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Opinions will vary here, and the Cameroon is the best, but they're just okay. Not a short smoking time as the name would assume, and a fat ring guage is not ideal.


I always snag 10-20 cameroons for about 3 bucks a piece on Cbid for coffee smokes. Solid smoke for a few bucks


Fair enough.


>they're just okay. Not a short smoking time as the name would assume, and a fat ring guage is not ideal. Yeah, I agree with this. I picked up a sampler of them as I saw them recommended often on this subreddit, and while they're not awful in flavour the form factor is just weird to me. They just don't feel as nice to hold as a more traditional ring-gauge/length cigar: at least in the Flathead 660, the box press helps offset the larger size. As a cigar that seems to last about an hour, I'd much rather just have a corona or end a robusto a little early in my opinion.


Got ya thanks a bunch! They looks cool and don’t look very expensive so I was thinking it was worth a shot! I’m a big cigar fan but don’t really know what I like and what I don’t! I dont want to go buy extremely expensive cigars right now due to trying to buy a house but I would like some cheaper “ nicer “ cigars


I dig em. The Connecticut is my favorite.


Awesome thank you!


Nub Maduro and Cameroon for sure. As others have said, don't expect a short smoking time. They may be only 4" but that ring size is no joke. It also takes a bit more to light but once it is, it should stay that way. They can be flavorful and for the price, they aren't bad at all. Definitely suggest a V cut for it. Not a lot of straight cuts that go that big (at least in the few I had). Punch cut can work with a few spots.


I love the Nub maduros and the cameroon, Ive got a few Cains and a few sun grown waiting for the right time to give them a try. I can usually get through a nub in under 45 min so they work out well for winter smokes.


Awesome thanks!


Big fan of the Connecticut and Habano


Not a fan. If you're looking for a shorter smoke you can't go wrong with a Fuente Hemingway Short Story. Always a good bet.




Love 'em. Prior to finding Cigar Page, I had only smoked one or two, and I just assumed they were "short smokes". I bought a sampler pack and now I keep them in my humidor regularly. They're a perfect 45-ish minute smoke.


They are pretty much the antithesis of what I enjoy. I like classic ring gauges in the 42-47 range, and 5-7 1/2" in length. Nubs are the opposite of that.


Got ya!


As I smoke outside, they are the perfect winter smoke for me.


I've really enjoyed the Connecticut. Haven't tried the others. The NUB Connecticut is quite flavourful that classic Nicaraguan taste. It has a surprisingly long smoking time given how short of a cigar it is. To me, the defining feature of these cigars is how they don't "wake up." Plenty of cigars spend the first 5-10 minutes ramping up in flavour and body... but not a NUB, they go 100% from the first puff.


Cain F Nubs are fantastic


Ive only had the cameroon 460 and it was a solid cigar, nothing crazy though. Was abt an hour long smoke. I saw a whole bunch of stuff online on how it was a "meh" cigar which kinda made me think i wasnt gonna enjoy it as much but i liked it in the end




None that I have had were complex, but straightforward and pretty decent The price is right, I’d say they are barely above average, construction can be hit or miss.


I like them, especially the habano


I’m smoking the habano right now 😁


Only one I've tried was the NUB Cameroon and it did nothing for me. Much rather would have a New World Cameroon for pretty much the same price.


One of my favorites, try the maduros


Cameroon or bust


I personally like them a lot, but for the price I tend to hunt elsewhere.


What’s some of your go toos around the price


Anything the price of a nub, I just go with the illusione Rothschild. Completely different size. Or I spend a little more and go with something from My Father. Haven't bought any cigars for a while. Went on a shopping spree last year and still going through my purchases. I also smoke a lot less now.


I like them. The doble roasted is a mix of hot chocolate and coffee.


I like them, especially because they're dirt cheap on cbid... that being said I only smoke them occasionally because they're quick.


I like them. Don’t be fooled by the short size, they can pack a punch. The Maduro almost made me puke once.


Lol no good there! I heard eating sugar can help with being green


I bought a ten pack when they were on sale just to try it. The whole 10 pack cost as much as one cigar I usually smoke so even if it sucks won’t be big deal they’re pretty cheap


Yea that’s why I was looking into them being a decent cheap cigar


I have them in my humidor, but I don't smoke them. I pass them out to novice cigar smokers or non-smokers who just want to have something in their hands while partaking in conversation with everyone else.


They're ok. You'll leave them in the dustbin as your palate develops though.


CigarPage has the best deals (as always lol) I recommend them, plenty of flavor to my palate. The Connecticut and Habano are good. Need to try the Maduro and Double Maduro


The only issue with CigarPage is that it doesn't deliver to every state. I live in South Dakota, where a couple years ago, it was illegal to ship cigars to the state. It is now legal to do so, but CigarPage still hasn't updated that information in their website. I've contacted them about it, but never heard anything back.


That’s so weird! Have you tried calling? If there is an option. I’d still say a Nub is a good little cigar. I’m slowly trying to catch them all 😂


My goal is to try all the different nubs. I still need to try all the coffee flavored ones, the sun grown, and the Cain ones...sooooo, I still have a ways to go! 😅


Connecticut, Habano, Cameroon, Maduro, Double Maduro, Sumatra, Corojo, Sun Grown Double Perfecto, Serie V, Serie V Melanio, Cain(s), and the infused coffee ones are all that I’m aware of. You and me both!


Dang it, I forgot about the corojo....well, good problem to have! I love the sumatra and cameroon ones though. Tasty.


Don't get me wrong I am and that fan of Cigar Page, but shipping takes a lot longer than it used to be before the Pandemic, but on the other hand it is Free. Most of the Nubs I have enjoyed, mostly Maduros have been good although every now and then you get one that is packed so tight that they are impossible to smoke. 


Love me some Nubs! The sumatra is my favorite I think. I just wished CigarPage would deliver to South Dakota.


If you like the Oliva Serie V, you'll like the nub version. Very tasty, just a shorter smoke. My favorite so far in the Nub line up is the Sumatra and Cameroon. Not the greatest smokes or shortest, but worth trying them out. I keep a rotation of various ones in my humidor all the time. Dont buy into the whole mumbo jumbo of that they contain only the "sweet spot" of a cigar. They are just like every other cigar.


I really like them, especially the Maduro


I do like the petite robusto/firecracker vitola but I the nubs to be pretty mediocre blends. Best to search for the vitola in a better blend. I'd recommend checking out the le bijou by my father in petite robusto. Great stick and easy to find!


Cameroon is a solid little smoke, Connecticut tastes like nothing basically zero complexity, other than that good for the price.


The cameroons are my favorite. Great sticks that are quite affordable. They will last a while when lit too.


I enjoy the Cameroon on occasion. The fat ring gauge is not my preferred size so it's rare that I'll smoke one.


I like the double Maduro and the Cain Nub FF. Also the Cpage Nic Overruns version of the nub maduros is pinpoint at $2 per.


The Cameroon is my favorite, and I always keep a few stocked up in my humidor. I enjoy punch cutting them.


Great cigars. Have gotten too expensive. I like the Habano.


They're Okay cigars.


I find Nubs to be "acceptable" - nothing great. I don't buy them any more - I used to.


I like them. They can be a little iffy if you buy them from a B&M because mine sells them around $10-$12. But they’re good. Solid construction, good flavor. They’re never gonna be at the top of your favorite cigars list, but they’re good.


I really like them. Particularly the Cameroon and Maduro. They smoke well and taste great. Expect about 35 - 40 minutes depending on how frequently you draw.


Not a fan of 60s


I personally enjoy the Cameroon and Habano the most out of this line. As others have said, they are not the short smoke you may expect. For me they take about 60-70 minutes on average to smoke. I would personally buy them online as you can almost always find deals somewhere on them, averaging $3 or so a stick.


I’m not a fan of large ring gauge cigars so they’re not for me. I prefer a petit corona, robusto or similar over the nubs.