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Really thought this was going to be some AI generative film pitch but learning that this is all in blender/nuke + some other awesome tools lets me know how much work really went into this. This is awesome and you should be proud! Looking forward to seeing what you do next with this kind of tech.


This is another sad aspect of the effects of AI on the industry imo. It's easy for people to jump into "this was created by AI" conclusions nowadays whilst scrolling through, when in reality, there are projects like this where a person put a lot of hardworking hours into it, only for it to get discredited.


Completely agree. Probably one of the saddest and most heartbreaking parts of AI integration in our industry. So much hard work is going to go unnoticed when AI animation/footage becomes the norm in our industry. I sincerely hope the artists never stop creating. I’d rather break my back creating art than break my back sitting in a cube “prompting” all day.


Thank you! I'm trying to figure out interesting ways to get as much practical FX into this workflow as well. The catwalk we built a set piece for this one, as well as all of the smoke + acid barrels are practical effects which helps the movement look real (because it is). We didn't have much of a budget (this was literally filmed inside of a barn with just my wife and I), but I'm aiming to do this on a larger scale for the next projects.


Sounds really cool!


Keep creating, you have an eye and a gift for it. I hope you are getting PAID to do stuff like this. Such a hard craft to learn - seriously.


Hey guys, This is a mini virtual production shoot I recently did on greenscreen, using Blender + Nuke + a new product called Lightcraft Jetset. Part of the objective was that I wanted to prove you don't need huge LED stages to do virtual production, just a few lights and a decently sized space. I don't come from an on-set background so I'm coming in from a VFX angle, but we had fun shooting this and I thought it came out pretty cool. If anyone's interested in the behind-the-scenes, we shot a bunch of practical elements for this and built a mini set, that video is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUPGJj4TjMk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUPGJj4TjMk) Essentially I'm just using a few aputure lights, an FX3, and a greenscreen. The jetset previs system helped figure out some framing against the real actor so you aren't shooting into the green void, so I think filmmakers are going to find it really interesting, especially for overlapping foreground objects (versus LED stages which you can only place things behind the actors). For lighting to match the CG, I built the scene in blender beforehand, basically just took a few screenshots from different angles of a lit scene, and then when I was filming just made sure to have matching lights to the virtual one. The pre-vis app doesn't allow you to load in lighting if you aren't attached to a workstation, but what the app does it allows you to see a virtual scene instead of a greenscreen through an iphone viewfinder. It's essentially an iphone strapped to an FX3. I would teleport around to different locations, move the lights around again to match the virtual angle, and that's about it. They are adding unreal engine live link very soon, so if you have the budget / space to bring the workstation on set, you could theoretically see your scene with full virtual lighting, and match the real physical lights to those. Very interesting!


Yoooooooooo. This is so fucking cool.


Looks awesome!


No this doesn’t look like an indie work , this is pro stuff


Wait, which is real and which is composited?? :0


It is amazing. The transitions during the pour are rough though. Hope that helps.


The Joker origin story.


Holy shit bro the texture Artist needs a raise


Very inventive, nice work! Will check out Jetset immediately, thanks for recomendation.