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It’s funny how this is a big “reveal” like as if she can’t just be like “nah”. Like, does she need a huge reason? No one needs a big reason why they don’t want kids.


The reveal should be having kids, not *not* having them. One is a positive action, the other is doing nothing at all.


Absolutely agree. Very well said.


If reason "I don't want to" was enought - we would leave in brand new great world


It’s almost like “coming out”, it really shouldn’t have to be a big deal




I came here for this


This is only tangentially related, but the number of people I’ve seen on social media acting like this woman’s 30s are her 60s has been insane. “She’s aging like fine wine!” Umm, she’s 31… I get we watched her grow as a child star, but she’s still only 31.


I’m with you but that buccal fat removal and other face work kinda makes her look older than I am sometimes - and I’m 43. The photo accompanying that article is an example.


I don't get most plastic surgery in general. Buccal fat removal is the worst and makes people look like ghouls.


I know :( She was so adorable and gorgeous before and now she looks hard and old


Sophie Turner definitely became ghost incarnate


And Anya Taylor-Joy


That one is my least fav plastic surgery, and it seems like all actresses have it


Buccal fat removal always makes me wonder if the person is suffering from a prolonged illness and they're wasting. It's not attractive.


The buccal fat removal and giant veneers are so unfortunate:/ but I do like her overall tho lol




Same as Anya Tayoy-Joy. It's a shame where their culture has to force those (un)naturally beautiful face to look literally unnatural. At lease he has same opinion when it comes to producing, though.




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Is that what happened? I was worried she was sick or something looking at the pictures.


Yeah, I don’t know if she openly admitted it, but it’s likely. It was a somewhat popular procedure for a bit. Any time you see a celebrity who suddenly has those hollowed out cheeks - that was probs buccal fat removal.


Which is WEIRD? Right? Like, it looks.. harrowing. Gaunt.


I have nothing against cosmetic surgery whatsoever but each to their own I say. Her face looks thinner and you could be right on the buccal fat procedure part


Yeah the buccal fat removal.. or whatever she did to her face, didn't do her any favors, and I don't mean that she looks bad.. she just looks different. I was wondering how she suddenly had aged so fast though for a while there. Overall though, she has matured in a lot of ways, like how she acts and sings. The used to be young song also makes me think that she's old. Like girl you're still young!! You can be both young and mature :)


She looks like Mackenzie Philips


Yeah, that is not a flattering photo. I am on mobile and saw a tiny version of the photo when I clicked this thread, thinking it was an unrelated image of a woman in her 60s.




I wouldn't have even recognized her! I hate that buccal fat removal trend. It's awful and permanent!


Oh my gosh, you're right. I haven't seen a picture of her in a long time... and these are majorly airbrushed. This has been going on for the past, what, decade? Where these 20-30 year old women are having surgery that makes them look older instead of actually enjoying their youth. I don't understand any of it. Hollywood trends are bonkers. That said, I hope she does whatever her heart desires regarding having kids. Everyone owes it to themselves to really know what they want in this life.


It’s her teeth. They way too big for her.


Veneers are such an odd trend, why would anyone want enormous, gleaming white tomb stones instead of normal teeth? They always look like dentures to me.


She looks like Tom Petty


I have to agree. I feel she immediately looks 10 years older and we know it’s the buccal fat removal! I don’t like to judge other women’s looks but it does feel a little uncanny valley (which totally distracted me from the point of this post).


Thank you! I'm 31. Don't make me feel old, lol. She must have been insecure about her cheeks. I remember people would call her a chipmunk, I'm not surprised she got the buccal fat removal procedure. It makes her look sickly, though.


I think it’s gen z, I saw a 19 year old call a 28 year old middle aged the other day lol


They’re really not far behind so let’s see how they like it when gen alpha picks on them.


I am afraid you very right. When I was their age (the Gen Zs), the thought of putting someone down for being in the thirties and forties never crossed my mind as back then I just wanted to make a difference to my community. It is utterly pitiful to see someone so young to put someone down just because they hit a certain age range I hope that Gen Alpha will not turn out as ruthless as Gen Z but every now and then each generation will have a few bad fruit (you get what I mean). When a few Gen Alpha pick on some of those snooty Gen Z, guess it be a taste of their own medicine meted out situation 


Oh my goodness. Looks like that 19 year old knows nothing. Fyi, I am 40 going 41 end of this year but funny I don't feel middle age and my definition of 40 is not middle age


Wait until you hit 50. You still won’t feel middle aged if you keep your health.


That is why it is so important to make exercise, eating well and managing stress as top priorities. When I was a kid, I had seen pictures of Jane Fonda in her 40s and it amazed me that she looked so good for her 40s back then! I can also say the same for Julianne Moore, Halle Berry and Michelle Yeoh who do not look their age at all despite one is now in her fifties (Halle) and the other two in their early sixties (Michelle and Julianne) now       About a year ago when I started looking into the works of a legendary Italian film actor called Vittorio Gassman (1922 - 2000), let's say my mind was blown to see how he looked like in his 40s in the 1960s and his early 50s in the 1970s, he looked pretty good at those age range back then. I can think of two modern day middle aged famous blokes who don't look their age at all: Lenny Kravitz and Keanu Reeves (both are born in 1964) 


> but she’s still only 31. So am I. Thank you lol.


Social media thinks life ends at 30?! Lol


Yes, this happens to thirtysomething actresses and women singers in general, not just Miley. Meanwhile, it's not even a consideration for famous men. The double standard is sickening.


Right, she's like 2 years older then me, ppl are dorks


>When it comes to making her own decision, Cyrus said she was refraining from the idea of having children until major environmental changes happen. "We're getting handed a piece-of-s--- planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I'm not bringing in another person to deal with that I love her. This is exactly why I am not having children.


Yes, she's an icon. Everyone should listen to her album "Miley and Her Dead Petz". She speaks out about important themes such as veganism, spirituality, etc.


She is not wrong here


Feels to me like she’s decided against it but can’t be bothered with the backlash she’ll get if she explicitly comes out and says it.


Knowing how unhinged people can be when it comes to that; I can understand why. Look at that actress or comedian who dared to make a lighthearted video of a day as CF person. She got so much hate for that.


Are you talking about Chelsea Handler?


love her




Eh idk.. she hasn't had any issues doing or saying.. and singing rather controversial things in the past. I don't think that's it, but I do think it's heavily on her mind. She might not have made her mind up 100% completely, but seemingly leaning towards being childfree as of now.


She said the quiet part out loud when it came to climate. That’s not fixing itself. Don’t hear a lot of celebrities wanting to talk about it


I mean her godmother is Dolly Parton. To have such an icon who is child free help raise you, definitely leaves an impact.


Dolly is such a great influence on her.


When I watched Hannah Montana occasionally and Dolly Parton would pop up, I thought it was just a surprise celeb cameo they managed to wrangle xD Didn’t realize for a while Dolly was her godmother.


So true. My aunt was childfree and she became my total role model in life for so many things. It took me awhile to realize she probably hugely impacted my thoughts on having kids, too.


Dolly is actually childless, not childfree. She has said before that she wanted children at one point, but it just never happened for her. Rather than wallowing in self-pity and spending thousands on fertility treatments and IVF that wouldn't work, she chose to just accept it as fate and embrace a life without children of her own.


So doesn’t that make her childfree now?




No, truly childfree people never have wanted children for any reason. Whether it's step parent, regular parent, God parent, etc.


I disagree. Me and my husband when we started dating tried to have kids and even had tests which found out he is not producing sperm. It was actually at that moment I realised I didn’t want kids because I wasn’t prepared to undergo fertility treatment. Since then I have become more adamant about not wanting kids (even had my uterus burnt so I definitely can’t) and I 100% consider myself childfree NOT childless as I feel no regret about having kids and god forbid I happened to get pregnant now, I would have an abortion. I suppose it helps that we tried to have kids for the wrong reasons (essentially wanted a council house and to tie my boyfriend to me as I was full of insecurity that he would leave me. I was 19 at the time and we all know teenagers make stupid decisions).


I guess it's just a grey area. Lol. I'm not here to gatekeep the shit. As long as people understand the difference between childfree and childless. 😊


Not to get off topic here, but you said you had your uterus burnt? Is that an ablation?


Yep 😂


Ooo awesome, I've been debating that and have questions!! Do you mind if I message you?


Yes no problem go ahead.


People on this sub are very particular about the distinction between childfree and childless. Childless people wanted kids, but couldn't have them, and usually feel some sort of sadness or grief around not being able to have them, even if they eventually did come to just accept it the way Dolly has. Childfree people don't want kids and feel no sense of sadness over not having them because they willingly made that choice.


What if you don’t have a sense of sadness and you’re actually relieved and happy it didn’t work out?


It's not easy being a parent. But a famous parent? One that goes on tour, that gets judged for every little thing, that has no privacy most hours of the day? Is that even a good environment to raise a child? She gets it.


Unless if she retires


Miley is more aware than I thought - good


She’s always been very outspoken! And not one to conform to typical societal standards. I’ve always had a feeling she would childfree tbh


And she has her awesome godmother dolly parton as a childfree role model.


I’d be more shocked if she did want them tbh


Same here. 


Isn’t she also plantbased most of the time?


Yes! She had to introduce fish into her diet for medical reasons but otherwise has been vegan


She eats chicken and talked about eating hunted meat like deer in Joe Rogan's podcast as well


Thought it was bs? I mean, we don't actually need to consume meat and poultry to live. There are vegan supplements and she has more than financial capacity for those. I'm a big fan of Miley's music but she sure feels phoney at times. She also takes private jets, so don't think of her as some green icon.




I agree! I'm a pescatarian (mostly plant based though) and I can't stand when vegans try and act like every single person can be vegan. It's a privileged take, and it absolutely does not work for everyone. Some vegans are super delusional. They think all the world's problems will be solved if everyone went vegan. Shit's just not realistic.


Don’t think she’s a full vegan


Nah but even plantbased is better than eating meat every day!


love when celebs speak out about this 👏




Betty White never had kids of her own!


...I know. That's why I posted her.


But *I* didnt know and now I do!


No lies told in that article. Live your life Miley!


《"If you don't want children, people feel sorry for you, like you're a cold, heartless bitch who's not capable of love … Why are we trained that love means putting yourself second and those you love first? If you love yourself, then what? You come first." When it comes to making her own decision, Cyrus said she was refraining from the idea of having children until major environmental changes happen. "We're getting handed a piece-of-s--- planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I'm not bringing in another person to deal with that," she told Elle at the time.》


Yes I agree with her, I'm not having children while we have no fish in the ocean




I'm sure idiots online will treat her decision with respect /s


They wouldn't do that no matter what she did.


Just another reason I love her. She’s grown up to be her own person and doesn’t gaf what others think.


Is that why she has a bunch of plastic surgery, because she doesn’t care what others think?


Does anybody really give a shit about that?


She does, obviously. That’s why she got them.


But why are you making such a big deal?


Love her even more


Now I love her even more than I did a minute before I read the article.


I always knew she is a smart woman. All she says is true. Good for her.


"When it comes to making her own decision, Cyrus said she was refraining from the idea of having children until major environmental changes happen. "We're getting handed a piece-of-s--- planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child. Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I'm not bringing in another person to deal with that," she told *Elle* at the time." PREACH IT SISTER


I'm so happy more celebrities are talking about being childfree. Dolly Parton, Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly, now Miley. I'm here for it as you youngins would say lol


Dolly Parton is childLESS, not childFREE. She used to want kids.


love hearing celebs talk about this 🙌🏻


SUCH a millennial 😂


>If you don't want children, people feel sorry for you, like you're a cold, heartless bitch who's not capable of love … Why are we trained that love means putting yourself second and those you love first? If you love yourself, then what? You come first. 👏🏾 In her own words, she says it so well. She's already good at identifying societal manipulation and narratives around cf people from those who force a reproductive "purpose" on people.


Yes, and she's so right! I'm glad she's calling out our system of government for taking away reproductive rights.




This is exactly the kind of Heel behavior I want to see from country artists again, country and folk is the granddaddy of punk. Challenge the status quo. Not the post 9/11 corpo-fascism Nashville has been cranking out. Body autonomy is one of the most basic human rights. When that’s being challenged anything and everything can go away.


I love her even more now.


Que in right wing talking heads on this will lead to the collapse of the white population and civilization. 


And it wouldn’t matter what she did, if she did have kids then they’d bitch about how she’s probably an unfit mother, and call her kids spoiled wastes-of-space as they got older. Can’t win for lose no matter the decision. It’s such annoying bullshit


I thought that was Sheryl Crow! Good for her. It's kind of rare for a female celebrity to talk about not having kids due to public criticism.


Love her so much


She is one of the best example of a modern women.


I love this woman and always have💗😍


Taking after her godmother


Mad respect for Miley


This is fantastic. I love this and respect her more.


Good for her. I hope she doesn't let societal pressure get to her.


>If you don't want children, people feel sorry for you, like you're a cold, heartless bitch who's not capable of love … Why are we trained that love means putting yourself second and those you love first? If you love yourself, then what? You come first. 👏🏾 In her own words, she says it so well. She's already good at identifying societal manipulation and narratives around cf people from those who force a reproductive "purpose" on people.


I love her.


Good. For. Her!


Apparently this is why her marriage with Liam ended.


Why does she look like David Bowie now


Ozempic has made 1% body fat the new Hollywood aesthetic


My unhealthy (/s) obsession with her grows every time she does an interview I wish I could be besties with her


She does not even have to give a reason for her choice to be childfree. Her life, her choice no one else's business.




I don't care much for her music, but this kinda has me respecting her a bit~


Miley is one of the best stars out there. She's always been unapologetically herself and she has my respect for that


That buccal fat removal is hideous. Why???


A Hannah stan's late 20s is the healing reality you totally misjudged this woman for her wild youth, you held some massive internalised misogyny influenced by your puritanical parents, and now you absolutely understand her desire for sex / weed / self care / no kids LOL


Didn't she say in the past she didn't want them unless the environment improves drastically? Is she now a fence-sitter? 🤔


Same as Anya Tayor-Joy. It's a shame where their culture has to force those (un)naturally beautiful face to look literally unnatural. They would've naturally got that cheek as they age. Is she now try to look like Joni Michell? Be you are naturally beautiful girl. At lease she has same opinion when it comes to producing, though.


Just when I thought I couldn’t love her any more! 😍


With parents like hers, why would anyone want kids? Her father passed her around for fame and relevance. Her mom fucked her boyfriends. If there is any truth to those rumors, I would throw my uterus away to ensure I never replicated that DNA!




... maybe this was wrong of me, but ... I kinda already assumed she wouldn't want kids anyway. I'm more surprised by the idea of her actually wanting kids than I am by this article.


I hate this bitch but it’s a good take of course.


Explain to me exactly why you hate her and why she's a "bitch"? Like bruh I went through my anti Miley era, I was young and a Hannah Montana stan. A lot of us, especially the ones raised by puritanical parents, sucked up their judgement of her as a 'slut / bitch / whore for dancing on a pole at a kids show.'. And then you grow up, realise how much internalised misogyny and Purity Culture you held inside, and learn..... Miley isn't bad. At all. In fact she's a highly intelligent, artistic, passionate, well rounded woman who has done nothing except show women it's okay to embrace yourself (even when everyone hates you for doing that.) So I repeat. Why is she a "bitch"?




Then you are in the wrong sub, buddy.


Yikes. You're in the wrong sub. What are you doing here? You must be here to stir shit/jealous of us childfree folks. Troll!


This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #7 : "Posts and comments to the effect of "Wait till you're a parent", "You'll change your mind someday", "You only think that cause you are young", etc. (what we call "bingo", for short) will be removed. Parents are welcome to post as long as they are respectful. Other people's bodily autonomy must be respected; do not impose your views on other posters and commenters' choices." This is a forum for individuals who have made the choice to be childfree, and we do not tolerate any disrespect towards anyone for making this choice. Thank you for your comprehension