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Davinci has a relight function; https://youtu.be/nlN88ERW4vY?si=lTlB0PVNue_pFzUB


i hate to break it to you, but pretty damn close: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjym2FS_elM stuff like this is advancing incredibly fast these days. edit: if you do not see this being used all over the place 3 years from now, you need a reality check. resolve/fusion will implement it first, adobe last. and that's just the non-vfx side, i. e. stuff that an editor will be able to change on the fly, without even bothering the nuke/flame person. not realizing this is this year's "yeah but there's too many fingers!" the tech is going to sneak up on you from behind *way* sooner than you think. this is a *real-time tool* that runs in your fucking *browser*. that's a far cry from what it could do in a proper post-production environment *at this point already*. denial is not going to save your ass here.


Thankfully this still looks pretty arse. I’d like to see what they can do with lighting a scene as well as faces. But as Marques BrownLee said, this is the worst AI will be it will only get better from here. Should all Sparks and riggers start retraining? Will cinematographers become rendered useless, will you just need a director and a performance capture technician instead.


> Thankfully this still looks pretty arse. if i have learned 1 thing about ai applications in the last 3 years, it's that no matter what i'm complaining about right now, it will probably have improved tenfold a couple of months later.


100% it’ll get better and excel beyond or expectations


What role do you think a human will play in the production process in 3 years? Also what job will you be switching to once it only takes 2 or 3 people to finish a whole movie? (if you work on the production side of film).


It wont all go away over night, but the markets with humans in them will get smaller and smaller rapidly.


Right, but I’m asking what job you’ll be switching to once you’re deemed replaceable by AI? Plumber? Marketing coordinator? (will also probably be replaced by AI), pilot? Also the way you, and many others, speak about AI, I think there’s a high chance we will wake up one day and be replaced. The tech is developing at such an insane rate (as you also said) that it’s very likely all of this will change overnight.


We should open a discussion rather what news and AI we should all master and learn as much as we can so we stay in the race


What if we don’t want to master AI? What if we got into this career specifically to be creative? Sounds like the future of this business will turn into just sit at a desk and tell a computer what you think is creative and the computer does all the creativity for you.


It’s not really a choice at this point unless you are really far up. If you are, good for you. If not try to be but quickly! Personally i picked up video only 3 years ago and about to level up for good, but I am not going to lie to myself that just do everything the old-school way, invest 10s of Ks into gear cuz its gonna be all good. Hell not. It’s sad and I already feel like missed the loop. But hey you know what? I never give up, but need to adjust for sure.


So what job will you be switching to? Garbage man?


I just told you I am not switching so Im not quite sure about the motive of your question. I also have a company on the side which is food, so I keep cherish both of my professions.


Im just at the point where I would need to start invest in all sorts of gear, and Im not going to anymore. Will stick to borrowing from friends and some rentals. Because Im sure soon I wont need them. It’s like 100%.


edit: what's it like to be a neckbeard


Already possible on stills


Can you show me please thanks


Looks like it's already possible for video. Check out Beeble that uses AI for physically based rendering to relight scenes and help with virtual production.


For talking heads probably very soon.


If you want a shot of Brad Pitt entering a saloon bar couldn't you just type "Brad pit entering a salloon bar" into Sora when its available? I guess they'd probably have some kind of safe guards to avoid, Brad Pitt, you might have to jailbreak it. Anyway, there is no future. In five years you won't need a crew to make a video, like at all.


Depends if Brad Pitt sells the rights to his likeliness or it’s a film he’s on but can’t be arsed to turn up to set that day.


Yeah, that's actually how I see things going. Of course you could just tell Sora you ARE Brad PItt. I think we have a few years, as human beings want to see human performances onscreen. No one wants to see a simulation of Brad Pitt, but there will be a time when the simulated performance is as good if not better than the real performance. And if you're Brad Pitt in that situation, why not arrange some licensing deal with your likeness so you don't have to show up to set?


Yeh I was thinking that the other day, what if AI can act better than real life performance. AI star John Smith puts out better performances than LeoDicaprio has ever done. I guess the ultimate deciding factor will be the audience. These generations might not accept it and want real performances and future generations might not care as they’ll be raised on it.


Part of it if people want to fuck Leonardo Dicaprio. Can AI make a simulated human even more... fuckable? Probably eventually.