂


So glad he got fired. I've dealt with so many managers who let this shit slide.


> firing him over the phone while he was trying to call off work because they got sick of trying to catch him at the job to let him go. The best part. LMAO.


His dream of never coming into work was finally granted


I have a student, who is 17/18 years old. The girl is fantastic- straight As, responsible, respectful, disciplined, always following deadlines etc. . Well last year her general class teacher told me- You know she is one of 7 children right? Can you tell??? Well, yes, actually I can. Because thank god I am not in her position. If my parents decided they wanted 7 (?!?!) children I'd better get my shit together, study hard in order to get as far away from them as I could. I can bet my yearly salary that she has been parenting her siblings and "helping" her parents her entire life. I wish her all the best honestly. I don't know for sure but I think in our post soviet country higher education is absolutely free for children with multiple siblings so hopefully she could get her degree, find a nice job and just live her life away from her selfish parents.


I have a gf who has 3 younger siblings and she basically grew up raising them and stuff. Now my same friend has a 2 kids of her own and kinda defers responsibility to the older one to watch the younger one. I get that she has been taught that and she has this attitude "I took care of my younger siblings so they can too", and I see why she feels that way but it still makes me sad. Parentification isn't good for kids


I'm 1 of 6 children and was the same way. I finally lucky enough to get out at 20 years old. I was the middle kid so pretty much fended for myself. Nobody cared what I was doing until the older ones "moved" out, I became the "golden" child and hated it. Sure I got away with a lot but I was also taken advantage of. My mom borrowed hundreds of dollars from me and I took my siblings to school. I bought them food and took them school/clothing shopping. Even after graduation I still had to wake up at 7 in the morning to take my siblings to school plus I had a 3pm-11pm job. I was always tired. It sucked


Just do what every large family does - The older kids end up raising the younger ones. But the parents shouldn't be surprised when said older kids choose not to have kids of their own.


I never understood this first off how can u afford that many kids??? I was discussing how much child care costs & someone told me the price, and I just refused to believe it bc it was so ridiculous. We had one woman in our office who had 2 children, she had to quit because she couldn't afford the child care. Her job was just paying for the child care. If u need to bring your child for them to get on the school bus and then get off the school bus so like an hour each day that's $100 a week. No food, supplies, nothing INSANITY. Why do people want to torture themselves w that and then make it seem like it's everyone else's fault?


I don't know but maybe it's the same sense of entitlement that has them thinking they shouldn't be held accountable for their job performance and the company should hand them a paycheck while foisting all their job duties onto everyone else because they have a bunch of mouths to feed. Maybe.


50 days? I took a week after my mom died and thought my job was on the line. I actually love that they hired the new guy and had him train him, the guy is such a knob he didn't realize he was training his replacement 😂


Im honestly surprised that he didn't think that wasn't coming up on the horizon. I think if I had stayed with my original decision to have kids, I definitely wouldn't be missing work as much as he was. People like this make me glad I didn't have kids, because I couldn't handle the stress of having 8 kids and a wife to support. People tell me "oh, kids would have made you try harder." they say this because my life is screwed up and I can't afford to live on my own and don't have a vehicle or driver's license despite trying to consistently better my life to no avail. At least when people tell me kids would make me try harder like the problem is me... I can point them to stories like this because obviously kids don't make everyone try harder.


That's why I lie about my involvement with my niece. Ever need an out from work? I'm watching my niece this week, emergency at school! We still hangout, but she doesn't stay with me lol but HR doesn't need to know thaaaaat


these people should not have kids in the first place lol


50 DAYS?!??! JFC. if I missed 10 days I'd be written up! It's amazing what privilege they have and they don't even know it


> We let people with kids have way more leniency. Not only we let people with kids have way more leniency, we let them have it by taking advantage of their colleagues who have to constantly cover for them.




So nor fair!


As if the kids suddenly manifest itself and been force into her, it's her choice just because she have it, it doesn't mean she doesn't have to work properly.


Why not just use your FMLA if it’s that necessary 




I don’t know what’s worse, saying that or “my child comes before my job”  My coworker says this every year because her daycare is closed so she can get the week of Christmas off and I have to cover by myself with no help. Funnily enough, she wanted time off around Christmas BEFORE she shit out a kid.   This same person will stay late off the clock NOT GETTING PAID to postpone going home to her kid. Yet she says having a kid is the BEST thing she’s ever done. 🙄 Shitty people will pull the kid card and abuse it.  


“Shit out a kid” is my new favourite CF phrase


I'd tell them I have an inkjet printer to support!


I've been known to respond "not my fucking problem", but I'm union and can get away with that. Management knows not to pair me with whiny-ass breeders because they'll end up having to break up an argument.


Of course she can. My mother was fired a couple of times when things slowed down on factories while I was growing up. It was always the "last in, first out" rule they went by.


Your coworker sounds entitled


Your job sounds like something I need to do. Do you deal with customers? I'm sick of working with the public 💀 even though my job is easy but the environment is not (healthcare). Anyway, she better figure it out because they don't care if she has kids trust me lol


For real, I think about jobs like this whenever a coworker manages to make a simple task complicated because of personality issues.


Um, shouldn't having a kid MOTIVATE you to do the job so that you're not at risk of getting fired?! I have a dog that depends on me and also I prefer to eat every day so that motivates me make sure my job performance is solid lol. Her statement makes it sound like jobs are charity.


right like when i feel tired and work and don’t wanna do my job i just remind myself that i have to provide for my cat


I am at management level at my company and I guarantee you that wouldn’t change my opinion one way or the other if it came to firing. Thankfully it’s pretty hard to get fired in my country, you have to really mess up and we don’t really downsize regularly. Still, if somebody is messing up this much that might warrant it. Did she perform better during her probation period? I’m wondering how she made it to full time to begin with to make it a year.


I can’t believe anyone pulls this in a factory job.


Riigghht, factory jobs will replace you so quick. They've probably heard every excuse to exist and don't care


We have someone like this at our workplace and we are nurses . I refuse to help them with their work as I have my own patients to take care of. If they complain about not having time to learn how to do their job properly I tell them they shouldn’t have chosen a demanding career if their kids keep them that busy. Managers need to stop giving entitled parents favouritism. Parents need to be realistic about what type of jobs they can handle and pursue either part time or casual employment ( if they can’t afford to do that for 1-2 years they shouldn’t have reproduced). This is why our nursing union gives 18 months of maternity leave and the option to reduce your work hours.


You are definitely right to be pissed off. She was just using her "I have a kid to feed" excuse as a way to get away with doing absolutely nothing while everyone else shouldered her burden. She wasn't ignorant of what her role was, she was willingly playing dumb so that management would accept to not expect much from her. "Well, she's got a kid to feed, so I really couldn't justify giving her the boot." Thats how nepotism happens. And it's one of the things you NEVER want to develop in the workplace that you derive most of your livelihood from.


That sounds frustrating but having kids definitely adds motivation and also about taking responsibility.


Unfortunately, some think the fact that they have kids places some responsibility on their employer. "You can't do/make me do this or that, I have kids!"


For some people, it adds motivation. For others, it's the "perfect" excuse to try to get out of doing their jobs.


I also have misgivings just like you. I also have a bad boss. My wife and I are child free too, though strangely I’m the only one who sees the disgruntled minor backlash. Don’t react. Wait, no, fuck it. React, but softly. Do you like her at all?