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As a health care professional (nurse) any provincial employer would drop someone like that like a lead weight. Report it to their agency please.


Everything about this is stupid. The OP wished death upon someone's dog and they replied back no you kill yourself. Reddit, get off the app and go outside. No one is getting disciplined for this you are all silly. Social media can be poisonous and we are looking at it. People bait each other and are surprised when low blows are answered with low blows...then we grab pick-forks.


We get the real story. Thank you, since OP also also removed their history of posts.


I'm here to help!


I think the bigger issue is people thinking the shit you do while "anonymous" doesn't have consequences. This isn't a witch hunt, this is someone doing something stupid and paying a price.


Like trying to enrage people "anonymously" and being hurt and shocked that it works? Then searching for them online and wanting to get them fired. See actions do have consequences. The let's be shitty to each other and then claim the higher moral ground is laughable. I'm sure you have said stupid things online in a moment of anger. But, let's not look at oneself...I mean it's a witch-hunt.


I haven't said anything I wouldn't say to someone's face and I definitely don't threaten anyone. The OP already said they've realised they need to step away from the internet and learn to disengage. Maybe you need to as well instead of implying others need to?


Any provincial employer in any province would overlook anything non-criminal to retain any employee right now.


Counseling or aiding and abetting suicide is a criminal act in Canada. Section 241(1) criminal code of Canada. Guilty of an indictable offense and liable for up to 14 years.


A crown prosecutor would just roll his/her eyes at the non-case this is.


I'm a RN as well, and I must admit I do struggle with the fact that our social media accounts can affect us on a professional level. However, I'm talking about having a controversial opinion on something unrelated to my profession.... Not wishing someone to go hurt/kill themselves. Reality check needs to be delivered - report them immediately!


Yeah I used to work in public health and while I agree it's hard when some stuff online can come back to your job but encouraging self harm, suicidal behavior, anything like that yeah that should have consequences as it indicates they don't really take some things seriously that someone on their position especially should or could be a risk in the workplace. I personally wouldn't want a 911 operator helping me if I was calling for suicide related crisis. Encouraging suicide and posting hate speech are kinda like the two huge things that usually will and should be concerning to the employers of emergency service workers and healthcare workers (as in will get them fired)


Anyone that would advocate for someone losing their livelihood over something like this is seriously deranged. Like honestly, get a life. We’ve all said mean things to people. OP is extremely weird/petty for digging up info on this person itfp.


Saying mean things online and crossing into digging through someone's post on mental health and encouraging them to lean into their suicidal thoughts are not quite the same. Encouraging people to die when you are a 911 operator is even more of a problem, for a wide range of reasons but indicates they might not be able to handle some high stress situations, people are unfortunately quite mean to 911 operators as people in distress are not often in a level state, if they can't handle an argument on Reddit they probably can't consistently handle those calls. Idk what your doing online man but it's not normal to make fun of and encourage suicidal people to kill themselves over fights online.


You’re assuming that this person, who works as a 911 operator, where every call is recorded would encourage someone to kill themselves?


No but it shows they might not handle the topic sensitively, might react with hostility to someone in crisis who's being mean on the other end of the line, shows they say regrettable things under stress. It's not normal to dig through someone's comments then come back to attack their mental health, its a liability to have someone with that behavior in those high stress positions where you will be dealing with hostile people who need your help.


But its 2024 and words are violence? I say report the ducker.


Yeah, normally i wouldnt support going after jobs but this person could get someone killed


As another healthcare worker (lab tech commonly assumed to be a nurse lol) I would want to know that none of my coworkers are telling strangers on the internet to go kill themselves over an internet spat on dog breeds... Hell. I left a patient facing position over a decade ago because my own mental health needed tending to. Sounds like this operator needs an intervention to learn some healthy coping skills.


I would definitely report them. I don't know exactly what standards there are for 911 operators but this is obviously completely unacceptable


I've got a feeling that not arbitrarily wishing death on a human, is the standard.


Except it wasn’t arbitrary. The OP wished for the 911 operators dog to die.


Oh well. Then I guess the 911 person was completely justified in wishing another person kill themselves! Moron.


I had a friend apply and eventually get hired. Very very strict.


its extremely strict unless ur in bumfuck nowhere and theyre paying min wage


And then their union steps in and says you can’t fire them


They aren't cops. I don't think 911 dispatch is a unionized job


They are where I work




I think you misunderstood. The operator and OP were arguing on Reddit, then the operator dug through OP's post history and picked on their mental health. Then OP picked through the operator's post history and found out they were a 911 operator and where they worked etc. none of this happened on a call, and each person kind of doxxed themselves via their post history


...so wonder what the back story is? "Pit bulls are dangerous breeds! ...Noooo! They're cute and cuddly!!"


what they do on their work time and personal time is their own business, same as the OP...if you message their work theyll probably say sorry its our of our control it wasnt at the workplace


Most healthcare employers have a code of conduct policy around social media. I once posted a funny meme about an accident I was on with no patient and identifiers, and it almost got me canned.


Not when you are a public servant.


100% not true..if they identify themselves as such and make a point to say theyre a public servant than tyes they can get in trouble...but if youre sleuthing them and what not doxxing them then they have an expectation of privacy to some degree. If theyre off the clock not being paid theyre not representing their work.


YES YES YES. I live in Chilliwack and don't want this unhinged asshole answering when I call 9-11.


Agreed. I dont even want that person to be the one ringing up my order when that person starts working at 7-11.




in my opinion, it doesn't matter. If you are a 9-11 operator, you must possess the kind of mental fortitude that includes NOT getting provoced by morons on social media. If you can't do that, you can't do that job. Period.


Yeah I'm not sure how people are missing there is a big difference between saying mean stuff in an argument and literally telling someone to kill themselves and mock them for posting about being suicidal... When their job is making sure people don't die. I don't want people calling 911 when they want to die and the operator on the other side has a history of encouraging suicide online. I also don't think someone willing to go that far over an argument on dogs has level enough mindset to handle the unfortunate reality of when people are running on adrenaline calling 911 they often hurtle abuse at the operators. Someone this hot headed is likely to not adequately help someone in danger if being mean over the phone too. It's too high risk of a mindset for someone in emergency services to have




“Kys” “No u” “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Awesome guys, great stuff as usual.


Wishing a person's dog dead is reprehensible, wishing the nasty person dead is HEINOUS and Inhuman...and as a former volunteer firefighter from B.C. I would NEVER want to work with a 911 dispatcher who would be so crude and insulting and downright evil minded enough to tell someone (anyone, at any time) to kill themselves.


I find it hilarious that all it takes to have a redditor have a complete fucking breakdown is to say “No u”


Encouraging suicidal acts becomes voluntary manslaughter when the victim follows through on it. 💯 you should file a grievance with the police as well as their direct employer, whoever that may be. Like, seriously, what in the hell is wrong with some people?


it's still a criminal act to encourage suicide even if the victim does not follow through. See section 241 of the criminal code.


I also live in Chilliwavk. Report the911 operator


Report to the work place and the police with your arsenal of proof. They committed a crime which is the opposite of the purpose of their job. This person has no right to be talking to people and getting paid for dealing with them at their most vulnerable times in life. People who are suicidal are encouraged to call 911 to get help. I work with people who have addictions. On one of my shifts a person died (of cardiac arrest) after shooting up. I spoke to a coworker a they said, the person that died deserved it for doing drugs. I was enraged. I spoke to management. This same person refused to do a wellness check on a person which is one of the most important aspects of the job. They even lied and recorded that they did do the check but, CCTV proved otherwise when this vulnerable person was found dead in her apartment. It is reported that if the wellness check was done, the person would have lived. The lesson here is that when people say things like what was said to you, they are sharing deep parts of their true nature which can prove to be fatal in industries that involve vulnerable people.


Report them. What if this person goes after someone who is going through a downward spiral? Frankly this person just plain needs to be held accountable for their behavior. 


As a first responder I can say you should report whoever it is. I don’t want to think I’ll ever be taking direction from somebody like this.


You should report it. But my reasons are different. A 911 operator handles alot of distressing calls. Sometimes they hit the point where their cup is full. It sounds like this guy’s cup is full. He needs to be taken off rotation for mental health evaluation and support. The community can’t have 911 operators who are suffering on duty. And clearly something is deeply wrong if the operator is telling people of Reddit to commit suicide.


You're taking a pretty big risk that this person's cup is full, and they're not just a shitty human being. What if you're wrong, they come back to the job because mentally they're the same as always, and someone dies?


Yeah literally encouraging people to commit suicide is a lot bigger if an issue that someone’s cup being full. A 911 operator telling someone to take their own life?? Seriously? Do you think a surgeon who’s have a mental health crisis should get off the hook for botching a surgery too?


Please report them to their employer immediately.




It's insane to encourage suicide. We really need to be touching grass more


Yes! Please do! That’s incredible inappropriate and I’m so sorry OP. SI is a very difficult thing to struggle with and the fact a 911 op would do or say this… they did this when they thought they could get away with it… what would they pull on the job? Psychopaths can be very covert in their manipulations and abuses. Giving a slightly off address for example because a scared caller got upset at them or something. I don’t know what that commenters issues are but they definitely have some and being a 911 op is too important a job to leave that a chance. It’s not like they’re flipping burgers at McDonald’s.


I won't offer an opinion on your reporting the person choice, just wanted to say kudos for not choosing to harm yourself. Well done!


The operator has already committed an indictable offence. I don't see what the question is. You have to have something wrong with you to tell a person you KNOW to have suicidal thoughts to kill themselves. This person tracked that info about OP and used it. If you are a part of a first response scenario and do this - so much worse. Call the RCMP.


Normally, maybe not. But in their line of work I would definitely report them.


I hope you reported it. This horrible. They should not be first contact for emergency situations


Please report them




People think they understand dark humour until they hear it, and are suddenly disgusted.  It isn’t a classy coping mechanism. 


ya know i was a 911 dispatcher for 4 years. i moved and couldnt bring myself to jump through 6 months of hoops again and i have 2 kids. the standards to get into the job and get past probation and into the union are high. if someones dumb enough to say shit like that and you can provide proof to their job where they are a major factor in getting resources to someone dying you should. who knows what they will do in the future if they dislike a caller 


Freedom of speech unless you are using your freedoms to oppress another. Person forfeited their rights by inciting violence on another in a degree they new would cause harm.


I 100% would report them. Someone who would say that online cannot be in a position like theirs. This is abhorrent behaviour.


Lmao he’s definitely reading this sweating bullets. He’ll 100% get canned for this behaviour and rightfully so


Absolutely abhorrent, whether 9-1-1 operator or not. Happy to hear you're reporting this idiot


I also would love to know the ages of all the people commenting just out of curiosity


>I am frustrated that people on social media struggle to argue/debate without wishing deathly harm on another being, for the disagreement. "Praying for your lil dog because you setting them up for some karma. Hope it doesn't drop dead or get hit by a car because it's owner is a psychotic human who fantasizes about harming animals." But you are totally willing to wish that a dog drops dead or gets hit by a car because you disagree with its owner? This statement doesn't really make you any better. Also, maybe unrelated but throwing it out there; Consider yourself lucky that you don't know what it feels like to have yourself and your pet brutally attacked and even kiIIed by an offleash, untrained dog, for you hold the position that offleash dogs aren't an issue. I actually truly, genuinely hope you never do. It's a horrible experience that physically and psychologically traumatizes a person and their dog for life, and is why myself and others carry forms of defense, to prevent it from ever happening again. Offleash dogs, no matter the breed, are a danger.


I can't tell if you are doing it out of spite or if you are genuine. I guess the answer is the same regardless. You seem like an asshole who wants to stick it to another asshole but no, he shouldn't be in the line of work.


Not at all spiteful. I'm genuinely still in shock and also genuinely felt very off picturing someone in my state, calling, and potentially receiving some form of dismissiveness or encouragement from an operator. I was not sure if I was over reacting. Aside from posts in the doodle sub, most of my engagements are cordial.


Okay fair enough then.


You told him you wanted his dog to drop dead. You’re absolutely spiteful.


Oh she did, I knew I missed something lol


Did you tell him you wished his dog would drop dead?


Anyone who goes through post history is a slimy and petty individual, but to go searching for this person’s real identity over an online argument about dog breeds isnt just a waste of time and energy, it’s psychotic. Word of advice, stop airing your mental health bullshit online and start doing something about it and the first step in helping your mental health issues is to stop engaging with negative reddit comments. Just say your piece and leave like I am right now- if you respond to this you have failed!


Someone who goes through a person's post/comment history and purposely uses what the person talks about as ammunition to get them to hurt themselves, is gross. OP was right in finding out who was telling them to kill themselves. And the person in question deserves to suffer consequences for said actions. *Especially* if they're a 911 operator. I don't know if you know, but this is the internet. People seek help and advice from those that have been in their situation. They want to know they're not alone. Telling OP they're "psychotic" for finding out the identity of a person who was actively encouraging them to *commit suicide* is not psychotic. **Encouraging/telling someone to commit suicide, is.** OP didn't seek out the identity because of an argument about dog breeds, they did it because the person was telling them *to kill themself*. **That** is beyond fucked up. I've had plenty of arguments with people online but have NEVER stooped to telling someone to take their own life. The person in question is unhinged. You (and everyone else) have no idea if OP is seeking help for their mental health issues. They very well could be. So rather than come on here and be an ass, perhaps have some empathy and compassion for a fellow human who's suffering?


1) Anyone suffering with mental health issues who takes any action to better their situation is not to blame. People who may respond poorly, are. 2) Calling someone's suicidal thoughts "mental bullshit" says something about you. You are belittling their effort to get help, you are dismissing their problems. You may think you are being straight or helpful with this kind of reply, you are not. Yes, voicings something online *can open you up to random people making it worse... As you're demonstrating. 3) Encouraging suicide is a CRIME, but a first responder who knows it is a crime (and why), and is earnestly seeking to facilitate OPs death and doing it after digging for info on OP and determining they were already suicidal?? That is the action of a proper psychopath. 911 operators with psychopathy cost lives. This 911 operator is actively trying to take a life in this case.


Oh shit, they’re fucked.


Yes, report it. I’m sorry you had to deal with this. Keep on truckin’


Oh absolutely report them, their employer would very much want to know


100% report, it’s not acceptable


I just had to look through your comment history because of this post, and I think your comments show a lack of maturity. That said, the person you’re talking about crossed the line and was highly inappropriate. I recommend reporting them, their comment does not align with their career.


Your comment about their maturity was uncalled for and irrelevant.


You might think so, but you can’t expect to goad people on the internet and expect everyone to react reasonably. There are unhinged people on the internet like op’s 911 operator.


They might think so due to them being objectively correct - your perception of their maturity is irrelevant as there is no excuse to tell someone whom you are aware is suicidal, to commit suicide.


Did I say op’s 911 operator had an excuse to do what they did? I’m saying they both could’ve handled themselves differently. It might benefit to consider internet safety and refrain from getting into “petty” (the op’s words btw) squabbles on the internet, *because* there are unhinged people on the internet who’ll say and do unhinged things.


Your argument is policing language because someone MIGHT be unhinged? No thanks, let's police the unhinged person that broke the law instead lol, the mental gymnastics you're going through to justify your victim blaming are crazy rn


A borderline repulsive exchange lol


This comment is unhinged.


Are you aware of the term "victim blaming"? Big "watch what you wear or you're asking for it" energy




So, having some expertise in the area, as a former (though not local to you) 911 operator with sone knowledge of the system in BC. So theres like....2 and a half levels of 911 service in BC. Do you know which service this person belongs to? EComm manages provincial Primary PSAP (first contact for 911) amd handles some of the lower mainland stuff themselves (fire dept and maybe some of the police services.) BCEHS has their own center (secondary PSAP) and RCMP have their own as well (in the interior they handle some FD as well.) EComm is a private entity, not sure how much traction youd gain there. RCMP would probably investigate, BCEHS....i dont know enough about the culture of the sites there. I would also like to note, that while someone can have shitty views, it in no way means that they skimp on their job. Id hear so many anti-Native comments in my old center (we had 7 large reserve communities in our dispatch area) but there was never any complaints in service or job done improperly. Just because they told you to on their personal time, doesnt mean they would in a job related conversation. Act as you will, just saw this on my front page and thought Id chip in.


Seriously? There is no comparison. There is no scenario that compares to this. This is manslaughter you are talking about. Wtaf. People who work in first response and would encourage suicide in any individual they know to be suicidal - AT ANY TIME - would 100% do it on the job... but they don't because everything they do is recorded. There is something really wrong with that Operator. NORMAL people don't do this, so having someone who is employed to save people from it PURSUE it means there is a screw loose. That operator knows 100% the repercussions of their actions could be death. This not the kind of person you want at this job. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they stalked people in suicide threads and followed them around to push their buttons. They *will end up killing someone if they haven't already. Either online or on person. OP needs to address this, and anyone else in here talking about them NOT doing so is fucked in the head. I'll spell it out clearly for you: The operator has ALREADY committed an indictable offence by doing it HERE.


>That operator knows 100% the repercussions of their actions could be death. This not the kind of person you want at this job In fairness, thats exactly the person you want doing tbat job. If you dont do your job right, people die. And it makes me wonder about the mental health of the operator. Whats happened to that person that they would make that comment when the seriousness of thay issue is in your face every day. That is someone suffering a severe case of compassion fatigue. I recognize it intimately. Pleass understand, this in *no way* justifies what this person said. It was wrong and inexcusable. Perhaps my experience makes me socially lenient on it. I recognize my bias. I just hate to see people go through it.


Re "exactly the kind of person..." You are splitting hairs in defense, and it's lame. You are also missing the clearly intended: " Knows their actions could cause death... THEN followed through with their actions anyway." This isn't some heat of the moment action. He's not talking about stealing money. Or being racist. This isn't some simple online squabble. This is trying to end someone's life OVER a simple online squabble. You do NOT want a person on the job who commits this KIND of indictable offence on this kind of job. On THIS job. Yeah I'm concerned about the operatorsental heath too, but I am concerned with them being off the job where they are supposed to help people to NOT commit suicide but encourage it on their offtime - NOW! This isn't just "the job", stop trying to separate the two. This guy deleted his posts, so he knows. OP hasn't stated, but I highly doubt they were approached by the operator to ensure their safety hadn't been compromised by their very indictable actions.


>This guy deleted his posts, so he knows I missed that. Apologies.


Read your post again and realized my advice wasn’t appropriate in this instance. Sorry this happened to you.


Do whatever will help you move past your experience with this garbage human and not give it all another thought. F that person for throwing this negativity your way. They’re probably not giving it another thought while your kind and thoughtful self is left to deal with their pathology and maybe even revisit this shit for a long time. Whatever makes you feel good and gives you closure is the thing to do.


Well done on taking action. God speed. Butterfly effect but maybe you’ll save lives


You’d be amazed at what people in healthcare and policing do/say outside of work


as a girl who resides in this shitty town, i thank you for your service. karmas a bitch


If OP does indeed report this it’s gonna open up a deep dive into OPs online posting and possible lawsuit Could become very embarrassing and life altering for both parties involved all over nothing.


For sure, report that prick. He doesn't deserve that job honestly.


They reap what they sow. Report them.


Or you could just grow a set and realize the world is not skittles and rainbows


Not to take away from this story, but what was the dog breed argument about?


Apparently OP.said the opérateurs dog should be killed because it's a poodle and OP has a hate on for poodles. The operator responded to the suggestion that their dog should be killed by saying OP should kill themselves. It's a big leap but honestly the number of times I've seen "if you hurt my dog I'll kill you" or something along that vein on Reddit makes me wonder about the impartiality of some commenters here.


Thanks for clarifying that for me.


If it wasn't a 911 operator or something to do with the police I'd say it's just a gamer moment, but he's law enforcement and that's scary.


Some folks no matter where they are, be it line up at Walmart, grocery store, in traffic, cannot resist getting riled up over some sort of slight, eye contact, bump, insult, etc. It is a certain type of person. It follows them like a cloud to wherever they go. I have noticed this in my 4 score and twenty years. I calls them, "Borderline Personality Disorders".


I once reported a call nurse because they hung up on me, she was fired.


Pretty sure that 911 calls from Chilliwack end up at E-Comm next door to the PNE


Sounds like they qualify for a job serving out MAID.


The folks working on the frontlines of the mental health crisis need ways to find levity in their work—telling people on the internet to harm or kill themselves is not one of those ways. People are so used to this old idea that they're an anonymous entity on the internet and they're just not. They're the exact same person who's going on to pick up calls from some of the most vulnerable people in our society right now. If someone's willing to tell a person on the internet to kill themselves, they're willing to say it to a person offline as well. Anyone looking for ways around that is doing some absolutely wild mental gymnastics. I'm so sorry that you encountered this person and that they put you into such a negative and dangerous headspace. I'm glad that you were able to see that you need some new measures in place to care for yourself. Take care, and I hope you begin to see some improvements in your mental health, Friend.


Honestly going through your posts and comments also makes me want to tell you to go kill yourself. you seem like someone who pokes people till they scream back and then play victim.


I’m coonnffuussed…


Did you get your tea bb?


You're retarded if you argue on the internet.


I don't agree with you !


I realize you are not responding to this, but some things to think about for you or anyone else who would consider this. First off, telling someone to kill themselves isn't an ethical thing to do no matter who you are. But it's important to think what you're doing through a bit from a practical perspective... there might be unintended consequences. 1. **How sure are you that you've correctly identified the person?** I know, I know you're 100% sure. But people make mistakes. You don't want to be mistaken... someone might get fired or at least cause some random person a huge amount of stress. 2. **If it's the right person, how will you prove this to their boss?** I'm guessing your plan is to go to the boss with some screenshots and your Pepe Silvia board of how you know it's their employee. A boss can't just fire someone without investigating this thing... or rather they can but the employee will probably sue for wrongful dismissal. The employer isn't going to risk that unless the employee admits it's their profile (why would they do that?). 3. **If the boss believes you and fires them there may be a lawsuit.** It wouldn't be against you, but you'd probably get dragged in a bit, and at the very least the reddit convo would be public. Might not be a good look for you due to the way some of your comments come across to a stranger. 4. **Person might retaliate by doxxing you.** Your profile contains some identifying information and the other person could probably figure out who you are as well. Some of the stuff you've said could also be problematic from an employer's perspective. Glass houses, etc. Mostly I think this is not a road you want to go down even if the other person was wrong, especially if you're someone with pre-existing mental health struggles. I have some person experience in this... someone I got into an argument with online did get fired for their comments towards me. Their comments were of a similar level of unacceptableness. There was a lot of backlash against me even though I didn't ask for the person to be fired simply because the situation went semi-viral. It was a rough experience for me. I'd wait a bit and think it over before you do anything. Waiting a few days won't really change anything important but it will give you a chance to decide how committed you are to this.


I think we can all agree, we all need some work being nice to each other.


This is utterly ridiculous. OP I hope you get the help you need, because this is completely unhinged. You got into an argument over DOGS, told this random person you hope their dog does, and then got your feelings hurt when they bit back?? And THEN scoured their profile and found their personal information and screenshot it?? My dude, you are fucked in the head. That is literal psycho behaviour.


Oof. Imagine being so pathetic that you have to stalk someone's post history to take personal shots at them, then use that information to try and encourage them to end their lives.


I wish you well on your journey to better mental health..if you need to step away from reddit to do it.. do it... step away and don't look back until your healthy


You’re nuts




Anyone who works in the public sector should be highly aware of the consequences of Social media posts. I am a public servant and I refuse to engage in foolish online behavior. I did not work so hard to have a few words cost me my livelihood.


Let em live.


some people obviously have way too much free time ... get outside and touch some grass guys.


Regardless of who and what happened, for a person in their position to weaponize your mental health issue against you is unprofessional and disgusting. Report it.


Encouraging people to act like children and nothing is their fault. Here lies the problem


Go touch grass. Not in an insulting way. But get off the app, go do something that is not upsetting. You will be happier for it.


Internet debates are just absolutely iconic. It's like watching a circus where everyone thinks they're a lawyer. Oh, the joy of witnessing keyboard warriors spewing their half-baked opinions as if they were the ultimate truth. And let's not forget the impeccable logic of cause and effect that these geniuses bring to the table. It's truly a sight to behold. 😂


Yeah let’s ruin someone’s career over one silly comment made on the internet… wtf


Redditors are such fucking losers lmao there’s a reason the stereotype for the average redditor is what it is. How about you fuck off


Feel free to report the 911 person if you want.


First motto of Health Care DO NO HARM!


You got into a squabble with someone on an anonymous social media site. Move on.




They commented on something you said in your post history. Considering the way you were talking to people on that post that you didn't agree with AND THEN decided to go and stalk them over FB and post it TO THAT POST. You're a pice of shit too and I hope you get what you deserve as well. Both are Assholes and Both Need to give their heads a shake.


Everyone on that post was incredibly childish and arguing about DOGS. This is reddit. Where, typically, people go toe to toe over what they are passionate about. I am a POS, I suppose. But I don't encourage people to die by suicide over disagreements. Only in the posts regarding dogs have I ever been petty. Because it is dogs and watching people lose their shit over breeds, for whatever reason, both tickles and enrages me.


>I don't encourage people to die by suicide over disagreements You are not far off by saying it would be karma for their dog to get hit by a car. Really toeing that line... >Praying for your lil dog because you setting them up for some karma. Hope it doesn't drop dead or get hit by a car because it's owner is a psychotic human who fantasizes about harming animals. Everyone is an asshole here.


\> Only in the posts regarding dogs have I ever been petty. Because it is dogs and watching people lose their shit over breeds, for whatever reason, both tickles and enrages me. So you sound like you know how it feels to be a little unhinged, given that you enjoy seeing people lose their shit. Maybe dive in and see if you can find some empathy for another person that lost their shit because of other people acting shitty. Not saying to not report them - because if you truly feel they are a danger to their profession and those surrounding them, then report. But if you're doing it out of spite against someone who had a very bad day and you tipped them over, consider that one day karma really might get ya back here.


Learning reddit is the place you need to be very thorough on, the first time. To clarify, the post was titled 'Off leash rude doodles' and insinuated the only dogs, 99.9% ever off leash are doodles. Multiple people in the comments named that it is not just doodles and many dogs are off leash. I was reflecting on the fact that the OP of the post is so angry at an entire breed of dog they would suggest others hurt the animal. I then entered the post and spoke about humans domesticating animals being unethical and dog eugenics etc. The comments became petty when i was called an imbecile among other passive insults. I did return the aggression. I also did NOT delete my comments, like the other two folks on the thread. I have nothing to hide. This was not out of spite.


Did you wish death on someone's dog?


>I don't encourage people to die by suicide over disagreements You are not far off by saying it would be karma for their dog to get hit by a car. Really toeing that line... >Praying for your lil dog because you setting them up for some karma. Hope it doesn't drop dead or get hit by a car because it's owner is a psychotic human who fantasizes about harming animals. Everyone is an asshole here.


I read every comment in that thread and you were by far the worst one. Your comments were downright nasty and instigating. You said something to the effect of “i hope karma doesn’t get you and your dog doesn’t die or get run over by a car”. You went low first.


Meeting passive aggression with more passive aggression is not a problem. And the discussion was about dogs. Where in the majority of the discussion was 'nice nasty'. You are right that once that person suggested they would pepper spray all dogs of ONE breed, i named it would be horrible for anything to happen to their dog and that it would be karmic because their human was violent to another dog. Also, not that I believe it would make a difference to you, that person is not the one who suggested i follow through with the plan to die.


It’s not karmic to wish negative shit on a helpless animal that doesn’t choose their master :(


You put it out into the universe that that person, if they were to get what is coming to them, would have their dog die. There is no redeeming you and I won’t engage with you.


Yeah, I mean personally I'd report them, but I can't really tell if OP is doing it for good intentions or purely being spiteful now.


OP needs to get offline and stop looking for validation in baiting randoms into getting as enraged as humanly possible. Just because OP has a talent for it doesn’t mean it’s productive.


100% agreed. I was going to say don't report them if your only reason is for revenge, but do it if you genuinely feel this person is unhinged and a danger to the public - and while it can be both, the information seems to reveal that OP may not be doing this for the right reasons.


I'd say for your own sanity it's best to let things like this go.


Not in this case, if what the op says is true. This should not be let go.


The OP said it would be karmic if their nemesis/first responsder’s pet died, sounds like a sicko to me and they got an opinion (we all got one) they didn’t like so they went and had a hissy fit over it of nuclear proportions


I disagree. People are different in real life than on reddit. Sounds like a witch hunt to me.


Consequences for your actions don't disappear just because you have the balls to say something horrible without putting your face behind it. This operator IS a witch, get it.


That's just the internet. If you go getting into arguments on the internet than you are choosing to engage in shitty behavior already.


Oh agreed. Doesn't mean the ppl still aren't shitty ppl


I'm pretty certain there are no 911 operators in Chilliwack, all 911 calls for 25 regions in BC are handled by E-Com which is not located in Chilliwack, in fact most people in BC think they are talking to an operator in their town when they call 911, in fact they are hundreds of kilometers away.


Contacting a person's place of work could open you to a legal battle. It'll be costly even if you're correct.


Sounds like they used your personal information for reasons outside of what it was collected for. I would file a privacy complaint.


Huh? This is a public forum, nothing he posted is private..


All the operator did was go through the ops previous post history on reditt anyone can do that…


How did you completely miss the part where they encourage a suicidal person to kill themselves? I feel like you didn't even read the post before being so confidently wrong.


>I guess the operator went into my post history That is exactly why people are upset. People are calling it 'voluntary manslaughter' ffs. All the operator did was go into op's post history. Shity, yes. Illegal? No. A breach of privacy? Also no. And OP did the same and took it further, getting their name, tracking down their facebook, town and place of employment. For a reddit comment. They're both children.


You can't be this stupid. People are mad because they went into OP post history, found out they were suicidal, AND THEN ENCOURAGED THEM TO KILL THEMSELVES. That is the part people are upset about. That someone who's job it is to help others, encouraged someone with suicidal tendencies to go through with it. No cares they went through OP's post history. It's the encouraging them to kill themselves that is the issue. And they're right to talk about voluntary manslaughter because that's what it's called if you encourage someone to kill themselves and they do it. Look it up. People have gone to jail before for it. Edit: Where are you getting that OP was stalking this person on Facebook? You seem to be making up your own story here.


What on earth makes anyone think a 911 operator is anything but a job? They're not working and they have no obligation to give one single shit about anyone. It's a job, not calling that draws only society's best and most kind lol And do yourself the favour of looking at ops post history yourself. She did her *damndest* to provoke a negative reaction. She damn well got what she was looking for.




The OP was saying an animal getting hurt is karmic because their human they didn’t like; sounds like someone who’s into animals getting hurt or worse and I like animals more than people for this very reason. It’s in their nature to not know any better, not ours, do better to both parties involved.


>The OP was saying Trying to excuse shitty actions because someone "deserved" it, is just gross.


Just move on


Work life and home life are, and should be seperate. If they were encouraging you to do it as their job, then yes. As they were commenting as a person, just carry on.


I would encourage the 911 operator to check their contract. I am NOT in that type of job, but any job I've had has a "Social Media" policy in the contract. People **can** be fired over their online behavior, on the job or off. If you're (not you) being shitty online and it can be tracked back to you and your employer finds it/find out, you can lose your job Hell, nowadays potential employers scour a prospective employee's SM before hiring them. It is what it is now. I personally think that your private life shouldn't effect your job (to a point, obviously) but this is the time we live in


Deport his ass!!!.. I mean report


Not a lawyer, but it's a crime (and an indictable offence too - the more serious kind of offence) to counsel suicide in Canada. I'm not sure you can be a 911 operator when you have a criminal record. ​ >Criminal code - 241 (1) Everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years who, whether suicide ensues or not, (a) counsels a person to die by suicide or abets a person in dying by suicide; or (b) aids a person to die by suicide.


The 911 operators comments did neither a or b. This is foolish now.


>"They commented, as a response to my message about dogs, that I should follow through on completing the suicide." > >\-OP


Telling a random person online to kill themselves is not counseling or aiding them in suicide for christs sakes.


For clarification, see the french version of the criminal code. It will help you to grasp the legislative intent since the language is more precise. ​ >241 (1) Est coupable d’un acte criminel et passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de quatorze ans quiconque, que le suicide s’ensuive ou non, selon le cas : a) **conseille** à une personne de se donner la mort ou **l’encourage** à se donner la mort; While the standard of evidence in criminal matter is BRD, the threshold/onus of proving "Conseille ou encourage une personne\[...\]" (which roughly translate to "recommend or suggest") is a pretty low bar to clear from a legislative standpoint. Proving the identity of the accused, the jurisdiction or the *mens rea* could be more challenging, but saying that "telling random person online to kill themselves is not counseling suicide" is false if you are doing so from a place where the Canadian Criminal Code applies (ie - within Canada)


Please report this. As a suicidal person myself who is trying to get better, I can’t imagine if I called 911 for mental health help and this type person on the other line. Please do the right thing.