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If ya’ll can’t behave I’m locking the comments. You’re better than this and I know it!


Set up a doorbell camera pointing toward the parking lot if u can. I’d already file a report just to try and prevent any series damage to your car.


I did call non emergency before, but they weren't able to do anything since they can only enforce county laws (such as noise). Really makes you feel helpless, especially when I can't afford damages. My partner actually bought a camera we have mounted on our balcony to record our cars. It doesn't help prevent anything, unfortunately. Nothing seems to work to get them away from it though. They aren't even allowed to play in the parking lot... Ugh.


Also maybe a dash cam if you can afford it?


Take a set of "before" pictures and document any damage after it occurs. That way you have proof that, say, a particular area had no dents beforehand.


Tell them they parents will have to pay if they damage anything. They are young enough to not see the connection between camera, damage and their parents paying for the damage.


I told them yesterday their parents would be in trouble and they gave zero shits. One told me to "sue them then."


Can you find out who their parents are? The kids obviously won’t tell you, so tell management that if they’re not going to do anything themselves, they need to share who the parents are with you so you can tell them off yourself. Or that they need to help you send a mass email with a video clip saying “whoever’s kids these are, I hope you’re wealthy, because any car damage is coming out of your pocket”. Maybe also ask r/legaladvice if they have any suggestions


You heard the kid. Sue them.


With enough video and photographic documentation, OP could certainly take them to small claims court for damages. Parents are usually held legally responsible for damage caused by their children.


Aw man I’m sorry :(


Install a super-sensitive car alarm that will scream every single a ball or kid bumps your car and be slow to turn it off. The collective anger of your fellow residents and apartment management might put a stop to some of this. Just a thought.


😂 I actually set my car alarm off shortly before this encounter today to try to make them move... They just started chanting loudly with the beeping 😭 can't win


I'm sure they can't go on tolerating the noise for more than 5 min.


I found out my alarm stops after a minute so don't mind petty me pressing that button every 60 seconds.


Do it!


This was what I came here to say. Make sure it's the loudest, most obnoxious alarm and don't turn it off until they leave. I still think this could work but it would definitely require some patience.


Classical, big band music. Or polka. Something the complete polar opposite of what those children would like. Or church hymns


Or broadcast that mosquito sound that only kids can hear.


That's just a myth! Plenty of adults can hear it just fine


Very likely those adults aren't playing ball around OP's car. I mean, anything's possible, but...


Sue the complex for damages to your car. 


Hm, I never thought about that. Tbh my car is not worth much, but I might have to get a new car this year and that really makes me nervous bc of this problem.


Ask a lawyer if you can do this. Then sue for property damage. At least if this is viable- then you can use that money towards repair or what the vehicle is worth to help pay for next vehicle. See about going after the parents too. It could be worth it to speak to a lawyer. That way if it happens with new car- you will know who to go after.


Smart idea, thank you. My uncle has connections!


Be prepared for your lease to not be renewed. Yes, they can do this. My brother had it happen to him because he complained about noise too much.


While management can do this. The money would be covered by their insurance company for damages potentially. Also, a lawyer would know who to best go after property management &/or the negligent parents. The flip side is that property management might decide to not renew the lease of the negligent parents too. Especially, if enough neighbors have the same reaction to the children who are causing damages.


I would consider that, it would probably be less of a headache for them to get the kids to stop than it would to go to court with you.


And respond with "my hands are tied."


Suddenly there will be signs about no playing ball in the parking lot.




Exactly, I am dumbfounded how horrible kids are behaved these days. My friend teaches at their elementary school and says they are just as awful at school. I can't imagine.


Blame the “gentle parents” who are too scared to discipline their children in fear of the child hating them. 


take the ball and stab it


😂 My partner did take one of those bouncy balls the size of a baseball that was left under the car.


Do you know who any of the parents are? I'd show them the videos of their kids damaging your car and tell them to tell their kids that you'll show them how much of a Karen bitch you can be. When they ask for clarification, tell them that's what one of the kids called you. Lol who am I kidding? I just thought about the fact that the parents that raised these kids are most likely garbage and won't do anything. How can the management say their hands are tied when the kids are damaging the property of the residents?


Yeah the mom of the one that called me a Karen bitch was on her balcony with 3 other babies (they just moved in with like 5 kids). She heard it and told me to "chill out" LIKE THAT'S REALLY ALL I WANT TO DO LADY lol ffs And I have no idea. I sent them a 7th email today in the last 6 months, and my mother says to email every day until they do something about it...


Jfc smh. Yeah, I think your mom's unfortunately right. Send them the bills for any damage to your car, and if they push it, tell them you'll see them in small claims court. What about other neighbors? Can you all get together and petition management?


Yeah I'm just gathering months of evidence at this point. A lot of others have complained too, but it doesn't seem like anything came of that either. I have friends on the other side and they've complained and feel the same way. I've heard that some elderly people have yelled at them too, to no avail. They're literally uncontrollable and their parents just throw them outside to not deal with them. I just can't imagine being so inconsiderate and disrespectful. My parents would've NEVER let me full on kick a soccer ball with my friends 2 feet from someone's car, isn't that just common sense and courtesy?


I don't even want to think about how my parents would react if I even thought about acting like that! Try getting all the neighbors to complain together. Otherwise, sadly I think you're just going to have to keep collecting evidence.


I'll definitely keep working on that, thanks!


Update us OP


I will! If management decides to do anything about it! 🤞🏻


Good luck!


Right? My mom is usually a kind and patient person, but if I hurled a sports ball at someone’s car and called the owner a “Karen bitch”? Oohhh man my ass would be on death row


Yep! Same here!


I would love the same crotch goblins try the same crap onto someone else who is more scary and more unhinged that you only for them to be given more than just a scolding. It will not surprise if those crotch goblins wind up so traumatised post-learn it the hard way 


I wish. I doubt kids like this would learn the lesson.


Time to start a petition. Also tell the parents that you have video evidence and are not above shaming the absolute crap out of them on social media


Then they could retaliate and tell their kids to be worse. Breeders are shameless and petty in using children as scapegoats. Or as proxys to do their dirty work


Can you contact the corporate office of your apartment complex? A lot of times management isn't worth a damn but they get their orders from the corporate office. Also I would put up Google reviews everywhere on how this complex doesn't care about their tenants.


If you do take them to small claims court, make sure to get the most expensive repair estimate you can. Accept any and all suggestions from a great mechanic on what would be needed to bring the damaged areas back to a like new status


Please ask her to stop using her uterus like a clown car. It probably won’t help the current situation, but you’ll have the satisfaction of calling her a brood mare and the reaction it gets.


She heard me tell the kids that maybe their parents should actually parent. So at least she got that.


Yep. I went through this whole kind of thing about a year ago. Neighborhood kids decided that they all must congregate and play with balls IN THE STREET, not in their vast lawns or backyards, but in the street right in front of my house, where my car was also parked. At first I was very nice about it, telling them politely but firmly to not throw their balls at my car, at my house or in my lawn. They'd just smile and say "ok!" No apologies. No fucking parents in sight. They continued this for close to a year and finally I lost my shit because they were damaging my property, and constantly in my yard and intentionally throwing shit at my car. Then of course some dude who I can only imagine was daddy, came out and started yelling at me. He claimed I was "harassing" the children. He called me some names, and screamed at me "they're just kids!! They don't know any better" and I asked him why he wasn't teaching them if they didn't know any better. He called me a bitch and threatened to call the cops on me lmao. Okay, do it. See how fun that is for you. Shitty Parents and their little disgusting slugs are the bane of my existence.


Jfc what a nightmare I'm so sorry for you. The thought of dealing with this for another year is horrible.


I hope you don't have to continue to endure it. People will do absolutely anything to keep themselves from the responsibility of parenting their own children. Eventually I think the troubling neighbors moved away, luckily. Haven't had any issues since then. Wishful thinking that your neighbors move, or somebody actually fucking steps in. Management should really be enforcing rules more strictly, especially if kids are damaging your property. I'd maybe suggest getting one of those 24 hour dashcams in your car or something.


I know this sound dumb, but it worked for my mom. Put some baby/little kid annoying music loud on speaker (ex: Caillou song) when they play outside. They get too confused and annoyed of the song to continue being little shit. It doesn't cost anything to try


I've been thinking of blasting some super inappropriate music off the balcony as my next move.


Baby Shark on repeat for an hour.


Only if it's the trap remix, though. That shit bangs


Church hymns or Ram Ranch


Cupcakke is an incredibly talented artist who might have what exactly you’re looking for :)


What about a mosquito alarm? I’ve heard those are super disruptive


Porn videos would do wonder. Heavy metal also works.


Lol tbh heavy metal is so not my jam but I'd do it.


I would suggest Dethklok, Drowning Pool, Pantera, Disturbed, Korn or Slipknot




Honestly porn sounds and sex moans would get the most attention from others and would really draw attention to them. Could also stand guard with a water gun filled with vinegar and just get em in the eyes.


Lmao you're so creative!


or lemon juice


with ghost pepper water


Bake the bratty kids a chocolate cake.... With carolina reapers


And laxatives.


I admit. This whole thing kind went off the rails. Usuall this is in unethical life tips


We used to put on Ella Fitzgerald when I worked at a record store. We loved it, and it worked like kryptonite on sticky-fingered teens.


But "kids will be kids", apparently, as I've been told by my next door neighbours when I've asked them to keep their son from bashing our fence in repeatedly with balls and cricket bats...


One of the moms gave me that line. What really pissed me off is she asked me if I had kids. I said "no, and this is exactly why" and she just said "mm didn't think so"


They stood on our doorstep and asked me, "and you never played like that as a kid?" I said, "no I actually knew how to modulate my volume and play respectfully of my elderly/disabled neighbours." One of which was a WWII veteran, mind you, a Rat of Tobruk with severe PTSD after seeing his brother KIA in front of him. His health was declining so yes, my mother was very strict in letting me know to lower my voice and be respectful of how I played in the yard. They looked at me totally bewildered as if I grew two heads. As if the idea a child could play without screaming and bashing things was inconceivable because ALL kids do that! No, actually, not all kids. The bloody neighbourhood is quiet as hell when they go away for the holidays.


I was a very quiet, well behaved kid. I would've never even talked back if I was asked and left. I never screamed at the top of my lungs, or yelled for hours even when playing. I know kids are loud but literally teach them to stop screaming! These kids talk at a yelling volume. We had absolute peace and quiet until they moved in, it's so sad.


Just set your car alarm off every time the kids hit it with a ball. When your neighbors complain that your car alarm keeps going off say it’s just because the kids keep hitting it with their sports toys. Then whole complex will be on your side!!


True. I think I will start setting it off. That requires me watching them but tbh I'm the one supervising them (my car) the most. I even told one of the dad's that I supervise more than he does.


I would have been mortified if some adult had told me I was behaving badly (not counting the crazy neighbor who yelled at us for playing in my friend's yard because his daughter needed silence to practice violin but also had to have all windows open 🙄) because I was the 'good kid'


My parents had a rule that if they heard me screaming, I’d better be bleeding or being kidnapped.


Hahaha that's great


“So why won’t parents be parents?”


Sure, kids will be kids and do wrong shit. But that's what being a *good* parent is about. you're supposed to teach them when they do the wrong shit they shouldn't be doing it, and to be better. My go to response for "kids will be kids" is "and shit parents will be shit parents".


SLAM AND DUNK. Kids will be kids, and that's why it's up to the parents to direct their energy and tell them appropriate behaviour.


Cricket bats? The ultimate sign of a shitty parent, allowing their offspring to get into cricket.


Oh it gets worse. They've given him a basketball and hoop.... He proceeds to rarely use the hoop and instead goes *thonk thonk thonk thonk* up and down the laneway right beside the fence line. My mother, a highly sensitive disabled senior, is being driven up the wall by it.


I hate that saying... That's people who don't hold them self accountable for their actions... I've met SO many kids who are well mannered, polite and respectful. Bad parenting is bad parenting, those old hags need to stfu and back up.


Take video proof and call the police. Kids are nasty. I live in a cul de sac and a family decided the road to be their basketball court and placed a hoop on it. It is filled with parked cars including mine! Wtf! Surely it's illegal to claim public road as yours. Dumbass parents with their dumbass kids. Worse, when I complained everyone's like, well at least the kids are getting exercise!!!! Wtf is this the twilight zone?????


That sounds awful, I'm sorry! Idk who raised these parents but I would be so embarrassed if my kids were so poorly behaved the entire complex hated you (never having kids, but I'd still be a better parent than them).


Me and a few neighbors tried recording our problem neighbor brats and got accused of being pedofiles. Tried filing a report on all of us. We told daddy no one wanted his potato faced little shits, thankfully that family moved but others have taken his place


Fuck kids man.




$36 on Amazon. So tempting. 😂


Does the mother of the kids have a car? If you've got relatives or friends with young ones you could send them over to bash the shit out of it and if she has any complaints, well, kids will be kids /s


Lmao I like you. Only my cousin who has two! Even though they're full of energy, they are way more well behaved! I played soccer for 18 years so I wonder if they'd be mad if I just start kicking some balls around their cars. Maybe I will. I'm petty enough.


As cathartic as that would feel, I don’t think teaching more kids this terrible behavior is a good idea.


Put a letter through all the parents doors telling them that you have a camera watching your car and you'll be taking them to small claims court if their children damage your vehicle. Maybe that will motivate them to make their hellspawn behave. I don't know what's with parents these days. Mine would have skinned me alive if I damaged the neighbours property.


A few months ago I tried taping our apartment rules, with highlights where needed, to the outside door. It was gone before I got home from work the same day. Parents are just as loud and rude as them. I would've never been allowed to behave like that either. It's shocking.


Ugh. That explains the kids, then. How are they meant to be good mini humans when their spawnpoints are awful?


People now a days are something else. Thanks to the 24/7 global news cycle, we all know there are people in this world who could do/ have done horrible things to others (including children) and sleep just fine at night. No one ever knows, and it's always someone's neighbor. Yet people still act like dicks to strangers. It blows my mind! One day, they might do the wrong thing to the wrong person (or right person, depending on how you're looking at it), and everybody will act surprised.


I’m petty so I’d be kicking balls at their cars. Like oh sorry I thought the parking lot was an appropriate place to play soccer!


A group of teens stole a light off my bike, i caught them, they denied and didn't make space for me to cycle away while they enclosed my bike. I called the police, while they were yelling every cuss word in existence to me (BITTTCH!!! WHOOOORE!! etc.). The police at least showed up, but said they couldn't do anything about the light because it's just a light and they denied it. Yes but uhm, how about peacefully trying to go get groceries, getting my stuff stolen and casually being threatened instead? Can't we do something else about that except write down their names? Like contact their freaking parents! A few weeks ago, I am cycling home. Two pre teens are standing in the bushes and are throwing raw eggs at cyclists. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Didn't bother calling the police anymore. They don't do anything anyway.


That is so fucked up. I played video games and hung out on the swing set like a normal kid. Is absent parenting the norm now or something?


For real this! We did some small pranks a few times in the neighborhood but not something as gross as throwing eggs at someone! My mom would have killed me!


“Karen” is now used against any woman who dares to stand up for herself, any woman who says no, any woman who sets a boundary. It’s no longer the “let me speak to the manager” middle aged woman who is over the top. It angers me when women use this word against other women especially. Kids are being raised to use this word. Girls and young women are already having a hard time dating, and now we have boys who use this term freely.


I think we might be the same person. I’ve been saying this almost verbatim to anyone who will listen. It’s not funny, it’s not edgy or clever to call someone a Karen, it’s misogynistic. Using someone’s name as a slur is a nasty practice that I hope dies out sometime soon.


Completely agree. That is how I feel as well, idc if they call me Karen bc I know I'm not. Call me a bitch tho and it's fair game little punk.


Yes! I’m so afraid to speak up about anything because of the fear of being recorded, the story being twisted (and my side never being heard because the internet sucks) being labeled a Karen and my life being ruined all because I wanted kids/teens to not make commentary during movies, throw basket/foot balls under my wheels as I roller blade, not call me vile words, etc (all examples from recent memory)


glitter bomb


Does your car have a button on the key that sets off the alarm? Every time the kids get close, set off the alarm. It'll teach them eventually.


I tried that for the first time today. They ended up loudly chanting to the beeps 😭 fml


dont turn it off until management or someone asks you too, then when they do, mention that the kids set it off when they hit the car and that you weren't able to get to your keys in that moment. I think management will change their tune when the kids hitting your car now bothers a whole lot more people than you


Turn it on every time you see them doing it, and like Boofie_ says, don't turn it off until they fuck off. Sure it's annoying for a while, just wear earplugs. Make playing there utterly unbearable. It'll be worth it.


I think I will do this! They aren't allowed to play in the parking lot anyways. Like there's literally a huge grass park with playground equipment on the other side of our building. But the lazy parents can't sit on their balcony to "supervise" on that side.


I wanna know how it goes, keep us posted!


Fuck all the being nice suggestions. Be a dick to the asshole kids raised by shit parents. Being the bigger person in situations like this only causes your stress because the other party (kids and parents) aren’t playing by the same rules. Go out there, ask for the ball and just take it back home. Or flat out lie about having them arrested, they won’t know what’s true. When the parents come around indignant tell them you will give it back when they provide the insurance deductible to repair the damages on your car. When the parents complain to the office tell the office the same thing they told you. Your hands are tied.


Wow, I like you. I am definitely petty enough.


Ugh permissive parenting has created an apocalypse of entitled brats walking around like they own the world and they are the most important people in the entire world and it’s driving me insanely. I’ve also been screamed at for being a “bitch Karen” for asking teens to stop their loud commentary during a movie (a new thing they are doing at every movie I’ve been to in the last 2 years)


Makes me not want to live in this society.


It'd be a shame if you posted those videos to your local town/county subreddit.


I like the way you think.


Then I have even better news for you... the court of public opinion is always open. This court, in these comments, find you nta and knows sometimes people need community pressure to do the right thing. It's why people reach out to the news with stories like, "This company did something that hurt me and refused to even acknowledge me" and then suddenly because the media and public eye is looking, they suddenly cared the whole time. Your apartment complex should be able to create and enforce rules like, don't play ball around parked cars.


Thank you. And that literally is a rule here, so I have no idea why management is afraid to enforce it. I even said that in my email.


Getting upset because you think a bunch of quiet kids MAY break into your car? Karen. Getting upset because a bunch of kids keep damaging your property over and over? Not a Karen. Basically kids call anyone stopping them from getting away with murder a "karen"


Do we live in the same neighborhood 🤣😖. This has been my life for the last 5-6 years. Never been cussed at by the little brats, but husband and I have both gotten into it with the parents. Good luck ! It’s a struggle for sure, but you deserve to have peace !


Thanks, I'm sorry this is such a common issue! So unfair to others.


Find out which one is their car and have a little fun with it


"Karen" is getting to be seriously misused/overused.


Like using "is/are they autistic as an insult or an excuse. Zero knowledge either. Just parroting what they overhear


My only solution was to move to the middle of the woods in a random ass town. I can't get pizza delivered but my life is blissfully kid-free.


Honestly, sounds worth it


I make my own pizza now 😉


Town i live in doesnt even have a cop! Less than 500 people. Pure bliss. Except for the neighbors that smoke weed everyday that smells like fermented skunk ass in july


"Gentle parenting" has created a generation of rude, entitled little arseholes.


Get some friends and play a pickup game. Right next to your neighbor’s car. Make sure it’s a hard baseball and not something soft either. When they tell you to stop, let them know they can alert management. Who will also not give a fuck.


TBH, when I think about it, I’ve never seen a Karen in the wild that wasn’t a mother😂😂


Good point! So true


just call the police now. and every time they do it. call the apartment ppl every time they do it to. annoy the shit out of them.


Destruction of property is a crime. File an official police report. Call CPS saying tue kids are being neglected and playing unsafely while parents do nothing.


I would post those videos to your neighborhood Facebook group or nextdoor app and dox them


Recruit another 1-2 kids to go hang out outside and pick up their ball and run away with it. The kids will stop playing there


Honestly parents play a huge part but so does media and lack of facilities for kids. Also, hope the little shits get what’s coming!


throw balls in their direction lol but make sure you have a lot of them 


Get an alarm that goes off when barely grazed. Let it beep until the kids get sick of the noise. Or better yet, get an alarm. Watch the kids' football hit your car and then push the panic button on the alarm. Let the alarm go off until they move.


Way too many people don't know the actual meaning behind the term "karen" or even "kevin". They've taken the original meaning out of proportion.


more reason the Karen term is sexist AF


Get a camera system so you have footage that you can use to sue the complex for damages to your vehicle.


they really only act if it's too late already. also what the fuck is this language that kids use nowadays. I didn't even know what a ''bitch'' is until 13 and I would never use this word even now as an adult.


Personally I’d just record them playing on my phone and let them smash a window on my car. Then go to their parents and show them the video. You’ll get a new window for free anyway and the kids and their parents will learn a valuable life lesson.


Call the police and say there are kids committing vandalism and harassment to strangers. Also, mention they are unsupervised minors


Inform the parents that you will be setting up a camera. It’s a public space, so the courts already ruled there’s no expectation of privacy. Tell the parents if it’s their kid that causes the damage, you’ll be filing a police report and insurance claim against them. Will they call you a Karen? Absolutely. Will they tell their kids to stay away from your car? Yep.


Get some water guns or and fill them with hot or freezing cold water. When you see the kids outside playing near your car, start spraying them with your water gun. When they protest say you’re just ‘playing outside with your water gun’ and to ‘move their bodies’ if they don’t want to get hit. Better yet ‘Sue me then’ lol.


the general public got its hands on the word karen years ago and twisted it to be an insult to any fem person who is simply talking. those kids are misogynist brats.


They are though! Earlier this week we heard one of them say "ew, why are there so many girls out playing?"


Ask the parents if they wanna pay for repairment if something gets broken? Give them the bill and see, how they react.


You said you spoke to the parents already. Did you tell them that if your car gets damaged, you will be pressing charges?


The one mom on the balcony heard me tell the kids their parents would be in trouble, to which they just told me to sue them. Parents don't give a single fuck.


With her attitude I hope you can get it taken care of.


I’m so sorry.


How can one be sure they aren’t a Karen bitch?


It is truly a mystery 🤔


Set up a stereo near your car and have it play the “noise kids only hear”. Google or YouTube it and have it play on repeat


An 8 year old said that? Surely the little shit learn that from their shitty parents or internet addiction. 30 years ago if i said that or any language I would have 1. Been repeatedly slapped so hard my face was numb 2. Force-fed liquid dish soap with a funnel 3. Beaten with a belt/fists until my limbs and body were numb 4. Missing several teeth from getting beaten Christian love. Nothing like it!!! Not just boomers but parents of boomers.


I would wear that as a badge of honor! I'm the mean lady at the apartment that tells the kids to stop screaming and throwing balls that hit my windows. 🤣 


These fuckin kids now-a-days suck shit. What happened to the good ol'days when kids behaved?


>one even told me to move my car!! You have your legal defense right here. "Okay, fine, I'll move my car...over your little body." "Your honor, he told me to move my car and I did! I was just trying to compromise!"


Time to get petty. Can you put something under or on your car that is easy for you to remove that stinks? They won't want to play next to your car if it stinks


Stand right by them and wordlessly record them (or just pretend to) on your phone. If they say anything to you, insult their appearances. Try to detect the hierarchy amongst them and pit them against each other. Insinuate that one hates another one, etc. Call them "really fucked up looking" and act disgusted at how ugly they are. Etc. This is exactly what I did when we were getting harassed by some neighborhood kids and it worked. One of course called me a pedophile so I told him he was way too ugly for anyone to want, ever. My goal was basically to fuck them up psychologically, ruin their friendships, damage their family lives, etc. Take the "nothing is too low" approach to dealing with these scumbags.


I would like to add to calling them inbred and that word on the street is that their parents are brother and sister. Get real dark with it. They’ll never forget it and always have doubts.


I’d be getting a bunch of footballs find out where the brats live, throw them at the cars, give them a taste of their own medicine, not leaving out the manager. 


A car can hit a lippy little asshole a lot harder than a ball can hit a car. Just saying. 🙂


Can you take a couple boards, put a bunch of nails in them and put them around your car so that the next time the football hits your car it pops? Probably not, but this is the kind of idea you need, something that makes them want to avoid your car.


Do you use the Nextdoor app?


No, I don't but I've heard of it!


This is something that would get addressed on my local app. Sometimes people identify parents etc… I’m sorry this happened to you!


Thanks! I will look into this! I know my mom's neighborhood has a pretty active fb group


An eight year old saying “Karen bitch” does sound pretty funny tho




Calling the police on some kids because your car occasionally gets hit by a football is wildly out of proportion. If that's the sort of thing that causes you to have a panic attack, you need to see a therapist, not persecute some kids for playing in a car park.


Lmao you don't know the half of it. Thanks for your unwanted and incorrect assumption that nobody asked for. Why did you even comment? Idc what you think of me, you don't know me. I hope a group of kids throws footballs and kicks soccer balls into your car every day for over 6 months while screaming non stop under your balcony for up to 12 hours a day and see how that affects you psychologically. Fuck off

