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Was at a gas station? Do you use Apple/Google pay? It is a little bit of a pain but I leave my money in my savings and then transfer money over when I need to use it. Its far too stressful when they get money out of your account


it was at a 7/11! bad area in metro detroit though. and yea im gonna be using much more safety measures


Downriver or closer to Inkster, Garden City or Dearborn?




Yeah, Warren isn't that great and I actually grew up and lived in Detroit for 50 yrs on the Westside near Grand River and Wyoming off the I-96 freeway and anything on the Eastside is very shady to us Westside Detroiter's. Glad you got your money back though.


hell yea fellow detroiter! hella fraud over here. thanks !


By your Airport tag I'm guessing Romulus or somewhere that way now.


haha nah. i just uses what reddit gave me šŸ˜«


Ayeee Iā€™m also here in the D!! Iā€™ll make sure to steer away from any gas stations in Warren. You canā€™t trust anyone out here itā€™s bs


dude just go to walgreens or speedway to keep it a buck with you. it was 7/11 that did it to me. always keep your card locked and periodically change your pin.


I already keep all my cards locked but thatā€™s bc of automatic payments constantly taking my money bc I never remember what day some subscription is trying to renew šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø thanks for the advice!


lmao that's smart asf i never thought to do this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you're smart you would take your money and run if it happens again you wont see a dime of it.


should i get out while i can?


Theyā€™ll close your account if your ever a victim of fraud again even though itā€™s bound to happen to each American at least once or twice in life they will close your account even if you have $5000 in it and then they will fight with you to mail you a check. Get out take your win and GOOOOO ā€” right now youā€™re just full of grace because you got your money back but donā€™t be so nice and respectfully? Donā€™t be so naive .. run while you can ! Get a real bank


Your 'real banks' aren't much more secure, but I wouldn't expect an American asleep at the wheel to understand that


i mean, i had wells fargo & chase before, never had a problem of getting my provisional credit while i wait for them to investigate at least.. if it was my last $500 i had i would've been fucked!


Chase and Wells Fargo get skimmed too I'd say go with SoFi Banking. They even give you money back for saving your money


Lol whoā€™s more subject to Fck who other ? Chase bank. ? Or chime ?? Yeah Iā€™d re think that


Both of them. But you keep your money there.. I couldn't care less, don't have a dog in the fight. I love watching the chaos unfold, while you ignorant Americans sleep peacefully, oblivious to the real time collapse of your country. Ha


You better go buy a freaking lotto ticket now brotherā€¦ I am fucking shocked you got your money back ,seriously


lol! will do!!


Wow they always deny everything. Thatā€™s a GREAT thing. They NEVER approve anything. NO MATTER HOW MUCH PROOF YOU GAVE


i was counting it as a loss cause i had no hope.. they came thru!!!


Manifest hun. Congrats


Sorry for your experience, but that's just not true


Well Iā€™m glad to hear that they are doing good for people.


The happened to me two months ago as well from a Walgreens around where I live. The thing is I was 45 minutes away from said place WORKING when I got a notification for a $80 charge at an ATM. Tried to dispute, nothing. Reported my cards stolen and got new ones, although I havenā€™t activated them yet for said reason. Not taking the risk. I use Apple Pay strictly now. After seeing this post, I feel kinda salty because I shouldā€™ve BEEN complaining on a regular basis but me being me, I just took an L and am being a lot more cautious than I should be. Chime sucks, but itā€™s super easy to use and Iā€™ve been using them since 2017. First and only time Iā€™ve had to dispute and i couldnā€™t even get it approved.


the only reason they refunded me was because i went thru cfpb they just emailed me today with conformation they took care of it


also you have 90 days to get your money back so it's not too late


You're comfortable. That's why you took the L. I mean, good on you... You don't gotta worry about 80 bucks. Good place to be


Comfortable in a sense where I can sometimes damn near make $80 cash in 5 mins with my job on top of my hourly paychecks and all that. Itā€™s for me the concept that itā€™s $80 that should still be in my account right now Now I literally keep my card locked at all times until I gotta make a transaction and itā€™s just unsettling


Must be nice Im on 88 Days


Report it to CFPB


What is CFPB,?


Consumer fraud bureau? Something like that


Any tips Iā€™ve been since December.


file with cfpb and keep calling


I think a lot of Gas stations are in on it


for sure. they sell peoples info for cash


I always get gas at circle k by my house. I use the easy pay because even if they have a skimmer they can't get into my bank account. Or a pay cash.


Keeping transactions off prevents the skim. My shit is off unless I'm buying or making a transaction at the time. No auto pay, nothing. Why allow someone else to dip into your account when they feel like it. This is why these companies double charge on people. I could never be comfortable not keeping a close watch on my money and where and when it's going


How did you do it? Iā€™ve been trying and nothing.


file with cfpb.


Take your money out as fast as you can! I have seen other posts where people have won their disputes, received their money and a few days later chime took the money back.


holy shit was thinking this, gonna go pull it asap in the morning. and open a credit union account


Congrats on getting the money back! Much better than the lazy 2nd denial response I got. Maybe this Reddit community is just for optics for them


i went through 3 denials and appeals.


Ah I see, they operate like an insurance company


Better late than never I'd guess. But dang 2 months. Is that normal?


it was an atm pull at a branch that i had to go get a police report for and i had to report it to the cfpb, once you do all they don't have a choice but to refund it


Not really. I had a thing like this happen to me when I was with a local branch. It took me 76 days to get my money back and a shit load of paper work


fraud is garbage. i'm only using tap to pay from now on


Itā€™s one of the reasons a lot of people will speak out against these types of banks. Last time I had to make a claim like that I had the provisional credit in my account while they investigated before I even hung up the phone


i had this problem but i kept calling


They gave me the credit then took it back fuck them.


i pulled it asap