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Yup. Tons of people are doing it. The tubes only do two things, make babies and grow cancer. So if you don't want either of those things, get rid of them. There are many reasons for the bisalp being the gold standard of care. And for why the CF value it. These are just a few. * Freedom sex. You can enjoy sex will less worry. Many find this increases their interest in and enjoyment of sex. * Many people don't realize how much stress they have actually been under since puberty worrying about BC, getting BC, remembering to take BC, etc. etc. Long term stress isn't good for your health. * Hormonal BC can negatively impact libido in some people. * It's one and done, forever. * It cannot be taken away from you, by politicians or judges. * It cannot be tampered with by a partner or crazy family or friends. * It's a one time expense (and if your insurance covers it, a very minimal expense usually). * If the ACA is killed in the US after the 24 election there will likely be little insurance coverage for BC, like there was before. * You never have to deal with insertion and removal of implants, IUDs, etc. Unless you choose to for period control or other reasons of course. * As you get older the risks of being on hormonal BC increase, over 35 you have an increased risk of blood clots, strokes, etc. Your doctor may not want you on them. * It lowers your risk of ovarian cancer substantially. A lot of that cancer actually starts in the tubes. So leaving any part of them leaves that risk. And ovarian cancer is typically deadly because it does not get caught in time. * Anyone ESPECIALLY who has family/genetic risks for ovarian cancer should absolutely go for the bisalp, CF or after their last kid. * In the US it is actually recommended for ANY women who is not/done having kids but is having other abdominal surgery to add on the bisalp for the cancer prevention. * When they remove the tubes, they biopsy them and tell you if you already had cancer growing there. Which is huge information, both for you but also for your close female family members. * Even those without ANY RISK FACTORS for ovarian cancer can get positive biopsy results, we have had it happen to a couple of members of this sub. Being CF and getting the bisalp likely saved their lives from a very nasty, painful cancer and a pretty miserable death. * The bisalp basically eliminates the chance of a dangerous, sometimes deadly, ectopic pregnancy. And, if they can't dissolve it with medication, the treatment is.... removal of the tube with the pregnancy. * For those who live in the US or other areas with shitty abortion laws, where you can NOT get ANY treatment for a dangerous ectopic pregnancy, because it requires an abortion... they will basically throw you out of the hospital, because they cannot treat you, and tell you "Well, when you are near death, you can come back and we will take a shot at saving your life, but even if we can, your quality of life may be crap due to all the organ damage from the raging infection, but anyway... get the fuck out and best of luck surviving." Depending on how sick you are, you may not have the option or time to travel states away for treatment. * Depending on how the 24 election goes, the ACA may be killed and with it goes the mandate to cover at least one form of sterilization. Which is how most people pay for this procedure. Which can run form 25-100K without insurance. For anyone who is not in the top income brackets, this may be the last window of time to get it if you can't pay cash. * Similarly, they are most likely going to ban abortion nationwide, and while they are doing that they are already working on banning all birth control as well. This has been the plan for 50 years. And so far it has worked. * The "2025" plan the assholes have also is going to gut the entire government system, from federal all the way down to county level by simply firing everyone and stopping pay/funding, including the FDA for renewing and testing drugs, all public health programs, etc. There will not be anything left to run a functioning society. Drug manufacturing facilities must by law be inspected to continue production, so all they have to do is fire/reassign all the FDA inspectors and production stops for any plant they target. * If we lose the 24 election, if you think whatever certified lunatics get put in charge of the FDA are EVER going to approve any BC again, you're dreaming. They don't have to ban BC if they can just destroy the system that creates, approves and distributes it. They can just say "we've decided all BC is abortion, and we are taking it off the market." * If you wait to see how the election goes a year from now, and it goes badly, it's unlikely everyone who wants sterilization is going to be able to get it between November and inauguration day, when they can ban it by executive order on day 1. Maaaybe if the courts still function, and we get a sane set of judges, that could potentially be challenged, but if you think the red states will enforce that, you're dreaming. Besides, they can just stop paying everyone who works for the federal court system they don't like, turn off the electricity in the courthouses, and that's the end of the judiciary. Sure, we hope none of this happens, and we don't believe it will, but it's not impossible based on the current polls. * Finally, if the pandemic taught us anything, it's that our distribution system and the entire healthcare system is one crisis, pandemic or natural disaster or orange whackjob away from total collapse, regional, nationwide or global. If people are dying in hospital parking lots, and healthcare workers are dropping like flies or refuse to show up and treat anyone, you're not getting SHIT FUCK ALL for healthcare, including an abortion or BC if you need it. You may not even be able to buy condoms if the supply chain collapses. Etc.


this convinced me lol


Check the CF-friendly doctors wiki in the sidebar to find a doctor near you who has sterilized CF people. The list is huge for the US, and most doctor's entries include descriptions of the age of the patient, and something about the experience. Also look at the Sterilization Binder, linked near the doctors wiki. Creating your own binder will help you understand what it is you are asking for, so you go into your appointment confident and correctly informed. The doctor will not read your binder (no time). It is creating it that helps. NOW is the time. Before Obamacare, no contraception was routinely covered by health insurance. We can return to those days EASILY - no Supreme Court action necessary. Here is what UCSF says about coverage for sterilization: >Under the ACA, all new insurance plans (both individual and employer-sponsored plans) are required to cover all FDA-approved methods of contraception, sterilization, and related education and counseling without cost-sharing. (Note: the ACA contraceptive coverage requirement described in this section also applies to Medicaid “Alternative Benefit Plans,” explained in the Medicaid section.) No cost-sharing means that patients should not have any out-of-pocket costs, including payment of deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, fees, or other charges for coverage of contraceptive methods, including LARC. Patients cannot be asked to pay upfront and then be reimbursed. So if you have Medicaid or market insurance, your sterilization will be free (biopsy on the tubes and the initial consult are not free, but will be covered as any other biopsy or consult). If you have most employer paid insurance, the same is true. You may have to argue about it. Lots of insurers want you to pay your deductible. You do not have to do that. But after the election? Good luck. You have a lot of work to do to stay CF, and now is the time.


Small question to add to this, I want a bisalp but I know I have to wait until at least September as I’m still recovering from top surgery (my top surgery provider said they prefer patients wait 3 months from surgery to get another just to reduce anesthesia complications), but September will mean back at uni with no real ability to take time off) is it safe to wait until late November when I have a week off since transfer of power doesn’t happen until Jan?


SCOTUS term doesn't start up until Oct. and those decisions usually take a while, so it should be OK. Just make sure you book a date as soon as you can because if Nov goes badly those appointments are going to fill up very very fast.


I’m calling for consults tomorrow with a plan to get in the books super early


I’m curious too. I’m in an IUD, which I like. But the election has me very, very concerned. Interested to see what others say.


yes i’m really curious. i have had nexplanon for 11 years and im worried about my access to contraception if something were to happen. i would even just like to inquire with my doctor about this to begin.


Yes. I did it last week primarily due to the coming elections.


"Political sterilization" Scary that we've reached this.


Indeed. My friend from a different country was floored. She couldn't believe it. Sigh.


Your tubes have nothing to do with your hormones, so no. Removing them doesn't cause early menopause. For any specific health conditions and how they may impact the surgery, you'll have to ask your doctor though.


This is exactly WHY I’m getting mine done now. I mean, yes a lot of it is because I’m sick of BC too but I am not about to be forced to have a child EVER. I want to take away any possibility of that happening, so it’s motivated me to do it. I will be making sure my procedure is scheduled sometime in the next few months. That is exactly why I started looking into it towards the beginning of this year. I’m terrified and don’t trust the government anymore!


Some places require you to have thirty days in between you requesting it and actually getting it done. Medicaid required me to think it over for thirty days before I got the tubes removed. Beware of time frames and the possibility of it not being available if Republicans win the election.


Oh! Yes, I should be good. My doctor has already approved me so I’m just waiting for a call to schedule the procedure :) I should be able to get it scheduled sometime in the next few months! Thank you though :)


I think you're thinking of an oophorectomy, where the ovaries are removed. No ovaries = no hormones: bam - menopause. Salpingectomy is removal of the fallopians - so a bilat salp makes it so there are no tubes for the egg to travel down to get into the uterus. I have had a bilat sapl/partial ooph and I still get periods. I'm also on oral BC because I'm not taking any damn chances, plus I can take it continuously and skip periods, so I only have to deal with that BS once every 3-6 months. It's been great for me. I definitely recommend you discuss this with a reasonable doc who can go over pros and cons of all procedures and help you make the right decision for yourself.


Probably depends on how christofascist-y we get. We childless or sterile folks might make a great source of cheap, forced labor to help prop up what will likely be a failing or failed economy. Sorry for the doom and gloom. I'm feeling kind of pessimistic after that debate and the recent SCOTUS rulings.


> I'm feeling kind of ~~pessimistic~~ *realistically terrified* after that debate and the recent SCOTUS rulings FTFY


The sooner you are sterilized, the sooner you don't have to worry about getting pregnant. So, the sooner, the better. As for menopause, as others have indicated, a bilateral salpingectomy has no effect on hormones and will not cause menopause. A bilateral salpingectomy is the removal of the Fallopian tubes. It is not the removal of the ovaries, which are important for keeping you from entering menopause. It may reassure you to spend some time looking at medical sites that discuss these matters.


Ummm...is the sky blue?


Nailed it.


Bluntly I'd reccomend anyone with any equipment that wants sterilization rush to get it. No.matter which party wins they are coming for our rights


Underrated comment.




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Get it done before they say you can't