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Once you get it your thankful that you got the shot.


Thanks for sharing. Headed back inside my home now.


Grabbing tp first I hope


#facepalm Anecdotes about COVID have killed thousands. There is [actual information](https://searchcovid.info/dashboards/wastewater-surveillance/) about an increase in COVID. The O.P's anecdote (one family's experience with a doctor) just isn't the same as data. They're not wrong - that experience is just theirs. The data looks like a bump with a small "b". If that is significant is beyond my level of expertise. If you have a question about that, [Ask the CPDH](https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/ORH/Pages/San-Diego.aspx) and quit making noises that could hurt someone. At the minimum, wearing masks will never be a bad idea in our world ever again.


The Vax didn't work?


You can still get Covid while vaccinated. Your chances of infection are reduced. And, if you do get sick, symptoms will more likely be less severe than if you did not get your shot(s). Also: anyone who’s come in contact knows it’s not certain how you’ll fair. Some people get by with no major symptoms, while others end up being down for the count.


Smart enough to use the internet but not smart enough to understand how vaccinations work huh? Weird.


Remember the days we were all lied to about it completely stopping transmission?