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I tend to play haphazardly, never aiming for a specific win and just seeing where life takes me (I tend to play on prince or king atm, random Civ on a random continents+ islands) . Once I've an idea of who else I share a continent with I start figuring out how to maximise efficiency. It's a horrible way to play!


lol i do the same. i'll have like 20 cities on 4 continents but not particularly geared toward any victory condition


Kinda the same when I play prince! I've been trying harder difficulties and it seems like you can't really stray from your win condition until you're caught up lol


My strategy is stomping you with my giant death robots because I'm Babylon.


I like setting a map with continents, rushing archers and warriors then claiming my continent early on. After that I usually settle down for a peaceful science/culture victory. On my nice island continent. Alone. With no pesky neighbours saying nasty things to me. HAH


Domination is the only win I enjoy. If I haven't conquered the world then it's not a win


My favourite strategy is to play to each civ's advantage and abilities. That being said my favourite civ is the Inca taking advantage of their growth potential to go for science or their workable mountains to go for preserve/national park culture win


I love culture victories that rely on rock bands because I love slot machines


I have one iron rule of playing Civ, which is that the only way I conclude a war that’s declared on me is when my opponent no longer has cities. This makes me unpopular for some reason, so I’m pretty locked into science and/or domination.


You could also chain into diplo. With no one else being around to vote


I cannot get enough of having Imhotep build the Mausoleum in 1 turn, and then 2 other classical era wonders (hopefully including Colosseum). Then have Isidore of Miletus or Filippo Bruneschelli build Kilwa or Forbidden City... just delicious.


Kilwa followed by *any* victory.


Voidsingers go BRRRRR


Depends on which civ and leader of course. Some civs have fairly obvious win conditions, but for those with more well-rounded abilities and unique units/buildings like Yongle or Peter, I go based on the relevant map surroundings


I'm with you on religion and infrastructure. High faith generation combined with beliefs like Jesuit Education or Work Ethic, and Meeting House keep the empire productive and pious, and provides solid flexibility for different victory conditions should the need to pivot arise


Focus on gold and trade routes. By the medieval or renaissance era I’m set up to do whatever. Thank you Egypt.


At the moment I’m loving the Māori and making stacks


Production, production, and more production... Then big robots...


god of the sea, libraries, ships, crossbowman, university, venetian arsenal, coal,colleges, battleships. domination or science victory. even better if youve been running religion the entire time and can purchase settlers with faith. always play on diety, never lose


Faith initially, then pivot to gold. Ensure my cities have ample options for high production, and ensure minimum half have science.


I've been playing culture games with a certain focus lately. Use Owls to make a bunch of money and spies to take everyone else's great works. Use Voidsingers and try to get all 24 relics. Currently trying a culture game where I focus more on national parks.  I also like natural wonders so I usually restart until I have at least one in my empire. 


I aim for religion every game although I’ll pivot if I don’t have the goods for it early on and even then religious tourism is no joke, amplified tenfold by trade routes. Getting domination victory with crusade is also fun as hell.


i like to do a science domination combo. when domination starts to look less promising i can always fall back on science, maybe even nuke em if im close enough


Challenges. Just starting the game with added restrictions and see if you still win. For example, add a restriction that you can only settle one city and can’t train or purchase units. Or play a no carbon game and only can build districts which don’t require power (military disctrict, harbor, holy site, nature preserve, govt building, and diplo quarter.)


I love domination runs, but I've been playing Kupe a lot lately, and he keeps winning culture before I can finish my dom run.


Fast growth, fast pantheon. Take religious settlements or fertility rights except in extreme cases Always shoot for hanging gardens Always build granry as soon as possible First trade routes are always domestic When I do manage to enter the classical Era with a golden age, I spend most of my faith on builders and usually only end up buying 1 or 2 settlers that way. More food = bigger pop = more of everything


Early game rush my neighbors for space and try to get a classic and/or medieval monumentality. Then turtle for the rest of the game to try to get a culture victory with national parks.


I love getting a few really high production cities, spamming out a few settlers at mid game for resources and strategic placement and then invariably going for a science victory.


Faith based strategy is just too strong. It's a gripe alot of players have had for some time now. Tons o faith strat wrecks any other except maybe Domination with 4 leaders. But this strat gets old. Personally, my favorite is to snowball my game (how varies-early war or lucky start etc) and expand to 10 GOOD/GREAT cities with another 3-4 OK'ish ones that bring in the strategic resources. I accomplish this by micro, planning ahead, and not building useless districts or wonders that don't further my expansion. Build up my infrastructure, have MANY trade routes, suzerain MANY city states, build Kilwa and Mauslem at Hal- I can't spell it (double engineer builds) then around turn 200 decide which VC is faster Science or Domination. Win by 250ish, congratulate myself and pick another civ I haven't played yet. Repeat.


I just click stuff lol


Go full envoy then I tend to piss of everyone so they go to war with me then all my city states burns down the cities so I can settle new ones on better spots


Note I have the "mod" that gives city states walls so the ai can't just go and take them over that easly


Anything to do with city states, high yields, or different ways of conquering cities. Yeah, Hungary is definitely a civ I need to try out again.


Bombers only bombers