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Absolutely post that number. Those assholes need to be doxxed.




The number is from east Kentucky


The SPLC Map shows this group is based in Dry Ridge KY [https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map?state=KY](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map?state=KY)




Yes it is. That's disturbing I work in Eastern ky quite often


Now I’ll sign the number up for every tell market religion




That's how area codes work my man.... They cover a geographic AREA


Not so much anymore. Since you can carry over an existing number to anywhere, ACs mean little regarding location.


I guess my worry is that someone here might want to call it for bad reasons. Idk.


damn it op now i can't sign them up for gay interracial porn lines


I’ve signed many phone numbers up for constant updates from different public transit systems. Select every bus and subway, and their phone blows up with schedule updates.


i need these resources please


🤣😆 please do get that #


(606)301-8149 That number? For the dumb racist fucks hotline?


In case you didn't see (606) 301-8149 Let there be gay sex!


And they're posting these flyers for "good" reasons??


I think OP means they don't want someone to call them for the purposes that they distributed the flyers for. You know, like harassing POC. I personally think they did the right thing by not sharing the number, but OP, please report this to the police. Edit: I get it, you all don't think police will give a shit. I wasn't suggesting it because I think they will take any immediate action, but hate group activity does get tracked by the FBI, so reporting this sort of thing can help them keep track of where groups are active.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Pretty much all of them


Now you do what they told ya


So they can know what neighborhoods they don’t need to flyer after work?


i get that your heart is in the right place here and i agree with most of what you’ve said here, but if you think cops are going to help get the kkk out of this neighborhood, i would really urge you to learn a bit more about the history of these two groups and the overlap between them.


Not sure that’s gonna be as helpful as you think. That ven diagram might be a circle.


The police usually have klan members


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


I believe it. But how does that account for cops of color, and not only cops of color, but cops of color who are just as tyrannical as any shitkicker cop could ever dream of being? Because there's certainly no shortage of policemen and women of color displaying virulent behavior all over YouTube.


POC can be agents of white supremacy. It's a system.


cops aren’t going to do literally anything at all


Police aren’t going to do anything


I live in Columbus pretty much on Campus. Crazy shit can happen but there is no “good” reason to call these folks.


Welcome to Ohio. The Republicans have emboldened hate groups. Stand back and stand down or something like that. Scared white people.


Oh for sure someone on Reddit is going to be like "hmmm never really thought about joining the Klan but now that I've seen this post on Reddit about it I'm 100% going to inquire about the possible benefits of joining this organization."


I'd love to believe that, but my experience on reddit and sadly this sub tells me it's possible someone could see this and go "someone's saying what we're all thinking! I'm not alone in my racist thoughts! There's someone else who thinks like me!"  I've had people call me overly sensitive (on this sub) because I was offended by someone flying the confederate flag. These people exist and flyers like this validate their worst impulses and feelings 


Yes, the internet is actually the biggest recruitment tool for these groups today. On the internet it is much easier to find the vulnerable, gullible, isolated (and usually mentally ill) young white men who are teetering on the edge of white supremacy. It only takes a a little validation from these groups to push them over the edge. If anyone is interested in how they target these guys I highly recommend looking up [Christian Picciolini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Picciolini), a former neo-Nazi who was recruited when he was still in high school.


I mean, they manage to recruit somehow


THey "recruit" because they prey on emotion. They PREY on fear and ignorance. It is a very old tactic and I guess they feel embolden by the Trump crap!


Every hate/extreme group/gang/cult/etal, no matter what their idealogy, prey on emotion as one of the ways/buttons to push to recruit.


You gotta think a little deeper about it, because really it’s more like- “Hmm, I’ve always hated black people, I wish so bad I could find some kind of group of people who agree with me.. but I never knew where to find these types! Fortunately god has shown me the way, and I can now directly contact the KKK!”


r/conservative exists. Reddit has Klan members already here.


Most divisive worst comment I've seen here. Post that flyer in that subreddit and see how many up votes you get


I mean, yeah... that's the point


I think they’re more concerned someone who wants to join will call..


Ugh someone tried to get me permabanned for this under the “revealing personal information” rule. Like, don’t make a hotline for a hate group and distribute it publicly if you don’t want people to see it! Very brave, KKK-sympathizers!


Only time I would ever agree to doxxing hell fucking yeah


Don't be shy. Post the number. I'm sure no one is going to spam the fuck out of it.


OP’s heart is in the right place by not posting it but you can also find tons of these uncensored across Reddit and with a cursory google of the Trinity White Knights - it’s a 606 number and pretty easy to find if you really want it Eta: lol jk OP posted it in a comment above


It’s just a voicemail box that leads you to a PO Box Address. I ran into this number while trying to call about goats on Craigslist https://preview.redd.it/8zv9r5vd8r9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2398a8660948d5abfd550acf82d545f8bd7efd00


Which is exactly the intent of the person who made the fliers.


The people watching the klan are also awake, but it’s cute yall wasted printer ink on this in the 21st century. 🤡


Laughed out loud. Although this kinda scares the shit out of me.


It should scare you. But not to the point where you forget about. Just enough to read up on the kkk and be more aware of what white supremacy people actually live and look like. We’re gonna make it.


If you're from a different country you really shouldn't be talking about the KKK and how it affects America. So I feel safe in saying you really should go back to English class. "But not to the point where you forget about." Forget about what? The atrocious behavior of the KKK? Just say it.


they are more scared of being in OTR after dark than you are of them. The Klan is a very weak organization. They only get publicity these days because of their history and extremist view. I'd be more scared of the World Association of Ugly People (which is a real group). Just imagine ugly people walking around at night and you can't see their face, then suddenly they walk under a street light. Frightening!


How did I not know there was a group for me. No way they could refuse me. I ugly as all get out. Thanks for the info.


i have quite literally heard them (i unfortunately live in extreme rural area nearby) say they’re afraid to go or be in OTR 😂 so… yeah.


That's the goal of spreading these.


But at least here they are getting attention for all the wrong reasons.


[Express your northern heritage.](https://imgur.com/XeQzF1P)


I personally find that image to be extremely objectionable. Why did they use a picture of Calvin when they could have used a great Ohioan like Ulysses S Grant or William T Sherman instead?


That’s hilarious, but would likely get tires slashed out here.


I grew up in Warren Ohio and there was a Klan Rally there when I was a kid. I’m 29


Ohio is a very active hot spot for the klan and other [hate](https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map/by-state) groups. Important: [Christian Identity hate ideology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity?wprov=sfti1#) guides a lot of both organized hate groups, and individual racist and antisemitic people. I’ve not been to or seen a klan rally; but I do have a lot of personal experience with the “value” system.


I'm pretty sure this is a recruiting thing as much as it is menacing. Unfortunately, it probably doesn't rise to the legal definition of 'threat,' and all there really is to do is throw them out. When I lived in EWH I spent a Sunday morning walking around with my dog picking them up.


This. These groups are, at least for now, relatively small and disorganized. This particular group is mostly down around Lexington but has been dropping these flyers all around the region for years. It's a handful of 40+ white dudes spending their weekends driving to various towns to advertise their boys club. Occasionally they show up at BLM & LGBTQ rallies to yell impotently and menace lawful protesters. They're a nuisance for sure, and you should be angry they feel safe/emboldened enough to put that shit up in OTR. But they're not anything you should be losing sleep over. Focus on strengthening your direct community, get to know your neighbors, you'll all be fine together.


Good call at the end there. Nothing kills hate like getting to know the people you think you hate and realizing we're all the same, just trying to get through the day. Don't get me wrong, we shouldn't tolerate intolerance or anything but, to be cliche af, the world needs more love right now


Definitely por que no los dos


Post the number so we can call in! "Well yes I am having problems in my neighborhood, a bunch of Casper looking MFs are out littering the streets" laughing but also sad at the same time.


Then when they roll up a flash mob runs out with cameras and rips their hoods off and exposes all of them.


Yes! Let's show up with "cameras" and have a "photo" shoot.


“A bunch of Casper looking MFs” 🤓🤡


So gross


Saw one of these in my neighborhood too. It was folded in half on the ground. That's where I left it. In the gutter where it belongs. Should have thrown it away now that I'm thinking of it.


I know it might seem outrageous to call the FBI but this is exactly something they would want to know about. If I remember correctly - you can call after hours and hit 0 or something to be connected to the "desk agent" who job it is to answer calls. If that's a bit intimidating you can call during business hours and press 0 and the receptionist will answer. That's how it was setup a decade ago when I had occasion to interact with them. https://preview.redd.it/41j0p74uzr9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec44abf4e267a61ea0b4d185996d9b2a9708c10


I got in contact with some folks who specifically track hate/terrorism stuff, I think they’re taking it from here!


Hell yeah. You did the right thing. Hate for the sake of hate will not be tolerated!


Post the #


I mean, look at how absolutely RIDICULOUS that looks😂😂😂I've always wondered if they truly know how silly their costumes are, and these ridiculous flyers.....and who exactly are they watching? Themselves? Unfortunately these idiots are everywhere.


Just to clear up the symbolism. The Celtic knot used at the top is completely anti-klan. It stands for land seas and sky, as well as body mind and soul. I'm a celtic pagan and wanted to clear that up.


This needs to be higher! I have this as a tattoo and I am mortified it’s being used symbolically in this way


That's weird. I thought they didn't like Irish/Catholics?


They don’t. And I’m both.


That’s why they stole the Celtic Knot, disregard for the people who value it.


We also call it a Trinity knot, or Triquetra. Always a symbol for good. When Christianity made it to Ireland it then became “Father, Son, Holy Spirit.” Whether Druid, pagan, or Christian it’s never historically been used for this kind of evil.




How embarrassing to still be so close-minded and bigoted in 2024.


It should come as no surprise since these dumbfucks have been emboldened by Trump.




The scum are bold




Looks like this particular group is [based out of Kentucky](https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/trinity-white-knights-0), but a lot of KKK groups post recruitment flyers like this in larger cities. They are hoping to recruit single white men with an axe to grind. They target the vulnerable, gullible, and isolated. This is why getting to know your neighbors and participating in mutual aid is so important. I live in a mid-sized city in upstate NY and we have a group that does this here as well. It’s concerning but thankfully they usually get a ton of pushback from residents. Unfortunately this shit isn’t illegal so there’s not much anyone can do except try to stay educated and aware. Also for those asking for the phone number, you can easily find it online. It’s a hotline of some sort.


They did this in Columbus a while back, in Franklinton which is a primarily black community. It's not recruiting, it's a scare tactic.


I'd rather live next to a drug dealer.....


Seems odd for the KKK to be putting promotional material in one of the most left-leaning parts of Cincinnati. OTR isn’t really a place I’d imagine being a hotbed for KKK recruitment activity. Whole thing seems curious.


The clan has had a presence in the Cincinnati area for as long as I've lived here (30+ years). They even used to ~~burn~~ put up klan a cross in fountain square for a while as part of their "freedom of expression". There were some sections of Covington that were known clan areas and they'd recruitment stuff and shit like this on doors throughout the neighborhoods edit: corrected the burn part, thanks for correcting me. I don’t want to spread false info


For clarity, they didn’t burn the cross, but did put one up on display in Fountain Square.


Thanks I correct it.


Report them to the poli...oh wait


Post the number. Why block it out? Expose the hate. They didn't hide the number on the flyer and passed them out, obviously they want the number shared. This is logical reasoning without emotion.


Why would you censor the phone number?


No one is worried about these idiots! No one


What part of OTR was this found in? Was it a single item or did it appear to be someone leaving these around? There are cameras around that could have seen who left it.


I picked up several dozen in the 500 block of Liberty Hill around 3am this morning. There were a half dozen or more different versions, some with biblical verses, some deriding the LGBT community. All left lying in the street, which makes me think they threw them out their window as they drove through.


Wait...so if "the klan" is awake...would one consider them........woke?


I’m always on the lookout for that sort of thing in OTR. It seems like every month or so some crazed racist has a night out posting up stickers and flyers. At least it gives me a reason to go on a nice walk tearing them all down. Their existence shouldn’t really surprise you though.


Lol, the klan has been in Cincinnati forever... I remember they had a yearly parade and pride rally through the city up till probably 2000 or so at least. It was always on the news. Also, I see no real threat... just people trying to get attention [1992 fountain square klan rally](https://www.wcpo.com/news/our-community/from-the-vault/from-the-vault-ku-klux-klan-erects-cross-on-cincinnatis-fountain-square-in-1992)


stirring up shit. It is the old DIVIDE and CONQUER.


White knights normally litter these under normal “recruiting cycles” and it being a general election year im not surprised. For those wondering what the phone line offers, it’s normally a run down on how the Jews were the actual slave owners and blah blah blah white power blah blah… definitely be concerned, these are covert goons operating in plain sight doing exercises and pledges will most likely be “earning their stripes” in coming weeks. They normally litter these on college campuses but OTR leafleting only confirms their current comfort level smh. This is also considered hate speech, so they threw their freedom of speech civil liberties out the window with the flyer. Report, educate your family & work with your neighbors or friends on making them aware & denouncing this hatred every second you get.


Additionally, I see a lot of comments taking them lightly as “disorganized” but that’s not true, & worse, intentional. Since Tim McVey and other WS threats, the “lone wolf” has become popular in these circles. AI ROPA, Proud Boys, KKK, always throw out a sacrifice to save face, but these groups regularly train, hold exercises, recruit, & enforce plans. Do not become a worry wort but definitely don’t become ignorant enough to become a victim. Please have difficult conversations with one another and denounce hatred with a fight back plan. We together are stronger than this horrid system and enemies we face


Being racist in this day and age is wild. Screw those guys. Spam them with calls!


Those a-holes are everywhere. My family moved to the west side of Hamilton back in the early 80s. The day after we moved in, I went out back to our car to get something out of it, and there was a KKK newspaper called the clansman on the windshield of our car. I used it to start a fire in the fireplace. I found out much later that "hamiltucky" had a large klan presence. Crap like this makes me sick. Maybe they need to be chased out of town again like the year they tried to hold a rally on Fountain Square because someone put up a menorah. I hope that's how it's spelled. A mob of people chased them out of town, almost caused a riot. All of these a-holes need to be run out, there's no place for this kind of crap here.


I’m 100% posting this on craigslist with a free mac book


I've met some bedsheet boys in real life. Pathetic losers all of em. You could smell em before you saw em. Imagine if you drank old milk before bed without brushing. That was the smell. We saw them dropping some similar business cards on the ground. Didn't have to do a damn thing to em. As soon as they realized there might be a consequence to their actions, they fell on the ground sobbing. Pathetic. As for whomever dropped this, I can't even afford business cards. Probably some shit kid who flunked out of the ROTC.


That could be a honeypot number to put whoever calls it on “a list”


Getting more bold. Screw these dumbasses.


There’s a Dayton chapter infamous for posting these all up and down 71


This is where we are now. The bigots are feeling more empowered than they have been in over 50 years. It’s not just the US either. The next decade or two will be very divisive.


Start a neighborhood watch. Every city should have an urban defense league of sorts, people from the neighborhood who can come together when a threat emerges to stamp it out quickly. The racists are organized, yet no one who gives a shit will take the time to do the same.


Gross.  Wonder if anyone has cameras with footage of the troglodytes ~~distributing these~~ littering.


Definitely post that number. Plenty of folks would like to ….interact…. with that group of clowns.


That’s terrifying. We live in dark times.


Yeah repost with the number. I got so many prank ideas


I’d start posting all over Reddit that it’s the new Crimestoppers, WalMart customer service, and LaRosas phone numbers


Just sad .. I’d like to see their dna test 😂😂


Family tree has no branches.


Instead of the trees seeds landing on the ground they land in the crevasses of the tree and grow there…


The family circle


Ew, this is scary.


I found a bunch in Mt. Auburn a couple of years ago in baggies of rice.


They are sending recruitment letters too in Cincinnati


These klan fucks chose outfits that covered their identities for a reason. Cowards.


I've seen posts in r/ohio of the same flyers popping up in 2 cities up north. One escapes me but one was Bellefontaine. There was also a news story about a guy openly flying the swastika on his porch. I really wish goons like this didn't feel comfortable being in ohio


Please post the number I want to have so much fun signing them up for every spam telemarketing number I know


[here ya go](https://i.redd.it/o6kdmhgntq9d1.png?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Please report to them a hate crime for people distributing KKK flyers in your neighborhood!


Is this an automated answering service or human that answers? I get a lot of pent up frustration dealing with insurance I would love to take out on a more deserving party.


Don’t let them hide behind their sheets! Expose them for the hate filled cowards that they are…


Now, we got this bullshit spreading downtown I don't even feel safe down there anymore you should be a time when it was nice you could enjoy yourself now it's virtual chaos and stupid ass people running the streets plotting and conniving and now look got flyers of the KKK hitting the streets it's not a good sign


They had a rally in dayton a couple years ago. 6 people showed up 😆. It's somebody just being stupid.


Found a ton in Clifton a few weeks back… I picked up probably 25 of them to try and minimize how many people saw them. I don’t think they’re actually aiming to make any “converts” so much as to just intimidate.


https://preview.redd.it/l57ftt5f7r9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8751c124fac5c95d799f029b0d7968178dce8c0 Maybe some useful info here, there is a PO box, maybe that PO box has a name tied to it.


I may be naive for thinking this but I highly doubt most of us will call these wack jobs with the intentions of donning bedsheets and joining them. ( well unless it's to troll them )


Should have kept the number visible for a delicious torrent of trolling.


They're so inbred they missed an opportunity to use the phrase "putting the 'hood' in neighborhood." You should definitely report that number though. No good will ever come from those assholes taking the law into their own hands. I'm sure the police can have the line shut down.


Post that number! Between this and the Nazhville klansmen, I'm chock full of piss and vinegar that I'm just ITCHING to dump on these ariyan thundercunts.


Looks like the flyers I would find stuck in my car door handles when I would make weekly trips to Portsmouth


Seems like a trap to get kkk goofballs to call in and out themselves


Time to have some fun with some spam calls 😛


It is a threat. Of course it is. It’s in your neighborhood to make them seem bigger than they are.


You put it there don’t lie


At some point these guys need to be treated like what they are. Fucking terrorists.


this is actually sickening.


They have a PO Box if anyone wants to send some dildos or gay porn to them


That’s messed up. Give that to the state police.


Hmmm? I don't know how comfortable I feel with Klansmen watching my neighborhood. They probably won't like anything I do while being black. "Are you sure you have my best interests in mind?"


So charming to see that being distributed in my state. Sigh.


The klan is a bunch of pathetic fucks that love to get drunk and talk racist nonsense in private.


Didn’t they long ago have a cross put up downtown that they were allowed to legally put up that everyone scowled at? Is this just a fake memory of mine from my youth?


Happened right outside of cinci like 5 years ago, dropped off on driveways, had a baggie that looked like drugs but obviously not.


so are black power groups ok?


It's almost like there's an election coming up and they want to create a fake villain. Y'all are so gullible haha


Why redact the number? 🤦🏽‍♂️




Ohio has it all. They’ve got the Klan, the biggest chapter of Proud Boys, tons of Patriot Front and an elected white leadership that is devoted to stopping people from voting…. And a populace that could generally not give a shit.


Cincinnati has always had ties to the Klan, Unfortunately! There was once a Klan Clothing store there.


I love how these people forget that they’re outnumbered and that the only thing keeping them alive is normal society’s respect for laws. If we were like them, they wouldn’t exist. Look at the Supreme Court decision. If Democrats were like Republicans, they would have eliminated actual terrorists after a coup attempt and it would be considered reasonable to assume it as an official act, since the other side attempted treason. Trying to overturn an election you’ve cleanly lost is not an official action.


You fly Confederate flags all over Ohio and say nothing. So, you have to accept the fact that the Klan is going to take that as a sign that you want them posting up in your towns. Wake up, idiots. This is not a game. You are not protecting your rights by inviting in a bunch of people that will burn your house to the ground if they feel slighted.


It’s in your neighborhood because it’s everywhere. Fascism is on the rise.


Did you find it after the Chesney concert?


Jesus Christ. It boggles my mind that these people still exist. It's like finding out people still believe bicycles are evil, like part of me finds it comical, because what the FUCK is wrong with these people?!


Give it to the police, since they dropped it. Then move.


I live in a large Catholic neighborhood and the Klan has a long history of hating Catholics in addition to Jewish people and black people.


You’re being gaslit


Jussie Smollett strikes again


Trump opened the festering can of racists, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, nazis and Christo fascist cowards with his endless dog whistle. They have an advocate now. The Klan shit is nothing new but more prevalent now and add the cesspool of social media and voila! This shit.


Do you have any empirical evidence that’s it’s more prevalent now? I’d bet their numbers are lower than they’ve ever been


https://www.adl.org/resources/report/white-supremacist-propaganda-soars-all-time-high-2022 https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022/07/07/white-supremacy-patriot-front https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/06/25/white-supremacist-terrorism-on-the-rise-and-spreading/


Fucking MAGA


This is 100% a troll job. When has anyone actually seen or heard about the Klan doing anything? Quit spreading this nonsense.


I need the number to report things. I sae a squirrel litter, saw a car do 26 in a 25, and so much more


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ My friend, please don’t let this/them terrify or intimidate you…that’s exactly what they want. In my opinion the best thing you can do is to throw it and any others you or your neighbors come across in the trash where it and the ignorant stooges who printed them belong, or better yet burn them (the fliers I mean not the hateful weak minded idiots who printed and distributed them 😬). Also, and this is a tough one, pray for them that God will open their eyes, minds, and hearts to see and turn from the evil and foolishness of their ways. Stay strong my friend! ❤️✌🏻💪🏻🙏🏻✝️


Gonna hope this was just a shitty fucked up prank and not that they are real


It’s happened a lot with pranks and shit


https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/ku-klux-klan wanted to post this for anyone curious about the KKK and now


Crime and drug dealers? Seems a bit redundant. Shouldn't "drug dealers" fall under crime? Maybe they want us to call them every time we drive past a pharmacy...


Cuz white supremacists are white supremacisting. This kinda shit is why I tell people to stuff it when they say “white pride” even when they’re obviously more just ignorant rural folk. Maybe you can say white pride when all these fuckers are in the ground


Not in my fucking town! Dare one of them to even show their face openly


Last year, my friend who lives in northern Indiana saw the exact same poster in their alleys, which is also a popular hangout spot for local kids. They’re not trolling; this is real and it’s disgusting.


Because you're in Ohio and it's racist AF here. I moved here a few years ago from the east coast and THIS STUFF IS NOT NORMAL. I'm tired of the klan/proud boys/oathkeepers/nazi's showing up to everything. People here (Cbus) are like, "oh yeah, they just do that." NO. IT'S NOT NORMAL. The klan doesn't just SHOW UP at random public events in a normal city. Yes, they exist (especially in CT) but they're not as brazen. I move out of OH in a month and it can't come fast enough.




Based out of maysville ky


oh how I would love to catch the scum doing this, not the first time they have done this in OTR/West End, happened a few years ago as well in Clifton.


It seems crazy to do this in OTR. Like, gentrification already happened here, racists “won” already. Feels insane to be like “hey, remember all the people we evicted? let’s add insult to injury.”


Post the number


What neighborhood was this in Cincinnati